Wizard of Ends Companion

  Vanessa Finaughty

  Copyright 2014 Vanessa Finaughty

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1: Introduction to Wizard of Ends

  Chapter 2: What Inspired Wizard of Ends?

  Chapter 3: 5 Reasons to Love Lashlor Leaflin

  Chapter 4: Lashlor’s Leaflin’s Biography

  Chapter 5: Ling Lanaran Dragonsbane’s Biography

  Chapter 6: Magic System in Wizard of Ends

  Chapter 7: Lashlor Leaflin’s Bucket List

  Chapter 8: Character Interview with Lashlor Leaflin

  Chapter 9: Character Interview with Lashlor Leaflin

  Chapter 10: Character Interview with Queen Narraki Dragonsbane

  Chapter 11: Abusing Magic by Lashlor Leaflin

  Chapter 12: 5 Things I Love About Wizard of Ends

  Chapter 13: 10 Facts About the Author

  Chapter 14: Wizard of Ends, Book 1 – Chapter 1

  Chapter 15: Wizard of Ends, Book 2: Dark Creature – Chapter 1

  Chapter 16: End Note from the Author

  About the Author


  The contents of the Wizard of Ends Companion first appeared on a number of blogs during the October 2014 virtual book tour to celebrate the series’ release. I have republished the content in the form of this companion to make it easy for current and future readers to find, read and save.

  This companion includes all character interviews and other blog posts relating directly to the series and its characters, along with the first chapter in Books 1 and 2. I hope you enjoy the posts – and the series!

  For those who haven’t yet read Wizard of Ends, I’ve also included the first chapter of Books 1 and 2.

  Chapter 1

  Introduction to Wizard of Ends

  First published on 1 October 2014 on Vanessa Finaughty Fantasy Books


  Wizard of Ends is a fantasy novella series packed with adventure, magic, dark creatures, some life lessons and more. In Book 1, Lashlor Leaflin, who is new to the Land of Ends, happens across two men abducting the Queen of Ends and is compelled to help her. Thus starts his magical adventure, leading to a confrontation with a deadly sorceress who believes the crown to be rightfully hers.

  Book 2, Dark Creature, finds Lashlor trapped in the Mountains of Eclador with no way to help his queen, who will be forever trapped in the form of a dark creature if he does not return to Ends. To make matters worse, thinking the Wizard of Ends will not return from the mountains, King Lanaran Dragonsbane attempts to undo the curse on his wife – something Lashlor warned him against.

  The first Wizard of Ends book was published on 9 October 2014 and Book 2, Dark Creature, was published on 23 October 2014.

  It’s not clear at this point how many books this series will ultimately contain – the story pretty much writes itself and, as long as there is an adventure to be had, it will be written, so readers can expect plenty more books over the coming years.

  Chapter 2

  What Inspired Wizard of Ends?

  First published on 1 October 2014 on Richard Foland’s blog


  To say the last nine months (at the time of writing) of my life have been hectic is an understatement of note. Besides a surprise pregnancy that doctors had told us was ‘unlikely’, my business partner at the time quit not two weeks after my emergency c-section. Since I was unable to sit at a PC for months while recovering from the c-section, the business pretty much ground to a halt. This meant that, when I had recovered enough to work again, I had a lot of catching up to do.

  Between work and Myka, our new baby (just over a year old at the time of publishing this companion), I found myself unable to think straight by the time the clock hit 6pm. I am still enjoying – and writing – my first fantasy series, Legends of Origin. However, the series is very deep, and all that ‘life, the universe and everything’ grew a bit much on top of my busy schedule and all the baby-related things I suddenly need to know. So, when a new adventure series popped into my head, I jumped at the chance to write something lighter. Wizard of Ends is a fast-paced adventure story that wasn’t intended to be too deep. Of course, my main character, Lashlor Leaflin, decided that it would be deep in places – typical! Sometimes I wish my characters would just do as I tell them, but, if they did, the story would probably be boring!

  That said, Wizard of Ends is still much lighter reading than Legends of Origin, and I’m enjoying the writing process tremendously. There are two main themes in Wizard of Ends, the first of which is that you shouldn’t always take the easy route just because you can, and the second is that you should always try to do the right thing, if only for the pleasure of knowing that you did some good.

  I toyed with the idea of making each Wizard of Ends book longer, but decided that would ruin it, because it would mean combining two stories – each book in the series continues the overall story, but can also be read as a standalone book. These novellas will be priced at half the price of my novel series, though, so readers won’t feel cheated when it comes to comparing length and price.

