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  Title Page

  Copyright Notice


  Author’s Note

  The Chinese Statue

  The Luncheon

  The Coup

  Old Love

  The Perfect Gentleman

  Broken Routine

  One-Night Stand

  Henry’s Hiccup

  A Matter of Principle

  The Hungarian Professor

  The First Miracle


  Also by Jeffrey Archer





  Of these eleven short stories, ten are based on known incidents (some embellished with considerable license). Only one is totally the result of my own imagination.

  “The Luncheon” was inspired by W. Somerset Maugham.

  J. A.


  The little Chinese statue was the next item to come under the auctioneer’s hammer. Lot 103 caused those quiet murmurings that always precede the sale of a masterpiece. The auctioneer’s assistant held up the delicate piece of ivory for the packed audience to admire while the auctioneer glanced around the room to be sure he knew where the serious bidders were seated. I studied my catalogue and read the detailed description of the piece, and what was known of its history.

  The statue had been purchased in Ha Li Chuan in 1871 and was referred to as what Sotheby’s quaintly described as “the property of a gentleman,” usually meaning that some member of the aristocracy did not wish to admit that he was having to sell off one of the family heirlooms. I wondered if that was the case on this occasion and decided to do some research to discover what had caused the little Chinese statue to find its way into the auction rooms on that Thursday morning more than one hundred years later.

  “Lot Number 103,” declared the auctioneer. “What am I bid for this magnificent example of…?”

  * * *

  Sir Alexander Heathcote, as well as being a gentleman, was an exact man. He was exactly six feet three and a quarter inches tall, rose at seven o’clock every morning, joined his wife at breakfast to eat one boiled egg cooked for precisely four minutes and two pieces of toast with one spoonful of Cooper’s marmalade and drink one cup of China tea. He would then take a hackney carriage from his flat in Cadogan Gardens at exactly eight-twenty and arrive at the Foreign Office at promptly eight fifty-nine, to return home again on the stroke of six o’clock.

  Sir Alexander had been exact from an early age, as became the only son of a general. But unlike his father, he chose to serve his Queen in the diplomatic service, another exacting calling. He progressed from a shared desk at the Foreign Office in Whitehall to third secretary in Calcutta, to second secretary in Vienna, to first secretary in Rome, to Deputy Ambassador in Washington, and finally to minister in Peking. He was delighted when Mr. Gladstone invited him to represent the government in China, as he had for some considerable time taken more than an amateur interest in the art of the Ming dynasty. This crowning appointment in his distinguished career would afford him what until then he would have considered impossible—an opportunity to observe in their natural habitat some of the great statues, paintings and drawings that he had previously been able to admire only in books.

  When Sir Alexander arrived in Peking, after a journey by sea and land that took his party nearly two months, he presented his seals patent to the Empress Tzu-Hsi and a personal letter for her private reading from Queen Victoria. The Empress, dressed from head to toe in white and gold, received her new Ambassador in the throne room of the Imperial Palace. She read the letter from the British monarch while Sir Alexander remained standing to attention. Her Imperial Highness revealed nothing of its contents to the new minister, only wishing him a successful term of office in his appointment. She then moved her lips slightly up at the corners, which Sir Alexander judged correctly to mean that the audience had come to an end. As he was conducted back through the great halls of the Imperial Palace by a mandarin in the long court dress of black and gold, Sir Alexander walked as slowly as possible, taking in the magnificent collection of ivory and jade statues scattered casually around the building much in the way Cellini and Michelangelo today lie stacked against each other in Florence.

  As his ministerial appointment was for only three years, Sir Alexander took no leave, preferring to use his time to put the Embassy behind him and travel on horseback into the outlying districts to learn more about the country and its people. On these trips he was always accompanied by a mandarin from the palace staff who acted as interpreter and guide.

  On one such journey, passing through the muddy streets of a small village with but a few houses called Ha Li Chuan, a distance of some fifty miles from Peking, Sir Alexander chanced upon an old craftsman’s working place. Leaving his servants, the minister dismounted from his horse and entered the ramshackle wooden workshop to admire the delicate pieces of ivory and jade that crammed the shelves from floor to ceiling. Although modern, the pieces were superbly executed by an experienced craftsman and the minister entered the little hut with the thought of acquiring a small memento of his journey. Once in the shop he could hardly move in any direction for fear of knocking something over. The building had not been designed for a six-foot-three-and-a-quarter visitor. Sir Alexander stood still, quite enthralled, taking in the fine scented jasmine smell that hung in the air.

