Page 18 of His Purrfect Mate

  “I need you.”

  “I know but I want you to understand what could happen. It’s difficult for me to think, I’m in heat too, but I seem to have a tiny bit more control. I could mate you if I totally lose it or I could get you pregnant. I’m willing to risk both. I’d kill to be inside you.”

  “Please!” she urged.

  His eye color bled to pure black and he withdrew his fingers from her pussy. He yanked her body down the seat a little and his arm slid under her back to help her sit up. She pressed back against the seat and he dragged her ass to the edge. Her gaze lowered down his chest to where he stood on his knees between her spread thighs. She stared at his cock.

  He looked bigger than he ever had, the skin so red and swollen it appeared painful, and his cock twitched, the crown weeping fluid. Anton wrapped his hand around his shaft to guide it to her. She’d never watched a guy take her before but she couldn’t look away as his other arm lifted her leg higher and wider to make room for his hips.

  He pressed the tip of his cock against her pussy and then slowly entered her. She hissed at the pressure of something so thick penetrating her. The stretching sensation didn’t hurt but it nearly made her come again. He wasn’t even fully inside her yet. Anton rumbled deep within his chest—part moan, part growl.

  “So hot and tight,” he rasped. “Tell me if I hurt you.”

  His hand released his shaft and he grabbed her hip then slid his hand around to grip her ass. He drew closer, made her take more of his cock inside her, and Shannon clutched at his arms just for something to cling to. Ecstasy shot through her from the pressure of his rigid flesh and from the friction of him filling her.

  “Look at me.”

  Her gaze lifted. She knew he barely kept a leash on his beast. She could see the wolf lurking in his dark gaze. She wondered if she looked as animalistic. The raw sex appeal of him barely keeping his humanity made her buck her hips, urging him on.

  “Take me.”

  “Fuck,” he snarled, and drove all the way inside her to the hilt.

  Shannon growled, threw her head back, and her nails dug into his skin. Her hips wiggled frantically. “More. Again,” she urged.

  “I couldn’t stop if I tried. You’ve got both sides of me, kitten.”

  He nearly withdrew from her fully and then he slammed back inside. His powerful body dominated hers. He fucked her forcefully and fast, deeply, and she gave herself up to sensation. She came and he roared out. His hips slowed a few thrusts and then he started again. It drove her passion on.

  Sweat coated both their bodies, helping them glide together seamlessly. Time ceased to exist. At one point he withdrew from her, turned her over onto her knees, and pinned her body over the seat. She had to force her hands to let go of him to grip the back of the seat just for something to hold on to. He entered her from behind, drove into her frantically, and she screamed out as another climax gripped her just from the feel of the new position.

  I’m not going to survive this, her mind sobbed. Anton powered in and out of her pussy, fucking her with an intensity that should have scared her, but she needed and wanted more. Another wave of pleasure overcame her, her throat sore from the sounds she made, but all that mattered was the ecstasy rolling throughout her body. Hands gripped her hips to hold her still as she tried to push back to keep urging him on.

  “Shannon,” he groaned. “Fuck.” He roared out, slowed slightly, and the feel of his semen shooting inside her triggered another climax.

  “More,” she whispered.

  His response was to start thrusting inside her again, this time slower, seeming to want to torture her. She gripped the seat and shoved back against his hands, slamming him inside her deeper, and she climaxed. Black spots twinkled as she stared at the seat in front of her face. A dizzy spell nearly overtook her but then Anton started to drive in and out of her strongly, moving fast, the way she wanted, and her need overrode her exhaustion.

  Anton howled out when he came, his release triggering yet another orgasm inside her weary body, and this time she couldn’t fight off the dizziness. She slumped against the seat, panted, and finally the pain eased. The need slowly faded.

  “Shannon?” Alarm sounded in his voice.

  “I’m okay,” she got out. “Tired. It’s not hurting anymore.”

  He leaned over her back, his hands tracing from her hips to her breasts to caress them, and he brushed a tender kiss on her shoulder.

