Page 16 of Blood Trinity

  Let me think ... besides working with Sen?

  Wasn't that enough?

  And he still hadn't confirmed or denied her charge that he was here to help Sen. He might not have used his powers to harm her, but he'd used them to influence her. In another situation she might have appreciated his intervention that had shut down her silent panic during the meeting. However, Storm had no reason to do something just to be nice.

  She didn't trust nice. She knew better. Altruism was a lie people used to disarm the weak. She didn't trust that he liked how she smelled. Didn't trust that she liked how he smelled.

  Rather than admit any of that, she shrugged. "You haven't given me a reason to trust you, and talking isn't going to find the stone. We need to get moving."

  He stayed where he was, blocking the path. "What are you always so torqued about?"

  "We don't have enough time to go through the list." She folded her arms, striking her I'm-done-with-this pose.

  "Let me narrow it down. What have I done to piss you off? And don't give me your baseless conspiracy theory about how I'm working against you."

  "Baseless? Maybe I'm not PO'd so much as that whole 'we can be friends' routine doesn't work on me any more than your flirting." Wonder if that lit up his lie meter?

  He wanted her to trust him?


  Not without a test, and the one she had in mind was a simple pass or fail.

  "If you want to prove yourself trustworthy, how about telling me what you found out about the Birrn killing?"

  "You want to keep this all business? Fine." He closed the distance between them until she could see the black pupils in his eyes drilling her. "I picked up a couple scents. One was mint."

  In spite of the heat simmering the air around them, her skin chilled at that and felt clammy. He could link her to the Birrn demon.

  Had he told Sen yet?

  Before she could utter a word, light sparked on her left. Evalle backed away from Storm and the flash of light.

  Sen's face and body appeared as bright as a match struck in the dark. "I've come for you, Alterant."

  "Why?" But her brain filled in the blanks.

  She looked at Storm. The bastard had betrayed her. She knew it. "You dog."

  "I'll drive her up," Storm offered.

  Sen's eyes closed to slits. Both Evalle and Sen shouted, "No!"

  Taking a step back, Evalle looked toward the street. If she could get away from Sen, she could contact Tzader and let him know what was happening without Sen or Storm overhearing her. "My bike's two blocks from the park."

  "Leave it," Sen ordered. "They are waiting for you."

  "They? They who?"

  But Sen didn't answer, and the only "they" she could think of was the Tribunal.

  She tried again. "Don't I get a suspension hearing?" She swung around to argue with Sen and froze when she saw his hand outstretched toward her. "No, no, no ... don't--"

  The world spun into a gray cloud. She heard Storm call out something, but it was lost in the sickening vertigo building in her head from the gut-wrenching turmoil of being teleported.

  The world sucked out of sight and she was gone--heading straight for her worst nightmare.


  She hated the smell of the past.

  Almost as much as she hated Sen.

  Peeking through her sunglasses, Evalle snuck a look at the Nether Realm where Tribunals convened, a neutral zone for all entities who supported the VIPER coalition.

  A Tribunal was composed of three entities whose pantheons had no direct or indirect relationship to the situation surrounding the supernatural being in question.

  Decisions could be made here without danger of retribution. Decisions about whether she remained free or not.

  She kept her head down and held her body perfectly still as though she hadn't regained her equilibrium yet, but with her insides shaking, that required supreme effort. The last time Sen had teleported her to a Tribunal meeting she'd come to and retched all over his boots. Must be why he'd left her kneeling on a pad of dense grass this time and stood several feet away, glowering at her.

  He was no longer her major concern. Not here.

  Power sang through the air from the two gods and one goddess standing on the raised platform of white marble streaked with veins of gold. The dais was set in the center of a circular tract of land the size of a city block where the world fell away at the edges and a starlit black sky overhead crossed from side to side.

  Sort of like kneeling inside an unshaken snow globe at night.

  Imposing on the time of powerful beings was never wise. However, her life, for some unknown reason, was in question, and she needed to quickly gather her wits.

