Page 22 of Bad Moon Rising



  Fang moved forward into the room, making sure to show Thorn no sign of his hostility. "What are you doing here?"

  Thorn leaned nonchalantly against the desk. He crossed his arms over his chest while he kept a probing stare trained on Fang. "Just checking in with you. Wanted to see if the demon was winning and if we needed to kill you because of it. "

  "Nice to see you again too. I see time away hasn't made you any more charming. "

  "Oh, I can be charming. I just choose not to. People start to think you like them, then when you stab them in the back, they take it so personally. Really pisses me off. "

  Fang sat on the bed and tugged his biker boots off. "Do that a lot, do you?"

  "Boy, don't make me smite you. " He crossed one long leg over the other.

  Fang tossed his boots aside and laughed. "Just how old are you again?"

  "You don't need to know anything about me. It's much safer that way. "

  "Safer for who?"

  "Most definitely you. " There was a deadly undercurrent in Thorn's voice. "There's really only two, maybe three, entities who threaten me. And you're not one of them. "

  Point taken. Fang leaned back on his arms to narrow his gaze on Thorn. Honestly, he was getting tired of this pointless exchange. "So why are you really here? Do you have another assignment for me?"

  "No. Just a warning. "

  "For what?"

  Thorn scratched his chin as if they were just shooting shit between them and not handing over information that could prove vital. "One of the demon spawn here summoned Jaden out of his hole. "

  There was a name Fang had never heard before. "Jaden?"

  A snide smile curved Thorn's lips. "He's a . . . demon broker. He bargains with the primal source to attain powers and other things for demons. Personally, I hate the bastard and he's not real fond of me either. Since you're new to all of this, I wanted to warn you to stay out of his way. "


  "Suffice it to say that he's been known to use my people as target practice. He doesn't really think I'm on the up-and-up and so he sees you guys as stupid pawns. "

  "Does he have reason to think that?"

  "Not really. Basically he's just another prick I have to deal with. I think it's emotional scars from his childhood that won't allow him to believe in anything. Or maybe it's post-traumatic stress disorder or simple brain damage. End of the day, don't really give a shit, but he is lethal, so steer clear. "

  "And how will I know him? Does he by chance wear shirts with his name on them?"

  Thorn laughed. "Damn, wolf, I do like your sarcasm. No, his mother didn't sew his name on or in his clothes. But you can't miss him. Tall bastard with one brown eye and one green. Really off-putting. He has a slave collar and an aura of power that smacks of a godhood he doesn't have. He also has demon funk all over him. "

  Lovely that. Fang could gag already. "Noted and marked. "

  "Good. Now you need to be on your toes. If Jaden was summoned here, someone is playing with fire and they're after something pretty severe that requires a lot of power to achieve. You are one of three Hellchasers stationed here and I expect you three to play nice and be firemen. "


  "Yeah. When the fires of hell break open, you guys put them out. "

  Damn, so much for his thoughts that a simple fire hose would work. "Do the other Hellchasers have names?"

  "Varyk and Wynter. You've met Wynter already and I'm rather sure you won't like Varyk in the least. "


  "He's an Arcadian Lykos. "

  That news hit him like a fist to the gut. For a minute, Fang couldn't focus as raw fury tore through him. "I thought I was the only one you had. "

  Thorn smiled snidely. "Varyk is a werewolf. You are a wolfwere. Though to most people there isn't much difference, in our world there is. But if it makes you feel better, you are the only two Were-Hunters I have on tap. Besides, there were politics in the way, which is why Varyk couldn't be utilized against Phrixis. "

  "You like that word, don't you?"

  "Phrixis? Hardly. It's not even an attractive word to say. "

  Fang gave him a droll stare. "Politics. "

  "If that's what you meant, why didn't you say so?" Thorn snorted irritably. "And to answer your question, not in the slightest. I hate playing games, but my existence is ever a study of high-IQ chess. We move, they counter, and vice versa. God help us if our enemies ever capture our king . . . and for the record, that would be me. Don't let that happen as it would go very badly for you. "

  "I'll keep my eyes open. "

  "Good, wolf. And there is one more piece of advice I'm going to give you. "

  "That is?"

  "The mark I gave you will tingle anytime you come near a demon as a warning. The stronger the sensation, the more powerful the demon. "

  "But don't kill the demon, just smack him with my sword. "

  Thorn inclined his head sarcastically. "Now you're starting to get it. How are you and your inner demon doing anyway?"

