Page 11 of The Shadows




  "Oh, now it getstruly interesting," Lilith said as she walked away from the dark vision mist within the pentagram-shaped table. The fanged crest immediately closed down over it as she coolly regarded the flaming pike that had careened through the vaulted ceiling, disturbing screeching bats, to lodge in Sebastian's throne.

  Billowing smoke and the stench of burning vampire flesh filled Vampire Council Chambers, causing the Harpies that hunkered near the hem of Lilith's gown to squeal in discontent. Gray-green little gargoyle bodies fought with one another to hide under tables and behind thrones, agitated at the intrusion, while transporter bats began to take diving swipes at crackling skin, hoping to snag a tasty morsel.

  "Away, you little thieves," Lilith admonished, going up to Sebastian. "Sad but true, he is still a councilman and you may not feed on his remains-even though he does look like a spitted barbecue pig. "

  She dispassionately watched Sebastian scrabble at his throat with blackened, skeletal fingers, and then slow amusement made her chuckle until she outright belly laughed the moment she realized what had happened.

  "Oh, this is priceless!" she screeched, walking in a circle. "Elizabeth is truly a woman after my own heart. I didn't know that royal bitch had it in her!" Pressing her hand to her stomach, Lilith howled and then finally blew Sebastian's flames out. She clucked her tongue in amusement. "No . . . not a barbecued suckling. I was wrong. You look more like a roasted marshmallow . . . all gooey and icky and sticky . . . and, ugh-crusty. "

  She shook her head and walked around him. "The females are always the best at exacting revenge, we are so much more creative than you, darling. This is what I was after. I needed them to rise to the occasion . . . to stretch and grow into their full fury. " Lilith tapped a tapered finger against her lips and sighed. "I so hope Lucrezia deals with Fallon andputs his arrogant ass in its place. Then we will have true balance of power on this council. "

  Sweeping away with a flourish she collected a goblet of blood to sip while she studied Sebastian, trying to decide what to do. "So . . . Vlad is back. Interesting. You accidentally allowed Elizabeth to get ambushed and to burn, thus screwing her; for the favor, she had her husband shove a pike up your ass and then let you burn . . . exquisite. Ahhhh . . . balance. And were we not so resource-bound, I'd leave you here for at least a hundred years, but I cannot afford to let a decent necromancer get exterminated all due to a domestic dispute. How fortunate for you . . . but maybe not, since Vlad will now take Yonnie's vacant throne at council. "

  Lilith chuckled when Sebastian's body twitched in protest and she waved her goblet under Sebastian's nose with a shrug, teasing him mercilessly. "How can I not invite him when he's sent me such a powerful request-and I take it that Liz is probably installing him now? Council sessions should be delightful going forward. And weall must be at his coronation. "

  She leaned in and flicked a serpent tongue into Sebastian's vacant eye sockets, tasting where his eyeballs had liquefied from the heat and had run down his cheeks. "Definitely leaning toward marshmallow. " The moment the gore touched the back of her palate, Lilith shrieked and began laughing all over again.

  "You stupid bastard-you actually allowed Vlad to suck the daylight out of you, too!"

  Owa beamed as Sister Sylvia came up the stairs with a large aluminum pan filled with savory stir-fry vegetables, followed by several team members bringing in warm breads, brown rice, jerk-style seitan, vegan pasta dishes, salads, succulent fruits, fresh squeezed juices, raw honey-sweetened homemade lemonade, and an array of all natural ingredient desserts.

  Even though the Neteru team tried to assist, they were met with jovial protests from the hospitable Detroit squad. Long meeting tables had been pushed together in the general-purpose room and covered with brightly hued African tie-dyed cloths, and meeting-room chairs were added to create banquet seating. A huge potted fern with wide, low fronds temporarily graced the center of the table, and Owa gave explicit instructions to the Detroit crew about making sure all the food to be blessed was on the table before they began. This included any utensils, paper or otherwise, that were to be used. Damali and Carlos nodded with Marlene and Shabazz, taking note that they might have unwittingly misjudged the due diligence of their hosts.

