Page 33 of Blood Trinity

  Kizira had her head close to Tristan's, speaking to him as though coaching her number one player. Her sharp fingernails were still extended, trailing along the floor next to her as thin razor-sharp strips she'd used as a cat-'o-nine-tails.

  Where had Kizira gotten that nail job?

  Evalle's skin burned from where those nails had left strips of Noirre majik eating into her body. She'd doubted anyone would find her here, not even Storm. She tried to shift once, hoping to fight her way out even if it meant exposing her beast side to the world.

  Kizira kiboshed that with a spell.

  "They wait for you to call your Beladors with your mind," a feeble male voice said on her left.

  Evalle turned her head to where Vyan hung near her. At least he was on the side with the eye she could still see out of. Her glasses were gone, but the candles burning below were far enough away that they were not blinding her. "They waste their time. I will not call the Beladors into a trap. I am not a traitor. Why didn't you come to us, Vyan?"

  "Beladors want only the Ngak Stone. I want my people to be free of their cursed lives."

  She couldn't really argue with that and noticed he hadn't included himself in that wish.


  She heard her name called softly from below her where captive Nightstalkers were clustered inside a circle of power.

  "Grady?" She whispered to keep from drawing the attention of their captors. He was here. Just as she'd feared. "Why'd you do this?"

  His weary eyes had never sagged as much as they did now. "I wanted an hour of human form tonight."

  Grace be to Macha. Evalle couldn't have given him an hour, but she might have stopped him from being caught by the Kujoo if Isak hadn't kidnapped her.

  We're coming, Evalle, she heard in her mind.

  Trey? Is that you?

  I've been trying to reach you for a half hour but I had to find a way through a barrier.

  A witch spell. She's not paying me any attention right now. Must be how you got through.

  Nah. I'm just that good.

  She rolled her eyes.

  Trey said, We're outside. Tzader and Quinn are with me.

  She didn't know how they'd found her, but she couldn't let them march in here to save her. It's a trap. Don't come in and don't let Brina show up. They're waiting for her.

  Tzader's got an ace to play when we come in. He won't lead our tribe into a slaughter or let anything happen to Brina. You have to learn to trust us. You can't save the tribe alone.

  I hear you. She let out a raw breath. Thanks be to Macha. Tzader had found her and had this under control. Did he get the stone put somewhere safe?

  It's safe enough.

  It has to be absolutely secure. Tell Tzader the Kujoo plan to send superwarriors back in time to wipe out the entire Belador race. All of you would die.

  All of us would die, Trey repeated, emphasizing "us." We're prepared for them.

  She swallowed at the show of support from a fellow Belador. She wouldn't die in vain. Her tribe would continue.

  The grotesque Nightstalker halflings started howling.

  Down below, Tristan's head jerked up. Kizira swung around. The one Evalle now knew as Batuk roared and his men drew swords, then spread out around the room.

  Heavy double doors hanging at the end of the building appeared to be new. Kizira had taken time to do a little remodeling, eh? The doors burst inward. Tzader and Quinn marched in first with Trey, Storm, Casper and twelve more men who were Beladors.

  Evalle could feel her body welcome their power.

  Then Laurette stepped up next to Tzader.

  With the Ngak Stone in her hand.

  Oh, no. That's how they found me.

  Tristan laughed. "I knew they'd come for you, Evalle."

  What are you doing, Z? Evalle yelled telepathically at Tzader. Get Laurette and that stone out of here.

  She wouldn't leave or hand over the stone until you and Vyan were free.

  "This is how you take care of the innocent?" Vyan snarled at Evalle.

  "I didn't bring her here, dammit. This is the witch's fault--" Then Evalle yelled at Quinn, Sleeping Beauty's here.

  Purple smoke boiled behind Tristan as the priestess disappeared. Tristan and the Kujoo leader exchanged worried glances.

  "Release Evalle and Vyan if you want to live," Tzader ordered.

  Now free to move, Tristan stepped forward. "Hand over the stone and I'll give you those two."

  "You will not!" the warlord shouted.

  Tristan leveled the Kujoo leader with a vile look of contempt. "You lied about what you were going to do with Evalle. I will do as I say."

