"Slow her down, Ned!" cried Tom, for the ARROW was shooting so swiftlythrough the water that the young inventor found it impossible to pullup the balloonist. Ned hurried back to the motor, and, when the boat'sway had been checked, it was an easy matter to pull the dripping andalmost exhausted man into the craft.

  "Are you much hurt?" asked Mr. Swift anxiously, for Tom was too muchout of breath with his exertion to ask any questions. For that matterthe man was in almost as bad a plight. He was breathing heavily, asone who had run a long race.

  "I--I guess I'm all right," he panted. "Only burned a little on myhands. That--that was a close call!"

  The boat swung around and headed for shore, on which was quite a throngof persons. Some of them had cheered when they saw the plucky rescue.

  "I'm afraid we can't save your balloon," gasped Tom as he looked at theplace where the canvas was still floating and burning.

  "No matter. It wasn't worth much. That's the last time I'll ever goup in a hot-air balloon," said the man with more energy than he hadbefore exhibited. "I'm done with 'em. I've had my lesson. Hereafteran aeroplane or a gas balloon for me. I only did this to oblige thefair committee. I'll not do it again."

  The man spoke in short, crisp sentences, as though he was in too muchof a hurry to waste his words.

  "Let it sink," he went on. "It's no good. Glad to see the last of it."

  Almost as he spoke, with a final hiss and a cloud of steam that mingledwith the black smoke, the remains of the big bag sunk beneath thesurface of the lake.

  "We must get you ashore at once and to a doctor," said Mr. Swift. "Youmust be badly burned."

  "Not much. Only my hands, where some burning pieces of canvas fell on'em. If I had a little oil to put on I'd be all right."

  "I can fix you up better than that," put in Tom. "I have someVaseline."

  "Good! Just the thing. Pass it over," and the man, though he spokeshortly, seemed grateful for the offer. "My name's Sharp," he went on,"John Sharp, of no place in particular, for I travel all over. I'm aprofessional balloonist. Ha! That's the stuff!"

  This last was in reference to a bottle of Vaseline, which Tom produced.Mr. Sharp spread some over the backs of his hands and went on:

  "That's better. Much obliged. I can't begin to thank you for what youdid for me--saved my life. I thought it was all up with me--would havebeen but for you. Mustn't mind my manner--it's a way I have--have totalk quick when you're balloonin'--no time--but I'm grateful all thesame. Who might you people be?"

  Tom told him their names and Mr. Swift asked the aeronaut if he wassure he didn't need the services of a physician.

  "No doctor for me," answered the balloonist. "I've been in lots oftight places, but this was the worst squeeze. If you'll put me ashore,I guess I can manage now."

  "But you're all wet," objected Tom. "Where will you go? You need someother clothes," for the man wore a suit of tights and spangles.

  "Oh, I'm used to this," went on the performer. "I frequently have tofall in the water. I always carry a little money with me so as to getback to the place where I started from. By the way, where am I?"

  "Opposite Daleton," answered Tom. "Where did you go up from?"

  "Pratonia. Big fair there. I was one of the features."

  "Then you're about fifteen miles away," commented Mr. Swift. "You canhardly get back before night. Must you go there?"

  "Left my clothes there. Also a valuable gas balloon. No more hot-airones for me. Guess I'd better go back," and the aeronaut continued tospeak in his quick, jerky sentences.

  "We'd be very glad to have you come with us, Mr. Sharp," went on theinventor. "We are not far from Shopton, and if you would like toremain over night I'm sure we would make you comfortable. You canproceed to Pratonia in the morning."

  "Thanks. Might not be a bad idea," said Mr. Sharp. "I'm obliged toyou. I've got to go there to collect my money, though I suppose theywon't give it all to me."

  "Why not?" demanded Ned.

  "Didn't drop from my parachute. Couldn't. Fire was onereason--couldn't reach the parachute, and if I could have, guess itwouldn't have been safe. Parachute probably was burned too. But I'mdone with hot-air balloons though I guess I said that before."

  The boys were much interested in the somewhat odd performer, and, onhis part, he seemed to take quite a notion to Tom, who told him ofseveral things that he had invented. "Well," remarked Mr. Swift after awhile, during which the boat had been moving slowly down the lake, "ifwe are not to go ashore for a doctor for you, Mr. Sharp, suppose we puton more speed and get to my home? I'm anxious about a robbery thatoccurred there," and he related some facts in the case.

  "Speed her up!" exclaimed Mr. Sharp. "Wish I could help you catch thescoundrels, but afraid I can't--hands too sore," and he looked at hisburns. Then he told how he had made the ascension from the Pratoniafair grounds and how, when he was high in the air, he had discoveredthat the balloon was on fire. He described his sensations and told howhe thought his time had surely come. Sparks from the hot air used toinflate it probably caused the blaze, he said.

