At this the captain laughed tolerantly. “Yes, yes. This isn’t even circumstantial evidence, you know. I didn’t see the boy’s withered arm. I see only his arm whole and well. That’s no proof. What proof have you that the boy’s arm was withered yesterday and today is well?”

  “My word is my proof,” said the mayor simply.

  “My dear man!” cried the captain. “You don’t expect me to go on hearsay, do you? Oh no!”

  “I’m sorry,” said the mayor, looking upon the captain with what appeared to be curiosity and pity.

  “Do you have any pictures of the boy before today?” asked the captain.

  After a moment a large oil portrait was carried forth, showing the son with a withered arm.

  “My dear fellow!” The captain waved it away. “Anybody can paint a picture. Paintings lie. I want a photograph of the boy.”

  There was no photograph. Photography was not a known art in their society.

  “Well,” sighed the captain, face twitching, “let me talk to a few other citizens. We’re getting nowhere.” He pointed at a woman. “You.” She hesitated. “Yes, you; come here,” ordered the captain. “Tell me about this wonderful man you saw yesterday.”

  The woman looked steadily at the captain. “He walked among us and was very fine and good.”

  “What color were his eyes?”

  “The color of the sun, the color of the sea, the color of a flower, the color of the mountains, the color of the night.”

  “That’ll do.” The captain threw up his hands. “See, Martin? Absolutely nothing. Some charlatan wanders through whispering sweet nothings in their ears and—”

  “Please, stop it,” said Martin.

  The captain stepped back. “What?”

  “You heard what I said,” said Martin. “I like these people. I believe what they say. You’re entitled to your opinion, but keep it to yourself, sir.”

  “You can’t talk to me this way,” shouted the captain.

  “I’ve had enough of your high-handedness,” replied Martin. “Leave these people alone. They’ve got something good and decent, and you come and foul up the nest and sneer at it. Well, I’ve talked to them too. I’ve gone through the city and seen their faces, and they’ve got something you’ll never have—a little simple faith, and they’ll move mountains with it. You, you’re boiled because someone stole your act, got here ahead and made you unimportant!”

  “I’ll give you five seconds to finish,” remarked the captain. “I understand. You’ve been under a strain, Martin. Months of traveling in space, nostalgia, loneliness. And now, with this thing happening, I sympathize, Martin. I overlook your petty insubordination.”

  “I don’t overlook your petty tyranny,” replied Martin. “I’m stepping out. I’m staying here.”

  “You can’t do that!”

  “Can’t I? Try and stop me. This is what I came looking for. I didn’t know it, but this is it. This is for me. Take your filth somewhere else and foul up other nests with your doubt and your—scientific method!” He looked swiftly about. “These people have had an experience, and you can’t seem to get it through your head that it’s really happened and we were lucky enough to almost arrive in time to be in on it.

  “People on Earth have talked about this man for twenty centuries after he walked through the old world. We’ve all wanted to see him and hear him, and never had the chance. And now, today, we just missed seeing him by a few hours.”

  Captain Hart looked at Martin’s cheeks. “You’re crying like a baby. Stop it.”

  “I don’t care.”

  “Well, I do. In front of these natives we’re to keep up a front. You’re overwrought. As I said, I forgive you.”

  “I don’t want your forgiveness.”

  “You idiot. Can’t you see this is one of Burton’s tricks to fool these people, to bilk them, to establish his oil and mineral concerns under a religious guise! You fool, Martin. You absolute fool! You should know Earthmen by now. They’ll do anything—blaspheme, lie, cheat, steal, kill, to get their ends. Anything is fine if it works; the true pragmatist, that’s Burton. You know him!”

  The captain scoffed heavily. “Come off it, Martin, admit it; this is the sort of scaly thing Burton might carry off, polish up these citizens and pluck them when they’re ripe.”

  “No,” said Martin, thinking of it.

  The captain put his hand up. “That’s Burton. That’s him. That’s his dirt, that’s his criminal way. I have to admire the old dragon. Flaming in here in a blaze and a halo and a soft word and a loving touch, with a medicated salve here and a healing ray there. That’s Burton all right!”

