Page 20 of Night Lights

  ‘It must have been other Travellers,’ I say helpfully, filling the silence.

  He nods, distracted. Then he looks up at me with a sombre expression. ‘You know what this means?’


  ‘It’s far too dangerous for you to go out again, Zoe. The Department will be even more afraid of you. They’ll do whatever it takes to get you out of the way. We need to get your door fixed and you need to stay here. You should get Rawlins to speak to the local police, have them do regular drives past to make sure everything’s okay. In fact,’ he adds, ‘if they could post someone outside on a permanent basis that would be even better.’

  ‘Dante,’ I say, ‘it was the police who broke down my door in the first place. I hardly think they’re going to help me out.’

  He leaps to his feet. ‘You’re right. You can’t trust anyone.’ He reaches out and cups my face and I manage – just – not to flinch. ‘You’re too precious, Zoe. I can’t let anything happen to you.’

  I meet his eyes. Is he deliberately trying to scare me? It would certainly suit his purpose if I returned to cowering inside my house for the rest of my life. It would make it easier for him to control me. There’s a tightness in my chest, although whether it’s from fear or my own emotions getting the better of me, I couldn’t say.

  ‘We have to stop the Department, Dante. Hiding isn’t going to solve anything. I know that now.’

  ‘Yes, yes. But you can stop them in the Dreamlands. You’ve got the list of their names.’ He nods decisively. ‘It’s the only way forward. We expose them all and let the cards fall where they may. You and I take control of the Dreamlands and make sure that everything and everyone there is safe. Then we deal with the Department in real life. We can use our skills in dreams to get the funds and power we need. Once the Department members are kicked out, we’ll be able to visit their dreams and do whatever we want to them.’

  My heart sinks. He still wants to be in control and he doesn’t see that doing to the Department what they do to others is just as wrong. I scan his face, searching for the truth. I think what he’s saying is what he means; this time anyway.

  I nod, not sure I trust myself to say anything. ‘We’ll sort it out,’ I tell him. I look at the phone in his hand. ‘Expecting a call?’ I ask casually.

  Dante blinks, surprised. ‘Oh. No.’ He makes a point of tossing it casually onto the table. ‘I was checking for any updates from the police about your status. I still don’t like the way we were woken up at that service station.’

  I smile faintly. ‘See? I don’t need to call the police. They’re probably out there watching us right now.’ He grunts, but I know my words haven’t gone unheeded. Just as well. ‘You should get dressed,’ I continue. ‘And I need a shower too. I positively reek of jail.’

  ‘You smell beautiful.’

  My smile grows, even though I know he’s lying. ‘Thank you. But I need to get clean all the same.’

  ‘I’ll keep watch down here,’ he assures me. ‘No one will hurt you while I’m around.’

  I bite my lip then head upstairs. As soon as I’m in the bathroom, I get ready. I make sure the door is locked, bunch up a towel and lay it on the floor then turn on the shower to full blast. I press my ear against the door but I can’t hear anything so I assume Dante is true to his word and staying where he is. At least that’s something. I pray that he’s going to make some phone calls while he has the chance to be alone; I’ve not gone through this charade just for his benefit.

  I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. My face looks gaunt and there are dark bruises under my eyes. You’d think with all the sleep I’ve been getting recently I’d look more rested. I sigh and look away. Leaving my clothes on, I lie down on the floor, curl up and force myself to sleep once more.

  Chapter Sixteen

  There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.

  Edith Wharton

  This time I don’t apparate into either the forest or the castle. Instead I find myself back where I was when I left – in the square with the Department building frowning down at me on one side and the pretty town buildings on the other side. The sky seems even darker now, as if a great storm is about to roll in.

  I cast around, looking for Bron. He’s in the far corner, his head bowed in conversation with someone. When I see that it’s Ashley, my heart rate picks up. I take a deep breath and walk over, checking around me for signs of the Department. For now I think I’m in the clear.

  ‘Hi,’ I say, the very picture of awkwardness. The pair of them look around guiltily.

  ‘You’re back!’ Bron beams in relief. He glances over my shoulder. ‘Where’s Dante?’

