Page 22 of Siren Beloved

  Dwight pulled the binoculars from his eyes as Bo’s car pulled up. He ground out his last cigarette in the dirt beneath his feet. There were too many of them to try anything else now. Besides, Karen was utterly passed out in her wrecked SUV just up the road.

  He started to hike back through the woods across from the clinic. It had been a brilliant plan. Karen had made an ass of herself at the fair, and then he’d made sure she got rip-roaring drunk at the road house on the edge of town. After two margaritas, he’d talked her into a few shots. That was when she’d started talking about taking out the bitch who took her man.

  She was so easy to manipulate. Dwight picked up the pace after shoving the binoculars back in his pack. His car was back at the fairgrounds, not far from Karen’s house. It would be a simple thing to tell the cops he’d dropped Karen off and then gone back to get his car. If anyone asked, he would say he’d met up with some tourist in the parking lot and spent a little time with her. Everyone knew he was a ladies’ man.

  No one would question him. After all, he was an American hero.

  Karen, on the other hand, was a drunken former beauty queen who everyone knew had a bad temper and even worse judgment. No one would be terribly surprised that she’d gotten behind the wheel and tried to kill her ex-boyfriend. All anyone at that fair had been talking about was the fact that Aidan O’Malley had kissed another man and how they pitied poor Karen who hadn’t been able to see that Aidan was gay.

  Dwight broke into a jog. He’d hated the Army, but they had known how to whip a man into shape. He’d kept up his physical training. He could easily cross the two and half miles between the clinic and the fairgrounds in fifteen minutes. He would take the back roads home. He lived in the foreman’s house set off a bit from the main house. If he turned the lights off, no one would notice him driving in late.

  It was all going bad. Aidan was close to making a breakthrough. He’d seen it earlier in the day. Aidan was remembering more and more. That stupid dog didn’t help. The dog had stood over Aidan’s body that terrible day, barking and growling any time Dwight had gotten close. If he’d been able to get past the fucking dog, maybe he could have taken care of the problem, but by then the firefight was over, and he could hear the other squad coming in. They might have questioned a burst of gunfire, and he couldn’t get close enough to slit the dumb animal’s throat.

  Now the dog stood as a symbol of all Dwight stood to lose. The animal was a touchstone, constantly calling Aidan back to that day. If Aidan remembered, the case would be reopened, and Dwight would be reviled and possibly sent to jail if they could figure out that he’d purposefully shot two of the men so they couldn’t tell what he’d done.

  He didn’t regret it. He wasn’t about to give up his life for a simple mistake anyone could have made. The gun had a loose trigger. The US Army spent shit supplying their soldiers. If a soldier wanted top-of-the-line body armor, his family had to pay for it. Dwight didn’t have a fucking family. He didn’t have anything. That was why he’d gone into the Army in the first place.

  He made it to his car. He’d parked at the edge of the lot, and the whole place was dark and empty. He slipped into his car and started it, leaving the lights off.

  His cell phone was blinking, indicating a message. He checked the number. Karen.

  “Dwight? Dwight? What happened? I woke up in my car. I think I’m in a ditch. Where are you? I feel terrible, and I can’t remember anything.”

  There was the distinct sound of sirens in the background as Karen talked. He felt a little smile spread across his face.

  “Dwight, the cops are here. Oh, where are you? Please come help me.”

  Dwight felt a sense of relief as he shut off his phone. At least something had gone right tonight. They would find her there, disoriented, in a car that was obviously damaged by side and front impact. The cops here would put two and two together and never think about it again. Everyone would talk about the beauty queen’s fall. He was safe.

  But it didn’t fix his problem. Aidan was still alive.

  That had to change and soon. It was time to take out the problem once and for all. After tomorrow, Aidan would be gone, and Dwight would be free.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Lexi came awake as Bo’s car stopped. She was slumped against Lucas’s chest, her hand nestled in Aidan’s. They were all scrunched together in the backseat because no one wanted to sit apart. Bo had grumbled about being a chauffeur, but he’d driven so carefully, as though he had precious cargo.

