Stunned, and well-nigh paralyzed by the suddenness of the awfulcrash, and the recurrence of the earthquake, the castaways gazedspell-bound at one another.

  Succeeding the disappearance of the end of the island there arose agreat wave in the ocean, caused by the immersion of such a quantityof rock and dirt.

  "Look out!" yelled Tom, "there may be a flood here!"

  They realized his meaning, and hastened up the beach, out of reachof the water if it should come. And it did. At first the oceanretreated, as though the tide was going out, then, with a rush androar, the waves came leaping back, and, had the castaways remainedwhere they had been standing they would have been swept out to sea.

  As it was the flood reached part of the wreck of the airship, thatlay on the beach, and washed away some of the broken planks. But,after the first rush of water, the sea grew less troubled, and therewas no more danger from that source.

  True, the whole island was rumbling and trembling in the throes ofan earthquake, but, by this time, the refugees had become somewhatused to this, and only the two ladies exhibited any outward signs ofgreat alarm, though Mr. Barcoe Jenks, Tom observed, was nervouslyfingering the belt which he wore about his waist.

  "I guess the worst is over," spoke Mr. Fenwick, as they stoodlooking toward where part of the island had vanished. "The shockexpended itself on tearing that mass of rock and earth away."

  "Let us hope so," added Mr. Hosbrook, solemnly. "Oh, if we couldonly get away from this terrible place! We must hoist a signal ofdistress, even if we are out of the track of regular vessels. Someship, blown out of her course may see it. Captain Mentor, I wish youand Mr. Fordam would attend to that."

  "I will, sir," answered the commander of the ill-fated RESOLUTE."The signal shall be hoisted at once. Come on, Mr. Fordam," headded, turning to the first mate.

  "If you don't mind," interrupted Tom, "I wish you would first helpme to get what remains of the airship up out of reach of any morepossible high waves. That one nearly covered it, and if there areother big rollers, the wreck may be washed out to sea."

  "I can't see that any great harm would result from that," put in Mr.Jenks. "There isn't anything about the wreck that we could use tomake a boat or raft from." Indeed, there was little left of theairship, save the mass of machinery.

  "Well, it may come in handy before we leave here," said Tom, andthere was a quiet determined air about him, that caused Mr. Damon tolook at him curiously. The odd gentleman started to utter one of hisnumerous blessings, and to ask Tom a question, but he thought betterof it. By this time the earthquake had ceased, and the castawayswere calmer.

  Tom started toward the airship wreck, and began pulling off somebroken boards to get at the electrical machinery.

  "I guess you had better give Mr. Swift a hand, Captain Mentor,"spoke the millionaire yacht owner. "I don't know what good the wreckcan be, but we owe considerable to Mr. Swift and his friends, andthe least we can do is to aid them in anything they ask. So,Captain, if you don't mind, you and the mate bear a hand. In fact,we'll all help, and move the wreck so far up that there will be nodanger, even from tidal waves."

  Tom looked pleased at this order, and soon he and all the men in thelittle party were busy taking out the electrical apparatus, andmoving it farther inland.

  "What are you going to do with it, Tom?" asked Mr. Damon, in a lowvoice, as he assisted the young inventor to carry a small dynamo,that was used for operating the incandescent lights.

  "I hardly know myself. I have a half-formed plan in my mind. I maybe able to carry it out, and I may not. I don't want to say anythinguntil I look over the machinery, and see if all the parts which Ineed are here. Please say nothing about it."

  "Bless my toothpick! Of course, I'll not," promised Mr. Damon.

  When the removal of most of the machinery of the wrecked airship hadbeen completed, Mrs. Nestor exclaimed:

  "Well, since you are moving that out of harm's way, don't you thinkit would be a good idea to change our camp, also? I'm sure I'llnever sleep a wink, thinking that part of the island may fall intothe ocean at any moment in the night, and create a wave that maywash us all out to sea. Can't we move the camp, Mr. Swift?"

  "No reason why we can't," answered the lad, smiling. "I think itwould be a good plan to take it farther back. We are likely to behere some time, and, while we are about it, we might build morecomplete shelters, and have a few more comforts."

  The others agreed with this idea, so the little shacks that had beenerected were taken down, and moved to higher ground, where a betteroutlook could be had of the surrounding ocean. At the same time assafe a place as possible, considering the frequent earthquakes, waspicked out--a place where there were no overhanging rocks or cliffs.

  Three huts were built, one for the two ladies, one for the men, andthird where the cooking could be done. This last also held the foodsupplies and stores, and Tom noted, with satisfaction, that therewas still sufficient to eat to last over a week. Mr. Fenwick had notstinted his kitchen stores.

