Page 20 of Kindred

  Devon turned slowly away. Cassie found herself able to breathe again as she inhaled sharply. She hadn’t even realized that she had stopped breathing until her lungs greedily gulped down air. “Yes, my grandfather taught me.”

  “How fascinating, I love Faro! Though, I know almost no one that can play it.”

  “I have the same problem, it’s a lost game.”

  Cassie couldn’t stop herself from wondering how lost it was. She had never played the game, never even heard of it before. Who was this man sitting in her dining room with her and her grandmother? Her gaze darted to her grandma, fear turned through her as she realized that she may have also put her grandma’s life in danger by allowing this stranger into their lives.

  The thought was ridiculous, she knew that. He had never done anything but prove himself to her. Yet here she was, suddenly very suspicious, and slightly frightened of him. It was absolutely ludicrous, he had never hurt her before, and he’d had plenty of opportunities to do so. In fact, he had protected her today, kept her safe from Mark’s anger, put himself in between her and Mark’s crazed advance. He had risked his own safety in order to keep her protected.

  She was being unfair, she knew that, but she couldn’t stop her doubts and worries. No matter how hard she tried, they would not shut off.

  “But a very interesting, entertaining one!” her grandma said brightly. “We must play sometime, I’m sure Cassie would love it. She enjoys all of the gambling games, and she’s very good at them.”

  “I would like that. A card shark huh?” His intense, penetrating gaze swung back to Cassie. “Wonders never cease.”

  “Just lucky,” she mumbled.

  “Exceptionally lucky. If she ever hits Vegas, she’ll break the place.”

  “Let’s test that luck.” Devon grabbed hold of the deck of cards, his long fingers shuffled so swiftly through them that Cassie could hardly see the cards flashing by. He was amazingly talented with them. “What do you want to play? Three hand spades? Seven card? Dealer’s choice?”

  “Dealer’s choice,” her grandma piped up. “I’ll get the pennies.”

  Her grandma leapt gracefully to her feet, heading into the kitchen where she kept the jar of pennies they used when they played cards. There had been many nights when Chris would join them, and almost as many, when Luther and Melissa would come over. Those nights had become few and far between over the past year, a fact that Cassie hadn’t realized until now.

  A stab of guilt hit her as she realized just how distant she had grown from her grandma over the past year. She turned toward Devon, thankful for giving her this opportunity to spend time with her grandmother, especially now, with the danger and death that lurked around them. There may not be many of these nights left to share with each other.

  She met his gaze, her doubts slipping away as she found herself charmed by the small smile he gave her. “Are you feeling lucky tonight?” he inquired softly.

  Her toes curled, her face flamed. She hadn’t been feeling lucky at all, not until now, that is. “Maybe,” she responded with a teasing grin.

  His eyes twinkled merrily in the light. “I hope so.”

  Her mouth went dry, her fingers clenched at the innuendo beneath his smooth tone. “Here we are.”

  Her grandma arrived again, happily slapping the jar of pennies down in front of Cassie. “Count them out dear, a dollar each.” Cassie dove at the pennies, grateful for the distraction they offered from the man sitting beside her. “Maybe Chris would like to play with us.”

  Cassie shook her head, pausing at twenty three to look at her grandma. “He’s staying home tonight, he’s tired.”

  A knowing, sad gleam came into her grandmother’s eyes as she leaned back in her chair. “I see.”

  Cassie couldn’t stop herself from glancing back at Devon. He was smiling knowingly at her, a promising gleam in his eyes as he leaned forward. “Get those pennies counted.”

  She swallowed heavily, her heart hammering with the knowledge that he would return to her room tonight. She thought her head would explode from the blood pounding rapidly through it. Anticipation filled her, causing her fingers to shake as she returned to counting the copper mound before her. She had to recount them three times as she kept losing her concentration, but finally she was able to get one dollar together.

  Devon took mercy on her, taking the jar away to count out the remaining two dollars. When he was done, he leaned elegantly back in his chair, dealing the cards swiftly out to them. “Five card stud, penny ante.”

