Chapter 13

  It was a small wedding.

  Telegrams came that Friday morning from my father, who was grateful my choice had turned out to be the right one. He wished me as much happiness as he himself had enjoyed with my mother.

  Virginia sent a telegram she couldn't possibly have afforded, longer than most, excited and incoherent. It made me feel like she was with me, arms around me, arranging my flowers, my dress.

  My other sisters sent a telegram as well, as did Great Aunt Agnes, though she managed to sound dour, doubtful and disapproving. At least, that way, I was sure it was from her.

  Hutch's family also sent congratulations. We'd be seeing them soon—we were planning a trip to Alturas once winter had come and gone.

  Annie and Matthew would stand up for us and Annie's daughters were my attendants and the church would be filled with miners and new mothers. Mrs. Barnett was coming and Frank and Caroline Smith from Virginia City, and even Mrs. Bradleigh and her husband. The talk from that unfortunate incident had never been from her, only about her.

  Mid-afternoon, I stood in the back of the church, shivering in the hot day, so scared I didn't think I would walk the aisle. The minute we stepped out from the back, I could see Hutch, freshly shaven, his dark curls tamed, his frock coat over his brocade vest, and suddenly I couldn't swallow past my high collar, past the roses I carried. He was so handsome, so serious.

  "Are you ready?" Annie asked. The organist began to play and everyone assembled stood.

  I nearly stopped standing. My knees shook so hard I didn't think I could walk. Then Matthew was there, one hand under my elbow. He would accompany me up the aisle, following Annie, deposit me neatly into Hutch's waiting hands, and go to stand up for his brother.

  "I think Matthew should carry me," I whispered.

  "Glad to do it, ordinarily," Matthew drawled. "But Miss Chloe is sitting with her family and I don't want her coming after you on your wedding day." He took a moment to wave to the young lady, who was watching us.

  "Come on," said Annie. "This was your idea."

  It hadn't been; I was sure of that. My idea would have been far simpler and involved far less folk staring at me. But before I could make a protest, Matthew had given his sister a gentle, brotherly shove to get her started and, a few paces later, he linked my arm in his and led me in her footsteps.

  Smiling faces. Women whose children I'd birthed; men who Hutch and Matthew had worked with. At the end of the aisle, Hutch.

  His blue eyes watched me draw near. They were lit with joy. His mouth curved upward and he whispered to me when I finally stood beside him, "Took you long enough."

  Then he winked.

  I almost laughed but the pastor was leaning in close, as if he wanted to overhear some of what we were saying or disapproved on general grounds. He read the service and our vows, which we repeated. He asked if any should know why we should not be wed and I waited for Jason Seth or Sheriff Townsend to interrupt, but no one spoke against our marriage.

  No one did. I looked into Hutch's eyes as the pastor read our vows for us to repeat. He looked into mine. The past weeks blurred by in memory. I had come to Virginia City as a stranger. I remained now as a wife.

  The future would hold surprises. I had no doubt of that. The Faro Queen needed to be set up and opened, the charred timber hauled away and the interior replaced, but it was better by far than Hutch descending daily into the darkness of the mine pit, better than Matthew stalking around in a town that held Jason Seth.

  I had filled Ellie Longren's bedroom. Now, I would leave her house for one of our own. I had come to marry Ellie Longren's husband.

  Instead, I was marrying my husband.

  The End

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  Other Books by Amelia Rose

  Stranded, Stalked and Finally Sated (free)

  Silver River Romeo

  Silver Heart

  Learning to Love

  Mending Fences

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  About Amelia Rose

  Amelia is a shameless romance addict with no intentions of ever kicking the habit. Growing up she dreamed of entertaining people and taking them on fantastical journeys with her acting abilities, until she came to the realization as a college sophomore that she had none to speak of. Another ten years would pass before she discovered a different means to accomplishing the same dream: writing stories of love and passion for addicts just like herself. Amelia has always loved romance stories and she tries to tie all the elements she likes about them into her writing.

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