Page 16 of The Damn Fool

his chest with her nipples before pressing her lips to his. She felt his hands

  on her back moving slowly, too slowly, to her firm round buttocks. Without

  thought she lifted, then lowered her hips, trapping his manhood between them.

  She caressed his lips with her tongue, but he turned his face away while at the

  same time crushing her breasts against him with his arms wrapped tightly below

  her shoulder blades.

  He rolled her over and slipped to her side. His finger touched her left nipple

  as his lips enclosed the right ruby red peak. "Oh, baby," he said as his eyes

  swept her freely exposed body, "I want you so badly."

  "And I want you, Lance. I love you so much."

  Suddenly he was sitting on the side of the bed, his back to her.

  "Lance, what is it?" she asked as she rolled towards him, touching his back

  lovingly with her hand.

  "I ? I have something I must tell you. Afterwards, if you still want to make

  love to me, I'll be your willing slave."

  He turned towards her and she saw the anguish in his eyes.

  "I do love you, Toni, but you deserve better. I am a complete failure. I screwed

  up my marriage. Oh, I know it was Zelda who left, but my neglect forced her.

  I've failed to write a simple security code and lost the business I worked so

  long and hard to create. You keep reminding me that I have sufficient funds to

  live on, but Toni, I can't sit around the house all day doing nothing. You

  deserve a man, not a mouse."

  "Lance, there's something you don't know."

  "Please, let me finish. I spent several hours today with an attorney and a real

  estate agent. I am going to sell the half of the farm closest to Hanging Rock to

  the same company that is developing Pope's Mountain. I will deed Buddy's house

  and fifty acres to him and give you the rest of the farm, which includes the

  cabin and lake. I am going to take Sean up on his job offer and move to Dot. At

  least I will be doing something productive."

  He searched her flaming eyes, confused by what he saw there.

  "It's the right thing to do, Toni. Like I said, you deserve better."

  Toni bounced her bottom to the end of the mattress and stormed around the bed to

  face him. With hands on hips, completely forgetting she was naked, she screamed,

  "You damn fool. You're not a failure. You married a slut. It was not your fault

  she left, and she'll soon leave Buddy too. You created a great software program

  and built a very profitable business around it. If it were not so, you would

  never have attracted so many clients in the first place. Yes, you did not

  succeed in writing a successful security program for a mainframe application,

  but that's because it is impossible. You were honest with your clients. The

  competition lied to them."

  "Yes," Lance said defensively, "but I lost my clients in the process."

  "You'll get them back. Your system now works and theirs doesn't."

  "What are you talking about?"

  "You come with me, Lance Sayer."

  "Let me find a robe."

  "Now!" She stomped from the room with Lance meekly following.

  "Sit," she demanded, pointing at her chair in the study. "Now, read!"

  "Oh, my God," he said when the message on the flickering screen registered. He

  leapt from the chair, crushed her to him and swung her in a circle. "You did

  it!" he exclaimed repeatedly. "You saved my worthless hide."

  "I'm going to do something else to your worthless hide, too. Carry me to your


  "Baby, your wish is my command." He eased her feet to the floor and kissed her


  "Hello, what's that?" he asked as his eyes fell on the white sheet of paper

  taped to his monitor.

  "It's not important," she replied as she clung to his neck.

  He pulled the paper loose and quickly read it. "Toni! Baby! This is wonderful!

  I'm so proud of you. I told you your writing is great. When did you get this?

  Why didn't you tell me?"

  "I didn't think you'd be interested."

  "Not interested? What a terrible thing to say."

  "You have never commented on the sale of my short stories toFine Fiction Fans ."

  "You sold your short stories too?"

  She nodded. "I sent you an email message about it while you were in Florida."

  He grasped her upper arms and looked deep into her pouting eyes. "Toni, I didn't

  receive any messages from you while I was in Florida."

  Somehow, she knew he was telling the truth. "Does Zelda know how to use a

  computer?" she asked.

  "Of course."

  "Does she know your email password?"

  "I don't use a password."

  "Lance, I sent you a message every day. Zelda must have deleted them."

  He shook his head sadly, "Toni, I promise Zelda will never come between us

  again." He swept her off her feet, one arm under her shoulder blades and the

  other under her thighs. "We have some celebrating to do."

