After her song, she said her speech about how she didn’t think she could accept my apology after everything I had done, but was asking Rat for forgiveness for whatever she did to him. If she slept with him, I was going to kill him with my bare hands. I knew she was purposely digging the knife in when she compared hers and his relationship to that of Psyche and Eros, but I also knew that I deserved every ounce of pain she inflicted on me. It made me sick to my stomach to watch their reuniting embrace as they professed their love for each other, but I sat back biding my time. Rat looked up and stared directly into my eyes as he held her body up against his, claiming his victory. The look I gave him in return was full of warning and promise. I hoped he was ready for a fight because if there was one thing I knew for sure, it was that Scarlett MacGregor belonged with me. I knew it. He knew it. And she knew it. I just needed to remind her. She was forever my Psyche, my butterfly.



  Tonight’s going to be good, I thought to myself as I glanced at my reflection in the mirror one last time before heading out the door. No, scratch that. Tonight’s going to be fucking fantastic.

  Call it a premonition, a hunch, whatever the hell you want, but I felt the nerves in my gut building in anticipation of something. I just wasn’t sure exactly what that something was.

  It definitely wasn’t about performing at my brother’s bar. I’d been singing in front of crowds of people since before I could remember. The only time I got nervous when taking the stage now was if I knew that someone important might be watching or listening. Maybe that was it. Maybe a scout or a producer or someone with a connection to the music business would find their way to the old mechanic-shop-turned-bar that I considered my home away from home, and help Jobu’s Rum get our foot in the door. Or rather, out the door. I could only hope, because I was more than ready to get the fuck out of Texas. There was nothing keeping me here anymore.

  Grabbing my keys from the kitchen table, I flew down the two flights of stairs to my car and folded my large frame into the driver’s seat. This would definitely be the last sports car I ever owned. They were great to look at and fast as shit, but I was way too big to fit inside. At least not comfortably. It was time to break down and go buy the Harley that I’d been eyeing for a few months. Yep. Definitely needed to do that soon.

  Then, turning on an old school Beastie Boys track with a beat that matched my spry mood, I made the short drive over to the bar where I found Cruz and Sebastian already sitting at our regular table when I walked in. I wasn’t surprised that Aaron wasn’t there yet. Ever since he’d started dating Sophie a few months prior, he was late for everything. They couldn’t keep their hands off of each other, and apparently often got side-tracked when trying to get dressed to go anywhere.

  I was happy for him and all that, but if his punctuality issues started to become an issue for the band, I’d have no problem helping him pull his head out of his ass. I knew all too well that the honeymoon phase would wear off quickly, and the next thing we knew, he’d be running late because they were fighting over something irrelevant and petty. Relationships were for the fucking birds.

  Seconds after taking my place on the barstool dubbed as mine, a waitress set a beer on the table in front of me, making sure she rubbed her boobs against my back and arm in the process. I was pretty sure her name was Tiffany, but I couldn’t remember if I’d fucked her before or not. I didn’t think so . . . maybe that would change tonight. I flashed her one of my panty-dropping grins with my “thanks,” and she all but melted onto the floor. A good night indeed.

  Led in by a smiling Sophie, Aaron finally showed up about half an hour later, and the four of us guys quickly ran down the lineup for the night as we downed a few beers. Tiffany stopped by to “check on me” a few more times, and I chuckled at her frustrated scowl when several other girls joined the table. To make sure she knew I was interested in hooking up later, at one point I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her close to me, rubbing my nose along her jawline from chin to ear.

  “Hey, beautiful. You got plans when you get off tonight?” I whispered as my fingertips traced the exposed skin between her shirt and shorts.

  She shook her head, and I could see the pulse in her neck speed up. “Not yet.”

  This was going to be too easy. Maybe I should just take her to one of the dressing rooms now and actually get some sleep tonight. As I pondered the thought, the band on stage announced they were about to play their last song. Well, so much for that bright idea.

