CHAPTER XXIX. An Epoch in Anne's Life

|ANNE was bringing the cows home from the back pasture by way of Lover'sLane. It was a September evening and all the gaps and clearings in thewoods were brimmed up with ruby sunset light. Here and there the lanewas splashed with it, but for the most part it was already quite shadowybeneath the maples, and the spaces under the firs were filled with aclear violet dusk like airy wine. The winds were out in their tops, andthere is no sweeter music on earth than that which the wind makes in thefir trees at evening.

The cows swung placidly down the lane, and Anne followed them dreamily,repeating aloud the battle canto from _Marmion_--which had also been partof their English course the preceding winter and which Miss Stacy hadmade them learn off by heart--and exulting in its rushing lines and theclash of spears in its imagery. When she came to the lines

The stubborn spearsmen still made good Their dark impenetrable wood,

she stopped in ecstasy to shut her eyes that she might the better fancyherself one of that heroic ring. When she opened them again it was tobehold Diana coming through the gate that led into the Barry field andlooking so important that Anne instantly divined there was news to betold. But betray too eager curiosity she would not.

”Isn't this evening just like a purple dream, Diana? It makes me so gladto be alive. In the mornings I always think the mornings are best; butwhen evening comes I think it's lovelier still.”

”It's a very fine evening,” said Diana, ”but oh, I have such news, Anne.Guess. You can have three guesses.”

”Charlotte Gillis is going to be married in the church after all andMrs. Allan wants us to decorate it,” cried Anne.

”No. Charlotte's beau won't agree to that, because nobody ever has beenmarried in the church yet, and he thinks it would seem too much like afuneral. It's too mean, because it would be such fun. Guess again.”

”Jane's mother is going to let her have a birthday party?”

Diana shook her head, her black eyes dancing with merriment.

”I can't think what it can be,” said Anne in despair, ”unless it's thatMoody Spurgeon MacPherson saw you home from prayer meeting last night.Did he?”

”I should think not,” exclaimed Diana indignantly. ”I wouldn't be likelyto boast of it if he did, the horrid creature! I knew you couldn't guessit. Mother had a letter from Aunt Josephine today, and Aunt Josephinewants you and me to go to town next Tuesday and stop with her for theExhibition. There!”

”Oh, Diana,” whispered Anne, finding it necessary to lean up against amaple tree for support, ”do you really mean it? But I'm afraid Marillawon't let me go. She will say that she can't encourage gadding about.That was what she said last week when Jane invited me to go with themin their double-seated buggy to the American concert at the White SandsHotel. I wanted to go, but Marilla said I'd be better at home learningmy lessons and so would Jane. I was bitterly disappointed, Diana. I feltso heartbroken that I wouldn't say my prayers when I went to bed. But Irepented of that and got up in the middle of the night and said them.”

”I'll tell you,” said Diana, ”we'll get Mother to ask Marilla. She'll bemore likely to let you go then; and if she does we'll have the timeof our lives, Anne. I've never been to an Exhibition, and it's soaggravating to hear the other girls talking about their trips. Jane andRuby have been twice, and they're going this year again.”

”I'm not going to think about it at all until I know whether I can goor not,” said Anne resolutely. ”If I did and then was disappointed, itwould be more than I could bear. But in case I do go I'm very glad mynew coat will be ready by that time. Marilla didn't think I needed a newcoat. She said my old one would do very well for another winter andthat I ought to be satisfied with having a new dress. The dress is verypretty, Diana--navy blue and made so fashionably. Marilla always makesmy dresses fashionably now, because she says she doesn't intend to haveMatthew going to Mrs. Lynde to make them. I'm so glad. It is ever somuch easier to be good if your clothes are fashionable. At least, it iseasier for me. I suppose it doesn't make such a difference to naturallygood people. But Matthew said I must have a new coat, so Marillabought a lovely piece of blue broadcloth, and it's being made by a realdressmaker over at Carmody. It's to be done Saturday night, and I'mtrying not to imagine myself walking up the church aisle on Sunday inmy new suit and cap, because I'm afraid it isn't right to imagine suchthings. But it just slips into my mind in spite of me. My cap is sopretty. Matthew bought it for me the day we were over at Carmody. It isone of those little blue velvet ones that are all the rage, with goldcord and tassels. Your new hat is elegant, Diana, and so becoming. WhenI saw you come into church last Sunday my heart swelled with pride tothink you were my dearest friend. Do you suppose it's wrong for us tothink so much about our clothes? Marilla says it is very sinful. But itis such an interesting subject, isn't it?”

Marilla agreed to let Anne go to town, and it was arranged thatMr. Barry should take the girls in on the following Tuesday. AsCharlottetown was thirty miles away and Mr. Barry wished to go andreturn the same day, it was necessary to make a very early start. ButAnne counted it all joy, and was up before sunrise on Tuesday morning.A glance from her window assured her that the day would be fine, forthe eastern sky behind the firs of the Haunted Wood was all silveryand cloudless. Through the gap in the trees a light was shining in thewestern gable of Orchard Slope, a token that Diana was also up.