  Lifting a large drinking gourd filled with water, Owa smiled and looked around the table. "We ask the ancestors for permission to proceed. " She poured a healthy splash of water on the plant and uttered "Ashe" with Marlene, enjoining the standing group to do likewise after each recited line. "We ask the Most High and all the angels in Heaven to bless this family while on their mission. We ask for their continued protection, and the protection of any children they have or bear . . . for their elders and loved ones outside the circle of their compound . . . for their travel mercy and deliverance . . . may their Light be ever bright. Bless them, this food, this offering,their lives. Keep them whole and sustained through the darkest of time till there is light. "

  "Ashe" rumbled through the spacious hall. Bodies began to truly relax. Tension gave way to fatigue as breaths that had been held slowly released. By the time Owa finished her ministrations and the plant had been removed from the table to make more room for the food, the Neteru team looked like they were ready to fall down if they didn't sit down.

  "Warriors . . . friends . . . family, please let us tend to you for now. " She waved a gracious hand before the table like a queen mother and bade everyone to sit. "I know you think you all gotta be on guard because we just some old revolutionaries. " She winked at Damali and Carlos, causing them to blanch and Marlene to chuckle. "But we gonna show you how we do up here in Detroit. "

  "Folks are still at work," Sister Sylvia said as the curious Neteru team began taking seats. "See . . . this here place is the fallback position . . . can't have a lot of firepower that human workers can find. But our folks who work up in them plants . . . whooo-wee, y'all. They coming before itgets dark. "

  Owa laughed as the team's gazes shot from one to another. "No, we ain't been up here singing 'Kumbiyah' all these years-but I ain't mad at ya . . . just meansour disguises worked. "

  "Oh, Miss Owa," Damali said, covering her face with her hands. "We meant no disrespect-just didn't want anything to ruin your lovely space here or to get anybody hurt. "

  Owa laughed in good nature and hoisted a layer of her African robes to reveal a handheld Uzi and a cell phone. "I don't know what you said to your husband, but the youngbucks was thinking all sortsa mess that was so easy to pick up. " She shook her head and clucked her tongue, then ruffled Bobby's hair. "Young wizard, I'ma haftalearn you how tobe cool . "

  With that, the team broke out into pure laughter. Plates got passed, dishes dug into with huge spoons and suddenly all formality fled. However, no matter what they said, they couldn't get Owa to sit. She'd eat a little,then hop up with Sylvia, constantly orchestrating the utmost of hospitality. Soon, her cell phone began to sound and a big smile crossed her face.

  "They here. They got a key," she said, glancing at her watch. Hurrying to the steps she waved the incoming team up to the multipurpose room and then turned to address the long banquet tables with pride. "Desebe my people!"

  A pretty-faced, athletically built Guardian with a short Afro and the deepest set of dimples one ever could encounter beamed a perfect white smile as she came to the top of the steps. Coca butter and inner light gave her flawless walnut-hued skin extra luminance as she moved past the window. Carrying a sidearm and a Glock in a shoulder holster and wearing just a simple T-shirt and a pair of boot-cut jeans, everything about her solid frame said no-nonsense.

  "Yo, family," the first Guardian said. "My name's Alicia, but my tights call me Trouble. You met my sister in New York up at Monsta Burgers-Adrienne-we call her Mo' Trouble. "

  "Hey!" Damali instantly replied, jumping up with Carlos. "Fought with your sister on the roof, she covered me with a handheld. Tall sister wit
h awesome braids?"

  "Yeah," Alicia said, laughing, and pounded Damali's fist. "That'd be her. "

  "Girl, gimme some love!" Damali laughed and opened her arms. "We bled together, so we family now. " She hugged Alicia warmly and passed her off to Carlos. "My other half-I know your sister told you about my version of trouble. "

  Alicia gave Carlos a quick warrior's embrace. "You know she did. I'm glad she told me about the silver eyes and fangs-or I'd hot this brother in a heartbeat in a firefight. "

  "Don't shoot. It's all family," Carlos said, laughing.

