The Ketlings stayed about three weeks. At the expiration of that timeBasia tried to leave her bed; but it appeared that she could not standon her feet yet. Health had returned to her sooner than strength; andthe doctor commanded her to lie till all her vigor came back to her.Meanwhile spring came. First a strong and warm wind, rising from theside of the Wilderness and the Black Sea, rent and swept away that veilof clouds as if it were a robe which had rotted from age, and thenbegan to gather and scatter those clouds through the sky, as a shepherddog gathers and scatters flocks of sheep. The clouds, fleeing beforeit, covered the earth frequently with abundant rain, which fell indrops as large as berries. The melting remnant of snow and ice formedlakes on the flat steppe; from the cliffs ribbons of water werefalling; along the beds of ravines streams rose,--and all those waterswere flying with a noise and an outbreak and uproar to the Dniester,just as children fly with delight to their mother.

  Through the rifts between the clouds the sun shone every fewmoments,--bright, refreshed, and as it were wet from bathing in thatendless abyss.

  Then bright-green blades of grass began to rise through the softenedground; the slender twigs of trees put forth buds abundantly, and thesun gave heat with growing power. In the sky flocks of birds appeared,hence rows of cranes, wild geese, and storks; then the wind began tobring crowds of swallows; the frogs croaked in a great chorus in thewarmed water; the small birds were singing madly; and throughpine-woods and forests and steppes and ravines went one great outcry,as if all Nature were shouting with delight and enthusiasm,--

  "Spring! U-ha! Spring!"

  But for those hapless regions spring brought mourning, not rejoicing;death, not life. In a few days after the departure of the Ketlings thelittle knight received the following intelligence from PanMyslishevski,--

  "On the plain of Kuchunkaury the conflux of troops increases daily. TheSultan has sent considerable sums to the Crimea. The Khan is going withfifty thousand of the horde to assist Doroshenko. As soon as the floodsdry, the multitude will advance by the Black Trail and the trail ofKuchman. God pity the Commonwealth!"

  Volodyovski sent Pyentka, his attendant, to the hetman at once withthese tidings. But he himself did not hasten from Hreptyoff. First, asa soldier, he could not leave that stanitsa without command of thehetman; second, he had spent too many years at "tricks" with theTartars not to know that chambuls would not move so early. The watershad not fallen yet; grass had not grown sufficiently; and the Cossackswere still in winter quarters. The little knight expected the Turks insummer at the earliest; for though they were assembling already atAdrianople, such a gigantic tabor, such throngs of troops, of campservants, such burdens, so many horses, camels, and buffaloes, advancedvery slowly. The Tartar cavalry might be looked for earlier,--at theend of April or the beginning of May. It is true that before the mainbody, which counted tens of thousands of warriors, there fell always onthe country detached chambuls and more or less numerous bands, assingle drops of rain come before the great downpour; but the littleknight did not fear these. Even picked Tartar horsemen could notwithstand the cavalry of the Commonwealth in the open field; and whatcould bands do which at the mere report that troops were comingscattered like dust before a whirlwind?

  In every event there was time enough; and even if there were not, PanMichael would not have been greatly averse to rubbing against somechambuls in a way which for them would be equally painful andmemorable.

  He was a soldier, blood and bone,--a soldier by profession; hence theapproach of a war roused in him thirst for the blood of his enemy, andbrought to him calmness as well. Pan Zagloba was less calm, thoughinured beyond most men to great dangers in the course of his long life.In sudden emergencies he found courage; he had developed it besides bylong though often involuntary practice, and had gained in his timefamous victories; still, the first news of coming war always affectedhim deeply. But now when the little knight explained his own view,Zagloba gained more consolation, and even began to challenge the wholeOrient, and to threaten it.

  "When Christian nations war with one another," said he, "the Lord JesusHimself is sad, and all the saints scratch their heads, for when theMaster is anxious the household is anxious; but whoso beats the Turkgives Heaven the greatest delight. I have it from a certain spiritualpersonage that the saints simply grow sick at sight of those dogbrothers; and thus heavenly food and drink does not go to their profit,and even their eternal happiness is marred."