  An old craftsman bustled forward in a long blue coolie robe and flat black hat to greet him; a jet-black plaited pigtail fell down his back. He bowed very low and then looked up at the giant from England. The minister returned the bow while the mandarin explained who Sir Alexander was and his desire to be allowed to look at the work of the craftsman. The old man was nodding his agreement even before the mandarin had come to the end of his request. For over an hour the minister sighed and chuckled as he studied many of the pieces with admiration and finally returned to the old man to praise his skill. The craftsman bowed once again and his shy smile revealed no teeth but only genuine pleasure at Sir Alexander’s compliments. Pointing a finger to the back of the shop, he beckoned the two important visitors to follow him. They did so and entered a veritable Aladdin’s cave, with row upon row of beautiful miniature emperors and classical figures. The minister could have happily settled down in the orgy of ivory for at least a week. Sir Alexander and the craftsman chatted away to each other through the interpreter, and the minister’s love and knowledge of the Ming dynasty was soon revealed. The little craftsman’s face lit up with this discovery and he turned to the mandarin and in a hushed voice made a request. The mandarin nodded his agreement and translated.

  “I have, Your Excellency, a piece of Ming myself that you might care to see. A statue that has been in my family for over seven generations.”

  “I should be honored,” said the minister.

  “It is I who would be honored, Your Excellency,” said the little man, who thereupon scampered out of the back door, nearly falling over a stray dog, and on to an old peasant house a few yards behind the workshop. The minister and the mandarin remained in the back room, for Sir Alexander knew that the old man would never have considered inviting an honored guest into his humble home until they had known each other for many years, and only then after he had been invited to Sir Alexander’s home first. A few minutes passed before the little blue figure came
trotting back, pigtail bouncing up and down on his shoulders. He was now clinging to something that, from the very way he held it close to his chest, had to be a treasure. The craftsman passed the piece over for the minister to study. Sir Alexander’s mouth opened wide and he could not hide his excitement. The little statue, no more than six inches in height, was of the Emperor Kung and as fine an example of Ming as the minister had ever seen. Sir Alexander felt confident that the maker was the great Pen Q, who had been patronized by the Emperor, so that the date must have been around the turn of the fifteenth century. The statue’s only blemish was that the ivory base on which such pieces usually rest was missing, and a small stick protruded from the bottom of the imperial robes; but in the eyes of Sir Alexander nothing could detract from its overall beauty. Although the craftsman’s lips did not move, his eyes glowed with the pleasure his guest evinced as he studied the ivory Emperor.

  “You think the statue is good?” asked the craftsman through the interpreter.

  “It’s magnificent,” the minister replied. “Quite magnificent.”

  “My own work is not worthy to stand by its side,” the craftsman added humbly.

  “No, no,” said the minister, though in truth the little craftsman knew that the great man was only being kind, for Sir Alexander was holding the ivory statue in a way that already showed the same love as the old man had for the piece.

  The minister smiled down at the craftsman as he handed back the Emperor Kung and then he uttered perhaps the only undiplomatic words he had ever spoken in thirty-five years of serving his Queen and country.

  “How I wish the piece was mine.”

  Sir Alexander regretted voicing his thoughts immediately he heard the mandarin translate them, because he knew only too well the old Chinese tradition that if an honored guest requests something, the giver will grow in the eyes of his fellow men by parting with it.

  A sad look came over the face of the little old craftsman as he handed the figurine back to the minister.

  “No, no. I was only joking,” said Sir Alexander, quickly trying to return the piece to its owner.

  “You would dishonor my humble home if you did not take the Emperor, Your Excellency,” the old man said anxiously and the mandarin gravely nodded his agreement.

  The minister remained silent for some time. “I have dishonored my own home, sir,” he replied, and looked toward the mandarin, who remained inscrutable.

  The little craftsman bowed. “I must fix a base on the statue,” he said, “or you will not be able to put the piece on view.”

  He went to a corner of the room and opened a wooden packing chest that must have housed a hundred bases for his own statues. Rummaging around, he picked out a base decorated with small dark figures that the minister did not care for but that nevertheless made a perfect fit; the old man assured Sir Alexander that although he did not know the base’s history, the piece bore the mark of a good craftsman.

  The embarrassed minister took the gift and tried hopelessly to thank the little old man. The craftsman once again bowed low as Sir Alexander and the expressionless mandarin left the little workshop.

  As the party traveled back to Peking, the mandarin observed the terrible state the minister was in, and uncharacteristically spoke first:

  “Your Excellency is no doubt aware,” he said, “of the old Chinese custom that when a stranger has been generous, you must return the kindness within the calendar year.”

  Sir Alexander smiled his thanks and thought carefully about the mandarin’s words. Once back in his official residence, he went immediately to the Embassy’s extensive library to see if he could discover a realistic value for the little masterpiece. After much diligent research, he came across a drawing of a Ming statue that was almost an exact copy of the one now in his possession and with the help of the mandarin he was able to assess its true worth, a figure that came to almost three years’ emolument for a servant of the Crown. The minister discussed the problem with Lady Heathcote and she left her husband in no doubt as to the course of action he must take.

  The following week the minister dispatched a letter by private messenger to his bankers, Coutts & Company, in the Strand, London, requesting that they send a large part of his savings to reach him in Peking as quickly as possible. When the funds arrived nine weeks later, the minister again approached the mandarin, who listened to his questions and, seven days later, gave him the details he had asked for.