  Cassie took hold of her cards, but her thoughts were not on the suits before her. She didn’t think she would ever be able to concentrate on anything when he was near. He squashed any reasonable thoughts that filled her mind; instead it was filled completely with him, and his presence.

  After a little while Cassie found herself relaxing, laughing and joking with them both. The horrifying events from the night were not forgotten, but they did not burn as brightly inside her. The comforting company of the people beside her helped to ease the wounds and pain that the night had inflicted. She hadn’t realized how badly she needed to have a relaxing, easy night, until now.

  They played for almost two hours, until somehow Cassie managed to win all of the pennies. Tossing in the last hand, Devon leaned forward as Cassie happily scooped up her winnings, which would be returned to the jar. “I guess you are lucky,” he remarked, his eyebrows lifted boyishly.

  Cassie grinned back at him. “I suppose so.”

  “Well kids, it is getting late, don’t forget that you have school tomorrow,” her grandma said gently.

  Cassie shook her head. “Subtle grandma.”

  “I try dear,” she replied brightly. “Devon it was a pleasure to meet you.” She extended her hand to him, grasping tightly hold of his. “You must come by more often. We will get everyone together to play next time. Perhaps we’ll teach them Faro, maybe it will be the one game that Cassie can’t win.”

  “I doubt it.” He flashed the beautiful smile Cassie was sure had melted many female hearts before, and her grandmother appeared to be no exception. “But it will be fun to see if we could beat her.”

  “Yes, yes it would. Goodnight kids.”

  Her grandma kissed her lightly on the cheek before slipping from the room. “I suppose I should be leaving,” he said softly.

  Cassie nodded, licking her lips nervously. “Yes.”

  She followed him to the back door, standing anxiously by as he opened it slowly. She stood silently, impatiently, her body screaming for his touch. Bending low, he wrapped his hand gently around her neck, caressing her briefly as he bent to her ear. “It will be easier if you just leave your window open for me tonight.”

  Cassie froze, trapped like a dear in the headlights as his words seared into her. There was no describing the feeling of longing that slammed through her. She had never felt this hopeful, wanting, confused, helpless, and needy before. In that moment she knew, that for him, she would do anything. No matter how many doubts she had about him, she knew her feelings for him would always win out.

  She did not know how to feel about the complete loss of control she had over herself around him, but in that moment she couldn’t bring herself to care. She could only manage a small nod as his fingers stroked lightly over her cheek. “See you soon,” he said softly, brushing a light kiss on the bridge of her nose.

  He pulled reluctantly away, turning swiftly and heading out the door. She watched him until she was sure that he made it safely to his car, wishing she could go with him to make sure he arrived safely at home, or wherever he was going until he came back. Her heart pounded with worry, but it also took all she had not to flee to her room to eagerly await his return.

  Her grandmother was leaning against the doorway of the dining room, smiling softly when Cassie came back through. “He seems like a very charming, very nice man.”

  Cassie stopped, trying to keep her face as impassive as possible while her heart pounded like a j
ack hammer. “Yes, he is.”

  Her grandmother’s grin widened, a knowing gleam shone in her bright eyes. “You seem to like him very much.”

  “I do,” Cassie admitted.

  She stepped away from the doorway, moving with brisk agility as she came forward to clasp hold of Cassie’s hands. “I’m glad for you dear, but you must be careful.”

  Cassie sighed heavily, squeezing her hands tightly. “I know grandma, I am being careful, I promise.”

  She smiled brightly. “I’m not talking about out there dear.” She nodded toward the windows. Slipping her hands free she pointed to Cassie’s chest. “I’m talking about in here.”

  Cassie swallowed heavily, knowing that it was already too late to be careful with her heart. It was no longer hers to be careful with. “I will,” she said hesitatingly.