  "He hasn't possessed me yet. "

  "Good. Keep it that way. I'd hate to have to kill you this early in our relationship. "

  Fang cocked his brow at that. "We have a relationship? Does this mean I get pinned?"

  "Oh, I'll pin your ass to the nearest wall. That would actually brighten my otherwise noxious day. Shall we?"

  "It's all right. I'm not in the mood and I'd hate to have to make you work that hard. "

  Thorn shook his head. "Watch your back, wolf. There's a pall over this place and the bears are racking up enemies faster than Wal-Mart rakes in sales. When the time comes, it's going to get bloody. "

  "I wouldn't have it any other way. "

  "Don't be so arrogant. Long before I was the debonair sophisticate standing in front of you, I was a warlord. I put more blood on my blade than Madame la Guillotine. The one thing all that battle taught me is that no one walks away without scars. No one. "

  Fang paused as he realized just how right Thorn was. Vane used to have a similar saying. In a fight, everyone gets bloody.

  "Watch your back, wolf, and remember when the time comes to choose sides, make sure you choose well. "

  At dawn, Fang headed downstairs to help close up and clean. Though Sanctuary was technically open 24/7 for preternatural beings, they closed at 4:30 A. M. and opened at 10:00 A. M. for humans. Mama Lo and Papa were on standby during the off-hours in Peltier House.

  Fang entered the bar at the same time Aimee's older brother Zar, who was almost indistinguishable in looks from the quads, was carrying a tray of glasses into the kitchen.

  Zar thanked him for holding the door open. "You can help Aimee finish up. I'm done for the night. "

  Fang nodded as he saw Aimee taking the cloth from Wren and pushing him toward the door. Music was playing at a much quieter level from the jukebox. It was the Indigo Girls, which was one of Aimee's favorite bands.

  "Wren, go on. You've put in fourteen hours with only a tiny break. Get some sleep. "

  Still, Wren hesitated. "You shouldn't be down here alone. "

  She looked past him to see Fang. "I'm not alone. "

  Wren turned to see him, then clamped his jaw shut. Nodding at Aimee, he did as she asked.

  Fang frowned as Wren flashed out, then he moved over to where Aimee was draping a white hand towel over her shoulder. "I like him, but he's a strange kid. "

  "I know. Trust me though, he has reasons for it. "

  No doubt given the stories he'd heard. Half the Were-Hunter staff here thought the tigard had killed his own parents. Nicolette couldn't stand him and while Papa Bear appeared mostly ambivalent, he did watch Wren a little closer than the others.

  "You're the only one he really talks to. "

  Aimee moved to pick up a chair, turn it upside down, and put it on a table. Fang beat her to it.

  She stood back wi
th a smile. "I love Wren and he knows it. "

  "Yeah, but he seems like he wouldn't welcome it. "

  "Sometimes he doesn't. But it's like Cherise says, the hardest ones to love are always the ones who need it most. "

  He scoffed at her blind optimism. On the one hand, he admired it, on the other . . . she was too kindhearted. "Do you really believe that?"

  She smiled up at him. "Absolutely. I love you, don't I? And the gods know you are definitely not easy to deal with. " She stood up on her tiptoes to give him a quick kiss on his cheek before she flounced over to the next table to stack chairs.

  How could one comment both warm and offend him at the same time?

  But then she was good at that. "Thanks, Aim. By the way I still have a tiny bit of confidence left. Please make sure you stomp on it too while you're at it. Gods forbid it should actually grow into something called self-esteem. " Fang continued pulling up chairs.

  Aimee laughed as she mopped the floor. "Anytime, wolf. Vane told me I'm not supposed to let you get too big a head. "

  Papa Roach kicked on next to play.

  "Interesting mix you got going there. "

  "Just wait. Debbie Gibson's on there too. "

  He froze to look at her as she sang along to the song. "You are joking, right?"

  "Nope. I like a wide variety of tunes. "

  He let out a deep breath. "You've found a whole new way to torture me. Damn, and I thought Misery was bad. "

  Laughing, she danced with her mop while he admired the fluid way her body moved. It awoke the wolf inside him and made it howl.

  How could he be hard again?