  How had she fallen asleep? She should have been nervous, terrified of getting back on the same road she’d almost been killed on, but she was between Lucas and Aidan. Their big bodies sheltered and protected her. There was nothing between them now. Not her sadness. Not Lucas’s insecurity. Not Aidan’s guilt. There wasn’t room for any of that.

  “We’re here, angel.” Aidan’s hand squeezed hers.

  “Safe and sound.” Bo turned his head and grinned at her. “I’m a way better driver than he is, too. You might want to reconsider.”

  Aidan sat forward. He ruffled his baby brother’s hair affectionately. “I’ll give you the driver part, brother. Thank you for coming to get us.”

  Bo sighed. “You’re welcome. I guess you couldn’t get a hold of Dwight. It doesn’t matter. I was happy to do it. I’m just glad you all were okay.”

  “I didn’t call Dwight, Bo. I called my brother because I was in trouble. I know we’ve had our problems since Dad died, but we’re going to work it out.”

  A brilliant smile broke over Bo’s face. “We will. And the whole bisexual thing is all right with me. Lucas is a nice guy. If I had wanted to screw some dude’s butt, it would be his.”

  Lucas snorted and then coughed, as though trying to cover it up. “That’s a great compliment, Bo.”

  Bo gave him a thumbs-up and hopped out of the car.

  Lexi giggled. She couldn’t help it. She felt light. She had cried, finally and truly cried, while they had held each other in the hospital. Aidan had been right. Sharing the pain lessened it. It opened her to love. What had Leo said? Something about sanity and accepting the love offered us. She’d been insane for far too long. She was ready to accept everything these two men had to offer.

  The car door opened, and Lucas slipped out. He reached back in and helped her out. Aidan jogged around the other side. Before she could really find her balance, Aidan hauled her up into his arms, lifting her against his chest.

  “No walking for you,” Aidan said.

  Lexi didn’t mind. It was sweet to be carried around. She felt light and delicate in his arms. But she didn’t want him to think she was too fragile. She needed more than his tender care this evening. Much more. “The doctor cleared me.”

  “That doesn’t mean you have to walk.” Aidan’s voice had taken on a thick, dark quality. It seemed to change the air around them, making it charged with tension. “You never have to walk when one of your men can carry you.”

  “I think I’m going to sleep out at the bunkhouse tonight,” Bo said with a knowing grin. “If you need anything, you call me.”

  Lexi felt perfect nestled in Aidan’s arms with Lucas standing beside them. She nuzzled his chest, loving the way he smelled. He was still wearing his scrubs, but they had all been able to take a shower to wash away the reservoir water. She hadn’t been able to dry her hair, though. It had done that all on its own in the Texas heat. Lexi knew she must look a mess, but it didn’t matter. These men loved her. These men always thought she was beautiful. “So we’re going to be all alone in that big house? What are we going to do?”

  Lexi had ideas. It was far past time for her to be in the middle.

  “We’re going to have a talk, sub.” Aidan stared down at her, and even in the low light coming from the porch, she could tell his eyes had gone dark and slightly hard. “I need to make a few things clear.”

  Lucas reached out and touched her cheek, a soft little caress that belied his words. “The Master and I f
eel we should set ground rules for how this is going to work, Lexi. Since the doctor cleared you and you feel fine, I suggested we have this little discussion of ours tonight rather than tomorrow. Please understand, this is not punishment, but we would like to play.”

  “If you’re not up to it, angel, we understand,” Aidan said. “But if you want us, you should understand everything is in play tonight. We will push some boundaries.”

  Lexi knew what that meant. She shivered at the thought. It was everything she wanted. They would take her together. They would be deep inside of her at the same time. “I want it.”

  “God, I was hoping you would say that.” Aidan swept her up the stairs and onto the porch as Lucas got the door open. Lexi held on as Aidan walked through the front hall and toward the living room. Lexi watched Lucas following behind, a decadent smile on his face as he pulled the scrubs over his head and tossed it aside. Lucas Cameron without his shirt was a sight to behold. From his broad shoulders to his tight abs, he was simply gorgeous.

  Aidan kicked open the door to the master bedroom, and Lexi found herself on the bed looking up as both of her men tossed their clothes off. They weren’t elegant about it, just in a hurry. Lexi’s heart rate sped up as all that sun-kissed flesh was revealed. She reveled in their differences.

