Page 9 of Shadow

  That’s what I am, he admitted silently. He’d spent many hours familiarizing himself with New Species and their accomplishments during the almost half a year living with the task force. They’d given him access to all the information on his people that he wanted. Gift Females were one of the topics he’d read about. It was deemed that any sexual contact with a male would damage to their already frail emotional states. They’d been created weaker on purpose, to make them easier to control and less likely to fight back.

  A fine sheen of sweat broke out over his body although he’d just taken a cool shower. The idea of touching Beauty made him hot. The knowledge that a hundred things could go wrong if she initiated sex didn’t cool his blood in the slightest but it did fuel his fears of sharing sex. He could go at her too aggressively because he’d denied his cravings to touch a female.

  His dick began to harden just thinking about her under him. The memory of her in that wet nightgown plastered against her skin, which had hidden nothing from him, had been the most enticing thing he’d ever seen. He reached down, fisting his dick through his shorts and adjusted it to a more comfortable position. He paused before releasing it, tempted to tend to the desire to get off. He’d become an expert at masturbation to fulfill his sexual needs.

  Do it, he urged. It would curb some of his longing to walk into the next room to seek her company. His fingers stroked and his eyes closed. The feel of cotton rubbing against the head of his cock was a little irritating but still was good. It hardened even more and his balls started to ache.

  He pictured Beauty in his mind, her big dark eyes staring at him with trust and he bit back a snarl as he let go of his dick to fist his pillow instead. He’d terrify her if she saw him bare. Worse, patience wasn’t his strongest trait. He could take her too fast or too roughly. Knowing that still didn’t dull his hunger for her. The ability to face his fears seemed to lesson somewhat in comparison to the hot desire burning through his body.

  Guilty, he admitted. He lusted after the delicate female. She’d slept on his chest and he’d held her. Protective instincts were a part of his genetics but he’d felt something much more personal when they’d woken to hear someone approaching the shed. He’d wanted to kill anyone who posed a threat to his Beauty. The half-asleep state of his mind might have accounted for the feelings of possessiveness that had gripped him but he wasn’t about to lie to himself. That hadn’t been the reason or the cause. She’d given him her trust and he’d wanted to keep her at his side.

  That’s how you ended up here, he chided. Brass had reminded him that another male might harm her unintentionally and he’d have done anything to prevent that. Even if it meant lying on his side with a hard dick, sweating out his frustration, staring at the light in the hallway while he contemplated what she was doing in the next room.

  The light under the bathroom door suddenly came on and he strained to hear to her every movement. A smile curved his lips when the sink faucet came on and moments later the toilet flushed. She was shy even about someone knowing when she tended to her needs. That amusement faded. She’d purposely camouflaged going to the bathroom so what would she do if she were naked under a male who was intent on getting much more personally acquainted with her body?

  The faucet turned off and the light faded as she left the other room to return to hers. The hallway dimmed as well but she didn’t close her door. He’d have heard it if she had. He breathed through his mouth and tried to relax. Tomorrow would be a long day but he’d exercise restraint. It wouldn’t be easy. He was already at his limit and they’d only had hours together. I’ve signed up for a new torture, wanting what I can’t have.

  * * * * *

  Beauty gave up on sleep. A good hour must have passed and her restlessness only grew worse. She pushed back the covers and rose, sliding out of bed. She tiptoed across the floor and out of her room where she paused. Her hearing wasn’t as good as most Species but it was better than regular people. The sound of slow, steady breathing assured her she hadn’t woken Shadow.

  The stairs didn’t creak as she crept down them and headed toward the back door. The area would be safe and she just wanted to get a little fresh air. The door was easy to unlock by feel and a warm wind blasted her the second she got it open. It was pleasant on her skin as she stepped out onto the porch. The door closed quietly behind her.

  It was a small space with a little roof but she didn’t stay there. The three steps took her to a grassy area that was soft under her toes. The river noise was faint, calling to her sense of curiosity.