  “No.” Martin’s voice was dazed. He covered his eyes. “No, I won’t believe it.”

  “You don’t want to believe.” Captain Hart kept at it. “Admit it now. Admit it! It’s just the thing Burton would do. Stop day-dreaming, Martin. Wake up! It’s morning. This is a real world and we’re real, dirty people—Burton the dirtiest of us all!”

  Martin turned away.

  “There, there, Martin,” said Hart, mechanically patting the man’s back. “I understand. Quite a shock for you. I know. A rotten shame, and all that. That Burton is a rascal. You go take it easy. Let me handle this.”

  Martin walked off slowly toward the rocket.

  Captain Hart watched him go. Then, taking a deep breath, he turned to the woman he had been questioning. “Well. Tell me some more about this man. As you were saying, madam?”

  Later the officers of the rocket ship ate supper on card tables outside. The captain correlated his data to a silent Martin who sat red-eyed and brooding over his meal.

  “Interviewed three dozen people, all of them full of the same milk and hogwash,” said the captain. “It’s Burton’s work all right, I’m positive. He’ll be spilling back in here tomorrow or next week to consolidate his miracles and beat us out in our contracts. I think I’ll stick on and spoil it for him.”

  Martin glanced up sullenly. “I’ll kill him,” he said.

  “Now, now, Martin! There, there, boy.”

  “I’ll kill him—so help me, I will.”

  “We’ll put an anchor on his wagon. You have to admit he’s clever. Unethical but clever.”

  “He’s dirty.”

  “You must promise not to do anything violent.” Captain Hart checked his figures. “According to this, there were thirty miracles of healing performed, a blind man restored to vision, a leper cured. Oh, Burton’s efficient, give him that.”

  A gong sounded. A moment later a man ran up. “Captain, sir. A report! Burton’s ship is coming down. Also the Ashley ship, sir!”

  “See!” Captain Hart beat the table. “Here come the jackals to the harvest! They can’t wait to feed. Wait till I confront them. I’ll make them cut me in on this feast—I will!”

  Martin looked sick. He stared at the captain.

  “Business, my dear boy, business,” said the captain.

  Everybody looked up. Two rockets swung down out of the sky. When the rockets landed they almost crashed.

  “What’s wrong with those fools?” cried the captain, jumping up. The men ran across the meadowlands to the steaming ships. The captain arrived. The airlock door popped open on Burton’s ship.

  A man fell out into their arms.

  “What’s wrong?” cried Captain Hart.

  The man lay on the ground. They bent over him and he was burned, badly burned. His body was covered with wounds and scars and tissue that was inflamed and smoking. He looked up out of puffed eyes and his thick tongue moved in his split lips.

  “What happened?” demanded the captain, kneeling down, shaking the man’s arm.

  “Sir, sir,” whispered the dying man. “Forty-eight hours ago, back in Space Sector Seventy-nine DFS, off Planet One in this system, our ship, and Ashley’s ship, ran into a cosmic storm, sir.” Blood trickled from his mouth. “Wiped out. All crew. Burton dead. Ashley died an hour ago. Only three survivals.”

Listen to me!” shouted Hart, bending over the bleeding man. “You didn’t come to this planet before this very hour?”


  “Answer me!” cried Hart.

  The dying man said, “No. Storm. Burton dead two days ago. This first landing on any world in six months.”

  “Are you sure?” shouted Hart, shaking violently, gripping the man in his hands. “Are you sure?”

  “Sure, sure,” mouthed the dying man.

  “Burton died two days ago? You’re positive?”

  “Yes, yes,” whispered the man. His head fell forward. The man was dead.

  The captain knelt beside the silent body. The captain’s face twitched, the muscles jerking involuntarily. The other members of the crew stood back of him looking down. Martin waited. The captain asked to be helped to his feet, finally, and this was done. They stood looking at the city. “That means—”

  “That means?” said Martin.

  “We’re the only ones who’ve been here,” whispered Captain Hart. “And that man—”

  “What about that man, Captain?” asked Martin.