  Chapter 3

  5 Reasons to Love Lashlor Leaflin

  First published on 8 October 2014 on Bookin’ It


  Wizard of Ends is the fast-paced fantasy adventure series in which Lashlor Leaflin is the main character. Lashlor is one of my favourite characters across all my books, and here are five reasons for you to love him too:

  1. He’s loyal, even when he thinks it might kill him – literally.

  2. He believes in honest work and abhors laziness.

  3. He loves animals and nature.

  4. He always tries to do the right thing and cannot ignore someone in need.

  5. He makes a powerful ally.

  Chapter 4

  Lashlor Leaflin’s Biography

  First published on 12 October 2014 on Vanessa Finaughty Fantasy Books


  Lashlor Leaflin is the central character in the new fantasy adventure series, Wizard of Ends. For a living, Lashlor uses herbs and other plants to make ointments and other medicines, and has yet to come across a natural ailment his concoctions cannot cure. He is currently out of work while he settles into his new home in Ends.

  As a wizard, there isn’t much Lashlor can’t manipulate with the power of his mind. Those who have seen him use magic, however, are few and far between, for he believes that to use it for frivolous things would be to earn the ire of the goddess.

  Lashlor is a master archer – probably because he loves to practice his skills – and, in his free time, he enjoys mountain climbing, swimming and long walks in nature.

  Chapter 5

  King Lanaran Dragonsbane’s Biography

  First published on 19 October 2014 on Vanessa Finaughty Fantasy Books


  King Lanaran Dragonsbane is one of the main characters in the Wizard of Ends fantasy adventure series. He rules the Land of Ends with his beloved wife, Queen Narraki Dragonsbane. He has practically wiped out poverty and hunger in his kingdom, and has the people’s utmost loyalty in return.

  Lanaran is not the power-hungry ruler most of the other lands’ rulers are, and can be quite humble at times, but he will go to almost any length to avoid giving in to blackmail and allowing his kingdom to fall to tyrant rule. He is more tolerant than any of the other kingdoms’ kings; however, should his patience be tested too far, he will not hesitate to have the offender executed if the offence is bad enough and could be considered illegal.

/>   Lanaran is an excellent swordsman, loves his wife above all else, enjoys red wine – perhaps a little too much at times – and likes to spend his free time out in nature, enjoying the peace and quiet such solitude can bring.

  Chapter 6

  Magic Systems in Wizard of Ends

  First published on 17 October 2014 on Daniel Marvello’s blog


  In Wizard of Ends, magic is fairly commonplace and accepted as a normal part of society. The only law that applies to only magic users is that each has to wear a wizard’s medallion, so named after the wizard who invented it. This is to prevent a random drunkard or brawler from starting a fight with a magic user, which could easily end in the attacker’s death.

  There are many types of magic users in this world, and the ones I’ve introduced in the first two books include wizards, sorcerers, witches, Druids and necromancers. Many of them have the same capabilities, but differ in some ways. For example, wizards and sorcerers are able to manipulate reality with the power of their minds, but some wizards also have the gift of foresight and specialise in magical objects, whereas sorcerers can also conjure magical creatures and follow magic to its route in order to undo it. A wizard can do the latter too, but only if guided by a sorcerer.

  There is an infinite amount of magical energy in existence, but most of it is inaccessible to humans. This means there is a limited amount that the universe can give, so, the more frequently magic is used, the faster it is depleted in the user. A period of ‘rest from magic’ is then required in order to build up the magical energy again.

  All magic users are born that way, but no one knows why some people are born with the ability to harness magical energy and others are not. Used too frequently, aggressive magic affects the wielder instead of the intended victim, but this does not deter some. Wizard of Ends MC, Lashlor Leaflin, believes that abusing magic will result in the goddess turning you away in the afterlife, and that it changes a person irreversibly – and not in any good way. All magic users can see auras. Strong emotion changes the colour of auras, they can be tracked by magic users and magical creatures, and usually dissipate within an hour or two.

  Spells are used by some to perform magic, while all others need is a strong mind, a flick of the wrist or knowledge of the Old Language, which is power in itself. Objects such as crystal balls or enchanted items are also sometimes used, along with herbs and other easily obtainable items.

  The world in Wizard of Ends is filled with magical anomalies, such as the nightmare loci, which have a vague silver hue and cause nightmares in anyone within their sphere of influence. Then there are the disruption fields, which are natural occurrences that disrupt the use of magic and are only visible to magic users. They can be found in many places, but usually only cover small areas.

  There are plenty more details that flesh out the Wizard of Ends magic system, but let’s leave a little something for those who haven’t read the books yet.

  Chapter 7

  Lashlor Leaflin’s Bucket List

  First published on 28 October 2014 on Vanessa Finaughty Fantasy Books


  Like any of us, Lashlor Leaflin, the MC in Wizard of Ends, would love to do certain things before he dies.

