Naomi Stanton received her B.A. from Bradley University in 1995. She is the proud mommy to three children and married to Capt. Paul T. Stanton, the love of her life. She can be reached at [email protected]

  Joyce Stark lives in northeast Scotland and splits her time between her writing and working for the community mental-health team. She is currently writing a children’s series to promote early learning of a second language and a cookbook entitled You Put WHAT in It?

  Chanda Stelter is a devoted wife and loving mother living in North Dakota, where she enjoys the diversity of seasonal changes. Throughout her husband’s deployment she realized that each day is a gift with a purpose. She is a woman who commits every day to glorifying God. She can be reached at [email protected]

  Mashawn Sticca received her bachelor of arts degree from Fort Lewis College in 1995. She is currently a stay-at-home mom enjoying volunteering with many different groups in Fort Riley. Mashawn enjoys quilting, walking, reading and working with children. She can be reached at [email protected]

  Sharon C. Stephens Trippe is a retired businesswoman. She was born in Oklahoma, and, being married to a career military man, has lived and traveled most of the world. Sharon’s current project is a book for children of divorce, and the love of a horse. She can be reached at [email protected]

  Leah Tucker has been married to her soldier since 1993. Together, they have an autistic son who is a joy. With her husband’s work, Leah feels it is important to maintain some sort of stability for their son Thomas. They had another child in November 2004, a girl named Rylee. Leah enjoys her job as a technology manager. In her free time, she is a graphic artist and a volunteer for Family Readiness Groups.

  Rachel Twenter graduated from the University of Missouri in 1999, where she received a bachelor of arts in communication. She is a wife and mother of two boys. In her free time, she paints children’s artwork for her business cREaTe (

  Vicki A. Vadala-Cummings grew up on Cape Cod in Massachusetts, and is currently living on Cape Ann, where she teaches elementary school. For thirty-two years she traveled extensively, living and teaching on three continents and in five states in the United States. She has been published in The International Library of Poetry.

  Linda Valle is the wife of Air Force Lt. Col. JC Valle and mother of two teenagers, Tara and John. They currently live in Stuttgart, Germany. Linda enjoys antiquing and traveling. Her story is dedicated to the 34th Bomb Squadron families, “The T-Birds.”

  Lora Vivas, M.Ed, is a literacy specialist and life coach in Colorado, who also teaches yoga, meditation and life skills to children and adults. She considers being the mother of two her most important role. Her children’s book will be published in 2005. She can be reached at [email protected]

  Bethany Watkins received her B.A. in 1993 from Salve Regina University in Newport, Rhode Island, and her M.S. in educational technology from TSU in 2000. She is the mother of three children and has been a military wife since 1993. Bethany’s hobbies include cake decorating, writing, computers, traveling, cooking and reading.

  DeEtta Woffinden Anderson is the wife of a military man whose assignments introduced her to many and daily changes of culture, ideas and challenges. At the golden age of eighty-something, this is DeEtta’s second published work, her first being in Chicken Soup for the Fisherman’s Soul. She may be reached at [email protected]


  We would like to acknowledge the following publishers and individuals for permission to reprint the following material. (Note: The stories that are in the public domain, or that were written by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Cindy Pedersen or Charles Preston are not included in this listing.)

  The Commissary Roadblock. Reprinted by permission of Catherine Paige Anderson Swiney. © 2003 Catherine Paige Anderson Swiney.

  God Bless America . . . and Remember Italy, Too! Reprinted by permission of Stacy Smith Kirchheiner. © 2003 Stacy Smith Kirchheiner.

  A Quiet Road and Somebody Knew Gene. Reprinted by permission of Sara Rosett.

  © 2003 Sara Rosett.

  The Call Home. Reprinted by permission of Carrie Elizabeth Boggs. © 2003 Carrie Elizabeth Boggs.

  Permissions Pregnancy. Reprinted by permission of S. Michele Putman. © 1999 S. Michele Putman.

  My Nurse Angel and Miracle Wallet. Reprinted by permission of Lisa Willis Cobb.

  © 2004 Lisa Willis Cobb.

  The Calm During the Storm. Reprinted by permission of Kathy Renee Oberhaus.

  © 2003 Kathy Renee Oberhaus.

  A Soldier, Someone’s Child. Reprinted by permission of Elizabeth Martin. © 2004 Elizabeth Martin.

