Page 12 of Daddy-Long-Legs

On the Eve

Dear Daddy-Long-Legs,

You should see the way this college is studying! We've forgotten weever had a vacation. Fifty-seven irregular verbs have I introduced tomy brain in the past four days--I'm only hoping they'll stay till afterexaminations.

Some of the girls sell their text-books when they're through with them,but I intend to keep mine. Then after I've graduated I shall have mywhole education in a row in the bookcase, and when I need to use anydetail, I can turn to it without the slightest hesitation. So mucheasier and more accurate than trying to keep it in your head.

Julia Pendleton dropped in this evening to pay a social call, andstayed a solid hour. She got started on the subject of family, and ICOULDN'T switch her off. She wanted to know what my mother's maidenname was--did you ever hear such an impertinent question to ask of aperson from a foundling asylum? I didn't have the courage to say Ididn't know, so I just miserably plumped on the first name I couldthink of, and that was Montgomery. Then she wanted to know whether Ibelonged to the Massachusetts Montgomerys or the Virginia Montgomerys.

Her mother was a Rutherford. The family came over in the ark, and wereconnected by marriage with Henry the VIII. On her father's side theydate back further than Adam. On the topmost branches of her familytree there's a superior breed of monkeys with very fine silky hair andextra long tails.

I meant to write you a nice, cheerful, entertaining letter tonight, butI'm too sleepy--and scared. The Freshman's lot is not a happy one.

Yours, about to be examined, Judy Abbott