  “I’m going to take care of you. Rest, okay?”

  She nodded and wanted to turn to snuggle against him but instead she closed her eyes, and Anton’s soft curse was the last sound she heard.

  Every muscle inside Anton’s body ached. He’d gone through plenty of mating heats but none had been as exhausting or as pleasurable as the time he’d just spent with Shannon. He lifted her into his arms to adjust her sleeping form on the bench seat, careful not to trap her hair underneath her back when he laid her flat.

  She looked pale to him and he wanted to curse a blue streak. She might be part shifter but he’d forgotten how human she was as well. He reached for the shirt he’d ripped off her during sex, realizing only then that he had, and spread it over her bared breasts. He turned his head, examined the van, and found the pile of clothing they’d left behind when they’d driven to pride lands, stripped, and transformed to hunt the males who’d taken Shannon. Only shirts and his pants remained.

  He grabbed Rave’s shirt to cover her from ribs to thighs. The overpowering smell of sex inside the van made him groan. His cock twitched and he grimaced at his stiffening member. “Stay down, damn it.”

  He grabbed his pants, opened the side door and pulled them on. Then he opened all the doors to air out the van and let out a low whistle he knew his family would hear. Within minutes his brothers and cousin walked out of the woods from different directions.

  “That was fast,” Brand said.

  “Fast?” Braden snorted. “I thought we’d have to camp out here tonight. It’s been about three hours. The sun is about to go down.”

  “Shut up,” Rave snapped. He gave Anton his full attention. “Is she okay?”

  “She’s asleep. She’s not as strong as we are. She passed out cold from exhaustion.”

  Brand withdrew the keys from his front pocket. “She’s going to be in heat for a few days. Feed her when she wakes, get as much rest as you can between bouts of sex, and don’t leave her for anything. If you’re there, she’ll come after you. If you’re not…” He paused. “It won’t be her fault if the pain takes her reason and she goes after another male.”

  Rage surged through Anton at the idea of anyone else touching Shannon. “That won’t ever happen.”

  Brand studied him. “I believe you. It used to be Charma’s worst fear. It never happened to her but she’d heard stories of other females going nuts and waking up after some of the worst of the heat passed to find themselves with strangers. There are pills they can take to lessen the symptoms but I don’t know how you’d get ahold of them. Charma’ld get horny but it was manageable for her. There are also pills cats have to prevent pregnancy.”

  Braden groaned. “Pregnant? Is that even possible? She’s a puma and we’re wolves.”

  Brand shrugged. “She’s mostly human, and we know we can breed with them.”

  “That would be a nightmare,” Braden muttered.

  Rage simmered under Anton’s skin and he took a threatening step toward his youngest brother. “Seal your mouth or eat my fist. If Shannon is pregnant, I’ll be happy about it.”

  Rave threw his hand out and smacked the youngest brother on the back of the head. “Dumbass. That’s your possible niece or nephew you just called a nightmare. You sound like our mother.”

  Braden flinched. “Sorry.”

  “Take us home. We need to find out if Dad is safe and I want Shannon to wake in my bed.” Anton glanced at his family. “Thank you for helping me find her in time.”

  “We’re brothers.” Rave smiled. “I k
now you would be there if I needed you.”

  “You could have gone after Dad instead.” Anton had worried about that.

  Rave hesitated. “He knows how deceitful our mother can be at times. He defends her fucked-up actions. Your woman is an innocent in this, a victim, and there were other wolves to help Dad. It was a no-brainer for me.”

  “That’s what we have enforcers for,” Von reminded them. “To help us when we’re busy. I’m just glad we found Shannon.” He shot a curious look at Rave. “How did you know where they’d take her?”

  “I told you. I go undercover to hang out at the biker bar that borders their lands. I hear shit about the pride. We have a meeting tree in our woods, and they have a log.” He shrugged. “I figured that would be the most logical place for them to take her. I’m just glad they were so predictable. Otherwise we would have had to grab one of their members, torture them into telling us the location, and we might have been too late.”