  Dropping a kiss on her grandmother’s soft cheek, she forced herself not to run as she quickly left the room. Her heart pounded eagerly with every step. Reaching her doorway, she froze, her legs locking in place. He was already standing by her window, his arms folded over his chest as he leaned casually against the sill. His eyes were dark in the night; his hair tussled across his forehead. He looked utterly tempting and wonderful.

  She did not know how he had gotten there so fast, nor did she care. She was just glad he was there. He unfolded himself, his muscles rippled mouthwateringly. Power and desire radiated from him as he took a small step forward. A small twinge of fear shot through her, but it was also filled with excitement. Her doubts wanted to surge forth once more, but she shoved them aside. Her need for him far outweighed any misgivings she had.

  Closing the door, she made her way swiftly forward. His arms enveloped her, pulling her tight against him. She clung to his hard body, needing the strength that he gave her, needing the comfort he provided. All of her hurts and aches and fears were forgotten as his hands entwined in her hair, cradling her head gently against his shoulder.

  “Cassandra.” He sounded like a starving man who had just been given a meal. She shivered, her fingers dug into his hard back as she tried to pull herself closer to him. He shifted her slightly holding her more firmly against his right shoulder, but she could not get close enough. She would never get close enough.


  Devon was standing by the window, staring at the night when she woke early the next morning. The sky was still dark, but the stars had blinked out and the moon had disappeared. Though she didn’t make a sound upon waking, he turned toward her. A small smile played over his full mouth, but his eyes remained hard and distant.

  Frowning, Cassie tossed back her blankets and climbed swiftly to her feet. She was surprised to realize that she had fallen asleep with her clothes on. She padded silently over to him; the hardwood was cool against her bare feet. His arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her tight against his side.

  “Anything out there?” she asked quietly, trying to sound light but knowing that she failed. There really might be something out there, lurking within the shadows, watching them.

  “Just a few early birds.” His fingers tightened upon her waist, he briefly nuzzled her hair. He inhaled deeply before kissing her temple lightly and straightening from her.

  Cassie studied the early morning; the sky was lightening to gray, a few birds were already chirping. She could see nothing wrong with the morning, or sense anything evil out there. Still, she moved closer to him, her fingers entangling in the soft cotton of his shirt. His hard muscles rippled beneath her touch.

  They stood silently together, watching as the sun rose over the horizon and the sky flamed with a brilliant array of colors. It was one of the most beautiful, wonderful, serene moments of her life. The light played over his magnificent face, highlighting the hard planes of it, and illuminating his stunning eyes.

  He kissed her gently, his lips brushing briefly over hers. A firestorm of emotion and feeling boiled through her, crashing over her like waves on the sand. She felt the loss of his kiss as acutely as she would have felt the loss of a limb. “I’ll see you at school,” he said softly.

  Cassie managed a brief nod, her body already ached from the separation that was about to ensue. He kissed her briefly again, reluctantly releasing her. Swiftly, with startling grace, he moved through her window. Grasping hold of the tree limb he swung himself rapidly down. Cassie watched in awe as he leapt from the tree, still ten feet from the ground, and landed effortlessly upon the ground.

  Cassie lifted an eyebrow, his agility left her breathless with wonder. Turning away from the window she hurried to the bathroom, eager to go to school.


  Devon slid his car into park, his eyes slowly drifted over the students gathered by what had become his parking spot. They were mostly female, but there were a few boys that had followed the girls. Devon ignored them. He had no interest in any of them.

  Throwing the door open he climbed swiftly from the car, not noticing the longing stares that followed his every move. He found her instantly among the crowd; her aura was like a homing beacon that he could not ignore. His fingers twitched slightly, his need to hold her again was almost consuming.

  She looked up at him, smiling brightly. She radiated a life force that lit her from the inside out, causing her fair skin to glow, and her exquisite eyes to gleam in the bright morning sun. The tightness constricting his chest since he had left her, relaxed. In all of his many years, he had never come across someone as unique and magnificent as she was; her outer beauty was only dimmed by her inner beauty.