  She mustered humility. "Might I have a moment to recover my balance?"

  "You may have a moment." The Polynesian goddess Pele was incredibly beautiful and obviously the only one who was gracious. Surprising, since Pele was known for her temper as much as her exotic beauty. Black hair swept around her bare shoulders in stark contrast to the vibrant flowers woven into the material of her strapless gown.

  Standing on Pele's right was Ares, the Greek god of war, who might sympathize with Evalle's struggle to retain her freedom, since he'd been held captive by two giants for thirteen months once. Might, if he wasn't one gigantic, aggressive mass waiting to attack someone or something. He crossed arms that bulged with muscle on top of muscle. His legs were positioned in a wide war stance, his body battle-ready, with a bronze cuirass and greaves. Wavy blond hair fell to his shoulders and matched the well-trimmed beard around his terse mouth.

  Loki rounded out Evalle's supreme court of justice. The Norse god was a trickster at heart. Narrow horns as long as Evalle's arm snaked out from his forehead and curved up until the tips pointed forward. He had demonic tendencies running through his veins, but she'd bet he wouldn't go quietly into a cell either. His gaze traveled everywhere and back in seconds while he flipped a furry glowing orb back and forth from hand to hand.

  Any other time, Evalle would consider Loki's presence a plus, since he might see the trouble Alterants had caused as no different than things he'd done in the past. But putting him in the same space as Ares could turn lethal. Fast.

  Probably why the two gods had been positioned on each side of Pele.

  This whole deal was wrong.

  Sen couldn't take Evalle straight from suspicion to a Tribunal, not without irrefutable evidence that proved beyond a doubt that she was a threat to humanity.

  "Alterant." Sen growled deeper than an agitated lion.

  She ignored him when she lifted her chin to let everyone know she was ready to proceed. "I come before you both humble and confused, as I don't know of any infraction I am guilty of."

  Sen addressed the Tribunal. "It would appear that the Alterant has recovered from being teleported."

  Evalle held her composure, but one day she'd pay Sen back for every slight and indignity.

  It was a day that couldn't come soon enough.

  Pele spoke first. "Do you call upon one to witness for you?"

  Evalle had only faced the Tribunal once before, which was one time more than any other agent she'd ever heard of. The last time she'd been given this option she'd requested Tzader's participation. Sen had treated her as though she was an imbecile for not realizing she could only ask for Brina or Macha to be called forth.

  The Tribunal's version of phone-a-friend. She'd passed on asking for Brina last time rather than be humiliated when the warrior queen failed to show for an Alterant.

  But last time, Tzader had told Evalle she was being called in as part of an inquisition. This time Tzader had no idea she was here, and everything about this meeting felt threatening. She'd risk embarrassment and more to stay out of captivity.

  Evalle kept her voice steady. "I wish to ask Brina of the Isle of Treoir to be present." Not really, but she sure as the devil wasn't going to bother Macha. Tzader kept telling her Brina would help any of the tri
be who asked.

  This would be a good time to test that theory.

  Pele nodded at Evalle's request and announced for all to hear, "As you wish. Brina of the Isle of Treoir, Warrior Queen of the Beladors, beholden to the goddess Macha, your presence has been requested. We will not proceed with this forum until you appear or send word that you refuse. Sen, you may leave until we call you back."

  "Yes, O Goddess." Then Sen just vanished.

  Evalle would love the ability to make him do that.

  As the seconds ticked by on soggy feet, worry banded her chest so tightly that she could hardly breathe.

  What was taking so long?

  Would Brina deny her request?

  Time passed at a different speed in this dimension. When the delay stretched into what felt like thirty minutes, Evalle struggled not to cross her arms and tap her fingers. Showing any sign of impatience wouldn't be wise. Not with three entities watching her.

  Plus Brina might take that action as a bad reflection on the Beladors.

  Loki stopped juggling the orb. It immediately sprouted wings, then floated above his shoulder and stayed there. He glanced around as though just noticing the proceedings. "I see no reason to wait any longer."