  "You bestbe telling my folks about any special issues y'all got," Owa said, chuckling nervously. "They're a little trigger-happy-this is Detroit. "

  "I got the fangs, too, ma," Yonnie said, waving at Alicia from where he sat at the long table. "My boogot wings-plus, our grand master shogun," he added, wolfing down corn bread and pointing toward Shabazz, "he goes panther in a smooth shape-shift. The rest are general regulation seers, tactical squad, audio-that's Big Mike. But, yeah, we got some family that got a little extra somethin' somethin'. "

  "Cool," Alicia said with a casual shrug while more Guardians came up the steps. "As long as we know up front, it's all good. " She turned and waved her arm out, making quick introductions. "This here is my homegirl, Candace . . . bad momma on technology and got the juice-tactical. You met Sylvia, Mary, and Brother Muata already . . . seers like Mom Owa, and Muata got the ears. But Gus is our strongman, another tactical, and Craig is our team sharpshooter and explosives man-a tactical. Warren, we call him Navajo, he's our nose-a bad tracker andhe's got a lock on the Canadian side real good. Then, Barbara and Earl . . . they're from Chi-town's team, but are visiting for the jazz fest, so I figured you'd wanna meet them, too-because they definitely wanted to meet you all. "

  The team stood and handshakes and fellowship broke out in earnest. The team went down the row, first greeting the tiny five-foot-two powerhouse, Candace, who had the most wonderful laugh that sounded like tinkling bells and big brown eyes that drew you in. Her size, however, was deceiving-the sister carried a switchblade; a bowie knife; a serrated-edge hunting sickle; and a Beretta-even though she looked like butter wouldn't melt in her mouth at ten paces. Standing beside the dark-haired Greek giant, Gus, she looked like a little girl with a very womanly body.

  Next to the huge Greek was the solidly built, clean-shaven, young African American executive look-alike, Craig, who seemed like he'd just come out of a business meeting. He wore a navy blue pin-striped suit and an Oxford blue shirt with a starched white collar, French cuffs, paisley tie, Cole Hann shoes, the works-but Craig's pecan-hued eyes held a depth of knowledge that only fellow soldiers could understand. It wasn't until one hugged him that it became clear that the man was thoroughly strapped.

  Navajo could have been Jose's brother, built lanky, sporting a ponytail. Wearing urban corner-boy baggy pants, an oversized T-shirt with Tims, and a black-and-white bandana tied around his head, he just leaned back and smiled, pounding fists. Damali and Carlos shared a look and smiled, approving of the team that greeted them.

  "I got da cars, yo-borrowedfrom the plants . . . built Ford tough and Dodge rough, wit Hemis under da hoods, extra exhaust systems, da whole nine . . . since you gonna need to ride or die, yo. " Navajo folded his arms over his chest, beaming with obvious pride.

  "Aw, Navajo," Alicia said, shaking her head. "You didn't jack the plantagain, man . . . you were supposed to get those rides off the street from our stash-not fresh off the lines. "

  He shrugged and shot her a dashing smile as the greeting commotion became quiet. "They VIPs, sis-show some hospitality and some love. "

  "It's stealing," Alicia shot back.

  "Nope-it'sborrowing , and we'll get the rides back to the body shop, detail 'em, take out the extras when we all done and roll back the odometers like we used to do on the street . . . ya know, ya know. "

  Jose laughed and shook his head, but pounded Navajo's fist. "Back in the day, me and you woulda been road dawgs. "

  Carlos had to laugh, too. But before he could add his two cents to the debate, a loud female voice and a pair of heavy footfalls came up the staircase.

  "Chicago in da house," a petite womanshouted, her booming voice surprising for her tiny frame. She was followed by a rock-solidly built male Guardian with a gleaming bald head. "Hey, family!" she said with a wide grin, excitedly looking around the group.

  "Hey," everyone said in unison, as her infectious grin and warm personality bathed them.

