Page 54 of Daddy-Long-Legs

9th November

Dear Daddy-Long-Legs,

I started down town today to buy a bottle of shoe blacking and somecollars and the material for a new blouse and a jar of violet cream anda cake of Castile soap--all very necessary; I couldn't be happy anotherday without them--and when I tried to pay the car fare, I found that Ihad left my purse in the pocket of my other coat. So I had to get outand take the next car, and was late for gymnasium.

It's a dreadful thing to have no memory and two coats!

Julia Pendleton has invited me to visit her for the Christmas holidays.How does that strike you, Mr. Smith? Fancy Jerusha Abbott, of the JohnGrier Home, sitting at the tables of the rich. I don't know why Juliawants me--she seems to be getting quite attached to me of late. Ishould, to tell the truth, very much prefer going to Sallie's, butJulia asked me first, so if I go anywhere it must be to New Yorkinstead of to Worcester. I'm rather awed at the prospect of meetingPendletons EN MASSE, and also I'd have to get a lot of new clothes--so,Daddy dear, if you write that you would prefer having me remain quietlyat college, I will bow to your wishes with my usual sweet docility.

I'm engaged at odd moments with the Life and Letters of ThomasHuxley--it makes nice, light reading to pick up between times. Do youknow what an archaeopteryx is? It's a bird. And a stereognathus? I'mnot sure myself, but I think it's a missing link, like a bird withteeth or a lizard with wings. No, it isn't either; I've just looked inthe book. It's a mesozoic mammal.

I've elected economics this year--very illuminating subject. When Ifinish that I'm going to take Charity and Reform; then, Mr. Trustee,I'll know just how an orphan asylum ought to be run. Don't you thinkI'd make an admirable voter if I had my rights? I was twenty-one lastweek. This is an awfully wasteful country to throw away such anhonest, educated, conscientious, intelligent citizen as I would be.

Yours always, Judy