  She toyed with the few thin blond hairs nestled between the flexed muscles of

  his chest as he rushed up the steps and when they reached the upstairs hallway,

  Toni said, "Take me to my bedroom."

  "Mine is closer." He bent his head and tickled her nipple with the tip of his


  "My bedroom first. I want to get something."

  "I thought we don't need protection," he complained as he pushed open her

  bedroom door.

  "I'm thinking of a different kind of protection," she said, snapping on the

  overhead light as they entered the door. "Go to the dresser and look in the top

  right-hand drawer."

  Still carefully holding his precious cargo Lance bent his knees enough to slide

  open the drawer.

  "Can you reach the gray box?"

  He did. She took it from his hand and opened it.

  Lance whistled softly. "It sparkles like your eyes," he said, almost in awe.

  "It was my grandmother's engagement ring. I've been saving it for a special

  occasion. Put it on my finger," she instructed, extending her left hand.

  He almost bent her double, but he managed to follow her instructions. "It fits

  perfectly," he commented.

  "I know."

  "Did I just propose to you?"


  "What was your answer."

  "I'm wearing the ring, aren't I?" She leaned forward and brushed her lips

  against his. "Now, take me to our bedroom."

  "Our bedroom," he said as he obediently started for the door. "I like that."

  When they entered their bedroom, Lance asked, "Lights on or off?"

  "Since it's my first time, I want to see what's going on," she replied.

  "You're joking."

  "I'm not ashamed of my body and you have the physique of a Greek god."

  "I meant ? you're a virgin?"

  She nodded.


  "Friends only."

  "Surely you played 'doctor' when you were kids?"

  She laughed. "Yes, but not 'house.' You're my first."

  "And only," Lance added as he lowered her to the mattress.

  "Go easy on me until I get the hang of it."

  "I ? I don't want to hurt you."

  "There you go bragging. It's big, but not that big."

  "I was talking about your ? "

  "My hymen? It's been gone a long time. Happened while I was riding a mule. It

  scared me half to death."

  Lance rolled her over, sat on the edge of the bed, gently rubbed her back and

  she purred like a kitten. He caressed the backs of her thighs, being careful not

  to get too close to her crotch. He paused to admire her beauty.

  "Don?t stop," she whimpered.

  He massaged her shoulders, her back, and her lower back, his fingers sending

  exciting bolts of electricity throughout her being. He lifted his hands to move

  to her thighs.

  "Lower," she said dreamily.

  His magic fingers returned to her lower back and he added pressure with the

  heels of his hands.

  "Lower," she said again, almost begging.

  He kneaded her buttocks with his strong hands and gently kissed each perfectly

  formed mound. He ran his hands up her rib cage and dipped under her shoulder


  She moaned. "Oh God, how I have longed for this night."

  He squeezed her breasts a little harder.

  She rolled onto her back and reached for his scrotum as he used his index finger

  to test gently each diamond hard nipple. He leaned over and traced a circle

  around her left nipple with his tongue while gently twisting the right nipple

  between his thumb and forefinger.

  She groped for his right hand and slowly moved it from her breast to her crotch,

  nestled between widely stretched legs. Slowly she worked his hand up and down

  over her vaginal lips and then forced his middle finger between her labia. She

  held his hand there and began to move her hips, intensifying her pleasure by

  using his finger as a dildo.

  He flipped each rigid nipple with his tongue and traced a path from the valley

  of her heaving breasts down her stomach. He paused to probe her navel, sucking

  and tonguing it gently. He kissed his way to her pubic hair and inhaled noisily.

  "Oh, Lance. You know just which buttons to push."

  "I should, he replied huskily. "You told me in detail."

  "I did?"

  "In your short story."

  He settled between her outstretched legs. "The way to insure we both have

  maximum pleasure is to be honest with each other. Tell me if I do anything you

  don't like," he said and he nuzzled her breast with his nose.

  She moaned. "I can't imagine anything you can do that I wouldn't like."

  "How about this?" he asked as he suddenly lifted her legs towards her face and

  kissed the furry spot between them.

  "Oh, God," she shrieked. "Can I kiss you there too?"

  He raised his head briefly. "Not now. I'm busy."




  George Eliot, The Damn Fool

  (Series: # )




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