Finally, he gained control again and resumed teasing his thumb on her ass with a devilish promise. His cock pulsated while buried deep and her grip on him shuddered and trembled as his finger danced with a diabolical pressure. “You’re going to get spanked hard while you come all over my cock, while my finger is buried in your tight ass. You want that?”

  Just the words nearly sent them both over the edge.

  “Yes, yes, do it.”

  “No, you’re going to do it.” Lucian wet his index finger with their combined juices and niggled the tip inside her. “You’re going to fuck my cock while I finger your pretty ass and spank it.” He stopped and placed a hand on the mirror, leaning so that his mouth met her face. Kissing the edge of her mouth, he snaked his other hand around her hips and gently stroked her spread pussy, then gave her clit three sharp spanks. “You’re going to rub yourself right here when I tell you to.” He spanked it again. “Not before. Do you understand?”

  “I’m going to come” she gasped. “Oh Jesus.”

  “Do not,” he ordered firmly, going still. “You wait for my command.”

  “Yes, yes.”

  He slowly straightened until he was staring at his cock buried in her again. “My cock is on fire in your fucking pussy, love.” Again he wet his index finger and swirled it on the eager pucker of her ass. She gave several harsh moans and he brought his hand down hard on her ass.

  She screamed and her ass sucked his finger in a little.

  “Very good, love,” he gritted. “Do that again.” Another spank drew her cry and he pushed his finger deeper inside. “Move your tight pussy on my cock now.” He rubbed the red skin on her ass, needing so fucking bad to lick it.

  She let out several cries and did as told. Lucian watched his finger and cock slide in and out of her. “That’s it, love. Fuck yourself nice and good on my hard cock.”

  “Oh God,” she cried, already there.

  “Touch your clit for me. Softly, like my tongue is licking it.”

  She shrieked the second her fingers touched down and Tara slammed herself onto his cock. Lucian cut loose, spanking her ass nonstop while she bucked, screamed, and shuddered hard all over him. He worked his finger in and out of her ass, only slowing when her cries softened and became hoarse.

  Lucian gasped and leaned forward, bringing his mouth to her face. “I’m not fucking done, baby,” he whispered.

  “Do it, do it, make love to me,” she cried weakly.”

  Lucian gripped a handful of hair and turned her mouth to his, kissing her while he pounded into her. He fought to see every angle of her on him while needing to get closer, inside her in every way. God there couldn’t be anything more, there was nothing, this was all of it, the alpha and omega of fate and purpose, this right here. His heart and mind so tied up in her that he couldn’t fucking think without it and couldn’t breathe because of it.


  “We should have taken my car,” Lucian said, holding on to door frame of Tara’s jalopy.

  She gasped in offense, shoving her giant sunglasses to her face. “And do what with this priceless baby?”

  “Tow it?” Lucian nodded and pointed to the right. “Look, the courthouse is right there.”

  She regarded it with tiny glances while driving. “And?”

  “And you said we should go to the courthouse to get married.”

  She snorted with a deep blush. “I’m not marrying you at a courthouse.”

  Lucian grinned. “Where are you marrying me then?”

  She shrugged with a light smile. “I may not even marry you.”

  “Oh, you’re marrying me alright.”

  “Oh, I am?”

  “Um, yes, you are. That ring on your finger says you are.”

  “This?” She held up her left hand. “That’s just a promise ring. You need to get me a friendship ring still and then an engagement ring and then we can get married.”

  “A friendship ring?“

  She bit her lip and giggled. “You should have given me that first.”

  “I gave you a friendship ring standing in the line at Dom Wars.”

  She lowered her glasses and angled a look at him. “Sure you did.”

  “I did!” he said. “Did you lose it?”

  “You lost it,” she muttered.

  He laughed. “I’m not giving you another ring except a wedding ring, sorry.”

  She gave a huge huff. “Fine! I guess you can marry me at my Gramma’s.”

  Lucian’s heart stuttered and he scooted close to her, pushing hair behind her ears. “Are you serious?”

  She gave a few weird snorts. “Yes?”

