Page 20 of Sweet Reckoning

  Kaidan’s eyes trailed down my body and he whispered, “Damn.”

  “What?” I breathed.

  “You look amazing in handcuffs.” Stormy eyes. Spinning, pulsing badge. “And you’re officially my prisoner.”

  The true scent of Kaidan that drove me so crazy wafted around me now, urging my senses into a frenzy. He grasped the short chain between the cuffs and dragged me closer.

  “We can’t,” I whispered, but there was no conviction behind my words, especially when he looked at me that way, all smoking-hot intensity. I forced myself to keep talking, to remind us both of the stakes and the fact that our current feeling of safety was only an illusion. “Remember, you told your father you don’t like me. You’re not supposed to want me, and the whisperers could find us any second. We can’t lose our advantage.”

  My speech did nothing to calm his cloudy eyes.

  “It’s time to call him, Kai. Tell him you’ve found me. And then we’ll call the others to let them know it’s starting.”

  That cleared his head. “Not yet—”

  “Yes. Now. Let’s get it over with before we lose control and ruin everything.”

  His eyes dropped to the floor and I watched the thoughts and emotions warring inside him. With my bound hands I reached into his front pocket and pulled out his phone, holding it out.

  “That was brave,” he said.

  “It’s time,” I whispered.

  It hurt me to push him, knowing the horrors our futures forced him to face, but I couldn’t let this drag out. The longer we waited, the more opportunity we’d have to mess up. He took the phone with reluctance, and it was the first time I’d ever seen his hand unsteady.

  “I love you, Kai.” I pushed up on my tiptoes and kissed his cheek. I kept my mouth close to his skin, closing my eyes and hoping he would feel my words as deeply as I did. “Let’s bring them down. You and me and the others, together. We’ll use our element of surprise while we have it. It’s our time.”

  He rocked his jaw back and forth, mulling it over. I stayed silent, leaning against him. After what felt like an eternity, Kaidan finally nodded, clenching his jaw as he stared down at his phone, and then dialed.

  His face was hardened when he brought the cell to his ear. I concentrated my Nephilim hearing on the phone to listen to their conversation. Pharzuph answered right away.

  “Father.” Kai clutched the phone tighter and his eyes hit mine, filled with more torment than I’d ever seen. “I’ve got her.”



  “You’re kidding me.” Pharzuph hooted with evil glee. He sounded young and euphoric—hyper even.

  Kaidan looked like he might throw up.

  “She’s cuffed.”

  “Did you find the sword?”

  “No, sir. I searched her and her belongings but found nothing.”

  Pharzuph swore. “She must have hidden it somewhere. Doesn’t matter. We’ll get her to tell us.” His confidence rubbed at me like sandpaper, and I couldn’t help but feel ill at the thought of their methods of torture. “Nice job, Kaidan. You accomplished what over five hundred prowling Legionnaires couldn’t do last night. They searched damn near every bar, club, and hotel on the East Coast. Where the hell’d you find her?”

  Kaidan wouldn’t look at me. Everything about him screamed regret.

  “She had a group of mates in her old town who always partied at a lake house. I thought perhaps she’d fall back on them, and I was right.”

  Pharzuph experienced another bout of creepy, proud laughter before getting ahold of himself. “Where are you now?”

  “Our old house.”

  “Excellent. I’ll call an immediate emergency summit in Vegas. It’s our most secure location, and we’re always looking for an excuse to visit Sin City, right?”

  Kaidan let out a dry laugh and rolled his eyes. Weren’t they just in Vegas? What could be so great about one city?

  “All right,” Pharzuph said. “Meet me at the Atlanta airport in two hours.”

  Kaidan and I exchanged surprised, alarmed looks.

  “Er, it’s not necessary for you to fly down here, Father. I’ll book our flights and deliver her to the summit.”

  “Oh, it’s definitely necessary. I want to be the one to escort her into the summit tonight.” I could hear the smile in his voice, and I realized this was about bragging rights for capturing me and bringing me in. “See you at the jet.”

  Three and a half hours on a plane with Pharzuph? I scratched my arms, which felt like they were crawling with spiders.