  This was getting annoying. Trying to distract himself, he looked around the empty bar. Apparently, they were the only two left down here.

  "Where's everybody?"

  "We never work the humans past 2:00 A. M. just in case something really weird happens the last couple of hours of the night. As for my family, the guys always bail as soon as they can. They think it's funny to leave me here to clean up by myself. "

  "Why do you?"

  "I don't want to hear Maman complain. She comes in like a drill sergeant and white-gloves the place every morning. "

  The jukebox switched to Badfinger's "Day After Day. " Fang paused at a song he hadn't heard in forever. He'd always liked it for some reason.

  Aimee danced around while she worked, singing to it.

  Enchanted, Fang lost himself in her graceful movements. Before he even realized what he'd done, he was in front of her, holding his hand out for her to dance with him.

  Putting the mop aside, she smiled before she accepted. He twirled her into his arms and held her close as they swayed while the music floated around them. They were in perfect synchronization. Her arms felt so good around him as her scent filled his head.

  She placed one gentle hand to his cheek. "I give my love to you," she sang, her voice bringing a swell of emotion high in his throat.

  He laid his cheek against hers so that he could savor the feel of her in his arms. This was what had gotten him through the hell of the Nether Realm. Her warmth and tenderness.

  Her scent.

  Aimee twirled her fingers in his hair. "I like your hair longer. It suits you. "

  He didn't answer as he picked her hand up and led it to his mouth so that he could nibble her fingers. "I want to make love to you so badly I can taste it. "

  She dipped her hand down to cup him. "Me too. "

  His cock twitched, demanding she touch him without the denim barrier. It also reminded him of the fact that he had no right to her. That they couldn't be together, no matter how much he ached to have her as his own.

  "So how did it go with the other bears?"

  She gave a short laugh. "Disastrous. One made a move on me and I coldcocked him so bad for it that they're having to do a testicle retrieval. "

  "Ow!" Fang laughed, cringing at the mere thought of that. "That'll leave a mark. "

  "He wasn't quite as respectful of my virgin ears when it happened. "

  "I'll bet. Want me to go finish what you started? I'll be more than happy to geld him . . . any asshole messing with my girl-"

  She silenced his words by placing her hand over his mouth. "Careful, wolf. Anyone hear you say that and you'll be the one gelded. "

  He nibbled her soft fingertips. "I know. It's just hard on me having to let every hairy-ass bear in the universe come on to you while I can't even make eye contact. "

  "I know, baby. " She kissed him gently on his lips.

  Fang leaned his head down and let the peace of this moment wash over him while they danced. He would sell his soul to stay like this.

  It's too late. You already sold it to protect her.

  Yeah, he should have put another stipulation on that bargain. One that left him in her arms forever.

  I am such an idiot. . . .

  Trying to distract himself, he changed the subject. "I was briefly talking to Justin earlier tonight and he said something interesting. "

  "That is?"

  "That Dev and your father were trained Strati. "

  She gave him a look so guarded it could protect national security secrets. "Why is that strange?"

  Fang started to divert the conversation, but it was something that had been bothering him about the Peltier bears and it was something he wanted to see if she'd trust him with. "They're Arcadian. "

  Aimee stumbled at the word. Her heart pounded in fear. How could he know that? No one had ever suspected it. "I don't know what you're talking about. "

  He stopped moving to stare down at her intently. "Don't lie to me, Aimee. I'm not stupid. I've been here long enough to figure it out and I protected an Arcadian too long in my life not to know the signs of one hiding in the middle of a Katagaria pack. If you want me to pretend I don't know, then I will play along. But I wanted you to know that I knew. "

  And he was placing his life in her hands. If her family ever suspected he'd figured that out, they would kill him without question. Forget eirini and Omegrion law, he would be skinned alive.

  He leaned down to whisper. "And I know your secret too. "

  She trembled as a cold sweat broke out on her body. How had he guessed the one secret she'd been protecting all these centuries? A secret not even her own family knew. . . .

  No doubt he hated her for it.

  "What secret?"

  "That Kyle's an Aristos and you're helping him train his powers. "

  Nauseated, Aimee started to move away, afraid to hear any more.

  "I won't tell anyone, Aimee. I swear it. And it's not because I'm afraid for me. I could care less about that. It's you I would never hurt, not in any way. "

  And because he was trusting her with his secret, she wanted to give him one back. He had placed his life in her hands. The least she could do is return the favor.