  "Do not hand over that stone!" Evalle caught Laurette looking up at Vyan, who was murmuring words as if in prayer.

  Wouldn't do him much good if he was talking to Shiva. The Hindu god had refused to intervene.

  Storm made a move forward and Tzader stopped him. Evalle sent Storm a small smile to thank him for coming through. She called to Laurette. "Free me and Vyan."

  Laurette's gaze shot up and down between Evalle and the rock in her hand. The young woman said something to the rock and Evalle fell to the floor, but Vyan still hung above her.

  Evalle stood up and asked Tristan, "You still want a throw down?"

  Tristan released a growl of disgust. "Don't make me do this, Evalle. You'll lose."

  "I don't think so. We have the rock on our side."

  That pulled a wry laugh out of the male Alterant. "You going to take the rock from her?"

  "No. But once I link with her I'll have that power on top of being an Alterant. Don't make me use it on you."

  "You can't link with a human who isn't Belador." Lack of conviction lay beneath his challenge.

  Evalle turned to Laurette. "Where did you learn to put those Gaelic words on your pottery?"

  "From my granddad."

  "Do you know what they say?"


  "I do." Evalle glanced at Tzader and the rest of the Beladors when she spoke. "The words say, 'This is the home of a Belador descendant. Care for my grandchild as I would.'" She turned to Tristan, whose lips parted in surprise. "We can link with her, and you will lose."

  Way to go, Evalle, Tzader murmured in her mind.

  Yeah, but I really don't know if it will harm Laurette or not if we try to link with her.

  Tristan opened his mouth to speak, but the warlord screamed at his men and the Nightstalker creatures, "Kill them!"

  Evalle swung into the battle as all the Beladors poured into the room except for two left to guard Laurette.

  Vyan called to Evalle. "My sword! In the corner."

  She looked where his head had angled and saw the weapon she yanked to her hand kinetically just before a crazed Nightstalker flew at her. She swung the blade, slashing him in half.

  Triquetra blades flew from Quinn's hands as fast as bullets from a rifle.

  Spinning as she moved, Evalle brought the sword up, swinging it at the warlord, who turned in time to block with his sword, which broke hers in half.

  How'd that happen if Vyan is immortal, too?

  Brina appeared in the corner and lifted her hands, chanting.

  Every Belador in the room instantly held a gleaming sword with their triquetra emblem on the hilt and Celtic scrolling engraved in the metal. Even Evalle. Storm and Casper were gifted with a pair of swords as well but not Belador weapons.

  Tzader spun his sentient blades at a Kujoo, slicing off his enemy's head. Immortals were hard to kill, but cutting off their heads usually worked.

  Blood spewed across Evalle's neck and shoulder from the arm Casper slashed off a ghoul that flew away screaming. Casper became a blur of cowboy and Highland warrior, wielding a sword like a man born to it. Storm swung his sword with equal fervor, looking deadly if not skilled.

  A Belador went down beneath a wad of clawing Nightstalker creatures.

  Evalle blasted a wave of power at them, scattering the creatures.

  This might not be enough Beladors to win the fight against immortal warriors the Medb had infused with Noirre majik.

  Evalle looked at Laurette, who stood shaking in a corner behind the two men who would protect her with their lives. The young woman was terrified. Evalle yelled, "Laurette, look at me!" When she had the girl's attention, she shouted, "You're a Belador. This is your tribe."

  Before she could say more, a Kujoo attacked. Evalle fought back, meeting his sword blow for blow until she struck across his body, cutting it in half. She yelled at Laurette, "Order the rock to end the bloodshed."

  Laurette looked down at the Ngak Stone in her trembling hands and cried out, "Make everybody stop!"

  Evalle's body froze. Crud. She should have been more specific.

  Laurette raised panicked eyes to sweep the room then park on Evalle. "What now?"

  Evalle tried to talk but could only make noises.

  Laurette lifted the stone. "Free Evalle to move and speak."

  Evalle's muscles loosened at once. "Good girl. Step out from behind the men, because they can't move." When she had Laurette standing in the open, Evalle told her, "You're almost out of time."

  "I want to send the Kujoo home. I told Vyan I would do that."