  “We’ll be there,” Kaidan said, hanging up. He looked at me. “We’re not going.”


  He threw his phone on the bed and shoved his hands roughly through his hair. “What have I done?”

  I bent down to my book bag and took out my cell, then texted our planned emergency code to each of our allies to let them know the prophecy was starting. My hand trembled and I fumbled a little from the awkwardness of the handcuffs. I couldn’t believe this was finally happening. Kaidan was freaking out enough for the both of us, so I had to keep my cool. Immediately I deleted the messages and tucked the phone in my pocket.

  He turned to me, desperate. “Anna—”

  “Stop!” I pinned him with a serious look. “No more. Get it out of your head, Kai! We are not running. This is happening whether you like it or not. It’s time to get your game face on and get ready to kick some ass.”

  He stared at me, mouth open. I was kind of shocked myself. My dad would probably have beat his chest with pride if he’d heard me say all that.

  I waited for Kai to argue again, but instead he swallowed and gave me a single nod.

  “You’re right.” He stood there a moment longer, still a little stunned. Then he came forward, took me by the handcuffs, and led me into the bathroom, closing us in.

  “It’s more believable if I keep you in my sight,” he explained. Then he began to take off his clothes as he headed to the shower and turned it on.

  I backed myself against the cool sink and watched as every piece of cloth shed from his body to the floor. I should have looked away, or pretended not to be interested, but I couldn’t. Kaidan was just . . . wow.

  “You’re testing my self-control, luv.” He must have noticed my not-so-stealthy staring.

  I looked away but said, “You’re passing with flying colors.”

  He growled low in his throat, and my body tightened.

  “You should really get in the shower,” I told him.

  At that, he finally slipped in, closing the cloudy glass door. I let out a breath and relaxed against the sink. A text came through to my cell, rocketing my body into high alert, but I relaxed when I saw Veronica’s name. On my way to Spain!!! And check out my view. . . . She took a selfie pic and got the two guys next to her in the background—dark haired Spaniards, easy on the eyes. Hence her devious smile. I grinned, feeling emotional, and wrote back: I hope Spain is ready for you.

  I kept my eyes averted when Kai got out of the shower and dried off, though I could feel his gaze on me. I stayed in the bathroom while he went into the room and dressed, then I joined him.

  He looked gorgeous in a pair of black trousers and a crisp button-up shirt, a pale shade of blue that brightened his eyes. The top two buttons were undone, and his hair was still damp.

  “You look nice,” I said, which was an understatement, but I was trying to take it easy.

  He didn’t respond or look at me as he busied himself tucking his wallet into his back pocket. His anxious, stiff demeanor gave him an angry-looking edge, which would hopefully work in his favor in front of Pharzuph.

  Kaidan’s gaze suddenly shot up, above my head, and I spun. Two gaunt, hideous whisperers had flown in. When they saw how close they were to me, they both hissed and moved toward Kai. A look of annoyed disgust crossed his face at their nearness.

  “We’re leavi
ng now. I don’t need any damned escorts.”

  “Orders are orders,” one of the spirits gurgled to us telepathically, giving me a suspicious glare.

  Kaidan grumbled loudly and stuffed my book bag inside of his duffel bag along with a few travel things of his own. Then he grasped my upper arm and pulled me from the room. I knew I needed to play it up in front of the whisperers. I tried to shrug away from Kai.

  “Let me go,” I said.

  He yanked me closer and pushed me forward in front of him. The two spirits circled us, watching me warily and seeming to enjoy the fact that I was cuffed and subdued by someone they believed was on their side.

  “Seriously. Where are you taking me?”

  “Shut it,” Kai said. “Don’t make me gag you.”

  I made a show of struggling now and then, glaring at Kaidan, who never looked at me.

  The whisperers stayed with us until the doors were sealed shut on Pharzuph’s personal jet, which was smaller than Blake’s but still over-the-top luxurious. The leather furniture was crimson colored, offset by amber-shaded wood paneling and tables. Two oversize chairs faced the front of the plane, and in the back was a horseshoe-shaped couch with a table in the middle. Pharzuph sat on the couch with his arms spread wide and his feet up on the table. He was dressed similarly to Kaidan, but he wore tan slacks and a white dress shirt, also unbuttoned at the top. He seemed older today in this setting and in that outfit—maybe a year or two older than Kai—not like the young college guy I’d first encountered.