  The mandarin had discovered that the little craftsman, Yung Lee, came from the old and trusted family of Yung Shau, who had for some five hundred years been craftsmen. Sir Alexander also learned that many of Yung Lee’s ancestors had examples of their work in the palaces of the Manchu princes. Yung Lee himself was growing old and wished to retire to the hills above the village, where his ancestors had always died. His son was ready to take over the workshop from him and continue the family tradition. The minister thanked the mandarin for his diligence and had only one more request of him. The mandarin listened sympathetically to the Ambassador from England and returned to the palace to seek advice.

  A few days later the Empress granted Sir Alexander’s request.

  Almost a year to the day, the minister, accompanied by the mandarin, set out again from Peking for the village of Ha Li Chuan. When Sir Alexander arrived he immediately dismounted from his horse and entered the workshop that he remembered so well. The old man was seated at his bench, his flat hat slightly askew, a piece of uncarved ivory held lovingly between his fingers. He looked up from his work and shuffled toward the minister, not recognizing his guest until he could almost touch the foreign giant. Then he bowed low. The minister spoke through the mandarin:

  “I have returned, sir, within the calendar year to repay my debt.”

  “There was no need, Your Excellency. My family is honored that the little statue lives in a great Embassy and may one day be admired by the people of your own land.”

  The minister could think of no words to form an adequate reply, and simply requested that the old man should accompany him on a short journey.

  The craftsman agreed without question and the three men set out on donkeys toward the north. They traveled for over two hours up a thin winding path into the hills behind the craftsman’s workshop, and when they reached the village of Ma Tien they were met by another mandarin, who bowed low to the minister and requested that Sir Alexander and the craftsman continue their journey with him on foot. They walked in silence to the far side of the village and stopped only when they had reached a hollow in the hill from which there was a magnificent view of the valley all the way down to Ha Li Chuan. In the hollow stood a newly completed small white house of the most perfect proportions. Two stone liondogs, tongues hanging over their lips, guarded the front entrance. The little old craftsman, who had not spoken since he had left his workshop, remained mystified by the purpose of the journey until the minister turned to him and offered:

  “A small, inadequate gift and my feeble attempt to repay you in kind.”

  The craftsman fell to his knees and begged forgiveness of the mandarin as he knew it was forbidden for an artisan to accept gifts from a foreigner. The mandarin raised the frightened blue figure from the ground, explaining to his countryman that the Empress herself had sanctioned the minister’s request. A smile of joy came over the face of the craftsman and he slowly walked up to the doorway of the beautiful little house, unable to resist running his hand over the carved lion-dogs. The three travelers then spent more than an hour admiring the little house before returning in silent mutual happiness back to the workshop in Ha Li Chuan. The craftsman and the minister parted, honor satisfied, and Sir Alexander rode to his Embassy that night content that his actions had met with the approval of the mandarin as well as Lady Heathcote.

  The minister completed his tour of duty in Peking, and the Empress awarded him the Silver Star of China and a grateful Queen added the K.C.V.O. to his already long list of decorations. After a few weeks back at the Foreign Off
ice clearing the China desk, Sir Alexander retired to his native Yorkshire, the only English county whose inhabitants still hope to be born and die in the same place—not unlike the Chinese. Sir Alexander spent his final years in the home of his late father with his wife and the little Ming Emperor. The statue occupied the center of the mantelpiece in the drawing room for all to see and admire.

  Being an exact man, Sir Alexander wrote a long and detailed will, in which he left precise instructions for the disposal of his estate, including what was to happen to the little statue after his death. He bequeathed the Emperor Kung to his first son, requesting that he do the same, in order that the statue might always pass to the first son, or a daughter if the direct male line faltered. He also made a provision that the statue was never to be disposed of, unless the family’s honor was at stake. Sir Alexander Heathcote died at the stroke of midnight on his seventieth year.

  * * *

  His firstborn, Major James Heathcote, was serving his Queen in the Boer War at the time he came into possession of the Ming Emperor. The colonel was a fighting man, commissioned with the Duke of Wellington’s Regiment, and although he had little interest in culture, even he could see that the family heirloom was no ordinary treasure, so he loaned the statue to the regimental mess at Halifax in order that the Emperor could be displayed in the dining room for his brother officers to appreciate.

  When James Heathcote became Colonel of the Dukes, the Emperor stood proudly on the table alongside the trophies won at Waterloo and Sebastopol in the Crimea and Madrid. And there the Ming statue remained until the colonel’s retirement to his father’s house in Yorkshire, when the Emperor returned once again to the drawing room mantelpiece. The colonel was not a man to disobey his late father, even in death, and he left clear instructions that the heirloom must always be passed on to the firstborn of the Heathcotes unless the family honor was in jeopardy. Colonel James Heathcote M.C. did not die a soldier’s death; he simply fell asleep one night by the fire, the Yorkshire Post on his lap.