Page 1 of Archangel's Blade

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Teaser chapter

  Berkley Titles by Nalini Singh


  Archangel's Kiss

  "Stunning, original, beautiful, intriguing, and mesmerizing."

  --Errant Dreams Reviews

  "The mystifying world of angels beckons in the second installment of Singh's remarkable urban fantasy series . . . Better clear off more space on your keeper shelf!"

  --RT Book Reviews (Top Pick)

  "Everything that urban fantasy romance fans could ask for--sexy thrills, compelling characters, and an original mythology combined with more than a dash of horror. Paranormal romance doesn't get better than this."

  --Love Vampires

  "Nalini Singh has really outdone herself with Archangel's Kiss. I could not put this book down and continued to read well into the night."

  --Night Owl Reviews

  "It is heart-stirring, dangerous, and intensely romantic . . . If you love angels, paranormal romance, and the like--read this book."

  --Rex Robot Reviews

  Angels' Blood

  "I loved every word, could picture every scene, and cannot recommend this book highly enough. It is amazing in every way!"

  --Gena Showalter, New York Times bestselling author

  "This is probably one of the best stories I have ever read and will be one that I will rave about for quite a while . . . Completely awe-inspiring."

  --Fallen Angel Reviews

  "Amazing. Fantastic . . . Simmering with both violence and sexual tension, and with vivid worldbuilding that blew my socks off."

  --Meljean Brook, national bestselling author

  "A refreshing twist on vampire and angel lore combined with sizzling sexual tension make this paranormal romance a winner."

  --Monsters and Critics

  "Singh provides incontrovertible evidence that she's an unrivaled storyteller . . . This book should be at the top of your must-buy list! Tremendous!"

  --RT Book Reviews (Top Pick)

  "Nalini Singh's Guild Hunter series is a fabulous addition to the paranormal world . . . A definite must read."

  --Fresh Fiction

  "A fully nuanced and startling story from start to finish . . . Nalini Singh should take a bow! Angels' Blood is going to leave you hungering for more instantly."

  --Romance Junkies

  "Fans will relish Nalini Singh's excellent first Guild Hunter thriller."

  --Midwest Book Review

  Play of Passion

  "Compelling characters and wonderfully dense plotting are two reasons why Singh's books continue to enthrall. There is no finer storyteller around!"

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  "A provocative, captivating, and scorching-hot paranormal romance that fans of the series will absolutely love and newcomers won't be able to put down."

  --Night Owl Reviews

  "Offers everything we expect from Nalini Singh: smart, feisty heroine, delectable hero, and plenty of action. This book is not to be missed!"


  Bonds of Justice

  "Sheer genius. Nalini Singh writes with amazing skill . . . You have to read this book!"

  --The Romance Reviews

  "Nalini Singh has the golden touch. An imagination that won't quit. A writing style that punches you in the gut, wrings your heart out till there's nothing left."

  --The Good, The Bad and The Unread

  "An unforgettable story. Once again Nalini Singh comes through and proves why she's on my auto-buy list."

  --ParaNormal Romance

  Blaze of Memory

  "Another incredibly strong entry in the Psy-Changeling series, my very favorite in paranormal romance."

  --Romance Novel TV

  "When it comes to delivering stories that grab you by the throat and don't let go, Singh is in a class by herself!"

  --RT Book Reviews (Top Pick)

  "Singh has really run with her Psy-Changeling world . . . A standout series among the paranormal romance on the market today."

  --Fresh Fiction

  Branded by Fire

  "Sexy, intense, and riveting, this book was also deeply satisfying. I couldn't put it down."

  --Dear Author

  "A superb addition to a winning series."

  --The Book Smugglers

  "An amazingly talented writer . . . She grabs the reader and doesn't let go until the very end and leaves them begging for more . . . I give Branded by Fire and Nalini an enthusiastic 5 hearts."

  --Night Owl Reviews

  Hostage to Pleasure

  "Singh is on the fast track to becoming a genre giant!"

