Page 6 of MinetoChase

  “I wouldn’t kill him. I’d just guide him until he understood how important it was to protect you and what we are. I don’t want you to be alone.”

  “You mean you’d scare him into submission and beat him if needed.”

  “Better me than someone else attempt to kill him for revealing too much.”

  “That’s true. I’ll think about it.”


  He closed the door after him, following Jasmine’s faint scent still lingering in the air, tracking her to his bedroom.

  Jasmine stared at the ceiling, trying to make sense of everything. A slight noise drew her attention and she sat up as Chase entered his room. It was a bit awkward since they didn’t know each other that well. No words came to mind as he slowly stalked closer.

  She noticed the way he moved, graceful but with an aura of danger. He wasn’t a typical guy, had never been one, but now she knew what was so different about him. Being part werewolf and vampire was a lethal combination. His dark stare didn’t frighten her though, but instead made her aware of various parts of her body. Her belly tightened and her nipples tingled. Another part of her reacted too but she tried to ignore that.

  “How are you feeling?”

  She wasn’t sure why he didn’t just read her mind. That ability still unnerved her. “Okay. A little tired but restless. I couldn’t fall asleep.”

  He sat on the edge of the bed, his weight dipping that side slightly as he shifted to face her. “Are your eyes sensitive to the light in here? Any numbness in your body?”

  She wished the second part was a symptom she experienced. Every time Chase was near it was impossible not to notice the way her body reacted to him. It had been that way since the first time they’d met at her office. One look and her heart rate had increased and her palms had been sweaty when they’d shaken hands.

  “No. I’m good.”

  “It’s a slow process, fortunately.” He reached out but he didn’t touch her. Instead his fingers traced a crease in the bedding. “We still have a few hours.”

  “Before I turn into a full-on vampire?”


  “Will it hurt?” That was a real fear.

  “No. Your body will start going numb while it shuts down until you fall asleep. Your heart will stop beating at that point and you’ll die.” He glanced anywhere but at her. “The next evening, after the process is finished, you’ll wake.”

  “Will I still have a beating heart?”

  He hesitated. “It does to a degree.”

  “What does that mean? It either does or it doesn’t.”

  “It will slow to a standstill if you haven’t eaten or if you’re sleeping during the day. When you wake and feed, it accelerates. The fresher the blood in your system, the more it will pump at a normal rate.”

  “What about air? Will I need to breathe?”

  He hesitated. “You could go without for quite a while. You technically don’t need it but it isn’t pretty when your body is starved of oxygen for extended periods of time.”

  “Can you elaborate? I don’t know any real facts about vampires, just the fiction I’ve read in books.”

  “Think white or a greenish tint, depending on whether you’re in a dry or wet climate.” He grimaced. “We need to take care of this situation, Jasmine.”

  She knew what that meant. “You want to make me your mate.”

  “You know I do.” He leaned closer, holding her gaze. “I promise you’ll never regret it.”

  “How can you possibly do that?”

  He hesitated. “I’m over a hundred years old, Jasmine.”

  She studied his features closely. He didn’t appear older than early thirties, if even that. She bit her lip, trying to guess his point, besides shocking her.

  You can hear me when I concentrate on projecting my thoughts to you.

  The sound of his voice inside her head was as clear as if he’d spoken the words aloud.

  Believe in what you think is impossible. I’m proof of that, my love. I’ll always keep my promises to you.

  Hot tears filled her eyes while she gazed into his. The brown irises turned cobalt as she watched, more proof that everything she’d once know to be factual wasn’t quite true. Chase changed everything. Her life turned upside down by his very existence.

  “Take a chance,” he murmured, inching closer, staring deeply into her gaze. “You have everything to gain.” His voice deepened. “My love. Me. Happiness.” He paused before giving her a sexy, devastating grin. “Great sex.”

  He wasn’t playing fair. He was too close, smelled really good, and who was she kidding? She adored Chase Woods. It ran deeper than that though, had almost been an obsession since they’d first met. He was the man who’d captured her fantasies on a nightly basis, made other men insignificant in comparison, and he’d saved her life.