  "I'm Barbara," she announced, not waiting to be introduced, "straight pimp gangsta from Chi-town, and this here is my partner, my road dawg, Earl. "

  "I don't know her," the man beside her said, laughing. "She crazy, drives like a lunatic, and-"

  "Don't you get me started, Earl," she fussed. "See, I used to drive a bus for Chicago Metro, and I told him we had to get here on time. But my brother there, he gotsta be stylish-wearing gators to a possible shoot-out with the darkside . . . you know how the men from Chicago besharp . . . anyway, he was making us late, and I don't play that. Where my gun at, Earl?"

  "First of all, I told you I wasn't coming up to no jazz fest where there was gonna be fine women without having my rags right-you know I don't roll like that. And, why you need firearms up in the Shrine? I told you I left that pump in the danged car-you can't jus' be walking down the street with a shotgun in broad daylight, Barbara, no matter how pimp gangsta you is. "

  "See, this was why I wasn't trying to come to the fest wit his ass-'scuze me Mom Owa. "

  "You wasn't gonna come with me?" Earl said, feigning shock. "Girl, you lucky I rode witchu! Then you had me calling on Jesus the whole drive-just putting on your turn signal and moving over into a lane that already got a car in it-"

  "Negro, that's how I learned to drive a bus. They told us, put the signal on and just move over and they'll get the hell outta your way! They did, too,didn't they?"

  "But you wasn't drivin' no danged bus, girl! Youwas in a Kia! That was an eighteen-wheeler youwas moving on. "

  "Well you the damned tactical that's supposed to have my back and clear the road-that's why they call it riding shotgun, okaaay. Don't get me started. "

  "Who?Get started? Barbara, don't make me tell on you, 'cause-"

  "Oh, oh, so it's like that, huh?" Barbara whipped out her cell phone and began a text message. "I'matell my girl, Dyanne and her husband-uh-huh, and she gonna put you on Guardian network blast up on her station. . . . Yeah, when she does her vampire info show for training-"

  "You ain't have to go there . . . how'd I know that girl up in that club was a vampire, with her fine ass? And even if you put me on blast to Dy, that still don't mean you can drive! Plus, it ain't gotnothing to do with nothing, because I didn't get bit. "

  "That's 'cause I had your back-but now you trying to talk about me and my driving up here in frontaNeterus . . . man, you know I'll take my earrings out over that mess!" She pushed Send and stuck out her tongue at Earl. "Now. Dyanne got the update about what happened in that stepper's club. "

  "So! Dy andme real cool on the team. She's our communications czar, and ain't putting me on blast like that. "

  Barbara flashed him a brilliant grin. "I know, but she's laughing her ass off-you ain't gonna never live it down. "

  "You ain't right, girl. "

  "They're always like this," Alicia murmured to Damali, trying hard not to smile, but her dimples gave away the restrained mirth. "My apologies, but the girl can drive a tank in a firefight though. "

  "Hotep!"A woman yelled coming up the steps, her footfalls quick as lightning. When she got to the top of the stairs she shrieked and ran over to Barbara, hugging her profusely. Slightly taller than Barbara and much stronger than she appeared, she hugged her Guardian sister off her feet, laughing. The newcomer's almond-hued skin was tattooed with gorgeous spiraling dragons and Adinkra symbols across her shoulder blades that fr
amed the edges of her olive-green tank top. Her beautiful brown eyes were merry, and her pretty mouth was set in a pout as she dropped Barbara down and flung her russet-toned dreadlocks over her shoulders. "Me and Lissa oughta not even speak to you, heifer. How you gonna come to the jazz fest and not tell the Chicago team and meet the Neterus!"

  "Girl . . . see , what had happened was," Barbara said, laughing. "Aw, Jackie, don't be mad, for real-"

  "No, for real, Lissa is coming up here to kick yo skinny little ass. " Jackie put one hand on her hip, but her smile was wide as she wagged a finger at Barbara.

  At the sound of the keys in the door, both Guardian sisters temporarily stopped arguing and raced to the steps as a six-foot-tall, black-linen-suited, statuesque brown beauty barreled into the multipurpose room, braids and M-16 swaying.

