Page 63 of Daddy-Long-Legs

10th June

Dear Daddy,

This is the hardest letter I ever wrote, but I have decided what I mustdo, and there isn't going to be any turning back. It is very sweet andgenerous and dear of you to wish to send me to Europe this summer--forthe moment I was intoxicated by the idea; but sober second thoughtssaid no. It would be rather illogical of me to refuse to take yourmoney for college, and then use it instead just for amusement! Youmustn't get me used to too many luxuries. One doesn't miss what onehas never had; but it's awfully hard going without things after one hascommenced thinking they are his--hers (English language needs anotherpronoun) by natural right. Living with Sallie and Julia is an awfulstrain on my stoical philosophy. They have both had things from thetime they were babies; they accept happiness as a matter of course.The World, they think, owes them everything they want. Maybe the Worlddoes--in any case, it seems to acknowledge the debt and pay up. But asfor me, it owes me nothing, and distinctly told me so in the beginning.I have no right to borrow on credit, for there will come a time whenthe World will repudiate my claim.

I seem to be floundering in a sea of metaphor--but I hope you grasp mymeaning? Anyway, I have a very strong feeling that the only honestthing for me to do is to teach this summer and begin to support myself.