Seb swallowed hard. He kissed Hudson's cheek before meeting Rodriguez's gaze. "Not for him."

  Hudson shook his head. "What is he being charged with?"

  "Assault and battery," Stevens replied, motioning for Seb to turn around.

  Hudson gasped, and Seb forced his gaze away. He couldn't stand to look Hudson in the eyes, couldn't face the pain he'd put there. Instead he turned and placed his wrists together so they could be restrained. Hudson stepped in front of him and cupped Seb's face, his eyes searching Seb's.

  "Tell me you didn't. Please, darling."

  "I'm sorry. I love you, Lobito. Always."

  The agents read Seb his rights as they led him out of the house to the idling SUV parked in the middle of the street. The lights were off, sparing him the bright blue-and-red flares that would have drawn out his neighbors. Someone was looking out for him, trying to keep things from turning into a circus. Seb was grateful. Hudson didn't need that kind of attention on him. Hudson closed the door behind him and ran after them.

  "Dr. Colbourn--" Stevens began when Hudson took hold of Stevens's sleeve.


  With a sigh, Stevens nodded, and Hudson climbed into the back of the Suburban before the two agents helped Seb in. It wasn't usual for a Therian suspect to be picked up in anything other than a BearCat with the rest of the team in attendance. It was all incredibly low-key.

  "Sparks?" Seb asked, and Stevens nodded from the front seat. He should have known.

  Hudson fastened his seat belt, then slipped his hand around Seb's bicep. He looked out the window, not saying a word as they drove down to HQ. Hudson wouldn't remain quiet for long. He was likely taking it all in. Seb closed his eyes and let his head hang. He'd had it all and lost it just as quickly. Again.

  Chapter 9

  "I CAN'T believe this."

  Hudson paced the cell floor furiously as Seb stood staring down at his shaking hands. Seb had just thrown his career away, his life. A tear rolled down Seb's cheek, and he wiped it away absently. Oh God, this was it. They were going to crucify him, bury him so deep no one would ever find him again. Their family, Julia, Thomas, Ethan.... Fuck. Fuck.

  "Damn it, Sebastian!" Hudson shoved Seb before moving away, his hands in his hair. "How could you?" The only reason they'd even allowed him near Seb's cell, much less inside, was because of who he was. And because Seb was a THIRDS Team Leader, they'd taken him to the private cellblock, the one reserved for high-profile cases or cases requiring discretion, such as this one.

  "I don't regret it," Seb replied quietly as he sank down onto the steel bench bolted to the floor.

  "Why?" Hudson dropped to his knees in front of him. He cupped Seb's face. "I just got you back. Why would you do this to us? I'm tired of losing you."

  "The way he hurt you? They could have killed you. I lost it." Seb shook his head. "When I saw those filthy texts--"

  Hudson straightened. "What texts?"

  "Your phone woke me up, and I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have pried, but when I saw those disgusting words, things he said... I couldn't stop myself. I read the texts. Then I found his address in your contacts, and--"

  "How?" Hudson removed his mobile phone from his pocket. He scrolled through his texts and shook his head. "There are no texts here, Sebastian." Hudson showed Seb.

  "What?" Seb grabbed the phone and stared at it. "No, that's not possible. They were there. Dozens of them." Seb tapped away at Hudson's phone, his eyes going wide. "The address was here. In your contacts." He looked up, pleading. "I'm not making it up."

  Hudson took his phone and returned it to his pocket. "I believe you." He paced the cell, his heart breaking. "What are we going to do?"

  "We?" Seb shook his head. "You're going home. This was my choice, and now I'll face the consequences of my actions. If I'm lucky, the judge will go easy on me. It would have been worse if Trent had been a regular citizen. Since we're both THIRDS agents, the fact I have training shouldn't be used against me. He could have fought back, but he didn't."

  Hudson stopped pacing to face Seb. "Haven't we paid enough?" His voice broke, and he closed his eyes. He was so tired. All he wanted was to live a relatively normal life with his mate. Was that too much to ask? They were both quiet as they waited. And waited.

  "Why haven't they booked me yet?" Seb asked, looking around.