  "Oh, shit, myglamazon sister is here!" Earl hollered. "Lee Lee, whassup,boo ?"

  "Earl," she fussed with a big smile. "The onliest thing keeping you from getting your asses kicked for leaving me in Chicago when the Neterus was in the areais you giving me my props. "

  "You are glamorous and an Amazon, boo-you know I had to coin a phrase just for you, baby. Glamazon!"

  She sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes at him, but then laughed as she flipped Barbara the bird. "So, where they at?"

  The Neteru team looked from one to the other, trying not to laugh as Barbara hid behind Jackie, playing around. Using Jackie as a body-shield, the tiny, curvaceous woman with the Halle Berry-style short haircut, white linen suit, and designer shades pointed at her six-foot, muscular brother who was just as fly. Earl was rocking tan linen and matching gators, and didn't look like he was ready in the least to go round-for-round or pound-for-pound with Lissa.

  "It was all Earl's fault," Barbara said, laughing harder as Lissa lowered a weapon at her with a wide grin.

  The moment Earl took a breath, Barbara, Alicia, Lissa, and Candace jumped on him, verbally pelting him. It was clear who had the verbal advantage, and after a while he simply gave up, smoothed a palm over his gleaming bald head with a sigh and shrugged.

  "I can't do nothing with 'em, can't take 'em nowhere. I'm putting out a plea for a transfer with the Neteru team. Need some more male Guardians up in Chicago to have my back, feel me?"

  "Humph," Barbara said, and finally turned her attention to the Neteru team. "It didn't have to beall that, Earl. "

  For two seconds the room was still and then suddenly it erupted into booming laughter.

  "Okay," Owa said. "You have now met Detroit and some of the Chicago team. Initial looks mighta been deceiving, but you think we can handle some vampires up in the house?"

  "Most definitely," Carlos said, pounding Shabazz's fist.

  The transporter bats didn't screech, they shrieked as theywhirred Vlad the Impaler with his newly reclaimed wife into Vampire Council Chambers. Nuit was already sitting in his throne, tense, with Lucrezia at his side, her expression unreadable. Sebastian drew back within his as Vlad surveyed the environment with an air of familiarity, ignoring him to stride closer to the table.

  Elizabeth hung back as Vlad approached Lilith and dropped to one knee before their councilwoman, not sure if her presumptuous actions to bring back her late husband would draw Lilith's approval or her wrath.

  "Milady," Vlad said with old-world charm, "it has been eons. "

  "Indeed," Lilith said coolly. "But have you forgotten that entering chambers requires the protocol of a blood check at the doors?" She took a sip of blood from her goblet and motioned toward the massive, black marble doors. "The golden-fanged knockers need a bite . . . if you pass inspection, then we know you're the genuine article. "

  He looked up into her eyes, his burning black with lust. "I will endure the bite, as you wish . . . but I assure you, Madame Councilwoman, I am the genuine article. "

  "Then rather than trouble yourself with crossing so far from me to complete such a rudimentary task . . . perhaps I could sample and see? Or are you afraid that the Dark Lord's wife might smell a coup and rip your lungs out?"

  "With daylight in my veins, the love of my life by my side . . . my army replenished and war at hand?" He dropped his voice to a gravelly rumble. "Lilith, tell me why I would be so impetuous?"

  They both smiled and Elizabeth relaxed. Vlad tore away his breastplate and turned his head to the side to give Lilith access to his jugular. She slowly leaned forward and traced the pulsing surface of it with her index finger.

  "Beautiful," Lilith murmured. "I don't know why we didn't do this earlier. " Her strike was cobra-fast and brutal. Vlad released a groan of pleasure that made all witnessing councilmen swallow hard. When she came away from Vlad's throat, she wiped her lush mouth with the back of her hand and retracted her fangs, seeming almost pleasure-drunk. "You've gotten stronger while in the Sea of Perpetual Agony," she said, awed. "I think I'm in love. " Then she laughed as she stood and offered him a goblet. "Your old throne awaits . . . you've yet to be properly installed in it. "

  "Welcome," Nuit said cautiously, finally finding his voice.

