Page 2 of Pride and Fall

charcoal color, while the branches were bluish silver and appeared to glow in the waning daylight.

  Observing it, I experienced no pain or weakness; in fact no discomfort of any kind. If anything, I felt relaxed, as if I luxuriated in a warm, fragrant bath. I began to doubt the truth of the stories, but then I happened to look down and saw a beetle approach the terminator of vegetation. It crossed that line as I watched, and in almost the same instant began flailing its legs and convulsing, as if stricken by an epileptic malady. In a matter of moments it lay still.

  Yet curiosity overcame my caution and I descended into the hollow, heedless to the pleas of my companion. The sensation of relaxation intensified as I approached the Upas, until it became euphoric. It felt like being intoxicated, as my inhibitions eroded and my better judgment fled. By the time I had reached the curtain of branches, I perceived that I floated. I stood beside it for some moments, admiring its beauty, when for some inexplicable reason I collapsed.

  I lay on the ground drained and exhausted, trying to catch my breath. I could barely breath, and I felt too weak to stand. At that moment I realized what had happened. The Upas drained the life-energy from me, and only my ability to draw power from the earth had protected me thus far. But there is a limit to even what I can endure, and I was dangerously close to that then. My proximity to the Upas had increased the strength of its effect beyond my ability to compensate, and it siphoned my life faster than I could replenish it. If I could not get away from it, I would be doomed.

  With strength born of desperation, I forced myself to roll over onto my stomach and crawled back towards the wall of the hollow. Yet, it is interesting how my imagination worked when I faced death that day. While obsessed with getting as far from the Upas as I could, I nonetheless contemplated its nature, how it could do what it did to me. And perhaps because my mind was uncluttered by competing thoughts associated with everyday mundane activities, the answer came to me as easily as for the simplest question. In fact it seemed so obvious that I laughed at the absurdity of it. How could it be otherwise? The Upas had to have come from one of the Outer Spheres. It had probably been borne as a seed on the meteorite that had excavated the crater.

  I had by then crawled a scant ten feet, but already I had weakened to the point where I could go no further. Still, I determined to grope on, even if I could only gain a mere few inches before my strength failed me completely. I refused to give up, even though the effort seemed futile. At that moment I saw my lover strolling towards me. The state of my enervation felt such that at first I did not find that sight remarkable, and I vainly hoped that he had come to rescue me. Then sick realization broke through the haze of my stupor and I knew what his true intention must be.

  When he had come within two feet, he stopped and regarded me for a moment. I did not possess the strength to even raise my head, so all I could see of him were his feet. They were surrounded by a thick fog, and as I watched the cloud expanded somewhat as the partially obscured form within it transformed into a new shape, one shorter, squatter, and more massive than any human being could possibly be. I knew immediately he could only be one thing.

  The Fomorach spoke in a harsh voice that sounded like it came from the bottom of a deep tomb. "I have waited a long time for this reunion, Mother."

  Eochaid Bres, the son I bore for the sorcerer Elatha, and after him my most hated enemy here in the Tiortha na Briongloide. He had made himself a tyrant in my homeland of Erin, and I had deposed and killed him for betraying me and my people. He had wanted revenge ever since I first entered these lands, but only now had the opportunity presented itself. And a more perfect stratagem could not have been devised. He had not only expertly manipulated my desires and weaknesses, but had maneuvered me into a situation that posed no risk to himself. As close to death as I had come, nonetheless I admired the perfection of his plan, and felt the pride of any mother whose son exceeds her expectations. Even the fact that I had slept with him did not dampen my satisfaction.

  He continued to gloat, putting as much hate into each word as he could manage. "You always were a prideful fool, Mother, but now your folly has brought about your ruination. You face not just mere death, but extinction; the Upas will consume not just your life, but your soul as well. You will cease to exist, not only here in the Dreamlands, not only in the Waking World, but throughout the whole of the Cosmos."

  Had I the strength, I would have told him he did not say anything I did not already know. The Upas shares that power with every being from the Outer Spheres; I have known that for centuries.