  "That must be really so," answered the little knight. "But the Turkishpower is immense, and our troops might be put on the palm of yourhand."

  "Still, they will not conquer the whole Commonwealth. Had CarolusGustavus little power? In those times there were wars with theNortherners and the Cossacks and Rakotsi and the Elector; but where arethey to-day? Besides, we took fire and sword to their hearths."

  "That is true. Personally I should not fear this war, because, as Isaid, I must do something notable to pay the Lord Jesus and the MostHoly Lady for their mercy to Basia; only God grant me opportunity! Butthe question for me is this country, which with Kamenyets may fall intoPagan hands easily, even for a time. Imagine what a desecration ofGod's churches there would be, and what oppression of Christianpeople!"

  "But don't talk to me of the Cossacks! The ruffians! They raised theirhands against the mother; let that meet them which they wished for. Themost important thing is that Kamenyets should hold out. What do youthink, Michael, will it hold out?"

  "I think that the starosta of Podolia has not supplied it sufficiently,and also that the inhabitants, secure in their position, have not donewhat behooved them. Ketling said that the regiments of Bishop Trebitskicame in very scant numbers. But as God lives, we held out at Zbarajbehind a mere wretched trench, against great power; we ought to holdout this time as well, for that Kamenyets is an eagle's nest."

  "An eagle's nest truly; but it is unknown if an eagle is in it, such aswas Prince Yeremi, or merely a crow. Do you know the starosta ofPodolia?"

  "He is a rich man and a good soldier, but rather careless."

  "I know him; I know him! More than once have I reproached him withthat; the Pototskis wished at one time that I should go abroad with himfor his education, so that he might learn fine manners from me. But Isaid: 'I will not go because of his carelessness, for never has he twostraps to his boot; he was presented at court in my boots, and moroccois dear.' Later, in the time of Mary a Ludovika, he wore the Frenchcostume; but his stockings were always down, and he showed his barecalves. He will never reach as high as Prince Yeremi's girdle."

  "Another thing, the shopkeepers of Kamenyets fear a siege greatly; fortrade is stopped in time of it. They would rather belong even to theTurks, if they could only keep their shops open."

  "The scoundrels!" said Zagloba.

  And he and the little knight were sorely concerned, over the comingfate of Kamenyets; it was a personal question concerning Basia, who incase of surrender would have to share the fate of all the inhabitants.

  After a while Zagloba struck his forehead: "For God's sake!" cried he,"why are we disturbed? Why should we go to that mangy Kamenyets, andshut ourselves up there? Isn't it better for you to stay with thehetman, and act in the field against the enemy? And in such an eventBasia would not go with you to the squadron, and would have to gosomewhere besides Kamenyets,--somewhere far off, even to Pan Yan'shouse. Michael, God looks into my heart and sees what a desire I haveto go against the Pagans; but I will do this for you and Basia,--I willtake her away."

  "I thank you," said the little knight. "The whole case is this: if Ihad not to be in Kamenyets, Basia would not insist; but what's to bedone when the hetman's command comes?"

  "What's to be done when the command comes? May the hangman tear all thecommands! What's to be done? Wait! I am beginning to think quickly.Here it is: we must anticipate the command."

  "How is that?"

  "Write on the spot to Pan Sobieski, as if reporting news to hi
m, and atthe end say that in the face of the coming war you wish, because of thelove which you bear him, to be near his person and act in the field. ByGod's wounds, this is a splendid thought! For, first of all, it isimpossible that they will shut up such a partisan as you behind a wall,instead of using him in the field; and secondly, for such a letter thehetman will love you still more, and will wish to have you near him. Hetoo will need trusty soldiers. Only listen: if Kamenyets holds out, theglory will fall to the starosta of Podolia; but what you accomplish inthe field will go to the praise of the hetman. Never fear! the hetmanwill not yield you to the starosta. He would rather give some one else;but he will not give either you or me. Write the letter; remind him ofyourself. Ha! my wit is still worth something, too good to let henspick it up on the dust-heap! Michael, let us drink something on theoccasion--or what! write the letter first."