  "I've made a number of trips," he concluded, "hot air and gas bags, butthis was the worst ever. It got on my nerves for a few minutes," headded coolly.

  "I should think it would," agreed Tom as he speeded up the motor andsent the ARROW on her homeward way.

  The boys and Mr. Swift were much interested in the experiences of theballoonist and asked him many questions, which he answered modestly.Several hours passed and late that afternoon the party approachedShopton.

  "Here we are!" exclaimed Mr. Swift, relief in his tones. "Now to seeof what I have been robbed and to get the police after the scoundrels!"

  When the boat was nearing the dock Mr. Sharp, who had been silent forsome time, suddenly turned to Tom and asked:

  "Ever invent an airship?"

  "No," replied the lad, somewhat surprised. "I never did."

  "I have," went on the balloonist. "That is, I've invented part of it.I'm stuck over some details. Maybe you and I'll finish it some day.How about it?"

  "Maybe," assented Tom, who was occupied just then in making a goodlanding. "I am interested in airships, but I never thought I couldbuild one."

  "Easiest thing in the world," went on Mr. Sharp, as if it was aneveryday matter. "You and I will get busy as soon as we clear up thisrobbery." He talked as though he had been a friend of the family forsome time, for he had a genial, taking manner.

  A little later Mr. Swift was excitedly questioning Garret Jacksonconcerning the robbery and making an examination of the electrical shopto discover what was missing.

  "They've taken some parts of my gyroscope!" he exclaimed, "and somevaluable tools and papers, as well as some unfinished work that will bedifficult to replace."

  "Much of a loss?" asked Mr. Sharp with a business-like air.

  "Well, not so large as regards money," answered the inventor, "but theytook things I can never replace, and I will miss them very much if Icannot get them back."

  "Then we'll get them back!" snapped the balloonist, as if that was allthere was to it.

  The police were called up on the telephone and the facts given to them,as well as a description of the stolen things. They promised to dowhat they could, but, in the light of past experiences, Tom and hisfather did not think this would be much. There was little more thatcould be done that evening. Ned Newton went to his home, and, afterMr. Swift had insisted in calling in his physician to look after Mr.Sharp's burns the balloonist was given a room next to Tom's. Then theSwift household settled down.

  "Well," remarked Tom to his father, as he got ready for bed, "this surehas been an exciting day."

  "And my loss is a serious one," added the inventor somewhat sadly.

  "Don't worry, dad," begged his son. "I'll do my best to recover thosethings for you."

  Several days passed, but ther
e was no clew to the thieves. That theywere the same ones who had stolen the turbine model there was littledoubt, but they seemed to have covered their tracks well. The policewere at a loss, and, though Tom and Mr. Sharp cruised about the lake,they could get no trace of the men. The balloonist had sent toPratonia for his clothing and other baggage and was now installed inthe Swift home, where he was invited to stay a week or two.

  One night when he was looking over some papers he had taken from histrunk the balloonist came over to where Tom was making a drawing of anew machine he was planning and said:

  "Like to see my idea for an airship? Different from some. It's adirigible balloon with an aeroplane front and rear to steer and balanceit in big winds. It would be a winner, only for one thing. Maybe youcan help me."

  "Maybe I can," agreed Tom, who was at once interested.

  "We ought to be able to do something. Look at our names--Swift andSharp--quick and penetrating--a good firm to build airships," and helaughed genially. "Shall we do it?"

  "I'm willing," agreed Tom, and the balloonist spread his plans out onthe table, he and the young inventor soon being deep in a discussion ofthem.

Victor Appleton's Novels
»Tom Swift and His Motor-Cycle; Or, Fun and Adventures on the Roadby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Airshipby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Submarine Boat; Or, Under the Ocean for Sunken Treasureby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Electric Runabout; Or, The Speediest Car on the Roadby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His War Tank; Or, Doing His Bit for Uncle Samby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Electric Rifle; Or, Daring Adventures in Elephant Landby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Big Tunnel; Or, The Hidden City of the Andesby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Giant Telescopeby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Motor-Boat; Or, The Rivals of Lake Carlopaby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Wireless Message; Or, The Castaways of Earthquake Islandby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Aerial Warship; Or, The Naval Terror of the Seasby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Electric Locomotive; Or, Two Miles a Minute on the Railsby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift in the City of Gold; Or, Marvelous Adventures Undergroundby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Wizard Camera; Or, Thrilling Adventures While Taking Moving Picturesby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift in the Caves of Ice, or, the Wreck of the Airshipby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Undersea Search; Or, the Treasure on the Floor of the Atlanticby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Air Scout; Or, Uncle Sam's Mastery of the Skyby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift in Captivity, Or, A Daring Escape By Airshipby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders; Or, The Underground Search for the Idol of Goldby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift Among the Fire Fighters; Or, Battling with Flames from the Airby Victor Appleton