Page 10 of Carolina Key

“Well, I’m sure he got it from Grace. Did you talk to her?” he asked.“No, and that really scared me. He wants you to bring him the coins, now. He also said something weird. He said he had waited years to get to the gold. Wonder what that means?” I asked. “I don’t know, but I need to let you know we have some help. Ken was here last night and he is committed to helping us through this. He called the airport and found out there were not any flights to Memphis. He is the only one who knows. Last night we went to a prayer service for Shirley. It was great support for Lance. He is having a really hard time. Ken wants to get you safely to Hot Springs but he doesn’t want you to contact me using the cell or land line after you arrive. We have to come up with an alternative way to communicate,” Philip said.

  “You know Philip, I’ve been thinking, how much is this gold worth anyway?” I asked.

  “I don’t know. I wouldn’t think it would be worth that much in this market but Daniel may not have any idea what it is worth. He’s a former gang member and a kid that was passed around from parent to foster care. He may just be imagining a fortune. He said he wants the coins and then he would decide what to do with Grace. He hung up before I could ask to talk to her,” I said. The line was silent for a moment and I knew he was thinking of the potential dangers Grace was facing all alone.

  “Did you make me a reservation at K.O.A.? It will be night before I get there,” I said.

  “Not yet, but I will. I want to talk to Ken as soon as he gets here, about this latest contact and then I will call you about lunch time, ok?” he asked.

  “Ok, I love you,” I said.

  “I love you, too. Keep strong and keep praying. Philipians 4:13, remember?” he said.

  “I remember.”

  I found the Walmart in Corpus and stopped to buy my supplies, get cash, and get gas. It was about four hours later when I received another call from Philip. I had begun to get hungry and had stopped for lunch and to stretch my legs. Emotionally, I was doing pretty good.

  “Hello?” I said.

  “Hi, babe. It’s me. How are you doing?” Philip asked.

  “I’m doing ok. Any news?” I asked.

  “Nothing about Grace. Where are you?” he asked.

  “I am almost to the state line,” I answered.

  “You are making good time. I called the KOA and got you a reservation. The people there are as nice as usual. I asked them to put you close to the bathhouse under a light because you were traveling alone. They have installed a security guard that patrols all night. Remember the big homeless population they have on Bathhouse Row?” he asked.

  “Yes, I remember that guy that asked us for food,” I answered.

  “Well, anyway, Ken has found some interesting facts. Lance called me this morning and said he was cleaning out his spare room for the kids to stay a few days and came across some of the papers of Shirley’s Dad’s that she went through the night before she died,” he said.

  “Yes, I remember her saying she was going to,” I interrupted.

  “Well, Lance found a safe deposit box key,” Philip said.

  “A safe deposit box key? What’s in it?” I asked.

  “Lance doesn’t know. He was going to contact Shirley’s sister and ask her. Ken says that because of the murder if he needs to he can secure a court order to open it,” Philip said.

  “Well, that’s odd. Maybe it’s just some old love letters, or something.”

  “Sure, or it could be something regarding the camp or their house,” Philip responded.

  “I’ll call you back when I know more. How are you holding up?” he asked, ever thoughtful.

  “Well, I would much rather be at home with you and Grace. I am doing as well as I can on only a few hours sleep. It has been a long time since I pulled an all-nighter.” I laughed.

  “I’m sorry. I know it was hard for you to spend the night alone and everything. It’s going to be ok. We are going to get her back. There are so many scriptures going through my mind right now and I want to share them with you. First though, we need to make a plan for contacting each other when you reach Hot Springs. At this point, we can’t know who else at the camp may be involved so Ken doesn’t want you to call here. When I was at the camp yesterday I was in one of the older storage buildings and I saw a telex machine in pretty good shape. Do you think you can remember how to use one if you could possibly find one?” he asked.

  “Are you crazy?” I laughed. “That’s how you proposed to me. Of course, I remember how to

  use one.”

  “Ok, I will let you go now and try to gather some more information. I will call you if I hear from Grace or Daniel and please be careful driving.” Philip said.

  “I will. I love you. We’ll be together soon.

  “Bye,” I said feeling a lump in my throat.

  After several more hours driving I entered Arkansas, then Hot Springs. The drive was beautiful as usual. Arkansas was one of my favorite states and I particularly favored Northern Arkansas around Lake Catherine. Late summer was too soon for the autumn leaves to change, but when they did the color was spectacular. It was late when I pulled into the campground and I was tired but I was also hungry and feeling very lonely. I wanted desperately to talk to Aunt Ruth, just to hear her voice, assuring me that everything was going to be ok, but I didn’t trust

  myself emotionally. My nerves were too frazzled and I was feeling too vulnerable.

  When I checked in I ordered a pizza and I sat on the porch swing of my little cabin and ate. By the time I finished, it was dark. I went inside and lay down on the bed. I reached for my cell phone and saw I missed a call from Philip. I called him back and Ken answered. He said Philip was taking a shower and I spent about 30 minutes talking to him about Daniel’s background, Shirley’s death, and the plans for her funeral.

  “Hope, Philip just walked in. I will let you two talk and we will contact you tomorrow sometime. I’ve got to go relieve Linda, now all the boys are sick!” Ken said.

  “Hi, babe. How are you doing?” Philip said.

  “Good,” I answered. We spoke for a few minutes before I asked if there was any new information regarding Grace or Daniel.

  “We have not been able to track down Daniel’s mother Stacy. I found a Mountain Dew can in the closet of the infirmary with Grace’s ring in it and a gum wrapper with the name Candace. We are trying to track down the whereabouts of Candace and her daughter,” Philip said.

  “Candace? From the camp infirmary? You think she could be involved in this?” I asked, shocked.

  “It’s always a possibility,” he said.

  “Lance spoke to Shirley’s sister, Rebecca, and she knew nothing about a safe deposit box. Richard has only been gone just over a year, I don’t think they have really looked his papers over. Rebecca lives in Washington, you know,” Philip said.

  “No, I didn’t know that,” I said.

  “Lance is going to open the box tomorrow. Rebecca faxed over a consent form today. Maybe whatever is in there will give us some new information.”

  “It seems doubtful to me,” I answered.

  “Babe, I love you. Have faith,” he said.

  We prayed together and then hung up. I was sure to put my phone on charge before going to bed. I visited the bathhouse for a much needed shower, rinsing off the grunge of sand and grit.

Elizabeth Truiett's Novels