  “I owe all of you,” Anton promised softly.

  “Want me to smack you on the back of the head next for being a dumbass?” Rave grinned. “Shut up. The only thing I’m pissed about is the fact I’m in heat and you’ll kill me if I touch the only woman within a mile of us. Let’s go. I have a woman at my place who’s probably pretty pissed she’s had to wait for me.”

  Anton climbed back inside the van and sat on the bench seat in front of Shannon. Her breathing was slow and steady. He met Rave’s gaze when he slumped into the seat in front of him.

  “She’s beautiful, bro. And I can see the way you look at her. Don’t allow politics to screw up your happiness.”

  “I meant it when I offered,” Von interrupted. “I don’t want to lead the pack but if you mate her and the others won’t follow you because of it, I’ll step up to the plate. Your happiness comes first.”

  Emotion nearly overwhelmed Anton. “Thank you.”

  Von shrugged. “It’s not as though I have a life. Besides, I can’t see our father stepping down anytime soon. He’s strong and healthy. He could hold the pack for decades.” He paused. “Did you mate her? I don’t smell blood but it would be too soon to scent a change in both of you if you had.”

  “I can’t smell anything but sex,” Braden grumbled. “This is mean, by the way. I’m in heat too. I think my dick is permanently bent at an odd angle from wearing pants in this condition. I’m sorry I grabbed them when we headed off into the woods.”

  Rave snorted. “I heard your heavy breathing. You didn’t keep the pants on the entire time.” He winked. “Is your hand tired or did you switch up?”

  “Shut up.” Braden blushed. “I could hear them. Don’t tell me I was the only one.”

  “It’s all about control.” Von snickered. “We all have women waiting for us. I wasn’t jacking off. I prefer the real thing.”

  Brand started the van and backed out of the woods, onto the road. He threw it in drive and punched the gas. “Don’t let them get to you, Braden. I don’t have a woman waiting for me and you weren’t alone.” He turned his head and smiled. “I switched up. It helps keep my biceps even so one arm isn’t bigger than the other. Remember that.” He returned his focus to the road.

  “Fuck,” Anton groaned. “I’m glad Shannon is sleeping. She gets embarrassed easily. I never want any of you to mention this. Let her think you couldn’t hear anything and nobody got off with us.” He glared at Braden. “You better have been picturing another woman in your fantasies.”

  His brother blushed again.

  Anton snarled and lunged. Rave grabbed him and shoved him back against his seat.

  “Don’t. He’s a kid.”

  “I’m twenty-five,” Braden protested. “I’m fully grown.”

  “But you’re not overly bright to think about your brother’s woman while you’re jacking off.” Von chuckled. “At least learn to lie.”

  Rave laughed and only released Anton after he relaxed back against his seat. “Dumbass.”

  “Fuck you,” Braden growled.

  “Seems you do fine on your own,” Rave shot back.

  “Just get us home.” Anton turned his head to watch Shannon. “And slow down, Brand. I don’t want the rough road to wake her.”

  He ignored his brothers, his sole focus on the sleeping woman.

  A cell phone rang. Von twisted his body and yanked it from his back pocket.

  “Von here.” He listened for a while. “Thanks.”

  “Well? Was that news from our enforcers?”

  “That was Dad. The enforcers found him with Mother, having sex. When he would talk to them and got past his anger at them interrupting, he wasn’t pleased with what they had to say. He wants us at the house now.”

  “Drop me off at my place,” Anton ordered. “Shannon is my priority.”

  Von hesitated. “It’s a direct order. He wants us all there.”

  “I don’t care.”

  “Anton, don’t do this. Dad is upset. You should have heard him. You’re his son, probably his favorite since he’s been training you since birth to take his place, and he just found out his mate betrayed you both. He needs you. You can bring her with us. I heard Brand about not letting her out of your sight. If she gets bad again, you can take her to your old room at the house. We all understand mating heat.”

  “Okay. Stop at my place first though. I want her in clothes when we go to our parents’ house. Did he mention if any of the pack is there?”