  Lucas was lean and elegant. He was dark and broodingly gorgeous. He could have been on the cover of a fashion magazine.

  Aidan was thick, with bulky muscles and an angular face. No one would call him beautiful, but even with all his scars, he was all sexy male.

  And both of her men had erections that made her mouth water. They turned to her, cocks jutting out from the Vs of their thighs.

  “Take off your clothes, angel,” Aidan said. There was nothing polite in him now. He was all Dom, and he’d given a command.

  Lexi got off the bed. Her muscles were a little sore, but she needed her men. She needed to feel them all around her. She pulled off the green scrubs the nurse had loaned her. The shirt was tight across her breasts, and she struggled a little. The men made no move to help her. They stared as she dragged it over her head and started to push the pants over her hips. When she was naked, she found her position, dropping to her knees with her legs spread and her head down. She took a calming breath and waited.

  Bare feet came into view. “Look up, angel.”

  She brought her head up and sighed as Aidan’s thick cock came into view. It was a thing of beauty, jutting from his neatly trimmed nest of dark blonde hair. His balls were large and heavy. The cock had taken on a purplish cast, and she could see the thick vein that ran along the side was pulsing with blood.

  “Lick me.”

  Oh, she could do that. She leaned forward and ran her tongue along that vein. She was satisfied with Aidan’s deep groan as she licked his cock from the base to the bulbous, plum-shaped head. She lapped at his dick, teasing with quick strokes. When she found the slit weeping with pre-cum, she burrowed the tip of her tongue just inside and enjoyed his salty taste.

  There was suddenly a hand on her hair, pulling her gently away from her task. “Don’t forget me, baby.”

  Lucas and Aidan stood close together, their cocks touching and brushing against each other. Lucas was longer than Aidan, but not quite as thick. Lexi gave Lucas the same treatment she had with Aidan, drawing the dewy cum from his slit with gentle suction.

  She licked one, and then the other, never favoring one. She had two Masters, and they deserved equal treatment. She reached up and gently pressed the heads together so she could suck both into her mouth. They were far too big to do it, but she could manage to get the heads inside so she could whirl her tongue around. She made a circle around Aidan and then moved her tongue to Lucas, constantly encouraged by the way they groaned. Each man had a hand on her head. Aidan tugged where Lucas stroked. So different, but all hers.

  She’d wasted so much time, but she wasn’t about to feel bad about it now. Now Lexi was ready to make up for everything they had missed. She sucked at them and reached up to cup their balls. Her body was primed and ready for what was to come. Her pussy was getting soft and wet, every nerve tingling in anticipation.

  “Take care of the Master, Lexi. I need to prep you.” With a regretful sigh, Lucas pulled away.

  Aidan took advantage. “You’re all mine for now, angel. Suck me.”

  Lexi took his cock in her mouth and tongued him. Aidan set both hands in her hair and thrust himself deeper. Aidan took charge. Aidan liked to fuck her mouth. Lexi relaxed and let Aidan work his cock into her mouth inch by inch.

  “You feel so fucking good.” Aidan’s voice had gone guttural. “Do you have any idea what that hot mouth of yours is doing to my dick?”

  If she hadn’t had several inches of cock in her mouth, she would have smiled. She could definitely tell she was having an effect on the man. His cock was swollen and pulsing, his breath ragged. He pumped into her mouth, working his way in until his balls bumped her chin with every thrust.

  “Master, if I’m going to do this, I need her ass in the air.” Lucas’s calm, patient voice broke through the frenzy.

  Aidan cursed, but pulled out of her mouth. “It’s all right. She was about to make me come. I’d rather do that buried deep in her little asshole.”

  Lexi felt her pussy clench at the thought.

  Lucas’s hand pressed on her lower back. “Cheek to the floor, baby. I want your ass high in the air.”

  Lexi leaned forward, placing her face to the soft, plush carpet. She watched Aidan’s feet move around her and heard them talking as Lucas settled behind her. He separated the cheeks of her ass with his hands.

  “That is a lovely sight.” Aidan spoke in reverent tones.