  “I’ll lose my house, my job, my friends and family if I agree, right?” How can I do that to be with this man? It went against everything she’d ever believed in. She was a strong, capable woman. The concept of walking away from her life to be with Chase left her feeling lost and confused.

  “I know it’s difficult but if the rogue had a master, you’re still in danger. He will consider you his and come after you. He would destroy the people you care about to get to you. I’m strong enough to defeat him. You’re my mate, Jasmine. I won’t let anyone harm you. And there are other things to consider. How will you explain the changes you’ve undergone, especially over time? People will notice. That will put you at risk, cause you pain. That would hurt you more. And that would hurt me.”

  “I didn’t ask for this.” Bitterness rose over the impossible situation she’d been placed in.

  “The rogue did this, not me. I walked away from you once when it was the last thing I wanted to do. I did it because your happiness came first. “His tone softened and so did the look in his eyes. “I’d do anything for you.”

  “Can’t you fix me so I don’t turn into a vampire? Can’t we just date and my normal life can resume? I need more time.”

  Chase hesitated, a pained look crossing his handsome face. “I’d give you anything if it were possible. The rogue harmed you too much for a hospital to save your life. My blood was the only option to keep you alive. I didn’t mean for this to happen, for you to start to turn into a vampire, but he’d taken you too close to death. You have only two options now—become one of them or agree to be my mate. Either way, I can’t turn back the clock and undo what has been done.”

  Jasmine didn’t like it but she knew he spoke the truth. He had supernatural powers but time travel wasn’t one of them. Putting anyone else in danger wasn’t something she’d ever willingly do.

  “I’d die for you, Jasmine.” Sincerity deepened his voice. “I know it’s asking a lot, perhaps too much, but please agree to be my mate. I swear you won’t regret it. I’ll do whatever it takes to make you happy. We’ll work out all the issues.”

  Her heart squeezed inside tightly while she stared deeply into his beautiful eyes. He meant every word. She believed that and the love she felt for him grew stronger until it was tough to breathe. It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be with him forever. Her concerns and fears faded as they watched each other.

  “Yes.” The one word came from her lips.

  She wasn’t sure who was more surprised by her agreement. Becoming his mate was a lifelong commitment. He’d made sure she understood there would be no turning back and they’d live for a very long time. Chase’s smile faded as a low growl emanated from deep within his chest.

  “You won’t regret this.”

  Jasmine really hoped she wouldn’t. “What do we do?”

  He leaned closer. “What comes natural.”

  “That didn’t answer my question.”

  “I’m going to make love to you.” One warm hand gently cupped her cheek. “And when the time is right, I’m going to bleed for you. You’ll drink more of my blood while I bite into you.”
br />   “Will it hurt?” It sounded oddly sexy but she didn’t want to feel pain.


  The husky promise was one she wanted to believe as he closed the distance between them and his full lips brushed hers. Just the whisper-soft feel of their mouths touching was enough to make her heart race with excitement. His masculine scent and taste was arousing.


  She leaned into him, kissing him when he would have pulled away to give her room to maneuver out of her T-shirt and boxers. She grabbed the curve of his shoulder and hung on. The shyness of their new relationship had her longing to get lost in the moment before she was naked. It would be easy to do with Chase. The man almost screamed raw sex appeal.

  Another growl rumbled from him and her nipples tightened in anticipation. The sex between them had been amazing, wonderful and intense. She wanted to be that mindless again and pushed up against him, going chest to chest with Chase. His free hand wrapped around her back, pulling her more snugly against him.

  Tongue met tongue as they explored each other with an eagerness born of pure fervor. The memories of the last time they’d touched excited her as much as his kiss. No one had ever made her as hot as he did. It might have been the forbidden delight of being with the ultimate bad boy but her ability to think faded. Whatever the reason, she squirmed, wishing she’d stripped when he’d asked so no barriers were between them.