  “And can we honeymoon in your bedroom? Please?” he whispered, moving the hair away from her neck. “I want to saturate that room with our orgasms.”

  She gave a light gasp. “Gramma might have a heart attack.”

  “I’ll just make you be quiet.” He glided his index finger along her lips. “Tie a pretty pink sash between your pretty pink lips?”

  “Shit, Lucian!” She fanned herself and rolled down the window. “That… that might work.”

  He scooted away from her before she wrecked, looking out the window with a happy grin. “Dear God,” he whispered.


  “I just… can’t believe it.”

  “Believe what?”

  “That I’m getting married.”

  “Oh….” She sounded a little down. “Is that…. was that not on your bucket list?”

  He looked at her, amazed with her sudden nerves. “Sweetheart… marrying was never on any list of mine.” He reached for her hand and held it tightly in his. “But marrying you… now that’s something different.”

  “Oh. Is it?” Twenty years of fears and insecurities echoed in her light tone.

  “Tara… marrying you is getting heaven... only without having to die.”

  Her mouth fell open and Lucian wondered how that could have possibly offended her and then the tears rolled past her fat glasses. “That is…” she barely squeaked, “the sweetest thing… anybody… has ever told me.”

  Lucian smiled, eying the road. “You… okay to drive sweetheart? You liked that?”

  “I’m not okay,” she shook her head, pulled off the road, and put the car in park before lunging into Lucian’s arms. “Are you sure?”

  “Am I sure what?” Lucian smiled, finding her so fucking precious.

  “Are you sure you want to marry me? Shoot me now if not,” she wailed into his shoulder.

  “Sweetheart,” he pushed her away and took off those ridiculous sunglasses, throwing them on the dash. “I am soooo very sure.”

  “Are you sure?”

  He chuckled and nodded, kissing the tears from her cheeks. “I am more sure than… the deodorant.”

  She busted out laughing at his lame joke then strangled his neck in a bear hug. “Oh my God, I can’t believe you love me.”

  “Dear God, stop it,” he whispered, grabbing her face and kissing her. “You always do this.”

  She clasped his face in return, kissing him hungrily.

  “Oh shit, and that. You do that.” He pressed her hand harder into his cock then moved it off. “Can we please just get to where we’re going, you’re fucking killing me.”

  Giggling, she wiggled her cute ass back to the driver side and started the car.

  Lucian snatched the shades from the dash when she reached for them. “I hate those things. You look like a human fly.”

  “I need them,” she whined, checking her mirrors and craning her neck as she got back on the road.

  “It’s overcast and I need to see all of your face, not one fourth. Did you call your grandmother?” Lucian asked, hoping to distract her.

  “Well… she knows I’m coming.”

  “Just you?”

  “I wanted to surprise her about that.”

  “Did you tell her we’re going to be taking her home?”

  She crimped her face in guilt and worry. ??
?I didn’t want to give her a heart attack. Figured I’d tell her in person. Oh my God, wait until she meets you.”

  “I can’t wait to meet her. And start a new life that involves us lying our asses off to her. Yay.”

  “We don’t really have a choice,” Tara said. “And at least there’s a cap on the stipulations.

  “Yeah, train at least five couple’s within five years.

  “That’s not bad!” Tara said. “I think this is going to be easy peasy, really.”

  “I think we need to do all five and get it the fuck over and live our own lives, that’s what I think,” Lucian mumbled.

  “Well… that’s an option,” Tara said. “If we can find the couple’s, I don’t see why not.”

  “And how long do you think before one of our Maplewood’s couples will spill the kinky bean soup?”

  “We can… do confidentiality agreements.”

  “Oh nice. They just agree to not tell. Why not just ask them nicely and get their sacred word. Even shake on it.”

  “Okay,” Tara drew the word out. “Then we’ll obligate them.”


  “I don’t know… we can… pay them and they wouldn’t collect their damn money if it gets out.”

  “And we would know who told on us if it did get out?”

  She widened her eyes and shrugged. “We’d ask?”

