Drunk Driving

  Tons of people made a big stink about what Bill Clinton did with Monica while he was president. His character and integrity was questioned. But there is a character issue of our current president, that I consider much worse that what Clinton did with Monica. Our current President had so little regard for human life, that he drove drunk. Although the press did attack President's Bush's drunk driving conviction, it wasn't attacked enough. It seemed as if the press was more concerned about the honesty issues involved, rather than the act itself. Drunk driving is a horrible deed to do. The fact that our president was convicted for drunk driving demonstrates how selfish and callous he is. It is very regrettable, the president has this on his record. He is a model for behavior everywhere, and horrible message is being sent to a nation where way too many people drink and drive, the way it is. President Bush's act in perspective of his position of authority, has to some degree, legitimatized drunk driving, something vile. The press endlessly ranted about Clinton taking a whiff of pot, but at least, I don't remember him driving while doing that.


  Way too many people think they are too good to follow the laws. They think they are above the laws when they drink and drive. Unlike with other crimes, usually a main cause of drinking and driving is not because they had a bad family background, but simply because they are too cocky, they don't care about others and they are selfish and foolish.


  Drunk driving is worse than consensual oral sex most always, no matter where the oral sex occurs.


  Other countries don't fool around with drunk driving. Other countries are more strict and serious about drunk driving than America is. Drunk drivers deserve jail. Put George W. Bush in jail for drunk driving. I was talking to this one typical fundamentalist Christian who didn't think I should be so harsh about George W. Bush drinking and driving since he made a foul up. Indeed, we all error, but instead of considering drunk driving a small minor mishap, we should consider it a vile act of moral turpitude. I'm just glad he got caught! Drunkenness is a foul enough activity, drunk driving is foul squared. Drunk drivers belong in jail even if they are the president of the United States. I wonder how the founder of MADD feels that the president of the U.S. could have killed someone like her child.


  It would be absolutely wonderful if we had someone tough and relentless on our side. If we had someone willing to call a spade a spade on our side, we could take on the horrible foe of alcohol induced driving. If we had someone blunt, refusing to mince words, like John Walsh, focused as a spokesperson for the issue of drunk driving, we could be very powerful.


  Drunk driving is a horrible outcome of a very horrible beverage. Let's ban alcohol to save us from endless sad trouble like drunk driving.

  Dear Speaker of the Senate Elect:

  As a Senator Emeritus of the UWSP Student Body, I was disappointed that I did not learn about a very important motion until very late in the game. This happened because I was going above and beyond the call of duty, reading through Robert's Rules of Order. If it wasn't for this, I may have never discovered this essential motion.

  I recommend that you take every measure possible that this does not happen again. I believe it is absolutely essential that every senator know fully how to use "motion to eject". If they don't, it could be executed wrongly in a time of dire need. Every new senator must be taught this.

  If you need help in training the new senators about this important motion, you can always fly me in from Mankato. I'm sure Bethany and Rebecca wouldn't mind that budget expenditure.


  Whatever you do, don't forget to teach the senators this!

  Andrew J. Bushard