  "Welcome," Lucrezia said in a nervous whisper.

  Vlad nodded and walked over to the pentagram-shaped table, not immediately going to his throne. He downed his goblet and submitted to a fang strike by the crest to open it, and then began reading the minutes.

  "Good," Vlad said, looking at Nuit. "You are on record as having no part in reanimating my wife without me. . . . Nor had your bride. " He shot a threatening glare at Sebastian. "Not even the traitor, Yolando, was so foolish. For that, I will kill him swiftly rather than prolong his agony. "

  "You have exacted your revenge, Vlad," Lilith said evenly. "We cannot afford strife among us. Sebastian didn't have her that long, and trustme, there was assuredly no lasting impression. Therefore, by edict of Level Seven, there will be no more intracouncil assassinations, torture attempts, et al. Just for the record. "

  "As milady so desires," Vlad said with a sneer toward Sebastian, who looked positively white with shell shock. "And, as it appears in the record, her installation and coronation was dismal. "

  "Shockingly so," Nuit said, sitting forward and making a tent with his fingers before his mouth. "Twenty minutes or thereabouts, I'm told. "

  "Twenty minutes?" Vlad snarled and walked over to where Elizabeth stood immobile.

  "Tragic, but true," she said, delicately placing her hand within his.

  "Not fit for a countess of pain. "

  "No," she murmured as his hands found her alabaster shoulders. "I yearned for you until even my tears bled. "

  She closed her eyes as his fingers found the edge of her black lace gown, toying with the fabric. He bent and kissed the crimson satin ribbon that was tied around her throat and then led her by the elbow to stand before Lilith's throne.

  "Allow me to properly install my wife at my own coronation, milady. "

  Lilith crossed her long, shapely legs and nodded with a droll smile. "I would have been disappointed had you not requested to do so. "

  Vlad smiled and turned Elizabeth toward him, so that her back faced the council thrones. Lucrezia's quiet gasp seemed to add to his pleasure as he slowly removed Elizabeth's gown and allowed the yards of black fabric to pool at her feet on the floor.

  The council's eyes studied the intricate back piercing that left a row of six golden rings on each side of her spinal column, with a tiny ring at the nape of her neck. A scarlet ribbon was crisscrossed through the loop work, designed almost like a pulley, and the ends of it hung free like kite tails that flanked her sides. Red, angry marks surrounded each ring where tender skin had been freshly pierced. Elizabeth's narrow hips swayed in anticipation as Vlad slowly removed his armor, and her smooth, flawless buttocks trembled ever so slightly as she waited for him to near her.

  "If you so much as blink during the coronation," Vlad warned Sebastian, "I will take my chances with Madame Councilwoman's edict. "

p; Vlad closed the gap between him and Elizabeth and took up the edges of the ribbon, slowly winding it around his fists. The moment she leaned in to take his mouth, which was just a hairsbreadth from his, he yanked hard on the ribbon, causing her to shut her eyes tightly with a wince and her back to bleed.

  "Tell me you need an assistant," Lucrezia murmured and then smiled triumphantly as Nuit eased back in his throne, his expression suddenly unreadable. "You see, my husband has been very busy making new master vampires while I've been convalescing . . . therefore, I've been bored. Now, since there can be no objection-given that fair exchange is no robbery here, I should like to help properly welcome you and the countess to court. " She offered Vlad a charming bow from where she sat. "Your prowess is legendary . . . and our hospitality has been lacking of late. " She glared at her husband and then gave Lilith a knowing glance, arching her eyebrow.

  "My, my, my," Lilith crooned in a seductive tone, "just when I thought Liz was the only bitch in here but me. " She raised her goblet to Lucrezia. "I like your style. Timing of the revenge is just as important as the elements it contains. "

  "I so agree, Madame Councilwoman," Lucrezia said, and then lifted her goblet toward Lilith before taking a sip.