  Pele arched a brow. "As if your time is more valuable than ours?"

  Evalle had come and gone quickly the last time she'd faced a trio of entities.

  Was Brina making them wait so they'd be angry enough to ship Evalle off forever?

  Loki returned her arrogant stare with one of his own. "I know only that my time is valuable. And I can make a decision where others may not."

  "You will hold your tongue unless you wish to lose it for the insult you wield." Ares took a bold step around Pele to face Loki, who grinned like a wicked brat.

  Evalle was ready to recant her request for Brina when a spinning blur of autumn colors appeared between her and the Tribunal. Hair the color of a brilliant red sunset fell to Brina's waist. She wore a gown of ocean green that challenged her matching eyes for dominance. But this wasn't the real-life Brina, only a hologram of their warrior queen, who could not physically leave her mystical island in the Irish Sea.

  "Please forgive me for delaying the proceedings." Brina's voice was soft with deference but lined with steel. "I was attending to a matter for my goddess."

  Why did Evalle not believe her? Anything could be construed as a matter for her goddess, like talking to Tzader first to see if Brina should waste her time helping an Alterant.

  "Your delay is acceptable." Loki spoke before Ares or Pele could voice an opinion.

  Pele eyed him with quiet malice, then slid her attention to Brina. "We have the unfortunate task of informing you another Alterant has shifted and killed."

  Evalle's mouth slipped open. Now she understood why she hadn't been given a suspension hearing. This wasn't about the Birrn demon.

  They'd found out about the human.

  Macha help me.

  Brina dropped her head, a sign of shame in front of the Tribunal.

  Evalle would not drop hers. Not while she was innocent and being wrongfully accused.

  "May I speak?" Brina requested.

  Ares jumped in first this time. "Granted."

  Brina swept her gaze around the gods. "We have kept a close watch on Evalle, and she has shown no signs of being a threat to humanity. I would ask that she continue in her current position with VIPER and under our supervision."

  Not that she didn't appreciate Brina's support, but Evalle hated being spoken about as if she was a feral animal, incapable of living among humans like everyone else unless someone kept a choke collar on her.

  Pele's eyes turned to acid. "Evalle has been allowed to remain free all this time based on your recommendations in the past. But this situation is different."

  "How so, Goddess?" Brina's voice flowed as easy as an undisturbed stream.

  But then it wasn't her neck at risk here. Evalle held her hands in front of her to keep from fidgeting or running.

  Pele glanced at Loki and Ares with a look of are-you-through-posturing?

  When neither god spoke up, she answered Brina's question on how this attack was different. "The Alterant that changed into a beast this time was a female. She killed three innocent people and had to be destroyed, but not before VIPER agents learned that she was pregnant. That child died with her. Until now, Evalle was allowed her freedom based on her unique position. Now that a female Alterant has proven capable of shifting and being impregnated, we see two potential problems with her continuing to live among humans."

  On the one hand, she was grateful they still didn't know about the mutilated body.

  On the other, this was worse. She wasn't being accused of something they thought she'd done. She was being condemned for the actions of someone she'd never even met.

  The injustice of that burned deep inside her and made her seethe. How dare they judge her?

  She released her hands to grip the front of her thighs, fighting against the pressure that closed in around her.

  They were going to lock her away. Now.

  Had she known what this was about, she'd have fought Sen with everything she had.

  Sweat ran down the insides of her arms. "Brina, please."

  "Silence!" Brina didn't even look her way.

  Evalle sent a telepathic plea. Tzader, I need help.

  Silence! Brina's shout was even louder in Evalle's head.

  "I understand your joint concerns." Brina addressed the Tribunal in a much calmer voice. "As Evalle has proven to be an exemplary follower of our beliefs and valued VIPER agent, I would ask the Tribunal to provide her the opportunity to produce evidence that she is not a risk to the humans, that she is different from all the other Alterants."