  Volodyovski rejoiced greatly indeed; he embraced Zagloba, and thinkinga while said,--

  "And I shall not tempt hereby the Lord God, nor the country, nor thehetman; for surely I shall accomplish much in the field. I thank youfrom my heart! I think too that the hetman will wish to have me athand, especially after the letter. But not to abandon Kamenyets, do youknow what I'll do? I'll fit up a handful of soldiers at my own cost,and send them to Kamenyets. I'll write at once to the hetman of this."

  "Still better! But, Michael, where will you find the men?"

  "I have about forty robbers in the cellars, and I'll take those. Asoften as I gave command to hang some one, Basia tormented me to sparehis life; more than once she advised me to make soldiers of thoserobbers. I was unwilling, for an example was needed; but now war is onour shoulders, and everything is possible. Those are terrible fellows,who have smelt powder. I will proclaim, too, that whoso from theravines or the thickets elects to join the regiment, will receiveforgiveness for past robberies. There will be about a hundred men;Basia too will be glad. You have taken a great weight from my heart."

  That same day the little knight despatched a new messenger to thehetman, and proclaimed life and pardon to the robbers if they wouldjoin the infantry. They joined gladly, and promised to bring in others.Basia's delight was unbounded. Tailors were brought from Ushytsa, fromKamenyets, and from whence ever possible, to make uniforms. The formerrobbers were mustered on the square of Hreptyoff. Pan Michael wasrejoiced in heart at the thought that he would act himself in the fieldagainst the enemy, would not expose his wife to the danger of a siege,and besides would render Kamenyets and the country noteworthy service.

  This work had been going on a number of weeks when one evening themessenger returned with a letter from Pan Sobieski.

  The hetman wrote as follows:--

  Beloved and Very Dear Volodyovski,--Because you send all news sodiligently I cherish gratitude to you, and the country owes you thanks.War is certain. I have news also from elsewhere that there is atremendous force in Kuchunkaury; counting the horde, there will bethree hundred thousand. The horde may march any moment. The Sultanvalues nothing so much as Kamenyets. The Tartar traitors will show theTurks every road, and inform them about Kamenyets. I hope that God willgive that serpent, Tugai Bey's son, into your hands, or intoNovoveski's, over whose wrong I grieve sincerely. As to this, that yoube near me, God knows how glad I should be, but it is impossible. Thestarosta of Podolia has shown me, it is true, various kindnesses sincethe election; I wish, therefore, to send him the best soldiers, for therock of Kamenyets is to me as my own eyesight. There will be many therewho have seen war once or twice in their lives, and are like a man whoon a time has eaten some peculiar food which he remembers all his lifeafterward; a man, however, who has used it as his daily bread, andmight serve with experienced counsel, will be lacking, or if thereshall be such he will be without sufficient weight. Therefore I willsend you. Ketling, though a good soldier, is less known; theinhabitants will have their eyes turned to you, and though the commandwill remain with another, I think that men will obey you withreadiness. That service in Kamenyets may be dangerous, but with us itis a habit to be drenched in that rain from which others hide. There isreward enough for us in glory, and a grateful remembrance; but the mainthing is the country, to the salvation of which I need not excite you.

  This letter, read in the assembly of officers, made a great impression;for all wished to serve in the field rather than in a fortress.Volodyovski bent his head.

  "What do you think now, Michael?" asked Zagloba.

  He raised his face, already collected, and answered with a voice ascalm as if he had met no disappointment in his hopes,--

  "I will go to Kamenyets. What have I to think?"

  And it might have seemed that nothing else had ever been in his head.

  After a while his mustaches quivered, and he said,--

  "Hei! dear comrades, we will go to Kamenyets, but we will not yieldit."

  "Unless we fall there," said the officers. "One death to a man."

  Zagloba was silent for some time; casting his eyes on those present,and seeing that all were waiting for what he would say, he puffed allat once, and said,--

  "I will go with you. Devil take it!"