  “Dear God,” Lucian muttered.

  “Well? We could!”

  “Sweetheart, unless Maplewood is Mayberry, nobody is going to give one awesome fuck about ratting out the person who uncovered the dildo pushers.

  Silence filled the car until Lucian felt like a rainbow-crusher. “We’ll find a way. We’ll call Steve and… I’m sure putting our heads together, we can come up with something.”

  “The town already thinks something’s wrong with us.”

  “They do?”

  “Oh yeah,” she said excitedly. “See, Grampa died, the farm fell apart, and weirdo little Tara got left at the altar, all in one year.” She finished with a slide of her hand across the air like headlines. “What the hell kind of town does that? A “family” town? A “Jesus loves you” town? A “God is good” town? Yeah that town measures your “righteousness” by your “success.”

  Lucian eyed the road every time she quoted the air and unmanned the steering wheel.

  “So you know what I say?” She nodded at the road, her anger rising. “I say let’s go fuck some shit up, that’s what I say.”

  Lucian couldn’t hide his grin. “Fuck some shit up?”

  “Yeah!” she nodded more vigorously. “They wanna talk? They wanna be stupid? They wanna judge? Fine! Fine, let them judge this! The King and Queen Doms are coming to town,” she nodded, “that’s right, we’re coming and we’re going to fire up Maplewood.”

  Lucian nodded with her now, grinning. “Fuckin’ aye. Let’s light it up.”

  “Fuckin aye!” she exclaimed.

  “We’ll bring the BOOM to these fucking righteous brothers!”

  “Fucking Brady Bunch!” she yelled.

  “Farm-hoochy-ho dogs,” Lucian yelled back.

  “Yes! BOOM bitches! Dom USA is coming home and we’re bringing the kink!”

  “And the dildos!” Lucian smacked the dashboard.

  “And the scary hairy vaginas in vacuum sealed packages!”

  “And the pee-in-your-ass-douches!”

  Laughter finally took Tara, and Lucian joined her. It was all they had at the moment, but it was something besides the bleak future looming before them.

  Chapter Three

  “Can’t wait to meet your Gramma,” Lucian said as they got closer to Missouri.

  Tara gave a light laugh. “I should warn you, she’s… a little brusque.”

  Lucian smiled and slid his thumb over her fingers. “I’m totally shocked and astounded with that news.”

  She gave a snort with little knowing nods. “You say that, but wait until you see what I mean.”

  “Sweetheart, if she’s anything like you, I’m going to love her.”

  She adjusted the rear view mirror then glanced at him a few times. “So what are you going to do with your money? What are you… going to do? I mean… with your life?”

  “You mean our lives and our two million dollars?”

  “If you… I don’t want you to feel obligated.”

  Lucian leveled a pissed off gaze on her. “Obligated? Obligated!? Sweetheart, I’m getting very weary of you not knowing how much I love you. It’s fucking insulting.”

  She angled a full-toothed, sparkly grin at the road. “Okay,” she conceded sweetly. “Well you know what I want to do?” She wiggled in her seat a little. “I want to hit a shoe store.”

  Lucian laughed. “Is that it?”

  “No, of course I want to do other things.”

  “Like what?” He suddenly wanted very much to know what she’d always dreamed of doing some day. “Buy a rocket, maybe?”

  Her happy laughter filled the car. “We could travel the universe, then.”

  “Yes. First stop, Venus, to pick up that manual explaining the female conundrum.”

  “Then straight to Mars. And then Pluto. Oh! We could look for the pearly gates!”

  Lucian shook his head, “Nope.” He angled a grin at her. “It’s right in my back yard.”

  Her jaw dropped with an “Awwww,” then bite of her lip. “That is soooo sweet, you need to quit that.”

  “You’re soooo right, I do. Because you’re soooo making me want to fuck you.”

  They settled into a comfortable silence again for miles before Tara turned on the radio. “Can’t remember the last time I’ve heard the news,” she muttered.

