Page 46 of Daddy-Long-Legs


Good morning! Here is some news! What do you think? You'd never,never, never guess who's coming to Lock Willow. A letter to Mrs.Semple from Mr. Pendleton. He's motoring through the Berkshires, andis tired and wants to rest on a nice quiet farm--if he climbs out ather doorstep some night will she have a room ready for him? Maybehe'll stay one week, or maybe two, or maybe three; he'll see howrestful it is when he gets here.

Such a flutter as we are in! The whole house is being cleaned and allthe curtains washed. I am driving to the Corners this morning to getsome new oilcloth for the entry, and two cans of brown floor paint forthe hall and back stairs. Mrs. Dowd is engaged to come tomorrow towash the windows (in the exigency of the moment, we waive oursuspicions in regard to the piglet). You might think, from this accountof our activities, that the house was not already immaculate; but Iassure you it was! Whatever Mrs. Semple's limitations, she is aHOUSEKEEPER.

But isn't it just like a man, Daddy? He doesn't give the remotest hintas to whether he will land on the doorstep today, or two weeks fromtoday. We shall live in a perpetual breathlessness until he comes--andif he doesn't hurry, the cleaning may all have to be done over again.

There's Amasai waiting below with the buckboard and Grover. I drivealone--but if you could see old Grove, you wouldn't be worried as to mysafety.

With my hand on my heart--farewell.


PS. Isn't that a nice ending? I got it out of Stevenson's letters.