After the first few minutes of watching Tom click out the messages,the little throng of castaways that had gathered about the shack,moved away. The matter had lost its novelty for them, though, ofcourse, they were vitally interested in the success of Tom'sundertaking. Only Mr. Damon and Mr. Fenwick remained with the younginventor, for he needed help, occasionally, in operating the dynamo,or in adjusting the gasolene motor. Mrs. Nestor, who, with Mrs.Anderson, was looking after the primitive housekeeping arrangements,occasionally strolled up the hill to the little shed.

  "Any answer yet, Mr. Swift?" she would ask.

  "No." was the reply. "We can hardly expect any so soon," and Mrs.Nestor would depart, with a sigh.

  Knowing that his supply of gasolene was limited, Tom realized thathe could not run the dynamo steadily, and keep flashing the wirelessmessages into space. He consulted with his two friends on thesubject, and Mr. Damon said:

  "Well, the best plan, I think, would be only to send out the flashesover the wires at times when other wireless operators will be on thelookout, or, rather, listening. There is no use wasting our fuel. Wecan't get any more here."

  "That's true," admitted Tom, "but how can we pick out any certaintime, when we can be sure that wireless operators, within a zone ofa thousand miles, will be listening to catch clicks which call forhelp from the unknown?"

  "We can't," decided Mr. Fenwick. "The only thing to do is to trustto chance. If there was only some way so you would not have to be onduty all the while, and could send out messages automatically, itwould be good."

  Tom shook his head. "I have to stay here to adjust the apparatus,"he said. "It works none too easily as it is, for I didn't have justwhat I needed from which to construct this station. Anyhow, even ifI could rig up something to click out 'C.Q.D.' automatically, Icould hardly arrange to have the answer come that way. And I want tobe here when the answer comes."

  "Have you any plan, then?" asked Mr. Damon. "Bless my shoe laces!there are enough problems to solve on this earthquake island."

  "I thought of this," said Tom. "I'll send out our call for help fromnine to ten in the morning. Then I'll wait, and send out anothercall from two to three in the afternoon. Around seven in the eveningI'll try again, and then about ten o'clock at night, before going tobed."

  "That ought to be sufficient," agreed Mr. Fenwick. "Certainly wemust save our gasolene, for there is no telling how long we may haveto stay here, and call for help."

  "It won't be long if that scientist Parker has his way," spoke Mr.Damon, grimly. "Bless my hat band, but he's a MOST uncomfortable manto have around; always predicting that the island is going to sink!I hope we are rescued before that happens."

  "I guess we all do," remarked Mr. Fenwick. "But, Tom, here isanother matter. Have you thought about getting an answer from theunknown--from some ship or wireless station, that may reply to yourcalls? How can you tell when that will come in?"

  "I can't."

  "Then won't you or some of us, have to be listening all the while?"

  "No, for I think an answer will come only directly after I have sentout a call, and it has been picked up by some operator. Still thereis a possibility that some operator might receive my message, andreport to his chief, or some one in authority over him, beforereplying. In that time I might go away. But to guard against that Iwill sleep with the telephone receiver clamped to my ear. Then I canhear the answer come over the wires, and can jump up and reply."

  "Do you mean you will sleep here?" asked Mr. Damon, indicating theshack where the wireless apparatus was contained.

  "Yes," answered Tom, simply.

  "Can't we take turns listening for the answer?" inquired Mr.Fenwick, "and so relieve you?"

  "I'm afraid not, unless you understand the Morse code," replied Tom."You see there may be many clicks, which result from wirelessmessages flying back and forth in space, and my receiver will pickthem up. But they will mean nothing. Only the answer to our call forhelp will be of any service to us."

  "Do you mean to say that you can catch messages flying back andforth between stations now?" asked Mr. Fenwick.

  "Yes," replied the young inventor, with a smile. "Here, listen foryourself," and he passed the head-instrument over to the WHIZZER'sformer owner. The latter listened a moment.

  "All I can hear are some faint clicks," he said.

  "But they are a message," spoke Tom. "Wait, I'll translate," and heput the receiver to his ear. "'STEAMSHIP "FALCON" REPORTS A SLIGHTFIRE IN HER FORWARD COMPARTMENT,'" said Tom, slowly. "'IT IS UNDERCONTROL, AND WE WILL PROCEED.'"

  "Do you mean to say that was the message you heard?" cried Mr.Damon. "Bless my soul, I never can understand it!"

  "It was part of a message," answered Tom. "I did not catch it all,nor to whom it was sent."

  "But why can't you send a message to that steamship then, and begthem to come to our aid?" asked Mr. Fenwick. "Even if they have hada fire, it is out now, and they ought to be glad to save life."