  Chase pushed her onto her back and she didn’t struggle when his weight pinned her down. He tore the T-shirt at the sides, the material easily giving way to his strength. The sound of it shredding only heightened her desire to be skin to skin with him. His knuckles caressed the skin he bared, teasing her where they skimmed.

  His mouth pulled away, trailing from her lips to her throat as he lifted up just enough to yank her destroyed shirt away. With one tug, he ripped away the boxers. Jasmine’s fingers tangled in his hair, seeking something to hold on to. The urgency and purely primal way Chase touched her was an exhilarating experience. No one had ever wanted her as much as he did.

  “Mine,” he growled in a deep, sensual voice before his teeth gently nipped just under her ear.

  “Yes,” she agreed, out of breath, despite his tone leaving it clear that it wasn’t a question. He was staking his claim and she was willing to let him.

  He released her and she wanted to protest when he sat up until she realized the cause. It was with regret that she stopped touching him too, unable to hold on as he shifted away. She instantly missed exploring his heated, muscular body. His shirt was quickly shed but he just unfastened his pants and shoved them down before he was on top of her again. Her thighs spread to give him access to settle over her once more. It made the ache to have him inside almost unbearable while she waited to see what he’d do.

  Brilliant blue eyes blazed when their gazes met as his rigid cock nudged against her pussy. She was wet and ready to accept him as he entered her in one slow drive of his hips. The sensation of being filled and stretched—taken—was all-consuming to Jasmine. Chase froze, buried deep inside her.

  “Mine,” he repeated. “Forever.” He leaned in closer until their noses pressed together. “Agree to be my mate.”

  “I do.” She meant it. She wanted to join with him in every way. “Take me.”

  A snarl came from his parted lips. That animalistic sound might have frightened her at any other time but then he began to move in and out of her. She wrapped her legs around his waist, her heels finding purchase on the waistband of his leather pants, which were snagged on the back of his thighs. Every slide of his cock against sensitive nerve endings brought her closer to coming. Her nipples grew taut, her vaginal muscles clamping around his thick girth. The pleasure intensified until it threatened to drown her. Moans tore from her.

  “Suck on me,” he demanded. “Don’t stop.”

  Her first thought was he wanted oral sex but then his wrist was suddenly against her mouth. Hot liquid with a metallic taste coated her tongue and she knew it was his blood. At some point, without her realizing, he’d cut himself. His fingers curved around her jaw, turning her head away slightly but keeping his wrist bleeding over her parted lips.

  He fucked her harder, the intense pleasure making her almost oblivious to the tingling inside her head. She swallowed his blood, too focused on the coming climax to care or think about what it meant. Teeth clamped onto her neck where it met her shoulder and Chase bit down. His fangs punctured her skin.

  Pain and pleasure blurred together, making it impossible to distinguish one from the other as sheer ecstasy struck. She exploded from within, orgasms jolting through her in an endless loop. Chase bit deeper, sucking her blood, and groaned. Their bodies were locked together, trembling, when his hips finally stilled.

  Sweetheart? Can you hear me?

  She attempted to turn her face away from his wrist but the hand holding her jaw tightened.

  Don’t. Keep drinking. Send your thoughts to me. I’ll hear you.

  It was difficult to put words together while her body still twitched and reeled from making love. Chase’s voice was inside her head, his mouth still locked on her so it was impossible that he’d spoken aloud. She breathed through her nose and tried to calm her erratic breathing.


  We’re mates. No speaking is needed. You can let go of me now. I’m going to gently withdraw my teeth. Hold still. This won’t hurt. Just relax. I’m blocking your pain.

  It stunned her that he could do that. He pulled his wrist away and she sucked air into her mouth. The taste of his blood wasn’t gross but instead something she wanted more of. It worried her but her mate suddenly was speaking inside her mind again.

  It’s normal, sweetheart. You’re different now but you were already changing before we formed our life bond. You’ll crave my blood and it will taste sweet to you. His mouth pulled away and the area he’d bitten had gone numb.