  “Good, don’t make any,” I replied, lightly kissing her neck before I slid off my stool. Giving the rest of the guys the “let’s go” nod, I smacked Tiffany’s ass as she walked away, eliciting an annoying high-pitched squeal. God, I hope she didn’t make that awful noise when I drove inside her later.

  The set was flowing nicely, even Aaron seemed to be concentrating more on the music than watching Sophie, when she walked in. I don’t know what it was that made me glance up at her the minute she stepped inside the clunky door, but it was like a light beckoning for my attention. And I couldn’t look away.

  Momentarily forgetting the words to the song I was singing, I hoped that no one except for the band would notice, but I honestly didn’t care. She was my only thought.

  After I got back on track with the music, I watched her walk timidly across the room, shoulders hunched never once looking up at me, almost as if she didn’t hear me at all. She was with two other girls that were pretty hot as well, but she was . . . angelic. There was no other word to describe her.

  I’d seen many beautiful women before; shit, I still had sex with a Victoria Secret model on a regular basis. But there was something different about this girl that attracted me, and it wasn’t just about her looks. Her outfit was anything but innocent. The black and red sheer top and ass-hugging jeans she had on screamed naughty girl looking for someone to help her undress. And that long, dark, silky hair would be perfect to tangle my hands in and pull while I thrusted inside her.

  But there was something about her face that was so completely naïve and vulnerable. The way her eyes darted around the room, looking at everything as if it was the first time she had ever seen anything like the place, trying to soak everything in. One of her friends was holding her hand and practically dragging her along. I chuckled to myself and nearly lost my place again. Okay, Rat, focus dumb ass. Stop acting like a little bitch.

  Forcing myself to look around the room at the rest of the crowd as that song ended and we began the next, I glanced down at the hoard of groupies taking up the half of the dance floor closest to us. Fake eyelashes and canyons of cleavage stared back at me, and I groaned internally. Most of them were borderline pathetic.

  I couldn’t help myself. I needed to see her again, so I visually searched the area where she was headed and found her at the tables of one of the bands that had played earlier. She was standing off to the side while the blonde friend appeared to be introducing her and the other friend to the people at the table. Her shyness was adorable even from this distance, and it made me wonder how easily I could make her blush. My dick twitched behind my zipper, and again, I forced myself to look away and make eye contact with some of the other bar patrons.

  When Cruz strummed the opening chords of “I Want You” by Kings of Leon, one of our favorite covers to perform, the chicks went wild. I have to admit, there was just something about the song that was so much fucking fun to sing. There was nothing like finding a hot ass girl in the crowd and staring into her eyes when I sang, “A choke and a gag, she spit up and came back for more,” knowing her panties were wet from my voice and gaze alone. . It was usually at that point of the night that I claimed my victory; the rest of it was just collecting my prize.

  Returning my attention back to where she was, I found her curious eyes fixated directly on me, her mouth hanging slightly open. I flashed her my never-fail-panty-dropping smirk, but instead of smiling seductively back, or even blushin
g, she turned away immediately. What the hell? I kept my focus set in her direction, thinking she’d look back up my way, but she never did.

  The blonde friend kept looking up at me and smiling, then leaning over and whispering to angel girl. I was ready for the set to be over with. Quickly. I needed to go meet this girl and figure out what the deal was. Was this all just some hard-to-get play? Something told me no, but I had to find out more. I was captivated.

  After we finished up, I showered and changed out of my sweaty clothes, then wasted no time in approaching her. She was still sitting in the same place, but just as I got close to the table she jumped off of her stool as I heard her ask the friend, “Do you want to go to the bar with me to get another drink? I’m thirsty and don’t want to wait for the server to come back around.”

  Her friend mumbled something about “having company,” causing her to turn around and come face-to-face with me. It was my first good look at her close up, and I was momentarily at a loss for words. Mesmerized in her presence. Sure, she was pretty, gorgeous even, but there was more. Something different. Her big brown eyes held a life in them so vibrant, so pure . . . almost as if they were untainted by the real world.