  The rest of the private cells were empty, and the usual agents on duty were absent. Hudson agreed it was odd. Seb should have been processed by now. The THIRDS had Seb's personal information along with his fingerprints, but agents would have taken a mug shot by now. His personal property should have been confiscated, recorded, and stored. Not that Hudson was in any hurry, but it was certainly not the usual. Of course, the usual would have meant a cellblock filled with detainees.

  "You should have taken me up on my offer. This could have been avoided."

  Hudson started at the familiar voice. The cell door opened, and Sparks stepped inside. Bloody Felids. Wait.... He looked from Sparks to Seb and back. "What offer?"

  Seb didn't reply, so Sparks answered for him. "To join TIN as an associate. He would have been trained, his knee given the best medical treatment available. He would have been protected from all this."

  Hudson considered her words and read between the lines. With Sparks, one was often forced to really listen in order to hear what wasn't said. "If he joins you, would this situation be... cleared up?"

  Sparks cocked her head, her piercing blue eyes studying him. "It's too late, Dr. Colbourn."

  It couldn't be. Hudson wouldn't allow it. After years of heartache, of needing his mate, he wasn't going to lose him now. This was his mess too. Seb was here because of him.

  "You can have me, and not as an associate. I'll join TIN as an operative."

  Seb jumped to his feet. "Absolutely not."

  "You have no say in this, Sebastian," Hudson snapped. "It's my decision." He was already in bed with TIN through Dex. Why not make it official? He couldn't let Seb lose everything because of him.

  "The hell I have no say," Seb hissed, taking hold of Hudson's arm. His expression softened, fear and panic in his eyes. "You're my mate."

  "And what good will that do us when you're in prison? I won't let them come between us. Not this time. Trent was the one who acted reprehensibly, and I'm supposed to sit back and watch them punish you? What you did was wrong, Sebastian, but what Trent did, what he was going to do, what he's gotten away with?" He pressed his lips together in an attempt to calm his rising ire. He'd allowed others to dictate his life, and what had it gotten him? He'd lost what was most important to him. He'd been bloody miserable. This was his life, their life. For years he'd fought against his family, refusing to have his path chosen for him, only to arrive in the States and end up in the same position, submitting to his guilt and the will of others. He'd had enough.

  Sparks shook her head at him. "That's not how it works. You don't simply get to become a TIN operative because you feel like it."

  "You asked Dex and Sloane."

  "Yes, but I don't see what--"

  "Then you can ask me," Hudson insisted. "I'm valuable, and not just because of Dex. I can be a trained operative, as well as one of your TIN medical examiners or medical specialists. I know I can be of value to you, to TIN." Whatever it took to have some semblance of a life with Seb, Hudson would take it. At least he wouldn't be on his own with TIN. He'd have Dex and Sloane. That would be enough for him. Sparks seemed to give it some thought.

  "What if you get us both?" Seb asked.

  Sparks arched an eyebrow at Seb. "I'm listening."

  "If you make this go away, and you take Hudson... you get me too. But we're a partnership, just like Dex and Sloane. We come together or not at all."

  Hudson swallowed hard, his nerves somewhat eased when Seb's hand slipped into his and gave it a squeeze. After what seemed like an eternity, Sparks turned away from them.

  "Agent Jones. We're done here."

  Apparently, Spark
s wasn't the only TIN operative working undercover inside the THIRDS. Hudson had suspected as much. Were Stevens and Rodriguez operatives as well? The huge tiger Therian approached, and Hudson took a step closer to Seb. Please don't take him from me. Agent Jones opened the cell door and waited. Sparks spoke quietly to him, but loud enough for Hudson and Seb to hear.

  "Get Agent Hobbs cleaned up, and cut him loose. Protocol Poppy Fields."

  "Both of them?" Agent Jones clarified.

  Sparks nodded. She paused to look over her shoulder at them. "We'll be in touch, Agents. Welcome to TIN." She walked off without so much as a second glance. That was it? Hudson felt somewhat weak in the knees, and Seb walked him over to the bench, where Hudson took a seat. Could it be that easy? What the hell was he thinking? Easy? What they'd just done was as far from easy as they could get.

  Agent Jones removed his phone from his pocket and tapped away at it. Once he was done, he returned the phone to his pocket and stood motionless. Hudson and Seb exchanged glances. Now what?