  However, I had forgotten that the Fomoraigh could read minds, and I had grown too weak to hide my thoughts, even from a half-breed such as him. "Ah, but what you do not know, Mother, is why I lured you here. Are you not the least bit curious as to how I can enter its presence unscathed? I made a bargain with it. When I first heard of it, I too sought it out, hoping to discover if its power would be enough to overcome even your strength. Indeed it could, and in learning this it nearly claimed me as well. But I also discovered that, like a normal tree absorbing sunlight, the Upas uses the energy not just to live, but also to spawn, and it needed my energy to create its seeds. My life alone would not have been enough, but I knew yours would, so I persuaded it to spare me in exchange for you. It even taught me how to cloak myself in a shadow deep enough to shield me from its power. Now, after it has drained every last dram of your soul, it will release a cloud of spores into the wind. They will disburse themselves throughout the Land of Dreams; each will form a new Upas, which will consume all life within its reach and spread still more seeds. In only a few years, the Dreamworld will be scoured of human life, cleansing the Waking World, and then my people will be able to reclaim their rightful rule over the Earth."

  I knew that Bres was as mad here as he had been in Erin centuries ago, but I also knew his plan would succeed unless I could somehow stop him. I knew a way, slim as it might be; it all depended upon how much energy the Upas still needed to germinate. I knew a word of power, a command that would destroy his shadow shield and render him vulnerable, if I could catch him off guard. Such seemed likely, though, for overconfidence has always been his greatest weakness, and as he spoke he had strolled past me closer to the Upas. My chance had come, and I resolved to take it, even if I would not survive it.

  Summoning my last reserve of strength, I managed to roll onto my back, so that I could see him. I was nearly finished, but even as I felt the dregs of my life slip away, I spoke the word. It was barely a whisper, but it was enough.

  In an instant, Bres became surrounded by what looked like a swarm of fireflies. There is no defense against this geis, but before he could even react the 'flies' attacked the cloud that surrounded him. They bore through it, like sparks burning through cloth, and when they disappeared the cloud dissipated, being too unstable to remain intact. For a moment he stared at me, too stunned to move or speak, then terror filled his eyes and distorted his features as he realized the full measure of his fate. He tried to run, but took only three steps before he collapsed, writhing and screaming in agony.

  As I had hoped, the Upas concentrated most of its attention on him, and I felt some strength return to me as my starved body drank power from the earth. Struggling to my feet, I staggered off towards the crater's wall, slowly at first, but faster with every yard I gained, as more of my strength came back. By the time I reached the crest I ran flat out, and I did stop until I had crossed the vegetation terminator. I threw myself down the other side; I landed on my stomach and slid a short distance before coming to a halt.

  Now beyond the power of the Upas, I regained my full strength almost immediately. Yet I could not leave. Despite the danger, I walked back up to the crest. In the last waning glow of twilight, I saw what looked like a haze of smoke surrounding the Upas. As I watched, it began to form a column and rise into the sky. I had only seconds to act, so I did the only thing I could think to do: I sang the Song of Opening. Doing so is exceedingly dangerous, for it creates
a gate through which anything may pass, but I concentrated upon the abyss surrounding the Outer Spheres, and when the hole opened in the sky, the air above the Upas rushed in, carrying the cloud of spores with it. I held the gate open until it appeared that all the seeds had been sucked away, then I reversed the song and the hole closed.

  Medb paused to take a long drink of wine, and the three adventurers watched her with expectant expressions as if waiting for her to continue, but when instead she nibbled on a piece of fruit with cheese, they looked at each other in confusion.

  Finally one asked, "Is that all?"

  "There is nothing more to tell. I returned to Oonai, bathed, ate, passed what was left of the night with an acrobat troop, and headed home to Ulthar."

  "What of Bres?" asked the youngest, and most handsome.

  Medb shrugged. "I do not know. The Upas may have killed him, but he is resourceful; he might have escaped."

  "And the Upas?" asked the next oldest, and the strongest.

  "It is still there; no power in this Sphere can destroy it, or hinder it for long. But it will be some time before it can consume enough life-energy to spawn again."

  "Can you be sure that no seeds were carried away before you opened the gate?" asked the oldest, and wisest.