  Vlad stared at Lucrezia, his eyes filled with lust as she ran a ruby-red, manicured nail down the front of her crimson satin gown, opening it to expose her perfect, petite breasts. A red glow began to overtake her cat-green irises and she seductively shrugged her mane of scarlet hair over her creamy shoulder. He glanced at Elizabeth, who swallowed hard and subtly nodded, the yearning standing between them as though it were another entity.

  "I could use an assistant to help bind her," Vlad murmured, and then smiled at Nuit evilly. "Unless your husband objects?"

  For a moment, Nuit didn't answer, but thinking better of a challenge, he lifted his chin. "Non. . . . I do not object. "

  "Good," Vlad said. "You have an empire that can deliver messages of our conquest quickly-that can inspire fear . . . I have an army that is worthy of worldwide terror . . . we should be allies. " Not waiting for Nuit's response, he turned his focus to Lucrezia and offered her the ribbons.

  Elizabeth's head dropped back as soon as Lucrezia stood before her, their taut nipples grazing each other's, each woman's soft skin becoming goose-pebbled with anticipation. Vlad rounded Elizabeth and kissed her bleeding piercing sites one by one, causing her to groan. But rather than strike her, he took both nude women's hands and led them to his throne.

  Securing Elizabeth's wrists at the top skeleton posts on either side of it with shackles, he gently opened her legs to make her stand spread-eagle while he caressed her damp inner thighs and bound her ankles to the base of the throne. Then he bade Lucrezia to stand before Elizabeth and motioned for Lucrezia to return the ribbons to his palms.

  "Welcome her to Council properly," he said in a thick murmur, his dark gaze holding Lucrezia for ransom. "Please, Baroness. "

  "I shall do my very best," Lucrezia promised him in a breathy murmur and then turned her attention to Elizabeth.

  Lucrezia touched Elizabeth's mouth with trembling fingers, slowly bringing the pad of her thumb across her bottom lip,then she kissed her gently, tangling tongues. Pulling back, she watched as Elizabeth's eyes began to glow and she allowed her hands to trace her shoulders, then her collarbone, and to flow over Elizabeth's breasts. Elizabeth briefly closed her eyes, but a sharp tug at the ribbons by Vlad made her open them wide again.

  He stood behind Lucrezia, staring over her shoulder at Elizabeth as Lucrezia lowered her mouth to Elizabeth's delicate skin, her tongue painting a path of pleasure between Elizabeth's breasts, suckling under the petite lobes until she moaned. Drawing a tight pink nipple into her mouth, Lucrezia sent a saliva-slicked finger to caress the tip of the other one, and then swayed her breasts against Elizabeth's, coaxing a gasp from them both.

  But a hard yank kept Elizabeth's hungry mouth from seeking solace against Lucrezia's. In frustration, Lucrezia licked at Elizabeth's tightening nipples while massaging her own until Elizabeth began to writhe. Vlad wound the ribbon tighter around his fist and pulled hard with a wicked smile, making Elizabeth cry out, but grow deadly still again.

  Lucrezia smiled against her breasts and slowly kissed down Elizabeth's torso, her tiny pink tongue causing the bound woman to tremble. Finally Elizabeth's uncontrollable shudders gave way to openmouthed pants as Lucrezia neared her mound, looked up for a moment, and began to slowly consume her.

  Although she remained stock-still, Elizabeth's husky moans reverberated off the council walls, creating an echo chamber that aroused transporter bats and sent Harpies into mating frenzies. But Vlad wouldn't allow her to move. He stood behind Lucrezia, naked, breathing hard with need, watching her limber spine dip and sway as her tongue tunneled into his wife's canal. Lucrezia's graceful hands cupped his wife's thighs, her thumbs holding her lips open as she suckled Elizabeth to tears.

  Wet sounds of tongue lapping against swollen, hot skin made Nuit swallow hard as quietly as possible while Lilith uncrossed her legs and opened them wide, allowing several of her Harpies to slip beneath her gown hem. Sebastian didn't move, his distress shown only by his slightly flared nostrils on each inhalation and exhalation.