Anne was dressed by the time Matthew had the fire on and had thebreakfast ready when Marilla came down, but for her own part was muchtoo excited to eat. After breakfast the jaunty new cap and jacket weredonned, and Anne hastened over the brook and up through the firs toOrchard Slope. Mr. Barry and Diana were waiting for her, and they weresoon on the road.

It was a long drive, but Anne and Diana enjoyed every minute of it. Itwas delightful to rattle along over the moist roads in the early redsunlight that was creeping across the shorn harvest fields. The air wasfresh and crisp, and little smoke-blue mists curled through the valleysand floated off from the hills. Sometimes the road went through woodswhere maples were beginning to hang out scarlet banners; sometimes itcrossed rivers on bridges that made Anne's flesh cringe with the old,half-delightful fear; sometimes it wound along a harbor shore and passedby a little cluster of weather-gray fishing huts; again it mounted tohills whence a far sweep of curving upland or misty-blue sky could beseen; but wherever it went there was much of interest to discuss. It wasalmost noon when they reached town and found their way to ”Beechwood.”It was quite a fine old mansion, set back from the street in a seclusionof green elms and branching beeches. Miss Barry met them at the doorwith a twinkle in her sharp black eyes.

”So you've come to see me at last, you Anne-girl,” she said. ”Mercy,child, how you have grown! You're taller than I am, I declare. Andyou're ever so much better looking than you used to be, too. But I daresay you know that without being told.”

”Indeed I didn't,” said Anne radiantly. ”I know I'm not so freckled asI used to be, so I've much to be thankful for, but I really hadn't daredto hope there was any other improvement. I'm so glad you think there is,Miss Barry.” Miss Barry's house was furnished with ”great magnificence,”as Anne told Marilla afterward. The two little country girls were ratherabashed by the splendor of the parlor where Miss Barry left them whenshe went to see about dinner.

”Isn't it just like a palace?” whispered Diana. ”I never was in AuntJosephine's house before, and I'd no idea it was so grand. I just wishJulia Bell could see this--she puts on such airs about her mother'sparlor.”

”Velvet carpet,” sighed Anne luxuriously, ”and silk curtains! I'vedreamed of such things, Diana. But do you know I don't believe I feelvery comfortable with them after all. There are so many things in thisroom and all so splendid that there is no scope for imagination. That isone consolation when you are poor--there are so many more things you canimagine about.”

Their sojourn in town was something that Anne and Diana dated from foryears. From first to last it was crowded with delights.

On Wednesday Miss Barry took them to the Exhibition grounds and keptthem there all day.

”It was splendid,” Anne related to Marilla later on. ”I never imaginedanything so interesting. I don't really know which department was themost interesting. I think I liked the horses and the flowers and thefancywork best. Josie Pye took first prize for knitted lace. I wasreal glad she did. And I was glad that I felt glad, for it shows I'mimproving, don't you think, Marilla, when I can rejoice in Josie'ssuccess? Mr. Harmon Andrews took second prize for Gravenstein applesand Mr. Bell took first prize for a pig. Diana said she thought it wasridiculous for a Sunday-school superintendent to take a prize in pigs,but I don't see why. Do you? She said she would always think of it afterthis when he was praying so solemnly. Clara Louise MacPherson took aprize for painting, and Mrs. Lynde got first prize for homemade butterand cheese. So Avonlea was pretty well represented, wasn't it? Mrs.Lynde was there that day, and I never knew how much I really liked heruntil I saw her familiar face among all those strangers. Therewere thousands of people there, Marilla. It made me feel dreadfullyinsignificant. And Miss Barry took us up to the grandstand to seethe horse races. Mrs. Lynde wouldn't go; she said horse racing was anabomination and, she being a church member, thought it her bounden dutyto set a good example by staying away. But there were so many there Idon't believe Mrs. Lynde's absence would ever be noticed. I don't think,though, that I ought to go very often to horse races, because they _are_awfully fascinating. Diana got so excited that she offered to bet meten cents that the red horse would win. I didn't believe he would, butI refused to bet, because I wanted to tell Mrs. Allan all abouteverything, and I felt sure it wouldn't do to tell her that. It's alwayswrong to do anything you can't tell the minister's wife. It's as good asan extra conscience to have a minister's wife for your friend. And I wasvery glad I didn't bet, because the red horse _did_ win, and I would havelost ten cents. So you see that virtue was its own reward. We saw a mango up in a balloon. I'd love to go up in a balloon, Marilla; it wouldbe simply thrilling; and we saw a man selling fortunes. You paid him tencents and a little bird picked out your fortune for you. Miss Barry gaveDiana and me ten cents each to have our fortunes told. Mine was that Iwould marry a dark-complected man who was very wealthy, and I would goacross water to live. I looked carefully at all the dark men I saw afterthat, but I didn't care much for any of them, and anyhow I supposeit's too early to be looking out for him yet. Oh, it was anever-to-be-forgotten day, Marilla. I was so tired I couldn't sleep atnight. Miss Barry put us in the spare room, according to promise. Itwas an elegant room, Marilla, but somehow sleeping in a spare room isn'twhat I used to think it was. That's the worst of growing up, and I'mbeginning to realize it. The things you wanted so much when you were achild don't seem half so wonderful to you when you get them.”