  The captain’s face twitched senselessly. He looked very old indeed, and gray. His eyes were glazed. He moved forward in the dry grass.

  “Come along, Martin. Come along. Hold me up; for my sake, hold me. I’m afraid I’ll fall. And hurry. We can’t waste time—”

  They moved, stumbling, toward the city, in the long dry grass, in the blowing wind.

  Several hours later they were sitting in the mayor’s auditorium. A thousand people had come and talked and gone. The captain had remained seated, his face haggard, listening, listening. There was so much light in the faces of those who came and testified and talked he could not bear to see them. And all the while his hands traveled, on his knees, together; on his belt, jerking and quivering.

  When it was over, Captain Hart turned to the mayor and with strange eyes said:

  “But you must know where he went?”

  “He didn’t say where he was going,” replied the mayor.

  “To one of the other nearby worlds?” demanded the captain.

  “I don’t know.”

  “You must know.”

  “Do you see him?” asked the mayor, indicating the crowd.

  The captain looked. “No.”

  “Then he is probably gone,” said the mayor.

  “Probably, probably!” cried the captain weakly. “I’ve made a horrible mistake, and I want to see him now. Why, it just came to me, this is a most unusual thing in history. To be in on something like this. Why, the chances are one in billions we’d arrived at one certain planet among millions of planets the day after he came! You must know where he’s gone!”

  “Each finds him in his own way,” replied the mayor gently.

  “You’re hiding him.” The captain’s face grew slowly ugly. Some of the old hardness returned in stages. He began to stand up.

  “No,” said the mayor.

  “You know where he is then?” The captain’s fingers twitched at the leather holster on his right side.

  “I couldn’t tell you where he is, exactly,” said the mayor.

  “I advise you to start talking,” and the captain took out a small steel gun.

  “There’s no way,” said the mayor, “to tell you anything.”


  An expression of pity came into the mayor’s face as he looked at Hart.

  “You’re very tired,” he said. “You’ve traveled a long way and you belong to a tired people who’ve been without faith a long time, and you want to believe so much now that you’re interfering with yourself. You’ll only make it harder if you kill. You’ll never find him that way.”

  “Where’d he go? He told you; you know. Come on, tell me!” The captain waved the gun.

  The mayor shook his head.

  “Tell me! Tell me!”

  The gun cracked once, twice. The mayor fell, his arm wounded.

  Martin leaped forward. “Captain!”

  The gun flashed at Martin. “Don’t interfere.”

  On the floor, holding his wounded arm, the mayor looked up. “Put down your gun. You’re hurting yourself. You’ve never believed, and now that you think you believe, you hurt people because of it.”

  “I don’t need you,” said Hart, standing over him. “If I missed him by one day here, I’ll go on to another world. And another and another. I’ll miss him by half a day on the next planet, maybe, and a quarter of a day on the third planet, and two hours on the next, and an hour on the next, and half an hour on the next, and a minute on the next. But after that, one day I’ll catch up with him! Do you hear that?” He was shouting now, leaning wearily over the man on the floor. He staggered with exhaustion. “Come along, Martin.” He let the gun hang in his hand.

  “No,” said Martin. “I’m staying here.”

  “You’re a fool. Stay if you like. But I’m going on, with the others, as far as I can go.”

  The mayor looked up at Martin. “I’ll be all right. Leave me. Others will tend my wounds.”

  “I’ll be back,” said Martin. “I’ll walk as far as the rocket.”

  They walked with vicious speed through the city. One could see with what effort the captain struggled to show all the old iron, to keep himself going. When he reached the rocket he slapped the side of it with a trembling hand. He holstered his gun. He looked at Martin.

  “Well, Martin?”

  Martin looked at him. “Well, Captain?”

  The captain’s eyes were on the sky. “Sure you won’t—come with—with me, eh?”

  “No, sir.”

  “It’ll be a great adventure, by God. I know I’ll find him.”

  “You are set on it now, aren’t you, sir?” asked Martin.