  So you can get to know him a bit better, Lashlor has agreed to share the top five things he would like to do before he moves on to the next world, in no particular order:

  1. Discover an easy and fast way to remove curses – one that cannot backfire.

  2. Ride an alkat – a horned, friendly sea creature – so he can experience the freedom it enjoys.

  3. Make the world in general understand and accept that magic should never be used for frivolous things.

  4. Write a book about his life experiences to enable whoever reads it to avoid making the same almost fatal mistakes he has made in the past.

  5. Climb all the way to the top of the Teldin Mountains – a mountain range bordering the Land of Ends and the unknown land beyond. Countless have tried to make it all the way to the top. All have failed. It is a challenge Lashlor cannot resist indefinitely.

  Chapter 8

  Character Interview with Lashlor Leaflin

  First published on 10 October 2014 on Vanessa Finaughty Fantasy Books


  Thank you for joining us today, Lashlor. I know you don’t really have the time right now, so I appreciate you sparing some. Let’s get stuck right into it:

  Describe the world you live in. What do you like the most and least about it?

  Most of the seven lands are either war-torn or run by tyrants, so life is anything but peaceful for many. At least not much of nature has been touched, though, which is nice. What I like most about my world is that the Land of Ends exists. It’s not the strongest kingdom, but King Lanaran Dragonsbane is close friends with the most powerful ruler in all seven kingdoms, so we don’t experience much strife in Ends. What I like the least is that almost no one seems to understand that one can’t use magic for every little thing. It’s annoying.

  How do you feel about the fact that someone has written a series of books about your adventures?

  I’m quite honoured, and was happy to see the author included my rants about not using magic for frivolous things. [He winks.]

  How did you feel when the Guards of Ends protecting Queen Narraki called you a fake wizard?

  It was upsetting and incredibly frustrating.

  Most people would have taught them a lesson. Don’t get me wrong – I commend you for your restraint – but why didn’t you?

  It would have been a waste of magic. Besides, they soon learnt the folly of ignoring my advice.

  Have you ever met another magic user who did not use magic for frivolous things?

  Twice, yes. Once was when I was very young and only beginning to master my abilities. I can’t tell you his name, because he wouldn’t like that, but he’s the one who taught me never to use magic if there is another way. More recently, I met a witch called Elmadra whose magic was so potent that I can’t imagine her using it often.

  In Wizard of Ends, Book 1, what was your main goal?

  At first, it was solely to protect Queen Narraki. I soon discovered that could not be done without confronting a powerful sorceress, so destroying her became an equal goal.

  What was the main barrier to achieving this goal?

  The sorceress I just mentioned and the fact that she had help from other powerful magic users, which was unexpected.

  What’s your greatest strength?

  The vast amount of magical energy my body is capable of handling.

  Where do you go when you’re angry?

  I don’t really get angry. [He looks thoughtful.] Not anymore.

  Do you have a nickname and, if so, do you like it?

  Some people call me Lash. [He frowns.] Well, only one person has ever called me that, now that I think about it. I don’t really like or dislike it. It’s just a name, really.

  What’s your greatest fear?

  That I’ll one day abuse magic and meet my end before I have a chance to right it.

  What would give you ultimate peace and happiness?

  If I could travel through all seven kingdoms without worrying about being attacked or considered a spy. I enjoy travelling. Being on the open road sooths the soul, I find.

  Is there anything you tend to carry around with you everywhere you go? If so, why?

  My wizard’s medallion. [He gestures to a triangular silver pendant he wears.] By law, all magic users have to wear one plainly visible. It’s to prevent unnecessary deaths by warning those who might be in the mood to pick a fight not to do so with anyone wearing a medallion. Some magic users have no patience for that type of thing.

  If you could shape shift into any animal, what would it be and why?

  [He smiles.] An alkat – they’re sea creatures. I’d love to experience the freedom they enjoy.

do you think readers will gain the most out of Wizard of Ends?

  It’s hard to point out just one thing. My story is filled with action and some light humour, but readers can also expect to learn many life lessons along the way. The book isn’t presented in an overly philosophical manner, but the lessons are intense regardless.

  Chapter 9

  Character Interview with Lashlor Leaflin

  First published on 29 October 2014 on Sandra Ulbrich Almazan’s blog


  1. Please tell us a little about your adventures in Wizard of Ends, Book 1.

  Without spoiling it for everyone, all I can say is that I do my best to protect Queen Narraki Dragonsbane from a powerful sorceress and her friends, and, in the process, we’re chased by creatures of dark magic.

  2. What about in Book 2, Dark Creature?

  I’m trapped in the Mountains of Eclador, which have been enchanted by an ancient sorcerer. Sadly, Rune Arcana is trapped with me! At times, her presence makes the situation even more stressful than it already is, especially at the end….

  3. Do you think you and the sorceress Rune Arcana will ever be a couple again, and why?

  [He snorts.] Absolutely not! She doesn’t seem to have grown up much since we last saw each other – I mean, she still uses magic on a whim. I can’t live with someone like that. It’s irritating.

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