  It wasn’t hard to make out the dim shapes of trees as she followed the sound of moving water. The tree density thinned and suddenly she stood on a dirt embankment staring out over the blackness with just a few glints of moonlight reflected. She smiled, proud to have found it by herself. One glance around and she found a nice fallen log to sit on.

  A howl startled her. Her heart raced as she stood, instantly fearful. It was really close and she turned, studying the darkness carefully. Something moved to her left, a twig snapped and a low growl rumbled.

  “Shadow?” She whispered his name, afraid to speak too loudly. She really hoped it was him. New Species did that when they were angry and she figured he’d be furious if he had woken to find her gone. “Is that you?”

  Something else moved to her right and she turned her head in that direction. A dark shape crept closer from behind a tree. It was big but low to the ground. Unless Shadow was on all fours, it wasn’t him. She backed up slowly, terrified. Another growl came from her right and she glanced that way to spot another big, low shape moving between two bushes, creeping closer.

  “Shadow?” Her voice rose slightly. She wanted to scream his name but fear restricted her lungs.

  The smell reached her nose as she began to pant. Fresh blood was what she was picking up if she had to guess. That didn’t bode well. Another smell came with it. She identified it from the times she’d petted a few of the guard dogs the Species officers sometimes brought into the women’s dorm.

  “Good doggies,” she crooned, backing up further. She had to be close to the river’s edge. “Where are the officers who take you for walks?”

  One of them stepped out into the moonlight enough for her to get a good look at it and she whimpered. It wasn’t wearing an NSO collar nor did it look as if it were friendly. It bared its fangs and snarled at her.

  “Shit,” she breathed, knowing a wolf when she saw one.

  The other one prowled closer, coming at her from the side. It snarled too and crouched a little, probably preparing to launch its body at her. They were stalking her and she was their prey. Her instincts screamed it. Danger.

  No one had warned her about wild wolves running around the woods. She backed up, tottered but regained her balance, glanced back and realized she’d run out of space. She could jump into the water, pray the wolves wouldn’t follow her in, but she couldn’t swim. The drop to the water wasn’t far, perhaps three feet to the dark river, but she had no idea how deep it would be.

  “Easy,” she crooned, turning to face them. One sharp breath and she tried to steady her shaky voice. “Stay!” The firm tone made her proud.

  They inched closer, both growling low and deep. They are going to attack me. She could sense the danger as if it were a smell she could inhale. Both of them tensed, their big furry bodies lowering slightly in the front in preparation, but another howl eerily pierced the night.

  Both of them turned their heads toward the direction from which it had come from. Beauty allowed her instincts to take over and she sprinted to the right along the river’s edge. She ran as fast as she could, ignoring the pain in her bare feet.

  They were in pursuit. Their labored breathing and heavy bodies crushing leaves and twigs assured her of that. She wasn’t sure in which direction the cabin lay but kept moving as she dodged trees and bushes. One good intake of air and a scream finally burst forth.

  The wolves were gaining on her, too fast for her to outrun, d
espite the advantage of her altered genes. The river wasn’t an option but she did see a low-hanging branch ahead. Desperation made her try to jump for it and rough bark tore into her palms. She wasn’t strong enough to keep hold of it though and crashed to the ground hard on her belly.

  She rolled into a ball, the only thing left to do, waiting for the wolves to tear into her. Her arms covered her face and her palms covered her ears. Something big landed next to her and she whimpered.

  “No!” The masculine voice was loud and brutally harsh.

  A heavy weight pressed against her ass. Beauty wanted to cry when a hand pinned her shoulder to keep her in position. The snarling wolves were close but Shadow didn’t move away from her. He was using his body to shield hers.

  “Go,” he snarled. “Find rabbits.”

  One of the wolves whined.


  They retreated, crashing through the woods loudly. The hand on her shoulder left and the weight leaning against her ass moved away. He was breathing heavily. Hot tears filled Beauty’s eyes and she knew how close she’d come to dying.