  Pharzuph’s eyes flashed bright red when he saw me. He stood, never taking those freaky eyes off me.

  “I had to leave the cuffs in the car,” Kaidan explained. He obviously couldn’t escort a handcuffed girl through the airport without getting questioned.

  “That won’t do,” Pharzuph said coolly. He lifted a panel in the table and pulled out a thin rope, coming forward. “Hold her arms while I pat her down.”

  I hoped Pharzuph couldn’t sense Kaidan’s slight hesitation.

  “I took care of that . . . Father.” Yeah, it must’ve been weird for him to call this kid “Father.”

  “I said, hold her arms.”

  “I don’t have anything—,” I began, but Pharzuph cut me off in a low, deadly voice.

  “Do not speak again. And don’t you dare make a move.”

  Kai came up behind me and took my forearms in his hands while Pharzuph frisked me, touching me everywhere, though thank God it was only through my clothes. Kaidan’s grip got harder and harder as his father touched me. I prayed he could hold himself together as I gritted my teeth and averted my eyes from Pharzuph’s hate-filled eyes. Finally he stepped back, wiping his hands down his sides as if I were grotesque.

  “Tie her up,” he ordered.

  Kaidan pointed to the closest seat and told me to sit.

  With a slight huff I sank into the leather. Pharzuph leaned over the back of my chair, nuzzling his mouth against my hair. I could feel his hot breath, and it took all my willpower not to pull away.

  “I know who you are,” he whispered, his voice deceptively sweet. “And I know what you’re up to. But it won’t work. You’ll never win.”

  I tried to keep my voice steady as I lied. “I have no idea what you’re talking about or what’s going on. Why are you doing this?”

  Pharzuph chuckled. “We’ll see.” To Kaidan he said again, “Tie her up.”

  As Kai knelt in front of me, I saw movement behind him in the front of the cabin. A beautiful woman in a flight attendant uniform came out of the galley with a glass of champagne in her hand. My eyes locked on the bubbling drink.

  Champagne would be really great right about now. I took a deep breath to settle the grabby-handed longing inside me.

  The woman stopped, seeming surprised at the sight of Kaidan preparing to tie me up, and her aura went from happy to nervous. Pharzuph chuckled from his seat behind us.

  “Don’t worry about them,” he told her. “They’re just having fun.” He shot me a warning look.

  The woman regarded me questioningly.

  I gave her a little smile and held out my wrists to Kaidan. He began to tie them, never letting his eyes veer up to my face.

  The flight attendant’s nervousness lightened as she passed us to deliver Pharzuph’s drink. She returned to the galley to finish her preflight prep. When Kaidan was done, Pharzuph sauntered up and tossed back the last of his drink. He ran his eyes over me like I was a pest about to be exterminated.

  The plane’s engines fired up, gently rumbling the cabin and surrounding us in white noise.

  Pharzuph walked to the front to chat with the pilot in the cockpit. Then he stopped by the galley to return his glass to the flight attendant. I couldn’t see her, but I had a perfect view of him inching closer, giving her a flirtatious smile as he said something that made her laugh. He reached out, maybe at her waist level, and his smile disappeared, his expression changing to a heated look of lust. When he spoke again, a blast of swirling red aura filled the space between them, coming from the woman. I dropped my eyes, feeling ill. Apparently the flight attendant wasn’t just there to serve us drinks. The horror of it washed over me in sickening waves. Pharzuph was going to work right here in this small cabin space. Right in front of Kaidan and me.

  A revolting thought occurred to me. Would he expect Kaidan to work? There were no other women in sight. No, this woman was for Pharzuph’s pleasure only. She had to be.

  The pilot announced it was time for everyone to take their seats. Pharzuph grinned and left the galley. As he made his way to the back of the plane, he stopped next to Kaidan and said, “You can have her after me. Or you could join us if you like.”

  Oh. My. Gosh.