  "I'm not sure you can do it with them frozen, but I don't want you to free the Kujoo so they can kill the Beladors." Evalle turned to Brina, surprised she hadn't spoken. "What do you want her to do?"

  "I can't direct her to ask that rock anything. It carries Noirre majik deep within its powers."

  "The Ngak Stone?" Evalle hadn't figured that, but it made sense. Maybe that was how the Medb had known about it. Evalle had assumed the stone was only Hindu in origin, but something that had survived since the beginning of time would have gained a lot of different powers.

  Laurette took a gulp of breath. "I understand. I have to decide." She gave the stone a new order. "Free everyone, but make them stay where they are and don't let them attack each other."

  All the bodies in the room took a breath at once, but no one left their spot or tried to strike an enemy.

  Tristan called out to Laurette. "Give me the stone and I'll free the Kujoo ... and I'll give you your eyesight. I heard you were going blind. I'll have the power to heal your eyes."

  The hope in Laurette's face hurt Evalle's heart, but she shook her head. "You can't do that."

  Laurette nodded, her eyes red. "I know."

  Brina spoke up. "I have no say over the stone, but the Kujoo cannot leave here yet. They have broken the truce and must be punished."

  "No!" Laurette shouted at Brina, who merely cocked her head as if she were looking at an addled child. "I will give the rock to Tristan if you don't swear to free the Kujoo."

  Tzader sent Evalle a worried look. "Do something."

  Me? "Like what?"

  "Yeah, Evalle," Tristan chimed in. "What about your offer to help the other Alterants? To see all of us free?"

  Evalle took in the quick look of disbelief on Tzader's and Quinn's faces. "Shut up, Tristan."

  Brina forgot about Laurette and zeroed in on Evalle with a look that promised all her good deals had just run out. Then she struck Tristan with a piercing glare, studying his face. "Tristan? As in the Alterant that was sent away? You knew he escaped and offered to help the others escape?"

  "No," Evalle argued. "... I didn't say that exactly."

  Frustration at things not turning out the way he'd expected started winding Tristan's voice into a tight ball of deadly anger when he spoke to Evalle. "I did as you wished and had the Medb free all of them. You owe me."

  Evalle turned to Brina. "Let me explain."

  "We don't have time for this." Brina swung her gaze to Laurette. "You have eighteen minutes, young lady. What are you going to do?"

  "The rock doesn't always do what I ask." Laurette glanced from Brina to Evalle with eyes begging for help.

  Evalle took mercy on her and started giving her direction. "Send the Nightstalkers that are half changed to the other side of death so they can rest in peace."

  Laurette spoke to the rock and the creatures disappeared.

  "Send the Kujoo ..." Evalle paused, feeling Brina's glare bearing down on her. The Kujoo had not become superwarriors yet. If they were not immortal, she had faith in the ability of the Beladors who lived eight hundred years ago to protect themselves. "Send them to their original time, but without their powers."

  "No! We end this fight today!" the Kujoo warlord screamed.

  Vyan still dangled overhead and had been quiet until now. His wrists bled and his skin was a sickly gray, but his voice was strong when he spoke. "Yes, we do end this today." He shifted his gaze to Laurette. "All will be right. Do as I asked of you."

  Laurette gave Vyan one long look that was filled with pain Evalle didn't understand but sympathized with nonetheless. When the young woman lifted the rock this time, there were tears in her eyes. She put the stone close to her lips and whispered words even Evalle couldn't hear.

  All the Kujoo vanished, including Vyan.

  Laurette turned her watery gaze to Evalle. "Now what?"

  "Free the Nightstalkers that were not changed so they can return to their places in Atlanta." In the next instant, Evalle watched ghouls whip out the windows, all except for Grady, who came to hover by her.

  Laurette squeaked a sound of pain. "The rock's getting hot. I can't hold it." She started juggling the rock between her hands, then pitched it at Evalle, who caught the stone against her stomach.

  The stone was warm, but not too hot to hold. Was that because she was a powerful female?

  Grace be to Macha. She held the power to do anything, even save herself from a Tribunal decision.

  The room went deathly quiet.


  Evalle closed her fingers around the stone and colors burst in her mind. The surge of energy was unbelievable. Even her bruised eye opened up.

