Page 35 of Daddy-Long-Legs

24th March, maybe the 25th

Dear Daddy-Long-Legs,

I don't believe I can be going to Heaven--I am getting such a lot ofgood things here; it wouldn't be fair to get them hereafter too.Listen to what has happened.

Jerusha Abbott has won the short-story contest (a twenty-five dollarprize) that the Monthly holds every year. And she's a Sophomore! Thecontestants are mostly Seniors. When I saw my name posted, I couldn'tquite believe it was true. Maybe I am going to be an author after all.I wish Mrs. Lippett hadn't given me such a silly name--it sounds likean author-ess, doesn't it?

Also I have been chosen for the spring dramatics--As You Like It out ofdoors. I am going to be Celia, own cousin to Rosalind.

And lastly: Julia and Sallie and I are going to New York next Fridayto do some spring shopping and stay all night and go to the theatre thenext day with 'Master Jervie.' He invited us. Julia is going to stayat home with her family, but Sallie and I are going to stop at theMartha Washington Hotel. Did you ever hear of anything so exciting?I've never been in a hotel in my life, nor in a theatre; except oncewhen the Catholic Church had a festival and invited the orphans, butthat wasn't a real play and it doesn't count.

And what do you think we're going to see? Hamlet. Think of that! Westudied it for four weeks in Shakespeare class and I know it by heart.

I am so excited over all these prospects that I can scarcely sleep.

Goodbye, Daddy.

This is a very entertaining world.

Yours ever, Judy

PS. I've just looked at the calendar. It's the 28th.

Another postscript.

I saw a street car conductor today with one brown eye and one blue.Wouldn't he make a nice villain for a detective story?