Page 60 of Daddy-Long-Legs

24th April

Dear Daddy,

Spring has come again! You should see how lovely the campus is. Ithink you might come and look at it for yourself. Master Jerviedropped in again last Friday--but he chose a most unpropitious time,for Sallie and Julia and I were just running to catch a train. Andwhere do you think we were going? To Princeton, to attend a dance anda ball game, if you please! I didn't ask you if I might go, because Ihad a feeling that your secretary would say no. But it was entirelyregular; we had leave-of-absence from college, and Mrs. McBridechaperoned us. We had a charming time--but I shall have to omitdetails; they are too many and complicated.


Up before dawn! The night watchman called us--six of us--and we madecoffee in a chafing dish (you never saw so many grounds!) and walkedtwo miles to the top of One Tree Hill to see the sun rise. We had toscramble up the last slope! The sun almost beat us! And perhaps youthink we didn't bring back appetites to breakfast!

Dear me, Daddy, I seem to have a very ejaculatory style today; thispage is peppered with exclamations.

I meant to have written a lot about the budding trees and the newcinder path in the athletic field, and the awful lesson we have inbiology for tomorrow, and the new canoes on the lake, and CatherinePrentiss who has pneumonia, and Prexy's Angora kitten that strayed fromhome and has been boarding in Fergussen Hall for two weeks until achambermaid reported it, and about my three new dresses--white and pinkand blue polka dots with a hat to match--but I am too sleepy. I amalways making this an excuse, am I not? But a girls' college is a busyplace and we do get tired by the end of the day! Particularly when theday begins at dawn.

Affectionately, Judy