  Everyone left inside the derelict school auditorium was icy still. Were they afraid of her or what she'd do?

  "Tristan must return to his cage," Brina ordered.

  "Nooo!" Veins stuck out on Tristan's neck as he made an aggressive move, but his feet were glued to the floor from when Laurette had ordered the stone to stop everyone from attacking each other. "Evalle, you said you cared about the Alterants, that you'd help me. Help all of us."

  Every word he spoke fell like a ring of death between Evalle and Brina. This was not the moment to make a wrong decision.

  Brina spoke in a quiet tone that carried the strength of a general's order. "Hand the stone over to Tzader to be placed in the VIPER vault."

  "No. Keep it, Evalle," Tristan yelled. "You'll be safe forever. You can live free of persecution and the threat of being caged. Come with me and we'll go far away from all the Beladors."

  Mesmerized at the connection she felt, Evalle stared at the rock that glowed like a molten rainbow. Live. Safe. Free. Her mind was lost in a haze of colors and words. She felt drugged.

  "Evalle, do not do this!" Brina's voice held a dire threat if she was not obeyed. "That rock puts every Belador's future at risk if it is not put somewhere safe. The Kujoo could find a way to return to this time and destroy the entire tribe the next time. You must always put the tribe first."

  "Like the tribe put me first?" Tristan shot back at Brina. "A tribe shouldn't turn their backs on each other. You locked me away for no reason. Evalle, ask Brina if I did anything before she sent me away to purgatory. Ask her!"

  Tristan's question got through to Evalle. She shook her head to clear the cobwebs and raised her gaze to Brina. "Did Tristan commit any offense or shift into a beast?"

  "Do not think to question me," Brina warned.

  Turning to Tzader, Evalle considered asking him telepathically, then changed her mind. Everyone needed to hear this answer. "Do you know the truth?"

  Tzader cut his eyes at Brina, then back to Evalle. "Yes, but I wasn't a part of sending him away. He's telling the truth."

"Tzader!" Brina's hologram blazed with light. Sparks shot off the edges. She gave him a quelling look before shoving her glare at Evalle. "I do whatever is necessary to keep the Beladors safe from danger."

  The drugged feeling had to be the reason Evalle pursued her point. "Please, Brina. I need to know the truth. I've stood alongside Beladors since I was eighteen, and I need to know you acted with honor."

  Tzader made a noise Evalle took as a crushed curse.

  When Brina spoke it was in a reverent tone. "I am bound by an oath as well. Many oaths, in fact. There are things I cannot share with anyone. You are not the only one who has to perform difficult tasks, but in your case you have the gift of making choices along the way. I have been given one task above all others and that is to oversee and protect my tribe. Protection comes in all forms. Beyond that I will only say that I did act in honor."

  For the first time since taking her oath as a Belador warrior, Evalle wondered what it would be like to be Brina. To live away from everyone, holding the power of the Beladors by her presence on an island. To exist solely to serve and to have no choice in the matter.

  Maybe she hadn't given Brina enough credit.

  But she still didn't know where she stood with Brina.

  "What about me?" Evalle asked quietly. "Am I a danger to be locked away, too?"

  Brina didn't hesitate. "If you were you would not be here now."

  Evalle noted that Brina did not really answer her question.

  Heat pulsed from the rock, sending waves of energy up Evalle's arm. She swallowed, trying to think clearly.

  Quinn asked Evalle, "Are you ready to turn your back on the Beladors? If you do not obey Brina, that's what you're doing."

  Indecision hovered over her. She knew to do the right thing, but there was that tiny part of her that wanted desperately to be safe and secure. To know she could live without a cloud of doubt always hanging over her.

  To know who you are is the greatest power of all.

  There was that strange voice in Evalle's mind again. The same one that had told her when the rock had been found.

  Who was it?

  Tristan pleaded, "Bring the rock and come with me. I'll take care of you, Evalle."

  "I'll take care of you." The doctor who'd raped her when she was a teen had spoken those same words.

  That flushed her mind clear of the fog that the rock had been weaving through her thoughts. The Beladors had rescued her from being locked away in a basement, at the mercy of the world. Tzader had said she had to give trust to get it in return.