  Kaidan gave no reaction except a nod. “Thank you. Perhaps after you. I didn’t sleep last night, so I might rest a bit first.”

  It could have been my imagination, but I swore Pharzuph stiffened a little at Kaidan’s lack of interest. Then his lips rose in a quick grin and he patted Kai’s shoulder. “Rest up then. The Neph girl shouldn’t be any trouble.” He gave me a warning glance, and I dropped my eyes again.

  My body was working against me. I felt light-headed and nauseous. What if Pharzuph pushed Kaidan to be with that woman? Kai would refuse. Our plan would be ruined.

  And then I relaxed. Because just above Kaidan in the overhead compartment was my bag inside his bag with the Sword of Righteousness. Pharzuph had no idea it was on this plane. I would kill him if he pushed Kaidan to work. I might even enjoy it.

  Of course then we’d have a dead body and a freaked-out flight attendant on our hands when we landed, but we could deal with that. I leaned back and closed my eyes.

  Kaidan came over and buckled me. I kind of hoped he’d squeeze my hand, but he kept up the act, seeming repulsed by me. I felt sicker by the minute.

  The flight attendant exited the galley and pulled down a jump seat next to the door across from me. She sat and buckled, a shimmer of red still present at the base of her aura. The entire takeoff process was uncomfortable with the woman staring between the seats at Pharzuph behind us. He had to be making eyes at her or something because she lit up like a red Christmas tree and rubbed her knees together, biting her bottom lip.

  Please, God, let this flight go by quickly.

  When we leveled out and the flight attendant stood to return to the galley, Kaidan got up and opened a wall panel, pushing buttons until a movie screen came down from the ceiling panel between us. I watched as he pulled out a pair of headphones from the armrest of his seat. He shot me a very quick glance. I angled myself enough to open my armrest and take out the headphones. It was difficult, but I got them unraveled, plugged in, and on my ears just as the woman was coming down the aisle.

  Her flurry of lust disappeared when she approached me, looking at my bound hands.

  “Anything to drink or eat, miss? We have turkey paninis and—”

  “Nothing for her,” Pharzuph said, sounding too close.
br />   The woman looked up, surprised, then back down at me. “No beverage?”

  The Dukes thought I was a lush, so I needed to act the part. “Rum and Coke?”

  “She’s underage,” Pharzuph said from his lounging position behind me.

  “Oh.” She looked at me with a touch of exasperation. “How about a soda?”

  I shook my head. “Nothing for me, thank you.”

  “Okay, sweetie.” She definitely didn’t know what to think about me and my predicament. I wondered how old she was. Younger than Patti. Maybe thirty.

  She served Kaidan and Pharzuph their meal. Kaidan ate fast and looked as sick as I felt. He stood and pulled a small pillow from the overhead bin and sat again. The movie credits began just as a peal of feminine laughter sounded from behind us, followed by flirty bantering . . . a minute later, a quiet moan. With as much discretion as possible I reached over and turned up the volume in my headphones as high as it would go.

  I dared a glance at Kaidan, who was leaning against the window with his pillow. I knew he was pretending to sleep because his mouth was closed. His lips always parted the tiniest bit when he slept.

  I stared at the movie in a tense daze, not daring to turn my head. The skin at my wrists burned. Time passed too slowly. When I finally felt our descent, I let my muscles slightly relax for the first time. Kaidan hadn’t moved the entire trip. The flight attendant took her jump seat, staring blankly ahead and looking pale, her aura a blend of residual lust and fuzzy dark grays. I didn’t want to pick apart her emotions.

  Kaidan stared out his window as we hit the pavement in Vegas. The flight attendant rushed from the plane the moment the door opened.

  I remained sitting as Kai stood and pulled out his bag. Pharzuph walked up from the back with his hands casually in his pockets, a neutral expression on his face.

  “A car should be waiting for us,” Pharzuph said to Kaidan. “Cover the girl.”

  Kaidan took a navy blanket from the overhead bin and put it around my shoulders, wrapping me enough to hide my hands. Then he put an arm around me and forcefully led me from the plane, down the stairs, into the waiting car and the sweltering dry heat of a Vegas evening.