  All in a Day’s Work. Reprinted by permission of Elizabeth M. Rae. © 2003 Elizabeth M. Rae.

  A Navy Wife’s Prayer. Reprinted by permission of Sue Groseclose-Combs. © 1999 Sue Groseclose-Combs.

  Picture the Waiting. Reprinted by permission of Candace Carteen. © 2004 Candace Carteen.

  Letters of Hope. Reprined by permission of Shelley Lynn McEwan. © 2000 Shelley Lynn McEwan.

  A Chain of Love. Reprinted by permission of Tammy C. Logan. © 2003 Tammy C. Logan.

  Deployed. Reprinted by permission of Naomi Harris Stanton. © 2003 Naomi Harris Stanton.

  Silent Survivors of the Vietnam War. Reprinted by permission of Sally B. Griffis. © 1997 Sally B. Griffis.

  The Phone Call. Reprinted by permission of Jodie Cain Smith. © 2003 Jodie Cain Smith.

  Hello, Beautiful. Reprinted by permission of Jane Darlene Garvey. © 2004 Jane Darlene Garvey.

  Free Mail. Reprinted by permission of Jill Renee Cottrell. © 2003 Jill Renee Cottrell.

  Mercy. Reprinted by permission of Michelle M. Mecum. © 1999 Michelle M. Mecum.

  Navy Pilot’s Wife and Baby’s First Words. Reprinted by permission of Sarah Clark Monagle. © 2003 Sarah Clark Monagle.

  The Unseen Veteran. Reprinted by permission of Amanda Legg. © 2004 Amanda Legg.

  The Cost of War in Cheerios. Reprinted by permission of Mary Christine Chace. © 2001 Mary Christine Chace.

  Can’t Let Go. Reprinted by permission of Julie Ann Angelo. © 2004 Julie Ann Angelo.

  Strains of Freedom and All in a Day’s Duty. Reprinted by permission of Tracey L. Sherman. © 2002, 2003 Tracey L. Sherman.

  In the Arms of a Soldier. Reprinted by permission of Mary D. Jackson. © 1990 Mary D. Jackson.

  Hi, Daddy. Reprinted by permission of Jessica Marie Blankenbecler and Linnie Blankenbecler. © 2003 Linnie Blankenbecler.

  Doubting Thomas. Reprinted by permission of Leah Kuuipo Tucker. © 2003 Leah Kuuipo Tucker.

  My House Is a War Zone. Reprinted by permission of the Navy Times. © 2003 The Navy Times and Melissa Baumann.

  War Is Not a Game. Reprinted by permission of Michael Jan Jett. © 2004 Michael Jan Jett.

  Daddy’s Angels. Reprinted by permission of Tammy Lee Ross. © 2003 Tammy Lee Ross.

  You Are on Speaker Phone. Reprinted by permission of Angela M. Keane. © 2003 Angela M. Keane.

  Red, White and Blue Christmas. Reprinted by permission of Roxanne M. Chase. © 2002 Roxanne M. Chase.

  Our Matchbox Christmas. Reprinted by permission of Alice Faye Smith. © 1981 Alice Faye Smith.

  Spouse of a Soldier and Patriotic Women Bake Cookies. Reprinted by permission of Denise Jackson Hunnell. © 2002 Denise Jackson Hunnell.

  Angels Shop at Wal-Mart. Reprinted by permission of Jilleen Norma Kesler. © 2003 Jilleen Norma Kesler.

  A Military Family .Reprinted by permission of Terry L.Hurley. ©2003 Terry L.Hurley.

  A Simple Act of Kindness. Reprinted by permission of Jennifer Deborah Minor. © 2003 Jennifer Deborah Minor.

  An Extra Chair. Reprinted by permission of Susanna Hickman Bartee. © 2002 Susanna Hickman Bartee.

  Christmas—Military-Family Style. Reprinted by permission of Marjorie H. Lewis. © 2004 Marjorie H. Lewis.

  The 25 Days of Christmas. Reprinted by permission of Chanda Lonae
Stelter. © 2004 Chanda Lonae Stelter.

  Keep the House. Reprinted by permission of Jennifer Anne Oscar. © 2003 Jennifer Anne Oscar.