  --RT Book Reviews (Top Pick)

  "Nalini Singh has penned another keeper . . . If you want a thrilling read with action, danger, passion, and drama, don't miss Nalini Singh's Hostage to Pleasure."

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  "An intriguing world that's sure to keep readers coming back for more."

  --Darque Reviews

  Mine to Possess

  "Fierce . . . Paranormal romance at its best."

  --Publishers Weekly

  "With its intense characters, story line, and scenery, Mine to Possess is quite a read. It showcases Singh's talent and shows her to be a writer that will no doubt shine for some time."

  --Romance Reader at Heart

  "If you've been looking for a book that will entice and entrance, look no further. The very talented Nalini Singh has yet again proven that her books are gems, true treasures that are intriguing, multifaceted creations that just get better and better . . . Don't miss Mine to Possess!"

  --Romance Reviews Today

  Caressed by Ice

  "Delivers increasingly inventive worldbuilding, intriguefilled plotting, and a complicated and satisfying love story--and will leave readers eagerly anticipating the next installment."


  "The paranormal romance of the year."

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  "Craving the passionate and electrifying world created by the megatalented Singh? Your next fix is here! . . . One of the most original and thrilling paranormal series on the market . . . Mind-blowing!"

  --RT Book Reviews (Top Pick)

  Visions of Heat

  "Breathtaking blend of passion, adventure, and the paranormal. I wished I lived in the world Singh has created. This is a keeper!"

  --Gena Showalter, New York Times bestselling author

  "This author just moved to the top of my auto-buy list."

  --All About Romance

  "Visions of Heat stuns with its compelling story line and then pulls you in with its fant
astic characters and thrilling romance."

  --The Romance Studio

  Slave to Sensation

  "I LOVE this book! It's a must read for all of my fans. Nalini Singh is a major new talent."

  --Christine Feehan, #1 New York Times bestselling author

  "An electrifying collision of logic and emotion . . . An incredible world where fire and ice mix to create an unforgettable sensual eruption. Slave to Sensation is a volcanic start to a new series that'll leave you craving more."

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  "AWESOME! . . . A purely mesmerizing book that surely stands out among the other paranormal books out there. Slave to Sensation is captivating from beginning to end. It's a must read for any paranormal fan!"

  --Romance Reader at Heart

  Berkley Titles by Nalini Singh

  Psy-Changeling Series











  Guild Hunter Series



  (A Berkley Sensation eSpecial)






  (with Maggie Shayne, Erin McCarthy, and Jean Johnson)


  (with Lora Leigh, Erin McCarthy, and Linda Winstead Jones)


  (with Charlaine Harris, Ilona Andrews, and Meljean Brook)


  (with Angela Knight, Virginia Kantra, and Meljean Brook)


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  A Berkley Sensation Book / published by arrangement with the author


  Berkley Sensation mass-market edition / September 2011

  Copyright (c) 2011 by Nalini Singh.

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  Writing this book was a wonderful journey,

  made more so by the amazing people around me.

  Thank you, to each and every one of you.

  Before Isis

  "Papa! Papa!"

  "Oomph, Misha." Catching his son's excited form as the little boy came running down the rough country drive, he settled Misha on his arm--browned, scarred, and muscled from working the fields--and said, "What has your mama been feeding you?"

  A giggling laugh, his son secure in the knowledge that his father wouldn't drop him. "Did you bring me a sweet?"

  "I was hungry on the way home," he teased. "I'm afraid I ate it."

  Misha's brow furrowed, his dark eyes intent . . . and then he laughed again, a huge and deep laugh for such a small boy. "Papa!" He began to look in his father's shirt pocket, gave a triumphant cry when he found the small wrapped package.

  Smiling at his son's joy, he looked up and saw her in the doorway. His wife. With their new daughter in her arms. His heart twisted into a knot that was almost painful. Sometimes, he thought he should be ashamed to love his wife and children so much, until the days when he went away to the markets were a rare anguish . . . but he could not bring himself to believe it.