  ‘Awake,’ I say grimly. ‘For now anyway. We probably don’t have long.’ I look at Ashley, who’s standing quietly by Bron’s side and watching me like a hawk. ‘How are you doing?’

  Her hand reaches up to her hair as if to smooth it over then she seems to think better of it and lets her arm drop to her side. ‘I’m good,’ she says quietly. ‘Recovering.’

  I shift my weight and look away. ‘I have to ask,’ I begin. ‘Can you remember anything new from your abduction? Can you—’

  ‘Identify any of the people who took me?’ I nod. ‘Not with any certainty.’


  ‘I didn’t see his face until he carried me out of there,’ she says. ‘I don’t have proof of anything other than his supposed rescue. Although we all know that was part of the manipulation.’ She nibbles on her bottom lip. ‘I take it he thinks you trust him fully again.’

  ‘I think so.’

  ‘You’re playing a dangerous game, Zoe.’

  ‘There’s no choice.’ My shoulders drop. ‘I’m sorry, Ashley. I’m so sorry for what happened to you. If I’d known…’

  She holds up her hand. ‘It doesn’t matter.’

  ‘Yes, it does.’

  ‘If you can stop the Department, it’ll all be worth it.’

  We all know she’s lying but there’s no point challenging her. I sigh and nod while Bron holds out the spray can. I take it from him. It’s surprisingly cold to the touch. I heft it in my hands and glance towards the Department building. At least I can’t make it look any more unattractive than it already is.

  ‘Is this going to work?’ Ashley murmurs to Bron.

  ‘It’ll have to,’ I answer grimly for him. ‘Because I’m out of options.’

  I pull my shoulders back and stride across the square. It’s now or never. As soon as I reach the nearest wall, I stop. I pull the lid of the can and hold it up, poised over the grey cement.

  ‘Wait!’ It’s Esme. She comes running over, her normally tidy hair unkempt. ‘You promised, Zoe.’

  I glance around nervously. I don’t have much time and I need to get this right if it’s going to work. Besides, I wasn’t lying to Esme when I told her about the potential dangers of booting her from the Dreamlands. It might kill her, and I’m pretty certain I’ve got enough blood on my hands already. I don’t need to look at the haunted expression lingering in Ashley’s eyes to know that.

  ‘It might not work,’ I warn. ‘And the others—’

  ‘Don’t worry about the others. They know what to do.’

  I meet her eyes. For the briefest moment, butterflies flutter in my stomach before I push them down and steel myself for what’s to come.

  ‘What’s happening, Zoe?’

  An involuntary smile flashes across my mouth and I turn to see Moe, with both Larry and Hendricks not too far behind. I straighten my shoulders. ‘I thought I’d do a little redecorating.’ I rattle the spray can at her. ‘This building is so out of place, don’t you think?’

  ‘We know what you’re up to,’ Larry snarls. ‘And you won’t get away with it.’

  ‘You don’t know what I’m going to do,’ I reply calmly. ‘You can’t.’

  His lip curls nastily. ‘Your boyfriend told us everything.’

  Thank goodne
ss. I raise my eyebrows. ‘I doubt that. He’s on my side, not yours. He wants to bring you down as much as I do.’ I wave a hand behind me. ‘As much as they do.’ The three stooges lift their eyes to the small crowd of Travellers already gathering behind me thanks to Ashley, Bron and Esme’s efforts. I grin. ‘There’s nothing like an audience, is there? I learnt that from you lot.’

  Without warning, Larry lunges for me. I sidestep just in time and tut. ‘Now, now.’ I frown at him then focus on the air around them, muttering to myself. I’d been particularly unsure about this part but when the air starts to shimmer, I relax. I really am capable of more than I’d realised. Larry, Hendricks and Moe are now surrounded by steel bars on all sides.

  There are several gasps from the growing crowd of onlookers. I sweep a curtsey. ‘Thank you very much. I’m here all week.’

  Moe folds her arms and glares at me while Larry and Curly fling themselves against the bars as if they think that physical strength is going to be a match for the metaphysical. I snort derisively and turn my attention to the spray can.

  ‘This will go badly for you if you continue, Zoe,’ Moe says. ‘It’s not too late to turn back and change your mind. We are still willing to negotiate.’