  Medb gave him a searching stare as she replied. "No, I cannot."

  "Then, what can we do?" asked the middling oldest.

  "About the Upas? Nothing. But, perhaps the four of us can find some way to amuse ourselves for the remainder of the day. Assuming you have no more urgent errands to attend to?"

  "Are you seriously suggesting we ignore this danger and just have sex?" asked the youngest, clearly agitated.

  Medb shrugged. "Since we can do nothing about the former, do you have any objections to doing the latter?"

  To her delight they did not, and soon they retired to her rooms at The Laughing Cat.

  The concept of the Upas Tree as portrayed here is based on a poem by Lin Carter. Both the concept and excerpts from the poem are used with permission.

  Glossary & Pronunciation Guide

  Elatha (EH-luh-huh)--Fomorian sorcerer-king and Medb's master of sorcery

  Eochaid Bres (OH-kuhd BREHSH)--an ancient Irish high king and Medb's son by Elatha

  Erin (EH-rihn)--Ireland

  Fomorach/Fomoraigh (FO-moh-ruhk/FO-moh-reye)--Fomorian/Fomorians; ancient Irish demons

  Geis (gehsh)--spell; curse; taboo

  Medb hErenn (MAYV HAIR-rayn)--Maeve of Ireland

  Seidhloch (SHEYE-lohk)--a moneylender of Ulthar and Medb hErenn's employer

  Tiortha na Briongloide (CHEER-huh NAH BRYUH-nuhg-loh-dih)--"Land of Dreams"; the Dreamworld


  For more information on Medb hErenn, see the official site [].

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  About the Author

  Kevin L. O'Brien was born with a pen in his hand.

  Well, not quite, but he has been writing for as long as he can remember, at least since First Grade. Writing has always been his first, true love, but it hasn't always been his career. He worked for 15 years as a biomedical researcher, then for 3 years as a web designer. However, after 30 years of trying to be published in print with little success, he has decided to try his hand at self-publishing. Most of his works will be sold as ebooks through various online retailers, but he also plans to make some available for free exclusively on Goodreads.

  He writes primarily speculative fiction--fantasy, science fiction, horror, and their sub-genres--but he also likes to try his hand at thrillers, suspense, mystery, and even westerns. However, his stories tend to have a fantasy element, no matter how subtle.

  Most of his stories involve the following three main characters:

  Medb hErenn []--One-time queen of Ireland, she is over 3500 years old. A warrior and a sorceress, she cannot be harmed by any weapon made by the hand of man.

  Eile and Sunny, Team Girl []--They are two adorable, vivacious, fun-loving young women whose motto is ONWARD TO ADVENTURE!!! Yet trouble follows them like a love-sick puppy wherever they go.

  Sir Differel Van Helsing []--The descendent of Abraham Van Helsing and King Arthur, she heads the Caerleon Order, the premier monster-hunting organization of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth. She commands Dracula, the most powerful vampire extant, and the greatsword Caliburn, better known as Excalibur.

  He also writes a series of sword & sorcery stories set in an alternative universe known as the Lands of the Dreams of Men.

  Kevin lives in Denver with his family and 4 cats.

  For more information, see the Songs of the Seanchai [].

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  Discover other titles by Kevin L. O'Brien:

  A fidus Aranea, Barbarians R Us, The Christmas Vampires, Dark Vengeance, Disposable Commodities, Do Unto Others, Feline Savior, Gourmand Hag, Immanuel, The Lions of Inganok, Man Friday, Masie's Mind, No Torrent Like Greed, Oak Do Hate, Post-Traumatic Redemption, Sacrificial Offering

  Enjoy these other titles at fine ebook retailers everywhere.

  Available on Goodreads -

  Adventurer's Honeymoon, The Beast of Exmoor, A Deliberation of Morality, The Denver Walker, The Golden Mushroom, Gruff Tolls, Jigsaw Dragon, The Peril Gem, Rhapsody in Orange, Shenanigans, Youthful Indiscretion

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  Connect with Kevin L. O'Brien Online:






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  Sample Excerpts

  From "The Christmas Vampires"

  Angela moved so fast that Connie soon lost sight of her, but she kept running in the same direction until she reached a two-story mausoleum with huge brass-covered doors. She stopped and looked around, trying to find the child Vampire.