  Several seconds later, another agent appeared. He handed Agent Jones a large bag through the bars. Receiving a nod from Agent Jones, the leopard Therian left. Were all TIN's operatives so deadly serious? Hudson thought of Dex, and he almost felt sorry for Sparks. Was she aware what she was about to unleash in her organization? She had to know. Agent Jones handed the bag to Seb, his stoic expression never faltering.

  "Change. Take everything you have on and put it in the bag, including your phone."

  "It's THIRDS issued," Seb reminded the operative. All THIRDS agents were issued secure cell phones to use while on and off duty. Just because they weren't on the job twenty-four hours a day didn't mean the THIRDS could take any chances with classified information.

  "Regardless, you need to hand it over. We need to make sure nothing connects you to Trent Carson's friends. It'll be returned later."

  Seb nodded. He took the bag, placed it on the bench, and started undressing just as Hudson's phone rang.

  Hudson frowned, feeling certain he'd never had a ringtone of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow," much less applied it to any of his contacts. The caller was unknown. He answered quietly.


  "It's taken care of."

  Austen. Blimey, that was quick.

  "Did you change my ringtone? Never mind. What does that mean?" Hudson asked, afraid to hear the answer. What Trent did was unforgiveable, but that didn't mean Hudson wanted him dead. Oh God, what if TIN had... disposed of him? Would they do that? Trent was a THIRDS agent. Surely someone would notice Trent's sudden disappearance.

  "It means it's taken care of. Sorry, Doc. You don't get to ask questions until you're sworn in and get a pretty new tie. I would recommend a blue hue to match your eyes."

  "Are they...?"

  Austen released a heavy sigh. "The arresting agents work for TIN, and douchebag Trent is being privately escorted back to Philly, where he'll face charges for three counts of assault and battery and six counts of sexual assault on marked Therians. Seems his victims suddenly feel safe enough to talk. Trent is going away for a very long time."

  Hudson couldn't believe what he was hearing. It struck him then, how much worse it could have been the evening he'd been attacked. That bloody wanker. "What if he mentions me?"

  "You? Trent's never met you. He has no idea who you are or that you exist. There is nothing that connects you to him, his home, or his friends."

  Hudson was going to ask how that was possible, but then he remembered who he was speaking to. If TIN could make Dex forget about his seizure, why wouldn't they have the means to make Trent forget? It was... terrifying. "And the others? His friends?"

  "We're not worried about them."

  "But what if they go to the THIRDS?"

  "That's not going to happen."

  Austen sounded so sure. Hudson stood, unable to stop from pacing. "Did TIN...?"

  "No, your guardian angel took care of them."

  Hudson froze. "What?"

  "Wolf got to them first."

  A chill swept through Hudson, making him shiver. Oh heavens. Was that who had come to his rescue? He was grateful for Seb's strong arms around him, holding him up. Why had Wolf taken an interest in him? Why save him from those men? Far more frightening was Wolf dispatching those two men for what they'd done. It meant he felt something, whatever it was, but why would he? Hudson had never even seen the man, only heard of him. It was unsettling, having the attention of a trained psychopath.

  "What are you talking about?"

  "Neither men were in their homes when TIN arrived. An operative at each scene received an anonymous text telling them not to worry, that it was taken care of. There was also a nice little tip on where to find Trent. Your man, Seb, must have put the fear of God into him, because after he called in Seb's visit, he was on the way to the airport with a one-way ticket to LA."

  "What does TIN know about Wolf? And why does he care what happens to me?"

  "TIN operatives aren't the sharing type. Besides, when Wolf went off the grid, he destroyed any information TIN had on him. All we have to go on is what Sparks personally knows about him. There's something else, but you're not going to like it. I told Dex, and he almost had kittens. So to speak. Wouldn't that be something if he could?" Austen snorted out a laugh. "Sloane would lose his shit."

  The man was off his trolley. "Austen," Hudson hissed. "Tell me."

  "It looks like Wolf might have been keeping an eye on you longer than we thought. It's likely he stepped out of the shadows because someone forced his hand. Possibly the Makhai."