  ‘No dice.’ I shake the can again and then pause. ‘Hang on,’ I say. ‘I’m forgetting something.’ I reach into my back pocket and take out the folded piece of paper. ‘This is what I need.’

  ‘You will regret this, Zoe.’

  ‘Do you know, I don’t think I will.’ And with that, I beckon over Bron. ‘There are a lot of names here,’ I say to him. ‘I’m going to need a lot of space. Give me a boost, will you?’

  He salutes; I could get used to this. A second or two later, I’m balanced on his shoulders. I test the paint, making a rather unsightly blob halfway up the ugly grey Department wall. ‘Oops,’ I grin. ‘Let me try that again.’ And then I write the words: The Department.

  There’s a loud crash and the Department door slams open. Several people pile out, tumbling after one another to get to me. The number of them fills me with delight. I’d been banking on the Department sending as many people as possible to this zone once they knew I was coming here, and that they’d all apparate once Dante told them about the list of names that I’m supposed to have. The more the merrier.

  I flick my fingers in their direction, barricading them in like I did with the stooges. I hold the paper aloft. The number of people crowding round the square is extraordinary.

  ‘You all know the Mayor kept records,’ I say, raising my voice so I can be heard at the back. ‘And that the Department feed off their anonymity, using it to keep every other Traveller in the world in check.’ There is a rising murmur of agreement. ‘Well,’ I say, ‘here are the names of everyone who was in the Department until the day the Mayor, er, left office. I am the dreamweaver.’

  I point to the cages I’ve created. ‘Those prove it. And I can spray paint the name of every Department member onto this wall and those names will remain there until I choose otherwise.’ I smile again. ‘I hope there’s enough room. There’s a lot of these bastards.’

  At first the people watching me don’t say a thing then someone shouts, ‘Why is the sky dark? Is that you?’

  ‘No. Not deliberately anyway. But we all know how things can work around here. I suspect the Dreamlands realises that it’s on a knife-edge between continued dictatorial and destructive leadership or absolute freedom. When I write these names on the wall here, the die will be cast.’ I take a breath. ‘In favour of you. Not them.’

  Something flickers in the corner of my eye and I spot Lilith, hovering in the background. The succubus wouldn’t normally be welcome here but, with the town’s attention focused on me, no one has noticed her appearance. I lower my head slightly to acknowledge her and she gestures towards me as if in warning. A heartbeat later, something – or someone – slams into Bron and he crumples to the ground, taking me with him. Shit. I didn’t get all of the bastards behind bars yet.

  I struggle out from underneath Bron’s body. He chokes and groans; although he’s in pain, I sense that it’s nothing serious. Before I can fully extricate myself, however, a large hand reaches down, grabs me by the throat and hauls me upwards. I drop the spray can, although I’m determined not to loosen my grip on the paper as well, and find myself staring Dante in the face.

  ‘You had to be headstrong, didn’t you?’ he murmurs in a quiet voice that’s scarier than a shout or snarl. ‘You had to go off and do things your own way. If you’d stuck to our plan, you wouldn’t be in this trouble now.’

  ‘Kill her now!’ Larry screams. ‘While you still can!’

  I try desperately to use my dreamweaving skills to push him away or to create something between us that’ll keep him from me, but Dante’s grip around my throat is too tight. All I can think about is that I can’t breathe. The pressure increases and, as if from nowhere, a throbbing pain starts in my skull.

  ‘Don’t you dare!’ Ashley shrieks. ‘Let her go!’

  A slow, dangerous smile spreads across Dante’s face. ‘My pleasure.’ He releases me and I fall to the ground.

  It’s not over, though. Dante lunges for Ashley and grabs her instead. Choking and spluttering, I climb to my feet. My eyes are streaming but I can still see the abject fear and panic on Ashley’s face. No. Not again. ‘Let her go,’ I croak.

  ‘I don’t want to hurt you, Zoe.’ There’s an odd pleading note in Dante’s voice that entirely contradicts his actions.

  ‘You tried to kill me and now you’re threatening Ashley. Again.’ I stare at him. Ashley squirms, trying desperately to wriggle out of his grasp. She kicks backwards against his shins but can’t gain enough leverage to do any damage. He continues to hold her easily. She’s not the focus of his attention: I am.

