Rock sits me down and pulls his chair close. One of the prospects drops a plate in front of us and Rock feeds me jumbo shrimp dipped in spicy sauce—that he’s careful not to drop on my dress—followed by mushrooms stuffed with crab and brie.

  “Happy now?” I ask as I finish my last bite.

  “Yes, sass-mouth.”

  “You love my sassy mouth.”

  “Yes I do.” To prove it, he leans over and takes my mouth in a kiss that sets me on fire. I’m panting by the time we part and he rests his forehead against mine.

  After a second, he hands me a mason jar filled with what I suspect is a virgin margarita. “There’s no tequila in this,” I say as I set it down. His mouth curves into a sly grin.

  “No, there isn’t,” he says simply.

  Slender arms wrap around my shoulders from behind. “Are you okay?” Trinity asks.

  I turn so I can see her better. “Yes. Thank you so much.”

  She gives Rock a similar hug, and he grabs her hand before she can dash away. “You okay?” he asks.

  “I’m good, Rock.”

  After she flits back into the crowd, Rock glances down at my boots. “That was a cute touch.”

  “Lilly suggested it.”

  “Are you going to put them to use?”

  “Oh yes. I plan to ride you later like a good little cowgirl.”

  He breaks into laughter. “Good to know, but that’s not what I meant.” He nods at the space people are using to dance.

  “You don’t want to dance in front of all your big, bad biker friends.”

  He snorts as if that’s absurd. “You know me better than that. Besides, half of them are so drunk, they won’t remember a thing from tonight.”

  I point at Wrath, who’s got Trinity wrapped in a tight embrace, making it clear to the world who she belongs to. “Wrath will.”

  “He’ll just be jealous of my awesome skills,” he says as he pulls me out onto the floor. We dance the simple country two-step we learned in Maine, even though I’m not sure it’s right for the music that’s playing. Soon he’s twirling me around and we’re being silly more than anything.

  Z and Lilly join us. “You’re more coordinated than I would have expected,” I say to Z, who laughs.

  “He’s very rhythmic,” Lilly says with a straight face.

  The music turns to something slower, and we sway together for a while, before Rock pulls over to one of the s’mores stations Trinity set up for dessert. There’s a cake too and once we’re within two feet of it, Trinity yells for everyone to quiet down so we can cut into it.

  “It’s so pretty, I hate to ruin it,” I complain as she hands me the knife. It’s LOKI blue with delicate swirls of silver iced onto it and finished with a crown on top.

  “Trust me, I took a billion pictures of it,” Trinity assures me.

  I eat the few bites Rock offers me and feed him a few in return. We take a plate back to our table along with a melty-messy s’more.

  Rock introduces me to a couple of guys he says came in from another club. Their cuts announce their club claims Western New York as its territory. See? I learned plenty from Wrath this summer. I smile and nod and feel terrible that I forget their names about two minutes after they leave.

  Turning, I take in my handsome husband. He catches me staring at him. “What?” he asks with a raised eyebrow.

  “Nothing. I love you in your cut,” I say, then drop my voice a little lower. “But thank you for the suit. It’s crazy-sexy on you.”

  The smoldering look I get in return warms every inch of my skin.

  Murphy drops into the chair on Rock’s other side, interrupting our moment. It’s fine. Soon I plan to have Rock all to myself. They speak in low tones, about what, I have no idea.

  Heidi’s hand settles on my shoulder and she leans over to hug me before sitting in the chair next to me.

  “Thank you for everything, Hope.”

  “You’re welcome, sweetie. Thank you for being in the wedding.”

  She grins and pats the side of her head, tucking a few strands of loose hair behind her ear. “It was fun. I’m so happy you’re an official part of the family now.” Her lashes flutter and she glances down. “You’re the closest I’ve ever had to a mom,” she says so low, I almost don’t hear her.

  Tears prick my eyes and I sit up straighter, so I can pull her to me for a hug. She rests her head on my shoulder and we watch the rest of the party for a few minutes. “Grams never wanted me to be part of all of this,” she says finally. “But it’s always where I’m happiest.”