Thursday the girls had a drive in the park, and in the evening MissBarry took them to a concert in the Academy of Music, where a notedprima donna was to sing. To Anne the evening was a glittering vision ofdelight.

”Oh, Marilla, it was beyond description. I was so excited I couldn'teven talk, so you may know what it was like. I just sat in enrapturedsilence. Madame Selitsky was perfectly beautiful, and wore white satinand diamonds. But when she began to sing I never thought about anythingelse. Oh, I can't tell you how I felt. But it seemed to me that it couldnever be hard to be good any more. I felt like I do when I look up tothe stars. Tears came into my eyes, but, oh, they were such happy tears.I was so sorry when it was all over, and I told Miss Barry I didn't seehow I was ever to return to common life again. She said she thought ifwe went over to the restaurant across the street and had an ice creamit might help me. That sounded so prosaic; but to my surprise I foundit true. The ice cream was delicious, Marilla, and it was so lovely anddissipated to be sitting there eating it at eleven o'clock at night.Diana said she believed she was born for city life. Miss Barry askedme what my opinion was, but I said I would have to think it over veryseriously before I could tell her what I really thought. So I thought itover after I went to bed. That is the best time to think things out. AndI came to the conclusion, Marilla, that I wasn't born for city life andthat I was glad of it. It's nice to be eating ice cream at brilliantrestaurants at eleven o'clock at night once in a while; but as a regularthing I'd rather be in the east gable at eleven, sound asleep, but kindof knowing even in my sleep that the stars were shining outside and thatthe wind was blowing in the firs across the brook. I told Miss Barryso at breakfast the next morning and she laughed. Miss Barry generallylaughed at anything I said, even when I said the most solemn things. Idon't think I liked it, Marilla, because I wasn't trying to be funny.But she is a most hospitable lady and treated us royally.”

Friday brought going-home time, and Mr. Barry drove in for the girls.

”Well, I hope you've enjoyed yourselves,” said Miss Barry, as she badethem good-bye.

”Indeed we have,” said Diana.

”And you, Anne-girl?”

”I've enjoyed every minute of the time,” said Anne, throwing her armsimpulsively about the old woman's neck and kissing her wrinkled cheek.Diana would never have dared to do such a thing and felt rather aghastat Anne's freedom. But Miss Barry was pleased, and she stood on herveranda and watched the buggy out of sight. Then she went back into herbig house with a sigh. It seemed very lonely, lacking those fresh younglives. Miss Barry was a rather selfish old lady, if the truth mustbe told, and had never cared much for anybody but herself. She valuedpeople only as they were of service to her or amused her. Anne hadamused her, and consequently stood high in the old lady's good graces.But Miss Barry found herself thinking less about Anne's quaint speechesthan of her fresh enthusiasms, her transparent emotions, her littlewinning ways, and the sweetness of her eyes and lips.

”I thought Marilla Cuthbert was an old fool when I heard she'd adopteda girl out of an orphan asylum,” she said to herself, ”but I guess shedidn't make much of a mistake after all. If I'd a child like Anne in thehouse all the time I'd be a better and happier woman.”

Anne and Diana found the drive home as pleasant as the drivein--pleasanter, indeed, since there was the delightful consciousness ofhome waiting at the end of it. It was sunset when they passed throughWhite Sands and turned into the shore road. Beyond, the Avonlea hillscame out darkly against the saffron sky. Behind them the moon was risingout of the sea that grew all radiant and transfigured in her light.Every little cove along the curving road was a marvel of dancingripples. The waves broke with a soft swish on the rocks below them, andthe tang of the sea was in the strong, fresh air.

”Oh, but it's good to be alive and to be going home,” breathed Anne.

When she crossed the log bridge over the brook the kitchen light ofGreen Gables winked her a friendly welcome back, and through the opendoor shone the hearth fire, sending out its warm red glow athwart thechilly autumn night. Anne ran blithely up the hill and into the kitchen,where a hot supper was waiting on the table.

”So you've got back?” said Marilla, folding up her knitting.

”Yes, and oh, it's so good to be back,” said Anne joyously. ”I couldkiss everything, even to the clock. Marilla, a broiled chicken! Youdon't mean to say you cooked that for me!”

”Yes, I did,” said Marilla. ”I thought you'd be hungry after sucha drive and need something real appetizing. Hurry and take off yourthings, and we'll have supper as soon as Matthew comes in. I'm gladyou've got back, I must say. It's been fearful lonesome here withoutyou, and I never put in four longer days.”

After supper Anne sat before the fire between Matthew and Marilla, andgave them a full account of her visit.

”I've had a splendid time,” she concluded happily, ”and I feel that itmarks an epoch in my life. But the best of it all was the coming home.”