  "Are they the only ones you've spotted?"

  "I think Zar may be one and possibly Quinn. "

  Aimee swallowed as fear ran rampant through her. Maybe she shouldn't tell him. What if he rejected her just based on that alone? Arcadians had killed his sister. Granted they hadn't fired the Taser that ended her life, but she would have died anyway because they killed her mate.

  He'd shoved her away before. He might this time too and this time he would have the power to destroy her.

  Oh, gods, she wanted to vomit. This was something she couldn't even tell her own mother or father. Yet he had a right to know. It wasn't fair to keep this from him. . . .

  Taking a deep breath, she looked up at him. "I'm one too. "

  Fang pulled away to look at her as those words rang in his ears. No. It wasn't possible. Surely he'd have known if she was one like her brothers. How could she have fooled him so completely?


  He saw the fear in that clear blue gaze that didn't waver at all from his. "I'm Arcadian. Like Vane, I changed at puberty. It's som
ething I've never told anyone in my life. Not even my family knows. "

  "Why would you tell me?"

  Her eyes turned glassy from restrained tears as she showed him the Sentinel markings on her own face. "I just thought you should know what you're involved with. "

  Fang cupped her cheek where the ancient Greek design spiraled, marking her as one of the most hated groups to his kind. He saw the fear in her eyes and the fact that she would trust him with this . . .

  She did love him. She'd have to because only a fool with a death wish would lay this in the hands of a Katagari who knew how Nicolette Peltier felt about Arcadians. The fact that Aimee had kept it from her mother said it all.

  Aimee had laid herself completely naked and open to him. No wonder she was trembling.

  "You know it doesn't matter to me. "

  Aimee choked on a sob as she pulled him into her arms and held him close. "You have no idea how scared I've been all these centuries. I think it's why I've been so afraid to even attempt mating with a Katagari. Can you imagine what they might do to me if they find out?"

  Kill her at best. Mutilate her at worst. She was right, it wasn't something to be shared lightly. "You were brave to tell me. "

  "I trust you that much, wolf. "

  "And I will never betray that trust. I swear it. "

  Aimee felt a single tear slide down her cheek. Fang brushed it away.

  The tenderness in his eyes melted her. He wouldn't betray her, she knew that. But it still couldn't bind them. This was the most hopeless relationship ever devised by the gods.

  "So where does this leave us?" she whispered, too terrified to even contemplate an answer on her own.

  His look turned to steel. "Come away with me. Just the two of us. Let's forget about all the differences and prejudices. Let's just leave and be together. "

  How she wished it were that simple. But it wasn't. "I can't do that, Fang. My brothers died protecting me. But for Bastien, I would never have learned to use my powers. He tutored me when I couldn't trust anyone else. Now I'm the only one who can train Kyle to use his. And Maman would be shattered to lose me too. I'm her only hope at maintaining our legacy. The Peltiers have been on the Omegrion since the beginning. You know how rare that is. "

  His look turned cold. "Is that really more important to you than me?"

  "No, but you can't make me choose between you and my family. "

  Fang winced as he realized she was right. He was being selfish. "Yeah. It was a stupid idea. "

  And he was a fool for thinking, even for a second, that she would put him over them. No one had ever done that before. Why should she?

  His heart broken, he pulled away. "We better finish cleaning up. As you said, I don't want Nicolette yelling at you. "

  Aimee watched as he returned to stacking chairs. She'd hurt him and she wasn't sure how. But she could tell there was a wall between them that hadn't been there earlier.

  When they were finished, she led the way upstairs. She paused outside his room. "Good night, Fang. "

  "You too. " He didn't even look at her before he vanished and left her in the hallway.

  Sighing, she headed for her own room.

  Fang didn't breathe until Aimee was back in her room. He stripped his clothes off, grimacing at the soreness he still had from his fight with Fury. That little SOB could punch like a sledgehammer.

  He fell into bed, exhausted, but still couldn't sleep for thoughts of Aimee.

  In his heart, he knew he couldn't stay here forever. And if she did start mating with other men, he'd have to leave or kill someone. The thought of anyone touching her spun him into the galactic outer rims of pissed off.

  I'm going to have to leave. Because every day he stayed here and didn't have her, he died a little more inside.