  But as Lucrezia drove two fingers deep within Elizabeth and suckled her clit, Elizabeth made the fatal error of arching. A hard yank made her voice rent the air. Lucrezia looked up over her shoulder at Vlad, unsure. His eyes were hard, but his voice was filled with thick desire.

  "Go to her. Comfort her . . . and I will comfort you. "

  Immediately Lucrezia slid up Elizabeth's body and took her mouth, cradling her skull between her hands. Her mound urgently mated with Elizabeth's, causing more hot tears to slip from Elizabeth's eyes, and then suddenly Lucrezia arched with a thunderous moan as Vlad entered her from behind. Unable to help herself, Lucrezia bucked against his slow steady thrusts, rubbing herself against Elizabeth at the same time. But each time Vlad's wife would become overwrought with passion and begin to move, he would punish her with the ribbons until she finally sobbed.

  Nuit squirmed uncomfortably in his throne as Lilith hissed with pleasure from her Harpies' attention. Sebastian simply looked forward, gripping his armrests, barely able to breathe. Then Elizabeth's voice rent the air in a murderous scream as Lucrezia came against her and yet Vlad still would not allow her to move.

  Quickly, his breaths now hard pants, he unfurled the ribbons in his grasp and tied them around Lucrezia's waist, binding both women together, belly to belly. Kissing Lucrezia deeply, he stared at her for a moment and then took Elizabeth's mouth as he unsheathed himself from Lucrezia. Moving with deliberate speed, he slid under Elizabeth so that her back pressed against his stomach, wrapping his arms around both her and Lucrezia.

  The moment his body touched the throne seat, all of the knowledge within it up to his reign and beyond it fused with his spine, causing him to arch and cry out. Black current ran over his skin and the power of the charge made his fangs lengthen against his will. Frenzied, he lifted his hips in a violent upthrust and entered Elizabeth, pumping wildly, then leaving her body to seek Lucrezia's, making both women writhe and moan and compete for his penetration. Then the second the black charge drew back into the marble, the Council Chambers went dark, torches blew out, the throne became a four-posted bed under a blanket of Carpathian stars.

  Still bound, both female vampires clawed at each other, trying to get more of their body surfaces to rub against the other as he serviced them with alternating thrusts. Wails of passionate discontent bounced off thrones and the cavern walls, as his deep, growling responses bottomed out their pleas.

  Suddenly, he left Elizabeth's body, focused on Lucrezia until she heaved and climaxed, holding Elizabeth's ribbons, making her shriek with need. As soon as Lucrezia's body slumped, he released Elizabeth's ribbons, mounted her savagely, and tore into her throat with massive fangs. Her orgasm eclipsed his
in force and voracity, knocking Lilith's head back and making both Nuit and Sebastian shudder where they sat.

  "Bravo," Lilith whispered, too dazed to even clap. "Bravo. Nuit . . . your coronation takes second place; there is simply no way to top a standard-bearer. "

  "He is the Count," Nuit admitted begrudgingly, his gaze riveted to Lucrezia's naked body with longing. He then smirked at Sebastian and glanced down at his fellow councilman's erection. "The Harpies will oblige, but I don't suggest you even do that in Vlad's presence. "

  Sebastian closed his eyes, trying without success to shut out Nuit's humor noir. The violent episode on the chamber floor passed slowly, and Vlad made each star slowly fade with it, bringing the threesome back onto his throne nude and exhausted. He took up Lucrezia's hand and kissed the back of it.

  "Thank you, fair lady," he said, breathing hard as he helped Lucrezia off of his lap. "I couldn't have done this installation properly without you. "

  Lucrezia blew him a kiss. "The pleasure was allmine , Count Dracula. "

  Elizabeth's fingers sought Vlad's now wild profusion of brunet hair and his tangled in hers, blood staining the corners of their mouths. Her gaze sought his, searching his face with deep passion. He kissed his wife gently, not watching Lucrezia return to Nuit.

  "And thank you, beloved," Vlad murmured against his wife's bloodied throat. "After we feed, I will bring you justice as my fair exchange gift for another lifetime gift that you've given me . . . this time under the sun. The Neterus will die. "