  When other men complained about their wives, he simply smiled and thought of the woman with the slanting eyes and wide mouth who waited for him. Ingrede hated her mouth, wanted a little bow like the wife of their neighbor across the plain, but he loved her smile, loved the crooked tooth in the front, and the way she began to lisp when he talked her into too much of the white fire brewed by the same neighbor's son.

  Now, setting down his bag on the doorstep, he cupped her cheek with his hand. "Hello, wife."

  "I missed you, Dmitri."


  Crouching on the concrete pier lit only by the dull yellow glow of a flickering streetlight several feet away, Dmitri tilted the severed head toward him with a grip in the dead male's damp hair, not bothering with gloves. Elena, he thought, would not have approved of the breach in proper forensic protocol, but the hunter was currently in Japan and wouldn't return to the city for three more days.

  The victim's head had been separated from his--as yet undiscovered--body with hacking slices, the weapon possibly some kind of a small ax. Not a neat job, but it had gotten things done. The skin, which appeared to have been either pink or white in life, was bloated and soft with water, but the river hadn't had time to degrade it into slime.

  "I was hoping," he said to the blue-winged angel who stood on the other side of the grisly find, "for a quiet few weeks." The reappearance of the archangel Caliane, thought dead for over a millennium, had rocked both the angels and the vampire population. The mortals, too, felt something, but they had no true knowledge of the staggering change in the power structure of the Cadre of Ten, the archangels who ruled the world.

  Because Caliane wasn't simply old, she was an Ancient.

  "Quiet would bore you," Illium said, playing a thin silver blade in and around his fingers. Having preceded Raphael and Elena home from Japan the previous day, he looked none the worse for wear after having been kidnapped and caught in the middle of a battle between archangels.

  Dmitri felt his lips curve. Unfortunately, the angel with his wings of silver-kissed blue and eyes of gold was right. Dmitri hadn't yet succumbed to the ennui that affected so many of the immortals for the simple reason that he never stayed still. Of course, some would say he was leaning too far in the other direction--in the company of tho
se who lived only for the piercing pleasure of blood and pain, every other sensation having grown dull.

  The thought should've concerned him. That it didn't . . . that concerned him. But his inexorable descent into the seductive ruby red darkness had nothing to do with the current situation. "He has nascent fangs." The small, immature canines appeared almost translucent. "But he's not one of ours." Dmitri knew the name and face of every vampire living in and around New York. "Neither does he fit the description of any of the Made who've gone missing across the wider territory."

  Illium balanced his blade on a fingertip, the yellow glow from the streetlight reflecting off it in an unexpected spark of color before he began to play it through his fingers once more. "He could've belonged to someone else, tried to escape his Contract, run into trouble."

  Since there were always idiots who tried to get out of their side of the deal--a hundred years of service to the angels in exchange for the gift of near-immortality--that was highly possible. Though why a vampire would come to New York when it was home to an archangel, and a powerful Guild of hunters dedicated to retrieving those who decided to run, wasn't as explicable.

  "Family ties," Illium said, as if he'd read Dmitri's thoughts. "Vampires that young tend to stay connected to their mortal roots."

  Dmitri thought of the broken burned-out shell of a house he'd visited day after day, night after night, until so many years had passed that there was no longer any sign of the small cottage that once stood there. Only the land, carpeted with wildflowers, remained, and it was Dmitri's, would always be Dmitri's. "We've been working together too long, Bluebell," he said, his mind on that windswept plain where he had once danced a laughing woman in his arms while a bright-eyed boy clapped his hands.

  "I keep saying that," Illium responded, "but Raphael refuses to get rid of you." That silver blade flashed faster and faster. "What do you think of the ink?"

  Rising to his feet, Dmitri tilted the head to the other side. The tattoo high on the dead male's left cheekbone--black marks reminiscent of letters in the Cyrillic alphabet intertwined with three scrolling sentences in what might've been Aramaic--was both intricate and unusual . . . and yet something about it nagged at Dmitri.