  This work done, Captain Mentor and Mate Fordam went to the highestpart of the island, where they erected a signal, made from pieces ofcanvas that had been in the life boat. The boat itself was broughtaround to the new camp, and at first it was hoped that it could berepaired, and used. But too large a hole had been stove in thebottom, so it was broken up, and the planks used in making theshacks.

  This work occupied the better part of two days, and during thistime, there were no more earthquakes. The castaways began to hopethat the island would not be quiet for a while. Mrs. Anderson andMrs. Nestor assumed charge of the "housekeeping" arrangements, andalso the cooking, which relieved Tom from those duties. The twoladies even instituted "wash-day," and when a number of garmentswere hung on lines to dry, the camp looked like some summer colonyof pleasure-seekers, out for a holiday.

  In the meanwhile, Tom had spent most of his time among the machinerywhich had been taken from the airship. He inspected it carefully,tested some of the apparatus, and made some calculations on a bit ofpaper. He seemed greatly pleased over something, and one afternoon,when he was removing some of the guy and stay wires from thecollapsed frame of the WHIZZER, he was approached by Mr. BarcoeJenks.

  "Planning something new?" asked Mr. Jenks, with an attempt atjollity, which, however, failed. The man had a curious air abouthim, as if he was carrying some secret that was too much for him.

  "Well, nothing exactly new," answered Tom. "At best I am merelygoing to try an experiment."

  "An experiment, eh?" resumed Mr. Jenks, "And might I ask if it hasanything to do with rescuing us from this island?"

  "I hope it will have," answered Tom, gravely.

  "Good!" exclaimed Mr. Jenks. "Well, now I have a proposition to maketo you. I suppose you are not very wealthy, Mr. Swift?" He gazed atTom, quizzically.

  "I am not poor," was the young inventor's proud answer, "but I wouldbe glad to make more money--legitimately."

  "I thought so. Most every one would. Look here!"

  He approached closer to Tom, and, pulling his hand from his pocket,held it extended, in the palm were a number of irregularly-shapedobjects--stones or crystals the lad took them to be, yet they didnot look like ordinary stones or crystals.

  "Do you know what those are?" asked Mr. Jenks.

  "I might guess," replied Tom.

  "I'll save you the trouble. They are diamonds! Diamonds of the veryfirst water, but uncut. Now to the point. I have half a milliondollars worth of them. If you get me safely off this island, I willagree to make you a quarter of a million dollars worth of diamonds!"

  "Make me a quarter of a million dollars worth of diamonds?" askedTom, struck by the use of the work "make."

  "Yes, 'make,'" answered Mr. Jenks. "That is if I can discover thesecret--the secret of Phantom Mountain. Get me away from the islandand I will share my knowledge with you--I need help--help to learnthe secret and help to make the diamonds--see,
there are some of thefirst ones made, but I have been defrauded of my rights--I need theaid of a young fellow like you. Will you help? See, I'll give yousome diamonds now. They are genuine, though they are not likeordinary diamonds. I made them. Will you--"

  Before Tom could answer, there came a warning rumble of the earth,and a great fissure opened, almost at the feet of Mr. Jenks, who,with a cry of fear, leaped toward the young inventor.

Victor Appleton's Novels
»Tom Swift and His Motor-Cycle; Or, Fun and Adventures on the Roadby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Airshipby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Submarine Boat; Or, Under the Ocean for Sunken Treasureby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Electric Runabout; Or, The Speediest Car on the Roadby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His War Tank; Or, Doing His Bit for Uncle Samby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Electric Rifle; Or, Daring Adventures in Elephant Landby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Big Tunnel; Or, The Hidden City of the Andesby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Giant Telescopeby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Motor-Boat; Or, The Rivals of Lake Carlopaby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Wireless Message; Or, The Castaways of Earthquake Islandby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Aerial Warship; Or, The Naval Terror of the Seasby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Electric Locomotive; Or, Two Miles a Minute on the Railsby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift in the City of Gold; Or, Marvelous Adventures Undergroundby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Wizard Camera; Or, Thrilling Adventures While Taking Moving Picturesby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift in the Caves of Ice, or, the Wreck of the Airshipby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Undersea Search; Or, the Treasure on the Floor of the Atlanticby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Air Scout; Or, Uncle Sam's Mastery of the Skyby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift in Captivity, Or, A Daring Escape By Airshipby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders; Or, The Underground Search for the Idol of Goldby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift Among the Fire Fighters; Or, Battling with Flames from the Airby Victor Appleton