  ‘Only because you’re leaving me with no choice. I thought you’d come round to my way of thinking, that you’d see the Department can’t be beaten. That we can use them to make the Dreamlands better. Then you found that damned list.’

  ‘You don’t get it, Dante.’ It still hurts to speak but I have to soldier on. ‘The only thing that will make the Dreamlands better is having people like you and those Department bastards out of them for good.’

  He shakes his head. ‘It doesn’t have to be like this. I won’t hurt you, Zoe. I love you. But I can’t let you destroy the Department. They’re too important.’ He tilts up his head and looks at the imprisoned Department members. ‘Make a deal. We can still work with her.’

  Larry’s mouth drops open in disbelief. ‘Are you kidding? That time has long since passed. Get rid of her now. Slit that bitch’s throat.’

  Dante looks at me. ‘I’m not going to do that. But make a move – any kind of move, whether you’re using your dreamweaving powers or not – and your friend here won’t make it.’

  ‘There’s a crowd of people at your back, Dante. Do you really think you can hurt her and get away with it?’

  His expression doesn’t flicker. ‘Are you going to take the chance that I will?’ He sighs. ‘I’m not a bad person. Neither are they and neither are you. We just have different points of view. I’m sure we can reach a compromise. What will it take for you to back down?’

  My mouth twists. ‘First of all, you are a bad person and the Department is full of bad people too. You’ll go to any lengths to keep a stranglehold on this place. And let’s not forget that the reason you all want control of the Dreamlands is because of the power it can grant you back in the real world. Secondly, there is no compromise to be had, not unless you all leave now and never return.’

  ‘I think, Zoe, you forget who has the upper hand here.’

  ‘Look at the sky,’ I say softly. ‘Look at what’s happening. This is because of what’s happening here, it’s because of this fight for control. Less than an hour ago, in my own home, you said you would help me bring the Department down.’

  I can see him trying to think of an answer, of some way to come out of this
still smelling of roses, but even Dante’s realised he can’t manipulate, bluff or lie his way out of this one. Eventually he shrugs. ‘I lied.’ His silver eyes darken with intensity. ‘Give it up, Zoe. You’ve given it your best shot but this was bound to happen eventually. Just hand me the list.’


  He moves his hands to Ashley’s neck. ‘You know how it works. She dies here, she dies in reality. That will be on you. And you’ll still lose.’

  ‘What happened to you?’ I whisper. ‘We could have worked together. We could have been together.’

  His eyes flash. ‘Don’t worry,’ he promises. ‘We still will be. You’ll see. Now give me that piece of paper.’

  I look from Ashley to him and back again. Her eyes are wide with fear and I can see that she’s shaking. Bron is struggling to get to his feet but he’s still too winded. Lilith seems to have vanished entirely. The crowd, who could make a move if they all banded together, seem to be holding their breath and waiting for me to act.

  ‘Oh for fuck’s sake,’ Esme mutters. ‘Enough of this.’ She darts forward and, before I can react, snatches the list out of my hand and flings it at Dante. ‘I want to be part of the Department. If I’m stuck here for all eternity then I might as well be where the power is.’

  Dante smiles unpleasantly. ‘Done.’ But he keeps hold of Ashley – and keeps one eye on me. Then he addresses the Department. ‘If you want to survive, you’ll agree to put me in charge. Clearly, without my help you’re all incompetent. I’ll keep the dreamweaver in place and you’ll be free to do whatever it is you do. With certain caveats and benefits for me, of course.’

  They mutter among themselves. The last thing those bastards want is Dante at the helm; he’s even crazier than they are. When it seems that they’re stalling, Dante raises the paper. ‘Don’t forget I have your real names.’ His eyes glitter.

  Before any of them can respond, there’s a blur of motion and a shape flies towards him. He releases his hold on Ashley and she falls away, scrambling backwards out of his reach. Dante raises his hands to shield his face but cats can be vicious when they want to be. I stare open-mouthed at the Chairman as he yowls and shrieks, jaws open and claws extended, then I spring into action.