  “Hey, I’m Mason, but most people call me Rat,” I introduced myself, finally breaking the silence as I stuck my hand out. God, I sounded like such a fucking tool.

  Hesitantly placing her hand in mine, her lips curled up in a bashful smile. “Scarlett. Nice to meet you, Mason.”

  “I just overheard you saying you were headed to get a drink as I walked up. Would you be interested in joining me for one at my table?”

  I hoped that my usual charming instincts, whatever the hell they were, were working because I felt like the biggest idiot, and I didn’t even know why. Part of me hoped that she would say no just so I could go over to Tiffany and the night would be easy. What the hell was I doing over here anyway? It was still fresh in my head what the end result had been the last time I felt like this around a girl.

  Scarlett glanced around the table until she made eye contact with her other friend she came in with. They seemed to share some unspoken conversation, and then she grabbed her purse and nodded. “I’d love to.”

  I was in so much trouble.

  Back at the table, Scarlett met the rest of Jobu’s Rum and Sophie, and her sweet shyness was immediately evident. My friends kept shooting me questioning looks, probably wondering if I’d lost my mind, but I just grinned and shrugged. I wasn’t sure what I was doing either. She was so different from the kind of girl I usually hooked up with. But I couldn’t help myself.

  After making our way through introductions, I slid onto my stool and decided to do an initial test of the waters. She’d let me hold her hand as we walked across the bar, but I wasn’t sure how she was going to react to any more touching. Without asking, I grabbed her waist and pulled her onto my lap, leaving one arm wrapped around her waist to hold her in place. She stiffened a bit at first, but gradually relaxed and got comfortable on my leg. The content smile on her face, as if she was pleasantly surprised to like the closeness of our bodies, made me even more curious how far she’d let me push.

  Tiffany delivered the two beers that I’d hand signaled for her to bring with a jealous scowl, slamming them on the table. I gave her a warning look not to push her attitude. She knew damn well not to act that way if she wanted to keep her job. I looked at Scarlett to see if she’d noticed the buxom waitress’s behavior, but instead found her staring over at the pool table area.

  I didn’t know if she was just looking around in general or at someone specific, but either way I didn’t care; I wanted her attention back on me. I wasn’t quite sure what to say or what type of conversation to start up. I usually didn’t do much talking to chicks. So instead, I decided to really push my luck, and do what I do best.

  Capturing her chin between my thumb and forefinger, I twisted her neck around so that our gazes were locked. Nearly nose to nose. Then, I couldn’t take it any longer; I had to taste that perfect little mouth. Dropping my lips to hers, I tried to deliver the softest, most tender kiss that I possible could, but it was nearly impossible when I just wanted to devour her.

  My tongue instinctively found her lips and ran lightly across the seam, silently requesting entrance. I needed some part of my body to be in some part of hers. Fucking stat. She whimpered and her mouth parted, granting me access. Her tongue felt like warm melted butter against mine, and I nearly came in my pants when she flicked my lip ring with it.

  Forced to pull away from her before I lost my mind, I sucked in a deep breath as the room slowly stopped spinning. The things I had done with other girls might make a porn star blush, so why in the world a kiss made me feel so out of control was beyond me. Peering up at me through her long, dark lashes, her face lit up with blissful wonder. Then I knew why. It was because I’d never kissed an angel before.



  “Ash! Get your ass up! We are leaving in half an hour!” Jess screamed for the third time in as many minutes.

  Ugh. Thoughts of not joining them crossed my mind as I remained buried under the cool gray sheets. I could just stay home and enjoy the peaceful silence. Seconds later, the door flew open and my feisty, five-foot-nothing roommate stood in the doorway with a scowl on her face and her hands on her hips.

  “Come on, Ash, we haven’t seen you in almost a month. Come hang out with us. You’ve got all weekend to sleep before classes start,” Jess pleaded as she stalked toward my bed.