  “You have a lot of people who love you, Heidi.”

  “I know.” She pulls back. “Wrath let Axel off prospect duty for the rest of the night.” She pulls at the skirt of her dress. “I’m going to run back to the house and change. Axel said he’d take me for a ride.”

  “Sounds like a plan. Just be careful.”

  “We will.”

  She stands and wraps her arms around Rock’s neck, planting a kiss on his cheek. They murmur to each other for a minute and she takes off.

  I lean over and smile at Murphy, who didn’t get a hello or goodbye from Heidi. “How are you doing?”

  He quirks a smile at me. “Good, First Lady. You threw a hell of a party.”

  “Oh no. This was all Trinity.”

  Rock chuckles and wraps his hand around mine.

  When we’re alone again, he puts his arm around my shoulders. “You’ve got chocolate on your face,” he says before swooping in and kissing it away.

  “I think you were making that up,” I tease when he stops to stare at me.

  “Maybe.” He touches his forehead to mine. “I’ve got a present for you, Baby Doll,” he says in a warm, rough voice.

  “Oh yeah?” My question comes out full of dirty intent because I assume he means the present in his pants.

  But he surprises me by pulling a small box out of his pocket and placing it in my hand.

  Curious, I glance at him before easing the lid off. Inside is a pretty emerald green crown key chain with a key attached.

  I take it out, dangling it in front of us.

  “It’s to our house, Baby Doll.”

  I raise an eyebrow. I thought the house wasn’t finished yet.

  “It’s more symbolic, I doubt we’ll lock the door much,” he says with a smile.

  “Is it ready for us?”

  “Told you first night we were married, we’d be spending in our house.”

  I almost knock him out of his chair, I throw my arms around him so fast. “Thank you, Rock.”

  Last time I visited the building site, there was still a lot of finish work that needed to be done. I remember what Rock told me about the basement and heat curls in my belly.

  I lean over, pressing my lips to his neck, kissing my way to his ear. “We need to leave.”

  He grabs my hand. “Why, doll? You feel okay?”

  “I need to be with you,” I whisper in his ear.

  His reaction is pretty damn funny. He rockets out of his chair so fast, it topples over. “Let’s go,” he demands, giving my hand a quick tug.

  Laughing, I stand and he sweeps me into his arms. Naturally Wrath—who’d behaved himself most of the night—notices and lets out a loud whistle, calling everyone else’s attention to us.

  “Going somewhere, kids?” he calls out.

  Completely embarrassed, I bury my head against Rock’s shoulder.

  Rock ends up setting me down, so I can say goodbye to our guests. Mara and Damon left shortly after the ceremony. Sway and his crew are drunkenly dancing around, quickly turning half the party into a semi-orgy. Tawny gives me a brief hug, but she looks cranky, so I don’t talk to her too long.

  Lilly scrambles out of Z’s lap to give me a big hug. “Congratulations, Hope,” she whispers against my ear. “I’m so happy for you.”

  “Thank you.” I glance at Z, who’s got his eyes on Lilly. “Will I be seeing you in the morning?” I ask her. She chuckles
and tucks her hair behind her ear. “Maybe.”

  “Maybe my ass,” Z says, yanking her back into his lap. I lean over and kiss his cheek.

  “Behave,” I warn him and he nods at me.

  When I’m finished saying good night to everyone, Wrath curls his arm over my shoulder. “I’ll make sure everyone gets where they need to go, Hope. Go take care of your husband.” He nods his head at where Rock’s waiting for me at the edge of the clearing.

  The word husband sends a thrill through me. Rock’s my husband. Finally. After what seems like forever. He’s mine and I’m his. The enormity of it steals my breath.

  Wrath tips my chin up. Frowning down at me, he asks, “You okay?”

  “Yeah. I’m good.” Stretching up on my tiptoes, I throw my arms around his neck and give him a hug. At first he’s surprised, but he wraps his arms around me lifting me off the ground a bit. “Proud to have you for a sister, Hope. You’re the best thing that ever happened to him,” he murmurs into my ear.