  Lexi had to bite off a laugh since they were talking about her asshole. She’d never once thought of it as a lovely sight, though the thought of Aidan being inside her ass made her rethink it. She relaxed as she remembered how Lucas had taken Aidan. That had been beautiful. Big, strong Aidan letting Lucas in like that had softened her heart so much she’d thought it would break. Never had she imagined Aidan could get to that point. They had all changed and grown. Now they would grow together. It would be Lexi and her two men. They would cherish and protect her, and she would do the same for them. Karen Wilcox better hope she went to prison, because the next time Karen came after Lexi’s men, she would get way more than a lecture on the proper use of the word whore.

  Lexi shuddered as she felt something wet dribble onto her ass. She bit her lip as she felt Lucas’s finger press into her asshole.

  “She’s so fucking tight. She’s going to grip your dick like a vise.”

  Aidan huffed. “Like you’re doing now with your hand?”

  Lucas laughed. “You know I like to keep a hand on both of you. You two are my whole fucking world. Do you want to know what I’m doing to our Master, baby?”

  She had a hunch, but she loved it when he talked dirty. And Lucas was right. They were her world. Her asshole stretched as Lucas added another finger. She breathed deeply as Lucas opened her anus with his fingers. “Tell me.”

  “Well, lover, I have two fingers deep inside your rectum, getting you ready for the moment when the Master takes this pretty anal cherry and makes it his own. I’m fine with that, because I had his yesterday, and it was sweet as pie. He gripped my dick like nothing on earth except your pussy, baby. So, one hand is in your ass and the other is wrapped around his dick. He is so fucking hard. He’s going to split you wide and fuck your ass. My own cock feels like it’s going to explode because I can only guess what this is going to feel like. My cock sliding against his, deep inside your body.”

  “We’ll fill you up, angel.” Aidan’s voice sounded slightly strangled. Lexi could guess what was making him sound so deep. “We’ll make you scream because you’re so full of your men. And we’ll slide against each other, only that thin piece of you between us. Oh god, Lucas. You’re going to make me come.”

  Lexi whimpered a little as Lucas presse
d deep. She wasn’t sure about the sensation. It wasn’t pleasure, but it also wasn’t pain. It was a jagged fullness that made her a little jittery. She wanted to look at them. She wanted to watch as Lucas pumped Aidan’s hard cock in his hand and the cum began to flow. It would hit her backside and coat her in his pearly essence. She turned her head and tried to look.

  A short, heavy slap lit up her backside. It was so much more sharp a sensation for the fingers in her anus. She groaned as the pain radiated into heat that coated her pussy in cream.

  “You keep your eyes to the front, Lexi. You take what we give you.” Aidan’s command was a harsh wave to her ears. He softened his next words just a bit. “We love you, Lexi. Please trust us.”

  She turned back, but smiled as she spoke. “I wasn’t worried, babe. I wanted to see Lucas giving you a hand job.”

  There was a long deep laugh that radiated from both men. Aidan spoke. “You are a righteous pervert, my love.”

  “And that’s just the way we like our girl,” Lucas added. “He’s ready for you. His dick is dripping cream. I’m not going to make him come. He’s going to come deep inside this asshole.”

  Lucas stretched her, making her groan. She wasn’t sure she could take Aidan’s thick monster. She could barely handle a small plug or two of Lucas’s fingers. He was going to ream her ass, but she wanted to try. She wanted to know what it felt like to be between them.

  “Is she ready?” Aidan asked on a harsh rasp. Aidan definitely sounded ready.

  “Not quite.” Lucas seemed to be taking the lead.

  It was another reason to love Aidan. He wasn’t such a control freak that he couldn’t let Lucas have his fun. It was why they worked. She knew from talking to her mom that Sam wouldn’t want to take the lead. Dani and Finn didn’t want the reigns, so Julian was always in charge. Lucas needed to lead at times, and Aidan recognized that. He was willing to put aside his own instincts to give his lover what he needed. He was a Dom. She felt tears prick her eyes. Fuck that. He was a husband. Her husband. It didn’t matter that they hadn’t made vows. They were connected, she and Lucas and Aidan. They were married in her heart, because she would never love anyone the way she loved these two men. It was easy to submit, because she knew deep down that she belonged to them.