  Honorable Gift. Reprinted by permission of Marilyn Anne Pate. © 2004 Marilyn Anne Pate.

  Part of the Navy Means Saying Good-Bye. Reprinted by permission of Sarah Smiley. © 2003 Sarah Smiley.

  Discomboobled Military Mate and It Took a War. Reprinted by permission of Janine Hornung. © 2000, 2003 Janine Hornung.

  The Difference a Year Makes. Reprinted by permission of Megan Armstrong. © 2004 Megan Armstrong.

  Saying Good-Bye. Reprinted by permission of Kelly Kirwan. © 2003 Kelly Kirwan.

  The Line Ends Back There. Reprinted by permission of William H. Blankfield Jr. © 2004 William H. Blankfield Jr.

  Our National Anthem. Reprinted by permission of Gail Gross. © 2003 Gail Gross.

  My Home. Reprinted by permission of Benjamin C. Pigsley. © 1994 Benjamin C. Pigsley.

  The Angel Book. Reprinted by permission of M. Dianne Collier. © 2003 M. Dianne Collier.

  The Difference. Reprinted by permission of Steven A. Arrington. © 1997 Steven A. Arrington.

  Wow. Reprinted by permission of Amy Christal Hollingsworth. © 2003 Amy Christal Hollingsworth.

  The Delivery of Finding Strength. Reprinted by permission of Kimberly L. Shaffer. © 2001 Kimberly L. Shaffer.

  Operation Enduring Freedom. Reprinted by permission of Heidi Beth Boortz. © 2003 Heidi Beth Boortz.

  Hair Humor. Reprinted by permission of Laura C. Fitch. © 2003 Laura C. Fitch.

  Footsteps at the Door. Reprinted by permission of Gwen C. Rollings. © 1995 Gwen C. Rollings.

  Only Joking. Reprinted by permission of Veronica A. Vadala-Cummings. © 2004 Veronica A. Vadala-Cummings.

  Thank You. Reprinted by permission of Kristin Marie Spurlock. © 2004 Kristin Marie Spurlock.

  The Cookie Lady. Reprinted by permission of Linda Kay Valle. © 2003 Linda Kay Valle.

  The Honeymoon Is Over. Reprinted by permission of Gary B. Luerding. © 2004 Gary B. Luerding.

  It’ll Be Okay. Reprinted by permission of Thomas D. Phillips. © 2004 Thomas D. Phillips.

  Sacrifices. Reprinted by permission of Amy J. Fetzer. © 1991 Amy J. Fetzer.

  Bluegrass Parkway. Reprinted by permission of Kimberly Ann Riley. © 2004 Kimberly Ann Riley.

  Terrorist Brownies. Reprinted by permission of Amie R. Clark. © 2001 Amie R. Clark.

  Destination: Military Wife. Reprinted by permission of Bethany A. Watkins. © 2002 Bethany A. Watkins.

  Newfound Heroes. Reprinted by permission of Carol Ann Howard. © 2004 Carol Ann Howard.

  The Angel at the Olive Garden. Reprinted by permission of Diane L. Flowers. © 2003 Diane L. Flowers.

  You Didn’t Tell Me. Reprinted by permission of Donna Porter. © 2003 Donna Porter.

  Hooah. Reprinted by permission of Theresa Marie Doss. © 2004 Theresa Marie Doss.

  His Name Was John. Reprinted by permission of Mary Catherine Carwile. © 2004 Mary Catherine Carwile.

  Anticipation. Reprinted by permission of Judith Hodge Andrews Dennis. © 2004 Judith Hodge Andrews Dennis.

  Accepting the Folded Flag. Reprinted by permission of Saundra Lee Butts. © 2004 Saundra Lee Butts.

  A Widow’s Salvation. Reprinted by permission of Lora Vivas. © 2003 Lora Vivas.

  A Little Thing. Reprinted by permission of Jodi Chappel and CBC New Media Partnering Services. © 2003 Jodi Chappel and CBC New Media Partnering Services.

  The Christmas Tree. Reprinted by permission of Joanne Danna. © 2002 Joanne Danna.

  A Bittersweet Photograph. Reprinted by permission of Amy Naegeli. © 2003 Amy Naegeli.

  A Family Like No Other. Reprinted by permission of Ann Hail Norris. © 2003 Ann Hail Norris.