  Damn, I haven’t cried once today. But his words make my eyes sting and my nose twitch.

  “Thank you,” I whisper.

  He sets me down and plants a kiss on the top of my head.

  Clutching the box with my key in one hand, I take off running across the clearing. Rock catches me around the waist, kissing me breathless, then setting me down. His hand slaps the seat of the ATV.

  “Get on, Baby Doll.”

  I laugh when I finally notice the white streamers, cans and the Just Married sign someone—if I had to guess, Z—tied to the rack.

  “We’re going to scare every woodland creature within a ten mile radius,” I joke as I gather my dress, and straddle the machine. Rock gets on in front of me and starts up the engine. People shout to us and I turn and wave. Rock must be eager to go, because he takes off without a backward glance, before I even have my arms wrapped around him.

  “Hey!” I yell out.

  “Hold on, babe.”

  It’s much different than riding on the back of Rock’s bike. For one, we’re not going as fast. Since there are four wheels instead of two, it feels more solid. Well, until Rock decides to drive over a few downed trees blocking our path. I squeal and squeeze him tighter, which was probably what he was after in the first place.

  In front of us, warm white lights appear. As we get closer, I see a path of lights leading up to our house.

  He parks the machine right alongside the house and gets off first. Instead of helping me dismount, he scoops me up and carries me up the porch steps.

  “Get the door, doll.”

  Happy for a reason to use my shiny new key, I pluck it out of the box and slide it into the lock.

  He carries me over the threshold and sets me down. I can’t take my eyes off him though. “I’ll look at the house tomorrow. Right now I want my husband.”

  His hand cups my jaw, thumb rubbing over my cheek. “Say that again.”

  “That I want my husband?”

  “Yes,” he answers in a hoarse voice before sealing his mouth over mine for a tender kiss.

  Tender turns passionate quick and we’re pawing at each other’s clothes.

  Rock pulls away first. “Baby, wait.” He picks me up again and carries me upstairs. The house is an open floor plan, so I get glimpses of all the things I have left to do. I’m most excited about finishing the kitchen which currently has no appliances or counters. I picture us hanging out there a lot.

  “We’re not going to the basement?” I tease.

  “Sorry, not ready. Soon, Baby Doll.”

  “I knew you were all talk,” I say when he sets me down.

  He gives me a wicked smile that makes my heart race. “There won’t be much talking down there.” His hand reaches round and squeezes my butt. “Lots of screaming and moaning though.”

  I giggle and dance out of his hold, then gasp when I see our bedroom’s not only finished but furnished too. There’s still a lot we need to do to personalize the space, but the important things for tonight—bed, sheets, blankets—are all there.

  “Rock! How did you get everything here without me knowing?”

  His shoulders lift. “You’ve been busy.”

  My gaze strays to the bluestone fireplace, currently bare. Rock gives me a sheepish smile. “I didn’t get to do everything I wanted.” He mimics chopping wood. “Need to get some firewood chopped.”

  “Trust me, I’m already overheated.” Especially with the image of him half-naked and chopping wood he just put in my head. I take another look around the room. “Everything is beautiful. Thank you.”

  “You’re beautiful.” He runs a finger over the neckline of my dress. “Thank you for this.”


  “The dress. First time I laid eyes on you, you were wearing this color. I’d had such a crappy night and there you were, the prettiest woman I’d ever seen.”

  “Oh, Rochlan.”

  “You changed my life that day.” He pauses and stares at me so intently my skin warms. “I meant every word of our vows. You make me want to be a better person. Do better, so I can give you everything you need. I love you, Hope.”

  “I love you too,” I whisper back.

  We stare at each other a little longer. “Will you help me unzip it?”

  His serious stare transforms into a filthy grin. “Fuck, yes, Baby Doll.”

  His enthusiasm makes me chuckle as I turn around. He slides his rough hands over my bare shoulders, down to the zipper. Warm breath coasts over my skin.

  “I think you’ll like what’s underneath,” I whisper.

  My feelings for what Hope’s wearing under her dress go far beyond like. Air rushes out of my lungs.