  "Over here."

  Connie looked and found her standing on the peak of an obelisk, balancing on one foot.

  "That was so cool!"

  Angela jumped down, grinning at her. "I am glad you liked it. What do you think of this?" She walked over to a stone bench, slipped one hand underneath the seat, and lifted it off the ground over her head.

  "Whoa! Will I be able to do that when I'm a Vampire?"

  Angela set the bench back down. "Not at first, though you will be stronger than you are now, but the longer you live, the stronger you will become."

  "What else can you do? Can you fly?"

  "No, I cannot, but I can do this." She sprinted towards the mausoleum, and then jumped, not all the way to the roof, but about a third of the way up. She landed on the wall, touching it with the palms of her hands and her toes, but she didn't fall. Then she scrambled up like she was crawling across the ground, and over onto the roof, before she turned over onto her back.

  "Wow! That's totally wicked!"

  "Is that good?" Angela sat perched on the edge of the roof, dangling and swinging her feet.

  "It's way better than good! It's awesome!"

  Angela hopped down. "You asked me to help you improve your vocabulary, but I believe there are things you can teach me as well."

  "Like what?"

  "Like, about this time and how to fit in better."

  "Well, yeah, sure! I mean, after I'm a Vampire, we'll be friends. We'll spend all sorts of time together and teach each other all kinds of neat stuff."

  "Vampires do not have friends."

  "None at all?" Connie couldn't imagine not having friends.

  "We hunt for our blood. That means we hold territories, alone. Any other Vampire who enters our territo
ry is a threat and must be chased off or destroyed."

  "But what about Rosie and Giovanna?"

  "Rosalie is twice my chronological age, and Giovanna is 500 years old. They are my elders and masters, not my friends. They look out for me because of my size and inexperience, but I am now powerful enough to defend myself, and my memory is returning. Soon I will not need their help."

  "So, you don't have any friends at all?"


  "Well, then, I'll be your friend. I think that's why Giovanna put us tagether. She must've known you needed one, and when I'm turned, I'll need one, too."

  "That may be difficult."

  "No it won't, not if we try ta make it work. I mean, how are we gonna teach each other stuff if we can't get together?"

  "I had not thought of that."

  "So, okay, maybe we can't hunt together, but if we hafta be together to learn from each other, we can do other things as well. Things friends do."

  "That sounds reasonable. How do we become friends?"

  "Aren't we friends already?"

  Angela blinked, as if surprised. "Are we?"

  "We like each other, don't we?"

  "I suppose. Yes, I think so."

  "And we're having fun together, aren't we?"

  Angela grinned. "Yes!"

  "Then it's already done. But there's a way we can make it official." And she held out a fist.

  Angela looked at it and raised an eyebrow. "I do not understand."

  "Make a fist and punch mine with it. But be careful! I'm not as strong as you yet."

  Angela hesitated, but she raised a fist and pushed it towards Connie. She moved her hand forward, and their fists knocked together.

  "There! Now we're officially friends. Best friends forever!"

  Angela gave her a puzzled look, but she nodded her head as if in agreement. "So what do friends do?"

  "Well, one thing is play games."

  "What sort of games?"

  "All kinds! know! Hide and seek. It's like hunting, only you don't hurt anyone."

  "Where is the fun in that?"

  "The fun is in trying to find people. This is how it works: you cover your eyes and count to twenty-five, and I hide and you try to find me."

  "I see. Very well, I will try it."

  "Great! Go stand in front of that tomb, close yer eyes, count to twenty-five--not super-Vampire fast but Human slow--and I'll go hide. When yer done, say, 'Ready or not, here I come!' Then you try to find me."

  "I understand." She went over and faced the wall of the mausoleum and started counting.


  Connie looked around. There were lots of places that could hide her, but none that could conceal her completely. Then she spotted a large cenotaph set up in front of an even bigger bush. She rushed over and found there was a space behind it in front of the shrub. She squeezed in and crouched down.

  She listened