  They listened to current affairs. Black Friday was a huge success for the economy. Wow. He realized at that point he’d get to spend Christmas with Tara. Maybe they could do a Christmas wedding. In rural Maplewood Missouri. “If we get married… kinda soonish. Steve should be there for that, I think.

  “Maybe we could/should invite his wife for that. Don’t they have a few kids?”

  “I think one son?” Lucian wasn’t positive. “Not so sure about inviting his wife. The way he talked about her tells me his job is his salvation and vacation.”

  She gave a forlorn sigh. “Poor Steve. I miss him.”

  Lucian chuckled. “I know just what you mean. He’s like this… human kind of teddy bear.”

  “Oh my God I have an idea,” she said.

  “Uh oh.”

  “Since we need to find couples for our thing, why not have those parties for the men and women,” she snapped her fingers, “you know, where the man gets together with his friends and the woman gets together with hers?”

  “A bachelor and bachelorette party?”


  “I don’t like those.”

  “Why? We’d just do it for the purpose of finding potentials who might be willing to spruce up their love lives. The right kind of party could tell us that?”

  Lucian nodded slightly, still not liking the idea. “I suppose.”

  Silence ensued for several miles before Tara asked, “When do you think we’ll hear from Preacher and Becca? I was really kinda hoping they’d stay in the states.”

  “Yeah, me too.”

  “You too?”

  “You sound surprised.”

  “Well…” she shrugged her shoulder finally. “I just wasn’t sure you liked them all that much.”

  “Are you kidding?” Lucian gazed at the rolling land along I-70. “Feels like we’re family.”

  “Me too!” she cried. “Becca feels like a sister, and Preacher my brother.”

  “We went through a lot of shit together.”

  “Can you see Preacher teaching classes?”

  “Oh yeah, I actually can. Do what he says or get your ass kicked.”

  “Baaaaaahaha!” Tara curved her mouth in a deep frown and hit the dashboard with a fist. “You tell woman. Get on dick. Club ass if she no listen.?
?? She made caveman noises between sentences, making Lucian laugh.

  “Club ass?”

  She cackled boisterously. “With spike. Preacher no play. Jesus strike dead. You submit—or you die.”

  Lucian was breathless with chuckles at her theatrics. “You’re fucking funny, you know.”

  They rode in a few minutes silence for a while again and then Tara said, “I feel bad you know.”

  Lucian glanced at her. “’Bout what?”

  “That… woman.”

  He knew exactly who she referred to. “Danielle,” he muttered. “Me too.”

  “I mean… I feel really bad.” She nodded several times. “I hated her. Wished… her dead more than once.”

  Lucian reached over and squeezed her shoulder.

  “I need to go to confession,” she said. “I feel so evil.”

  “You didn’t really mean it.”

  “Oh yes, I did.”

  Lucian nodded, looking out the window. “She was pretty vile. And I think she might have wanted us dead, if that helps.”

  “Oh my God, you think?”

  “Yes, I think.” Lucian nodded repeatedly. “Jase sure as hell didn’t manage all that fucked up shit without her.”

  “Oh my God you’re right,” she whispered, glancing at him several times. “So in a way it’s… kinda like she got her due.”

  “I’d have to say, yes. As well as Duff.”

  She let out a huge sigh. “That makes me feel a lot better.”

  “Surprised you didn’t figure that one out.”

  She gave an incredulous snort. “I was… fighting guilt. Felt like I’d played a part in her death with how hard I wished it on her.”

  “Damn.” He fought back a smile. “Remind me not to cross you.”

  “But she was like the devil! We shouldn’t talk about it anymore, I still feel bad even though she Karma’d herself. Did Preacher say if he was coming back?”

  “He said he’d be back to check on us after he settled the orphanage there. Wonder how he took his stipulations for getting his money?”

  “Hooo, ho ho,” Tara shook her head. “I bet they deliberately waited to tell him that after he was in Egypt.”

  “I think he’s in Africa.”

  “Right.” Tara cranked on the fire blower that you could only stand for five minutes. The temperature gauge was broken and only had one setting. Hades. “You ever… think about maybe going over there?” she asked. “Helping out?”