  “This is beautiful, Baby Doll. You’re beautiful.”

  It’s an intricate blue lace, corset-type thing, garters, stockings with embroidered tops hugging bare thighs that I’m dying to bury my face between.

  “No ripping it, though. I had it specially made.”

  I’ve never wanted anyone more. Will never want anyone else ever again. Except this amazing woman.

  My hands brush down her side and she winces. “What’s wrong?”

  “I have another surprise for you.”

  It’s only then, that I notice the bandage covering a bit of skin at her hip. The edge of the corset just barely covers it. “What happened?”

  She sighs, frustrated. “I’m so sorry. I got the corset for our wedding night, but it’s been killing me all day. Will you help me get it off?”

  “Fuck yeah. It’s beautiful, Baby Doll, but naked is my favorite.”

  She chuckles as I work the tiny hooks and laces loose. “This isn’t easy with my big fingers you know. How the hell did you get it on?”

  “Trinity squeezed me into it.”

  Once I strip her out of it, she’s standing there in the matching underwear, which is more like a piece of lace and string, stockings, boots, and the bandage. “This is pretty fucking hot too,” I assure her. My gaze travels lower. “Especially the boots.”

  She chuckles and points at the bandage. Suddenly I know what I’m going to find. A tattoo. I just can’t figure out of what. “Come here.” I walk us over to the bed, and sit on the edge, placing her in front of me.

  “Fuck, Hope.” Our eyes meet and a smile flickers over her mouth.

  “Are you surprised?”

  “Yeah. Wait a second. Where’d you get it?”

  She rolls her eyes. “Calm down, caveman. Trinity took me to Bronze’s shop. He was a perfect gentleman.”

  I can live with that.

  “I still need you to go back with me to have your crown added, right here,” she points to the space above the N in North. My mouth goes dry and for a second I’m not sure how to respond.

  “As soon as you’re ready.”

  My gaze travels up her body and my hands follow, stopping to cup her breasts. “That no sex thing was cruel.”

  “But necessary so I could surprise you with this,” she says, pointing
at her hip.

  “Come here.” I pull her down to the bed, rolling her on top of me, careful not to brush against her reddened skin. “Guess this means missionary is out?” I tease. Her cheeks turn pink and she laughs. Then she attacks. Working the buttons of my shirt loose, ripping my belt open. I stare in wonder letting her have her way with me.

  “I’ll worship you later. Right now I need you hard and fast,” she whispers, using one of my own lines on me.

  “Have at it.” My hands cup her breasts, kneading roughly. She sighs and throws her leg over me. I slide my hands down to her ass, tugging her forward, and slipping my finger under the thin lace to move her panties to the side.

  She watches me with half-closed eyes. “You can rip them,” she says.

  Fuck yes. Away they go. My fingers massage her bare, slick skin, dipping inside, then back to her ass. She reaches down, squeezes my cock. “Stopping fucking around. Ride your husband’s dick.”

  “On it,” she giggles.

  “Sass-mouth.” I groan as she lines me up and sinks down. “You’re fucking perfect, Baby Doll.”

  She whimpers as I fill her completely, then slides back up. I let her play cowgirl. Watch as she gently rises up and down for a few minutes, until she’s panting, head thrown back. My hand dives between her thighs, rubbing circles around her clit until she’s grinding down into me, so close to going off.

  “I’m close,” she whispers.

  “I know, Baby Doll. Give it to me.”

  “I, I” she murmurs and trembles, her pussy squeezing the fuck out of me. When she’s finished and her eyes flutter her open, I pull her down against me, grip her ass hard and pound up into her. The sounds of our combined heavy breathing and moaning fill the room in our house. Our house. No one around us for miles.

  “Be as loud as you want, baby,” I say against her ear. She’s already there though, screaming through another intense orgasm that tips me into my own release. “Fuck!”

  Breathless, she rolls off me, and in fascination, I watch my cum slowly spilling out of my wife.

  She rolls her head to the side, smiling at me. “Is married sex, still as good?”