  “You’re safe.” The voice came out less animalistic and a new fear shot through her. That wasn’t Shadow.

  She slowly moved her arms, peeking up, and made out the shape of a man crouching a few feet away. He was big.

  “They are gone,” he informed her, his tone softening. “Don’t fear me.” He moved slowly, offering her a hand. “Take it. Let me help you up. You’re in no danger.”

  “Beauty!” Shadow shouted her name.

  The guy next to her turned his head and growled.

  She gasped in air. “Shadow! I’m here!”

  That prompted the man to snap his focus back on her. “He should watch you better. Take my hand. The ground is cold and I want to make sure you weren’t hurt. I don’t smell your blood. I was following them when they began to act strangely. I just didn’t know it was you they wanted to hunt.”

  He didn’t attack so some of the fear eased. “Who are you?”

  The hand dropped away. “Torrent. You’re the Gift Female. Why are you out here alone? You could have been dinner to that wolf pack.”

  “I sneaked out,” she admitted. “Shadow didn’t know. I thought it would be safe if I kept close to the cabin.”

  “Beauty!” Shadow was really close and seconds later he rushed to her side. He landed inches away in a crouch, snarling at the man. “Get away from her.”

  Torrent backed up slowly. “I saved her from a wolf pack.” He sounded angry. “You need to watch her more closely. It’s not just Species residents she needs to be protected from. We have a lot of wild animals running loose. Didn’t they warn you?”

  “No.” Shadow’s voice was still rough.

  “We have tigers, lions, bears, and wolves roaming the Wild Zone. We offer shelter for them here at Reservation when humans find them too dangerous. We’d rather handle those animals than see them destroyed.” The other man crouched too. “I’m Torrent.” He paused. “Someone should have told you about them, Shadow.” He glanced at Beauty. “She admitted to sneaking out. Prevent that in the future. It’s only luck that brought me out tonight. I just returned with a new wolf and discovered the pack sniffing after something. It was her. I tracked them while they hunted to make sure they weren’t after one of our other rescued animals.”

  Beauty sat up, dusting off dirt. Shadow stood and offered her a hand. She took it and was gently pulled to her feet. He kept hold of her.

  “You brought a new wolf here?”

  Torrent sighed. “Humans sometimes take in wild animals, believing to make pets of them. They abandon them or turn them over to shelters when they realize they can’t be tamed. We started a program to accept the ones slated for death. The residents needed something to do and enjoy caring for them. I am the one sent out to pick them up and release them here at Reservation. It’s my job. Tonight I drove to pick up a wolf cub rescued from an abusive owner. I knew one of the female wolves would take him under her care. He’s quite young.”

  “Thank you.” Shadow bowed his head as the other Species straightened. “Beauty will not go out alone again.” He turned to stare down at her. “Are you hurt?”

  “I’m okay.”

  He sniffed loudly. “You were terrified.”

  “They were chasing me. I thought I might have to jump into the river but I don’t know how to swim.”

  “You need to learn.” Torrent cleared his throat. “I’ll leave you now. I’m going to go check on the cub and make sure the pack has returned to their territory. I’ll ask a few of our males to keep a closer watch on them to make sure they don’t return to this area while you’re visiting.” He paused. “Teach her how to swim. All the animals here are too well fed to waste their time wading into the river to fetch their food. She would have been safe from them if she’d gone into the water.”

  Shadow’s hand clasped hers a little tighter. “I don’t know how to swim either.”

  Torrent hesitated. “I’ll return tomorrow after lunch and teach you both. It’s a needed skill.” He turned and walked into the darkness. A wolf howled in the distance.

  Chapter Seven

  The small hand in his reminded him that Beauty waited for him to address her. He watched the Species male leave and didn’t miss the dark shapes that trailed him from both sides. The smell of the wolves was strong enough for him to estimate there were at least half a dozen or more.