  “He didn’t.” Von shoved his phone back into his pocket. “Brand, you heard him. Stop at the bar first.”

  “Got it.” Brand sighed. “Remember when the biggest problem we had used to be remembering to carry enough condoms at this time of year? Things were less complicated when we were younger.”

  Anton gazed at Shannon’s face. “I wouldn’t go back for anything. I’ve found what I’ve been looking for all my life.”

  “Shit.” Braden groaned. “He’s going to mate her. Great. A cat in the family. I can just imagine the pussy jokes the guys are going to torment me with now.”

  Anton smiled when he heard the sound of a hand slap the back of Braden’s head and his responding curse. Rave had nailed him again. Some things never changed.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Shannon awoke when Anton forced her into a shower with him. The pain she’d suffered from going into heat had faded to a dull ache. Her muscles were sore but the shower helped. Anton tended her by washing her hair and body with his big, gentle hands.

  “We have to go to my parents’ house. I’m sorry I had to wake you. My family is outside waiting for us.” He turned off the water after quickly washing his hair. “How are you feeling?”

  Her cheek remained a little tender from being hit by Mark. She could still feel the heat there, but didn’t mention it hurt. Anton had been injured far worse with his gashes and bruises when he’d fought to rescue her. She didn’t want to complain about something trivial in comparison.

  “Sore but more like myself.”

  “According to my cousin, who seems to know a lot about your kind, this could last for days. If you start to hurt, tell me immediately. Do you need me?”

  “I’m a little turned on. You’re hard. I noticed but I’m okay. There’s no pain. I’ll wait here while you go to your parents’ house.”

  He shoved a towel at her. “No. I’m not leaving you alone.”

  Fear sprang forth. “You think those jerks will come after me again?”

  He hesitated. “I don’t want your heat to return while I’m not here to take care of you.”

  Memory surfaced of something his cousin had said and she stared at the floor. “Oh. You think I’ll hit on someone.” Mortification gripped her. “I’ll go with you.”

  A hand gripped her chin, forced it up, and she met his intense gaze. “I didn’t mean what I said in the woods. I was jealous and worried they’d hurt you. I told you, when I shift I’m more wolf than…me. I know you didn’t want them to fuck you. My wolf was going nuts.”

s filled her eyes. “I’ve never even had a one-night stand. Is it really possible that I’d allow anyone to touch me while I’m in heat?”

  “I don’t know. We’re never going to find out, either. No male will ever get near you when you’re vulnerable. It’s just going to be me.”

  Her mouth parted but she held back the words.


  She licked her lips. “What about the next time? You won’t be with me then. I mean, if I’m similar to a cat, this will return if those hormones they gave me triggered me to change more, or woke dormant genes.”

  He tensed. “Hormones?”

  “They gave me a shot to force me into heat. I’m hoping now that they’ve probably dissipated in my system that it will never be that bad again. It could have just been from what they did to me when they gave me that shot. I really hope that’s the case. I never want to go through that again. It hurt so much, being in full heat. I’m not sure I could take suffering that kind of agony again.”

  “We’ll discuss this later. We need to get dressed and go to my parents’ house.”

  She glanced down at his cock. “You’re aroused.”

  “You’re naked and I’m in mating heat. This is how I’m going to stay. I can control myself for a while. I can make it a few hours without the need growing too strong. We’ll be home by then.”

  Shannon dropped the towel and eased to her knees to kneel on it in front of him. Anton had to release her face when she did it. She saw his eyes widen with surprise as she licked her lips.

  “You took care of me. Now it’s my turn to take care of you.”

  His cock stiffened more, lifted straight up, and desire made him growl softly at her. “They’re waiting for us.” He paused. “But I’m not saying no.” A grin transformed his lips. “Learning patience won’t hurt them.”

  She hesitated and then her hand brushed his thigh, caressed his skin, and her fingers brushed his shaft. For someone so hard, the texture of his skin felt velvety soft.

  “I don’t have much experience at this.”