  War—A Widow’s Weeds, a Widow’s Words. Reprinted by permission of Patricia Barbee. © 2003 Patricia Barbee.

  I’ll Be There with You. Reprinted by permission of Tracy Lynn Atkins. © 1990 Tracy Lynn Atkins.

  Happiness Was Born a Twin. Reprinted by permission of Mary Emily Dess. © 2004 Mary Emily Dess.

  Combat Boots to Keds. Reprinted by permission of Debra P. Koharik. © 2003 Debra P. Koharik.

  Welcome Home! Reprinted by permission of Dahlynn McKowen and DeEtta Anderson. © 2005 Dahlynn McKowen and DeEtta Anderson.

  A Colorful Experience. Reprinted by permission of Nancy Lucille Hall. © 2003 Nancy Lucille Hall.

  Something to Be Proud Of. Reprinted by permission of Joyce Stark. © 2003 Joyce Stark.

  The Wedding. Reprinted by permission of Kristine N. Kott. © 2004 Kristine N. Kott.

  Angel in the Air. Reprinted by permission of Ramiah Mishal Johnson. © 2003 Ramiah Mishal Johnson.

  Change of Perspective. Reprinted by permission of Sonja R. Ragaller. © 2003 Sonja R. Ragaller.

  Identity: A Time of Transition. Reprinted by permission of Lucie H. DeWitt. © 2004 Lucie H. DeWitt.

  If I Return. Reprinted by permission of Sharon C. Stephens Trippe. © 2003 Sharon C. Stephens Trippe.

  Lollipops. Reprinted by permission of Diane L. Proulx. © 2004 Diane L. Proulx.

  Military Family. Reprinted by permission of Mashawn Laynette Sticca. © 2004 Mashawn Laynette Sticca.

  Mail Call—God’s Provision for Intimacy. Reprinted by permission of Martha Pope Gorris. © 2003 Martha Pope Gorris.

  Grandma’s Wisdom. Reprinted by permission of Rachel Ellice Twenter. © 2003 Rachel Ellice Twenter.

  A Trip to Washington, D.C. Reprinted by permission of Abigail L. Hammond. © 2000 Abigail L. Hammond.

  Standing Tall. Reprinted by permission of Margaret H. Buchwald. © 1998 Margaret H. Buchwald.

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  copyright ©2012 Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC

  ISBN: 978-1-4532-7642-6 (ePub)

  Cover design by Andrea C. Uva

  Interior design by Lawna Patterson Oldfield

  This 2012 edition distributed by Open Road Integrated Media

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  Table of Contents



  The Commissary Roadblock

  God Bless America . . . and Remember Italy, Too!

  A Quiet Road

  The Call Home


  My Nurse Angel

  The Calm During the Storm

  Miracle Wallet

  A Soldier, Someone’s Child

  All in a Day’s Work


  A Navy Wife’
s Prayer

  Picture the Waiting

  Letters of Hope

  A Chain of Love


  Silent Survivors of the Vietnam War

  The Phone Call

  Hello, Beautiful

  Free Mail


  Navy Pilot’s Wife

  The Unseen Veteran


  The Cost of War in Cheerios

  Can’t Let Go

  Strains of Freedom

  In the Arms of a Soldier

  Hi Daddy

  Doubting Thomas

  My House Is a War Zone

  Baby’s First Words

  All in a Day’s Duty

  War Is Not a Game

  Daddy’s Angels

  You Are on Speaker Phone


  Red, White and Blue Christmas

  Our Matchbox Christmas

  Spouse of a Soldier

  Angels Shop at Wal-Mart

  A Military Family

  A Simple Act of Kindness

  An Extra Chair

  Christmas—Military-Family Style

  The 25 Days of Christmas


  Keep the House

  Honorable Gift

  Part of the Navy Means Saying Good-Bye

  Discomboobled Military Mate

  The Difference a Year Makes

  Saying Good-Bye

  The Line Ends Back There

  Our National Anthem

  My Home

  The Angel Book


  The Difference


  The Delivery of Finding Strength

  Operation Enduring Freedom

  Hair Humor

  Footsteps at the Door

  Only Joking

  Thank You

  The Cookie Lady

  The Honeymoon Is Over

  It’ll Be Okay



  Dreams and Doubts

  Bluegrass Parkway