  Shadow fought to control his temper as he forced air in and out of his lungs. Rage was a strong emotion. No one had warned him about the dangerous wildlife that could harm them. Of course that came in second to the fact that the female had left the cabin. Another male had to save her. All the things that could have happened nearly sent him into a fit of temper.


  Her whispering his name didn’t help matters. He’d woken to the sound of a faint scream, knew it was her and she wasn’t in the cabin. He’d thrown open the window, slid down the roof and landed on the ground hard. Desperation and fear for her safety had heightened his senses as he’d crashed through the woods following her scent.

  His feet were bleeding but he ignored the pain. He spun, glaring down at her. “You are lucky those wolves didn’t tear you apart or that male didn’t hurt you. Do you understand?”

  Dark eyes widened and she paled. “Yes. I didn’t know there were any. No one told me. I was only warned about residents and you said you marked the area and it was safe!”

  He glanced down her body and stared at her bare legs. The big sleepshirt she wore nearly glowed in the darkness. She may as well have worn a big sign that said “come get me” to any predators for miles.

  “Don’t talk and don’t fear me,” he warned before releasing her hand and bending.

  She gasped when he grabbed her hips and jerked her forward until her belly bumped his shoulder. One arm hooked around her waist and he gripped her at the small of her back. He straightened, adjusted her gently where she hung across his body and headed toward the cabin.


  “Silence,” he snarled. “You heard him. Lions, tigers, and bears are out here. You’ve already attracted the wolves.”

  He had no problem finding the cabin and set her on the porch. The door was locked. “Stay.”

  He had to climb up to the roof, enter his open window and rush downstairs to unlock the door. Beauty hadn’t moved an inch. He just scooped her into his arms, spun and stomped inside. He kicked the door closed behind them and freed a hand to twist the locks. He refused to look at her face as he carried her up to the bathroom and gently placed her on the counter.

  “Don’t move.” He knew his tone was harsh but he still battled rage. She’d left the cabin without him and he wanted to yell.

  “You’re bleeding!”

  He looked down at the tile floor and noticed the bloody footprints. “That’s right. It happens when you leap from a second-story window and rush through the woods at night without shoes.”
He turned on the shower and just stepped inside with his boxers on. “Don’t talk to me right now.”

  The cold water helped dull the pain as it pooled around his feet, washing away the sweat and stench of his own fear from his body. All he could think about while he’d raced to find her was how he could be too late. A male could have traumatized her or an animal could have torn her apart. Time allowed his emotions to calm and that’s when he shut off the shower.

  His gaze met hers. Tears flooded her eyes and she still appeared paler than normal. He grabbed a towel and began to dry his skin as best as he could with wet shorts on. He cleared his throat, trying to keep his emotions out of his voice.

  “You don’t leave the cabin without me.” He paused for effect. “Do you understand?”


  He didn’t want to terrify her but fear was a lot better than death or being forced to confront an aroused male with the mentality of an animal. “Do you realize how small you are? How helpless?”

  Her arms crossed over her chest and pushed her breasts together, giving him a good view of the soft mounds beneath the fabric. It pissed him off more.


  “I don’t think you do.”

  He threw the towel down and advanced. The way she gasped and shrank away was almost enough to stop him but he had too much adrenaline pumping through his veins to call a halt to his need to teach her something that might save her life. His hands flattened on the counter on each side of her as he leaned in until her head rested against the wall. She had nowhere to go to avoid him while he invaded her space. Fear flashed in her eyes while her breathing increased.

  “I could do anything to you, Beauty. You couldn’t stop me.” He got in her face until their noses brushed. “Hit me. Push me away.” His voice deepened. “Do you think you could win?”

  “No,” she whispered.

  He stared deeply into her eyes and felt like a total bastard. She was genuinely afraid. New urges struck that he resisted. He wanted to kiss her and put his hands all over her body. He backed up a few inches.