  Sparks had told Hudson briefly about the Makhai, the group Moros had been associated with. Hudson walked back to the bench and sat down, Seb worriedly accompanying him, his eyes questioning. He held up a hand. He'd tell Seb everything in a minute; he just needed to process all of this.


  "Your guess is as good as mine."

  "So what happens now?"

  "That's up to the boss lady. What I can say is she doesn't like cleaning up other people's messes, and this whole thing with Wolf has her all kinds of pissy. Anyway, consider this one a welcome gift. Next time, you'll owe her, and trust me, you don't want to owe her."

  "Thank you."

  "See you around."

  Hudson returned his phone to his pocket, his thoughts going to Wolf. It just didn't make any sense.

  Seb placed his fingers to Hudson's jaw. "Lobito, what's going on?"

  "We'll discuss this when we get home."

  Agent Jones returned with Seb's phone and a new set of clothes. They were released from the cell without a word from Agent Jones, whom Hudson supposed they'd be seeing more of around Unit Alpha. Seb called a cab, and soon they were outside Seb's front door. This night was so surreal. First that nasty business with Trent, then Seb getting arrested, TIN, and now finding out about Wolf?

  As soon as Seb opened the door, Hudson hurried to the kitchen. He opened the end cabinet, grateful Seb still had the electric kettle Hudson had purchased years ago. He filled it with water, aware of Seb hovering quietly beside the island counter. Seb waited patiently as Hudson made some tea. He wasn't about to burn through any more brain cells on this mess until he had a cup of tea in his hands. Once he did, he headed for the living room and sat down on the couch. Seb took a seat beside him.

  "Lobito, talk to me."

  Hudson sucked in a sharp breath before letting it out slowly. "Wolf's been keeping an eye on me for longer than TIN thought."

  Seb blinked at him. "Come again?"

  He relayed everything Austen had told him. When he was done, he took a big sip of tea and waited for all that to sink in. Seb reacted as expected. He stood, wincing at the pain in his knee before throwing up his arms.

  "Are you fucking kidding me? And they only just found this out now?"

  Hudson took another sip of tea. Perhaps he should take up yoga or meditation. He had the feeling he was going to need it. Seb continued to pace and rant. Hudson let the poo
r man vent. He'd been through so much already. When Seb was done, he let out a huff and dropped down onto the couch beside Hudson.

  "Tell me what's going through your head." Seb's voice was soft, his fingers gentle against Hudson's jaw.

  "Wolf has been watching me, and we work for TIN now. I'm... not sure what else there is to say." He was still attempting to wrap his head around it all. "Are you going to tell Dom?"

  Seb ran a hand through his hair and sighed. "I don't know. I mean, if I was an associate like Sparks originally proposed, I wouldn't have hesitated. I would have still been a THIRDS agent first, and TIN associate second. But as a full operative? How could I do that to Dom? We're going to be sent God knows where to do God knows what. If I fuck up, and heaven forbid I'm exposed, everyone I care about will become a target."

  Hudson considered this. It was different for him. He had people he cared about, but his family was Nina and Seb's family. Speaking of which.... "Ethan already knows about Dex and Sloane. He's an associate along with Destructive Delta." Seb let out a grunt, and Hudson put a hand to his cheek. "I'm certain he was going to tell you. I imagine he's struggling with the very thing you are at the moment. Between him, Cal, and you, I'm confident our family will be safe."

  Seb's smile at the mention of "our family" was breathtaking. He turned his face so he could kiss Hudson's palm. "What do you think I should do?"

  "I think whether you tell Dom or not, he could still be in danger because he's your best friend. I believe it's better for him to be prepared than to be caught off guard. He would want to know."

  Seb nodded. "You're right. He would. No matter what happens, I know he'd want me to confide in him. The rest of the team... I'll have to think about."

  "Fair enough."

  Seb took Hudson's hands. "Whatever happens, we won't let that change us. Me and you. We're in this together. Always. As long as we're together, I can make it through anything."

  Hudson finished his tea and placed the cup on the coffee table before turning to face Seb. There was nothing he could do in regards to Wolf or TIN, but there was certainly a concern he could address, and it was sitting beside him, eyes filled with love. "What are we doing?"