  Jasmine turned her head, staring up at him when he looked down at her. The way his eyes glowed was spectacular. His mouth was closed and none of her blood showed until he licked his bottom lip. His tongue was bright red.

  “You’re not comfortable with silent conversations.” His voice came out husky. “You’ll quickly adjust to our mate bond and learn to appreciate that we can communicate without others hearing us.” He chuckled. “Read me. You can. Just try. It’s all there for you if you open up.”

  She closed her eyes to concentrate, a tiny bit afraid of what she’d find if she were able to do the impossible. His thoughts didn’t transfer to her but intense emotion suddenly filled her. Love. Tenderness. A deep sense of protectiveness. Passion. He wanted her again.

  Yes, I do. I’ll always want you. I do feel all those things. Did you believe I’d want to mate you if I wasn’t willing to die for you? You’re mine and I’m yours until the end of our time.

  Jasmine’s eyes opened to stare at him in wonder. Tears blinded her as her own emotions surfaced. She loved him and he loved her back. All doubt left.

  I’m still not comfortable talking this way. I love the sound of your voice. It’s sexy.

  He laughed. “Okay, sweetheart. Anything you want.”


  His eyes narrowed as he read her mind and lowered his mouth to hers for a kiss.

  Always. We can definitely do this more. My sister and our dinner can wait. I’m going to make love to you again.

  Good. Stop thinking at me and do it.

  Chapter Six

  Chase was tense when he reached the club. He hadn’t wanted to leave Jasmine but he needed to confront the fallout of taking a mate. The two guards stationed outside the doors whipped their heads in his direction. The sound of them sniffing seemed amplified as he approached. They’d smell the change in his scent now that Jasmine was his mate. Her scent was mingled with his.

  The one on the right growled, shock clear in his dark eyes. The one on the left took a step back, his gaze instantly dropping. The threat was clear. Chase didn?
??t hesitate to grab Jacob by his jacket and slam him hard against the wall.

  “Do you have a problem, wolf?” He snarled.

  “No.” Jacob’s eyes flared before he dropped his gaze, darting his eyes everywhere but at Chase’s face.

  Chase dropped the werewolf to his feet and stepped back, releasing him. “Good. You’re my enforcer. I expect you to respect my decision and my mate. I’ll leave it to you to notify the pack.” He growled low in his throat. “Can I count on you to dissuade anyone from causing trouble? I want the truth.”

  “Of course.” Jacob gave a sharp nod. “You’re my alpha.”

  “Don’t forget it,” Chase warned. He glanced at Paul. “Do you have a problem?”

  “No.” He shook his head wildly, his chin tucked. “Congratulations. When do we get to meet her?”

  “When I believe no one is stupid enough to challenge me or her.”

  Both werewolves were silent. Chase paused for a good minute but they refused to speak. It had gone better than he hoped. Otherwise he’d have had to fight and kill at least one of them.

  “I’m going inside now. Hold your posts. Has there been any trouble tonight in the club?”

  “No, alpha.” Jacob lifted his head and met his gaze, before glancing away. “It’s been quiet.”

  “Full house but no disturbances,” Paul added. “Just the way you like it.”

  Chase passed them and yanked open the door. The sound of music spilled out as he entered. All that soundproofing his friends had paid for worked. Flashing lights from the ceiling jumped around the dance floor to spotlight the swaying bodies. He breathed through his nose, taking in all the humans and vamps. He sniffed again, identifying the bartender and other members from his pack.

  A few of the vamps turned their heads as he slowly strolled through the club toward the offices. Their senses of smell would note the change in him as well. Marcus, one of the club regulars, stood, blocking his path.

  “Who is she?”

  “None of your concern. Do you want to move or shall I put you back in your seat?”

  The bloodsucker grinned, revealing his fangs. Blood coated his tongue, proof that the human at his table had already been tasted. “You know what they say about mates, freak. They are a weakness and now you have one.” His pupils dilated. “I won’t forget to share the good news with your fans.”