  "They would come to our aid, or send," spoke Tom, "but I can notmake their wireless operator pick up our message. Either hisapparatus is not in tune, or in accord with ours, or he is beyondour zone."

  "But you heard him," insisted Mr. Damon.

  "Yes, but sometimes it is easier to pick up messages than it is tosend them. However, I will keep on trying."

  Putting into operation the plan he had decided on for saving theirsupply of gasolene, Tom sent out his messages the remainder of theday, at the intervals agreed upon. Then the apparatus was shut down,but the lad paid frequent visits to the shack, and listened to theclicks of the telephone receiver. He caught several messages, butthey were not in response to his appeals for aid.

  That night there was a slight earthquake shock, but no more of theisland fell into the sea, though the castaways were awakened by thetremors, and were in mortal terror for a while.

  Three days passed, days of anxious waiting, during which time Tomsent out message after message by his wireless, and waited in vainfor an answer. There were three shocks in this interval, two slight,and one very severe, which last cast into the ocean a great cliff onthe far end of the island. There was a flooding rush of water, butno harm resulted.

  "It is coming nearer," said Mr. Parker.

  "What is?" demanded Mr. Hosbrook.

  "The destruction of our island. My theory will soon be confirmed,"and the scientist actually seemed to take pleasure in it.

  "Oh, you and your theory!" exclaimed the millionaire in disgust."Don't let me hear you mention it again! Haven't we troublesenough?" whereat Mr. Parker went off by himself, to look at theplace where the cliff had fallen.

  Each night Tom slept with the telephone receiver to his ear, but,though it clicked many times, there was not sounded the call he hadadopted for his station--"E. I."--Earthquake Island. In each appealhe sent out he had requested that if his message was picked up, thatthe answer be preceded by the letters "E.I."

  It was on the fourth day after the completion of the wirelessstation, that Tom was sending out his morning calls. Mrs. Nestorcame up the little hill to the shack where Tom was clicking away.

  "No replies yet, I suppose?" she inquired, and there was a hopelessnote in her voice.

  "None yet, but they may come any minute," and Tom tried to speakcheerfully.

  "I certainly hope so," added Mary's mother, "But I came up moreespecially now, Mr. Swift, to inquire where you had stored the restof the food."

  "The rest of the food?"

  "Yes, the supply you took from the wrecked airship. We have used upnearly all that was piled in the improvised kitchen, and we'll haveto draw on the reserve supply."

  "The reserve," murmured Tom.

  "Yes, there is only enough in the shack where Mrs. Anderson and I dothe cooking, to last for about two days. Isn't there any more?"

  Tom did not answer. He saw the drift of the questioning. Their foodwas nearly gone, yet the castaways from the RESOLUTE thought
therewas still plenty. As a matter of fact there was not another can,except those in the kitchen shack.

  "Get out wherever there is left some time to-day, if you will, Mr.Swift," went on Mrs. Nestor, as she turned away, "and Mrs. Andersonand I will see if we can fix up some new dishes for you men-folks."

  "Oh--all right," answered Tom, weakly.

  His hand dropped from the key of the instrument. He sat staring intospace. Food enough for but two days more, with earthquakes likely tohappen at any moment, and no reply yet to his appeals for aid! Trulythe situation was desperate. Tom shook his head. It was the firsttime he had felt like giving up.

Victor Appleton's Novels
»Tom Swift and His Motor-Cycle; Or, Fun and Adventures on the Roadby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Airshipby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Submarine Boat; Or, Under the Ocean for Sunken Treasureby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Electric Runabout; Or, The Speediest Car on the Roadby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His War Tank; Or, Doing His Bit for Uncle Samby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Electric Rifle; Or, Daring Adventures in Elephant Landby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Big Tunnel; Or, The Hidden City of the Andesby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Giant Telescopeby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Motor-Boat; Or, The Rivals of Lake Carlopaby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Wireless Message; Or, The Castaways of Earthquake Islandby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Aerial Warship; Or, The Naval Terror of the Seasby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Electric Locomotive; Or, Two Miles a Minute on the Railsby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift in the City of Gold; Or, Marvelous Adventures Undergroundby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Wizard Camera; Or, Thrilling Adventures While Taking Moving Picturesby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift in the Caves of Ice, or, the Wreck of the Airshipby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Undersea Search; Or, the Treasure on the Floor of the Atlanticby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Air Scout; Or, Uncle Sam's Mastery of the Skyby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift in Captivity, Or, A Daring Escape By Airshipby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders; Or, The Underground Search for the Idol of Goldby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift Among the Fire Fighters; Or, Battling with Flames from the Airby Victor Appleton