  The three entities exchanged glances, then turned their backs to Evalle and Brina as they conferred quietly among themselves.

  Evalle couldn't believe Brina had actually stepped up and spoken for her, just as Tzader had said she would. He was right about showing trust in return.

  Brina was doing her best to buy her time. Goddess be praised.

  Evalle rubbed her damp palms on her jeans, cheered at the possibility of putting all suspicion about her to rest. Even with Tzader and Quinn's help, she expected that rounding up the evidence needed to cement her case would take a while.

  But surely Brina would petition VIPER to allow her a leave of absence so that she could focus on this. Would Brina finally share information on the caged Alterants?

  Evalle would be willing to give the Tribunal updates every few weeks. Whatever they needed to make this work.

  "We have come to a decision," the goddess said as she and the other two faced them again. "Your request is acceptable to us--"

  Hallelujah! Evalle almost staggered in relief.

  Until Pele spoke again. "--with the caveat that Evalle remains loyal to VIPER and does not associate with another Alterant while collecting her evidence."

  I haven't even seen one in eight years, and if I had, it would probably have killed me. Evalle pulled a calming breath into her chest, preparing to thank the Tribunal for this chance.

  Brina nodded. "Agreed."

  Ares cleared his throat. "She may have until the first hour of Thursday to prove there is no danger in her remaining among humans. If her status changes at any moment between now and then, she'll be teleported to a secure location immediately."

  Evalle's stomach hit the floor. Three days?

  Three flippin' days.

  Were they out of their divine minds?

  Surely these weren't the same three days she had to spend hunting the Ngak Stone or she'd appear disloyal to VIPER?

  Oh dear goddess ...

  No matter what she did, she was screwed. If she proved her innocence, she was disloyal, and if she was loyal, she'd never be able to prove her innocence.

  Finally Sen would have his wish and she would be caged.

  In only three days.



  Vyan stared at his warlord, who was about to march all of them straight to their deaths. He wanted to call the man a lunatic, but his intelligence and desire to live kept that word out of his vocabulary. Instead he used a moderate tone that flew in the face of his true nature. "I would warn you one last time, my lord, to rethink this plan with so few men."

  After passing through the portal that'd been opened by the witch, Batuk had been driving the men relentlessly to invade the city.

  "Ten is all we need," Batuk finally said. "We have waited long enough. I have a duty to my men, to our men." With one cut, he sliced his sword through a tree the size of Vyan's arm. "Every hour we waste my people spend another day in immortal misery beneath Mount Meru. Can you not understand that?"

  "Me not understand? I stepped through the portal two years ago for the chance to free our people." Vyan slashed a path through thick undergrowth of this jungle called Amazon, so different from the streets of Atlanta, where he'd been living.

  "Has your time in this new realm softened your hatred of the Beladors?" Batuk asked without looking back at him.

  "How can you say that? The Beladors killed my wife. I only question how much we risk by facing a monster with less than a legion of warriors."

  "We have something the beast will want. This beast will be our shield against the Beladors. How fitting that one of their own will aid us." Batuk chuckled to himself.

  Vyan saved his breath. Monkeys raced across branches above his head, screeching to one another. He eyed a fat one that would make a fine meal if he were allowed to stop long enough to hunt. His warlord had less patience than a dog on the heels of a bitch in heat.

  "Batuk!" one of the men called out, and raced forward. When Vyan and the warlord turned, Nhivoli plowed through the jungle, past the men marching in line, and stopped, breathless. "I have your peace offering."

  Batuk's face split with a satisfied smile. "Excellent. Keep it at the back of the line until I call you." He dismissed Nhivoli, who trotted away and disappeared behind the string of men hidden by vegetation.

  Batuk planned to sacrifice an animal to the monster.

  That reminded Vyan of the witch's serum he carried to feed the animal. "Are you not curious what animal Nhivoli captured?"

  "No. I have no doubt he followed my precise orders, as every soldier should." Batuk scratched his grizzly black beard. "I expect my first in command to show the same commitment and loyalty."