  He had never felt this way about someone before, never knew it was possible to need someone so much that he could hardly think. He recalled Annabelle, and her unwavering feelings. He understood her better now, understood what she had needed and desired. Understood now what he could never have given to Annabelle, what she had truly been feeling, what she had needed, and that realization terrified him.

  But he knew that it was too late to do anything about it now. He could try and leave, but he would not get far without Cassie. And if what he suspected was true, Cassie would be greatly hurt, if not destroyed, by his disappearance. He had not wanted Cassie so ensnared in his life, so entrenched in his world of darkness and monsters. But once he’d met her, he’d had no choice in the matter. It had instantly been taken away from him. And unfortunately, if what he suspected and feared might be true, she no longer had a choice either.

  “Devon, I’m so glad that you’re here! I wanted to talk to you about your nomination.” Devon regretfully tore his gaze from Cassie. Marcy was standing before him, her pretty face lit with a bright, eager smile. Though she was as annoying as a gnat, he managed to offer her a small smile in return. “I think that you are going to win, and since there is a good possibility that I will win queen, I think we should coordinate our outfits, or maybe even go together.”

  He frowned at her, not at all surprised by her brazenness, or the fact that she would not accept his refusal of her. He had come across more than a few women like her in his long lifetime. He was surprised by the fact that she still couldn’t realize that Cassie was the only woman he wanted. The only one he even saw anymore.

  “I don’t think so Marcy.” He moved to walk around her, but she sidestepped quickly, putting herself back in his way. Aggravation spurted through him; he just wanted to get to Cassie, to touch her, to ease the crawling, burning sensation that enclosed him whenever they were apart.

  “Well why not?” She planted her hands on her hips, her delicate brow furrowed angrily.

  “Because I will be taking Cassie to the dance.”

  “After what happened yesterday?”

  He frowned at her in confusion. “What happened yesterday?”

  “With Mark Young,” she reminded him impatiently. “That was awful. I can’t believe she led him on so badly. I always liked Cassandra, but I never realized what an awful person she truly is. I can’t believe you would want to be associated with someone like that. I mean…”

ough!” he cut in sharply, his gaze darting swiftly to Cassie. She was still standing by Chris’s car, her eyes fixed upon them. Though she was well out of hearing range, she was frowning intently, her eyes were narrowed fiercely. He turned his attention back to Marcy, trying to control the anger surging through him. “Yesterday was not her fault, and I don’t want to hear one bad word you have to say about her. Ever!”

  Marcy’s eyes widened, her mouth parted slightly. He moved swiftly around her, disgusted by her pettiness and cruelty. Cassie watched him warily as he approached, her bright smile was gone. “What was that about?” Melissa asked softly, nodding toward where Marcy still stood with her mouth agape.


  The last thing he wanted was for Cassie to know anything that Marcy had said to him. Though Melissa did not look appeased, she did not press him farther. Cassie gazed up at him, a wounded look in her eyes. He glanced back at where Marcy stood, about fifty feet away. A group of girls was now gathered around her, seemingly trying to console her. Though he could hear what they were saying, and did not like it, there was no way that Cassie could hear them above the noise of the other students, and the radios. No human could.

  Hurt radiated from her as she continued to stare at Marcy, but there was also a spark of anger in her gaze. Though she could not hear them, she must have assumed that they were talking about her. That had to be it, he decided. Otherwise, if she could hear them, then that would make her something… Well, it would make her something other than human.

  Devon studied her carefully, trying to decipher the mystery that she suddenly seemed to offer. She was most certainly not a vampire, he would have known that instantly, and she would not be here. Not in broad daylight, and not with a bunch of high school students. He was the exception to the rule, on both counts, for the most part. He also would have smelled it on her, would have sensed it in her blood.

  No, she was definitely not one of his kind. But then, what was she? She couldn’t be a Hunter, he’d heard that they had all been killed off, and he suspected that he would have sensed that in her too. But if she had heard his conversation…