Page 41 of Daddy-Long-Legs

2nd June

Dear Daddy-Long-Legs,

You will never guess the nice thing that has happened.

The McBrides have asked me to spend the summer at their camp in theAdirondacks! They belong to a sort of club on a lovely little lake inthe middle of the woods. The different members have houses made oflogs dotted about among the trees, and they go canoeing on the lake,and take long walks through trails to other camps, and have dances oncea week in the club house--Jimmie McBride is going to have a collegefriend visiting him part of the summer, so you see we shall have plentyof men to dance with.

Wasn't it sweet of Mrs. McBride to ask me? It appears that she likedme when I was there for Christmas.

Please excuse this being short. It isn't a real letter; it's just tolet you know that I'm disposed of for the summer.

Yours, In a VERY contented frame of mind, Judy