"Well, father, I've got some news for you," said John Haynes, as heentered his father's presence, two or three days later.

  "What is it, John?" inquired the squire, laying down a copy of the NewYork Herald, which he had been reading.

  "Who do you think has enlisted?"

  "I do not choose to guess," said his father coldly. "If you feeldisposed to tell me, you may do so."

  John looked somewhat offended at his father's tone, but he was anxiousto tell the news. "Frost's going to enlist," he said shortly.

  "Indeed!" said the squire, with interest. "How did you hear?"

  "I heard him say so himself, just now, in the store."

  "I expected it," said Squire Haynes, with a sneer. "I understood hismotives perfectly in urging the town to pay an enormous bounty tovolunteers. He meant to line his own pockets at the public expense."

  "He says that he doesn't mean to accept the bounty," continued John, ina tone which indicated a doubt whether Mr. Frost was in earnest.

  "Did you hear him say that?" asked Squire Haynes abruptly.

  "Yes, I heard him say so to Mr. Morse."

  "Perhaps he means it, and perhaps he doesn't. If he don't take it, it isbecause he is afraid of public opinion. What's he going to do about thefarm, while he is gone?"

  "That is the strangest part of it," said John. "I don't believe youcould guess who is to be left in charge of it."

  "I don't choose to guess. If you know, speak out."

  John bit his lip resentfully.

  "It's that conceited jackanapes of his--Frank Frost."

  "Do you mean that he is going to leave that boy to carry on the farm?"demanded Squire Haynes, in surprise.


  "Well, all I can say is that he's more of a fool than I took him to be."

  "Oh, he thinks everything of Frank," said John bitterly. "He'll benominating him for representative next."

  The squire winced a little. He had been ambitious to represent the townin the legislature, and after considerable wire-pulling had succeededin obtaining the nomination the year previous. But it is one thing tobe nominated and another to be elected. So the squire had found, to hiscost. He had barely obtained fifty votes, while his opponent had beenelected by a vote of a hundred and fifty. All allusions, therefore,recalling his mortifying defeat were disagreeable to him.

  "On the whole, I don't know but I'm satisfied," he said, recurring tothe intelligence John had brought. "So far as I am concerned, I am gladhe has made choice of this boy."

  "You don't think he is competent?" asked John, in surprise.

  "For that very reason I am glad he has been selected," said the squireemphatically. "I take it for granted that the farm will be mismanaged,and become a bill of expense, instead of a source of revenue. It'spretty certain that Frost won't be able to pay the mortgage when itcomes due. I can bid off the farm for a small sum additional and make acapital bargain. It will make a very good place for you to settle downupon, John."

  "Me!" said John disdainfully. "You don't expect me to become a ploddingfarmer, I trust. I've got talent for something better than that, Ishould hope."

  "No," said the squire, "I have other news for you. Still, you could hirea farmer to carry it on for you, and live out there in the summer."

  "Well, perhaps that would do," said John, thinking that it would soundwell for him, even if he lived in the city, to have a place in thecountry. "When does the mortgage come due, father?"

  "I don't remember the exact date. I'll look and see."

  The squire drew from a closet a box hooped with iron, and evidently madefor security. This was his strong-box, and in this he kept his bonds,mortgages, and other securities.

  He selected a document tied with red ribbon, and examined it briefly.

  "I shall have the right to foreclose the mortgage on the first of nextJuly," he said.

  "I hope you will do it then. I should like to see them Frosts humbled."

  "THEM Frosts! Don't you know anything more about English grammar, John?"

  "Those Frosts, then. Of course, I know; but a feller can't always bewatching his words."

  "I desire you never again to use the low word 'feller,'" said thesquire, who, as the reader will see, was more particular aboutgrammatical accuracy than about some other things which might benaturally supposed to be of higher importance.

  "Well," said John sulkily, "anything you choose."

  "As to the mortgage," proceeded Squire Haynes, "I have no idea they willbe able to lift it. I feel certain that Frost won't himself have themoney at command, and I sha'n't give him any grace, or consent to arenewal. He may be pretty sure of that."

  "Perhaps he'll find somebody to lend him the money."

  "I think not. There are those who would be willing, but I questionwhether there is any such who could raise the money at a moment'swarning. By the way, you need not mention my purpose in this matter toany one. If it should leak out, Mr. Frost might hear of it, and preparefor it."

  "You may trust me for that, father," said John, very decidedly; "Iwant to see Frank Frost's proud spirit humbled. Perhaps he'll feel likeputting on airs after that."

  From the conversation which has just been chronicled it will beperceived that John was a worthy son of his father; and, though wantingin affection and cordial good feeling, that both were prepared to joinhands in devising mischief to poor Frank and his family. Let us hopethat the intentions of the wicked may be frustrated.