We went ashore and took up our abode in a certain house, where we weresafe. Whether the Christian owners of that house did or did not know whowe were, I am not certain. At any rate, through them we were introducedat night into the palace of Politian, the Melchite Patriarch ofAlexandria. He was a stern-faced, black-bearded man of honest heart butnarrow views, of whom the Bishop Barnabas had often spoken to me as hisclosest friend. To this Politian I told all under the seal of our Faith,asking his aid in my quest. When I had finished my tale he thought awhile. Then he said,

  "You are a bold man, General Olaf; so bold that I think God must beleading you to His own ends. Now, you have heard aright. Barnabas, mybeloved brother and your father in Christ, has been taken hence. He wasmurdered by some fanatic Moslems soon after his return from Byzantium.Also it is true that the Prince Magas was killed in war by the EmirMusa, and that the lady Heliodore escaped out of his clutches. Whatbecame of her afterwards no man knows, but for my part I believe thatshe is dead."

  "And I believe that she is alive," I answered, "and therefore I go toseek her."

  "Seek and ye shall find," mused the Patriarch; "at least, I hope so,though my advice to you is to bide here and send others to seek."

  "That I will not do," I answered again.

  "Then go, and God be with you. I'll warn certain of the faithful of yourcoming, so that you may not lack a friend at need. When you return, ifyou should ever return, come to me, for I have more influence with theseMoslems than most, and may be able to serve you. I can say no more,and it is not safe that you should tarry here too long. Stay, I forget.There are two things you should know. The first is that the Emir Musa,he who seized the lady Heliodore, is about to be deposed. I have thenews from the Caliph Harun himself, for with him I am on friendly termsbecause of a service I did him through my skill in medicine. The secondis that Irene has beguiled Constantine, or bewitched him, I know notwhich. At least, by his own proclamation once more she rules the Empirejointly with himself, and that I think will be his death warrant, andperhaps yours also."

  "Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof," I said. "Now if I live Ishall learn whether any oaths are sacred to Irene, as will Constantine."

  Then we parted.