  The captain’s face quivered and his eyes closed. “Yes.”

  “There’s one thing I’d like to know.”


  “Sir, when you find him—if you find him,” asked Martin, “what will you ask of him?”

  “Why—” The captain faltered, opening his eyes. His hands clenched and unclenched. He puzzled a moment and then broke into a strange smile. “Why, I’ll ask him for a little—peace and quiet.” He touched the rocket. “It’s been a long time, a long, long time since—since I relaxed.”

  “Did you ever just try, Captain?”

  “I don’t understand,” said Hart.

  “Never mind. So long, Captain?”

  “Good-bye, Mr. Martin.”

  The crew stood by the port. Out of their number only three were going on with Hart. Seven others were remaining behind, they said, with Martin.

  Captain Hart surveyed them and uttered his verdict: “Fools!”

  He, last of all, climbed into the airlock, gave a brisk salute, and laughed sharply. The door slammed.

  The rocket lifted into the sky on a pillar of fire.

  Martin watched it go far away and vanish.

  At the meadow’s edge the mayor, supported by several men, beckoned.

  “He’s gone,” said Martin, walking up.

  “Yes, poor man, he’s gone,” said the mayor. “And he’ll go on, planet after planet, seeking and seeking, and always and always he will be an hour late, or a half hour late, or ten minutes late, or a minute late. And finally he will miss out by only a few seconds. And when he has visited three hundred worlds and is seventy or eighty years old he will miss out by only a fraction of a second, and then a smaller fraction of a second. And he will go on and on, thinking to find that very thing which he left behind here, on this planet, in this city—”

  Martin looked steadily at the mayor.

  The mayor put out his hand. “Was there ever any doubt of it?” He beckoned to the others and turned. “Come along now. We mustn’t keep him waiting.”

  They walked into the city.

  Time in Thy Flight

  A wind blew the long years away past their hot faces.

  The Time Machine stopped.

  “Nineteen hundred and twenty-eight,” said Janet. The two boys looked past her.

  Mr. Fields stirred. “Remember, you’re here to observe the behavior of these ancient people. Be inquisitive, be intelligent, observe.”

  “Yes,” said the girl and the two boys in crisp khaki uniforms. They wore identical haircuts, had identical wristwatches, sandals, and coloring of hair, eyes, teeth, and skin, though they were not related.

  “Shh!” said Mr. Fields.

  They looked out at a little Illinois town in the spring of the year. A cool mist lay on the early morning streets.

  Far down the street a small boy came running in the last light of the marble-cream moon. Somewhere a great clock struck 5 A.M. far away. Leaving tennis-shoe prints softly in the quiet lawns, the boy stepped near the invisible Time Machine and cried up to a high dark house window.

  The house window opened. Another boy crept down the roof to the ground. The two boys ran off with banana-filled mouths into the dark cold morning.

  “Follow them,” whispered Mr. Fields. “Study their life patterns. Quick!”

  Janet and William and Robert ran on the cold pavements of spring, visible now, through the slumbering town, through a park. All about, lights flickered, doors clicked, and other children rushed alone or in gasping pairs down a hill to some gleaming blue tracks.

  “Here it comes!” The children milled about before dawn. Far down the shining tracks a small light grew seconds later into steaming thunder.

  “What is it?” screamed Janet.

  “A train, silly, you’ve seen pictures of them!” shouted Robert.

  And as the Time Children watched, from the train stepped gigantic gray elephants, steaming the pavements with their mighty waters, lifting question-mark nozzles to the cold morning sky. Cumbrous wagons rolled from the long freight flats, red and gold. Lions roared and paced in boxed darkness.

  “Why—this must be a—circus!” Janet trembled.

  “You think so? Whatever happened to them?”

  “Like Christmas, I guess. Just vanished, long ago.”

  Janet looked around. “Oh, it’s awful, isn’t it.”

  The boys stood numbed. “It sure is.”

  Men shouted in the first faint gleam of dawn. Sleeping cars drew up, dazed faces blinked out at the children. Horses clattered like a great fall of stones on the pavement.