  Plopping down next to me, she pulled the pillow out from under my head and tugged on my ear. God, she could be so annoying. “Surely one or five of your bimbos are not-so-patiently waiting to show you how much they missed you. I’ll even be decent to them tonight.”

  I smiled sincerely at her, knowing that she considered her offer to be quite a sacrifice. “I’m tired, Jess. I’ve been waking up at the ass-crack of dawn for the past three weeks. Plus, you know that flying drains me. I am just going to chill and work on some sketches. Go to bed early and get caught up,” I grumbled, moving my head to another pillow.

  She hastily snatched that one out from under me too, throwing it on the ground. Really fucking annoying.

  “I’m not taking no for an answer. Take a shower, get dressed, and let’s go. We don’t have to stay long if you don’t want to; you know Meg will probably want to come home early. Plus, Jacob and Nicholas want to see you too, and my cousin Evie and her roommate that just moved here are coming with us. I want you to meet them.” Sliding off the bed, Jess began to walk away, but stopped to grab ahold of the sheet before taking off running down the hall, giggling like a little kid.

  I rolled off the bed, growling irritably, and made my way to the bathroom that Meg and I shared. Knowing Jess wasn’t going to let me stay, I figured I might as well get ready and make the best of it. The quicker we got there, the quicker we could come home. I wasn’t even sure I wanted to bother with one of my “bimbos,” as Jess called them.

  Okay, who was I kidding? I was actually deciding if I should text a sure thing to meet me there or take my chances that the talent selection would be worthy. I needed someone to take good care of me tonight. Staying with my sister for the summer had put a damper on my usually very active sex life.

  Don’t get me wrong, I still got my share of ass while I was in California, but I had to be a bit more inventive logistically. I’d become well acquainted with one particular bathroom stall in Duke’s, a popular restaurant on the Pacific Coast Highway. Typically, I had a little more class than that, but desperate times had called for desperate measures.

  After going without any the first two days of my visit, I thought I might very well die. Jacking off in the shower wasn’t helping anything. I needed wet, hot female flesh wrapped around my cock in a hurry. I was a guy that customarily had exceptionally high standards in his conquests, and I enjoyed the hunt as much as the kill, but in that state of frustration, I was ready to fuck
the first willing participant I could find.

  I had lucked out that night when I went to the bar to a grab a couple of drinks and escape the craziness of my two young nephews. There were a couple of cute girls already there when I arrived, and it took no less than twenty minutes before I had one of them bent over in that over-sized stall, ramming myself into her and finding my much-needed sweet release shortly after. A few nights later I had her friend in the same position, and for the rest of my trip I visited that bar at least every other day, never leaving disappointed.

  The hot water abruptly disappeared, and the icy water pelting my skin brought me back from my happy memory. A major drawback of living with two females. Speedily rinsing the remaining soap off my body, I hurried out to get dressed, suddenly forgetting my frustration when I heard the unfamiliar voices drifting in from the living room.

  Hopefully the roommate girl would be hot and make my search tonight quick. I already knew what Evie had looked like from pictures in Jess’ room—basically just like Jess and that was just too weird to me. I could never hook up with her because it would be like looking at my best friend, and I just couldn’t go there . . . not after everything the two of us had gone through.

  Shaking my head to clear the repulsive thought, I wasn’t going to ruin my improving mood thinking about family drama. I was just happy that Jess and I had remained best friends throughout all of these years. It was kind of funny that with my well-deserved reputation of being a man-whore, I lived with two very attractive females,neither of which found me sexually appealing. My father would be so disappointed if he knew . . .

  After throwing on a light blue button down shirt and a pair of khaki cargo shorts, I ran my fingers through my hair and slipped my feet in my brown Rainbow flip flops. Looking at my reflection in the mirror, I noticed I’d forgotten to shave in my rushed bathroom trip. Oh well. I just hoped that the stubble on my face paired with the dark tan I had developed, gave me the rugged surfer look instead of the homeless guy under the bridge.