“One of the most common questions from fans is when. When does the story take place? In a sci-fi story, why would anyone care?”
“They’re fans, Evan,” said Kathryn. “And they want to know! I left many questions unanswered because I didn’t want to bog down the story, but fans want to know these things.
“Everyone knows the story opens in the spring of 364 A.A. Four centuries of the Age of Aquarius had left Earth a wreck. Peace and understanding may guide the stars, but most people didn’t get the memo.
“In the first century, biotechnology effectively replaced mankind and men no longer needed one another for much of anything. The era of man ended when their population collapsed and biots replaced them. Unfortunately, the first biots were cruelly mistreated and certain violent elements took advantage of their plight to start the Regressive Wars. Some say there was only one war – the biot war, but others claim to identify over thirty distinct conflicts. Everyone agrees though that the era of Regressive Wars ended when Colonel Justin won the Aftershock War and sent the warlords of Ur packing.
“The Aftershock War left Nodlon as the sole superpower on Earth. It was a simple case of the last man standing.”