Page 54 of Vampire's Soul

  He wet his lips.

  You call that fucking bastard Master, you come for him, and he will not live to see fucking sunrise. And I'll fuck you over his fucking beautiful corpse.

  It was amazing, how hearing the voice of the person he'd most wanted to hear for over two weeks could be as powerful as a stroke of his cock right on the edge of a universe-shattering climax. Rand almost lost it right there, but he managed to call it back, to save Wolf's life.

  Cai's tone said he meant it. He'd do it. The vampire really needed to work on his humanitarian side.

  "Sunset," Rand said. His safe word.

  Wolf was gratifyingly disappointed, but Rand suspected Anwyn had prepped him for what might happen, because he took it all with good grace. Or his Dom side was professional enough to override his vampire take-what-I-want impulses, something Rand had to guess was pretty unique.

  He immediately removed Rand's bonds, helped ease him back to the mat, and treated the cuts he'd inflicted on Rand's skin. Underscoring that impulse control, Wolf didn't seem to get distracted by Rand's blood, though Rand noticed Wolf did that clean up more swiftly than the rest of his aftercare, but all without stealing a taste.

  Then the Dom gave him a massage that made Rand want to hump the mat and let go right then. Wolf knew it, offering a velvet chuckle and a friendly ass slap before he clasped Rand's hand and helped him to his feet, tossing him his clothes.

  A staff worker brought in a change for Wolf, so he hitched on parachute fabric cargo pants over snug boxers, and shrugged into an open white shirt made of some type of gauzy linen. He looked like he should be stretched out on a lounger on some Bahama beach. He made sure Rand drank some more water and sat with him. Engaged him in casual chitchat that Rand realized the Dom was using to gauge the sharpness of his mind, make sure that he was a hundred percent.

  Cai had said only one other thing.

  Two hours.

  Rand couldn't say what Cai's terse command meant in terms of things going forward, but it meant one thing for sure. Cai was coming. He wasn't here yet, but he'd be here soon. He hadn't been thousands of miles away, out of range of their mind-link. Rand took that as a hopeful sign.

  No matter the irrationality of it, he wanted to put on his clothes and head out right away, but Wolf wouldn't let him go until he felt right about his physical and emotional state.

  "Don't test me, whelp," the Dom had said, half-seriously. "If I have to put you on the ground and sit on you for thirty minutes, I will. My dick alone is heavy enough to pin you to the ground."

  Rand had snorted, but he pushed down his anxiety and reasoned he'd probably go crazy if he had two hours with nothing but his own speculation for company. So he sat with Wolf on a couch in a quiet corner of the bar area for about a half hour and admittedly enjoyed the male's version of "after" aftercare.

  Though he was sure Wolf was aware that Rand knew he was a vampire, Rand decided to leave that alone. Opening that door meant quid pro quo, and he didn't know Wolf well enough to give him clues as to what Rand's "otherness" was. But he liked the guy. His cock really liked him, but Rand suspected there wasn't a gay male or straight woman on the planet who wouldn't agree with that assessment.

  So they talked about Atlanta, the club. Rand asked some more questions about BDSM stuff, increasing his knowledge base. Wolf didn't react like Rand was a clueless idiot, though Rand was sure his questions proved just how virgin-new he was to a lot of this stuff.

  Wolf confirmed he had combat training and had served in the military, which told Rand he was a made vampire. He hadn't seen anyone hovering too near the male, so Rand surmised Wolf didn't have a servant yet. Lucky bastard, whoever it turned out to be. Or female, because, like a lot of vampires, Wolf seemed to radiate equal sexual warmth toward the male and female staff members who stopped by to speak briefly to him, when it was clear he was in a social conversation, not a session. Apparently, he was part of management, reinforcing Anwyn's high opinion of him.

  But as good as the company was, the need to move, to run, grew too much. "I think I'm good," Rand said, rising. Wolf's gaze swept him, assessing, but he must have passed, for he rose, extending a hand.

  "If ever you need to reach an important decision like that again, I hope I'll be at the front of the line to help with it. You're tough, man. I loved it. Would have loved it more if I could see it through." Wolf winked. "Keep me in mind."

  "I will. And if ever I need to invade a small country and need a one-man battering ram, you'll be at the top of that list, too."

  "Done my time in those war zones. Prefer this kind. But for the right cause, I'll always be there. That's the code."

  "Yeah." Rand had never served, but in protecting his family, he knew exactly what Wolf meant. He clasped the man's hand, enjoyed the strong handshake, and parted ways with him.

  Anwyn was in the building somewhere, but occupied, so Rand scrawled out a quick note to her, leaving it with James. Maybe he'd come back and take her to dinner in a couple days. She could bring Gideon along and they could hope that Cai wouldn't try to stab the former vampire hunter with a fork.

  As he stepped out of Club Atlantis and lifted his head, Rand closed his eyes, opened all his senses. Both that of the wolf and the third marked servant. He and Wolf had been able to discuss some shared favorite parts of Atlanta, because Rand had been here a weekend or two with Dylef. They'd come to see Cirque du Soleil, stayed in a fancy hotel downtown. Just a weekend away from the farm, the kids, Sheba waving them off and teasing them about needing their "guy time."

  In an urban center, a shifter always knew the area parks. He visualized Stone Mountain for Cai now, where the Confederate generals Lee and Jackson, as well as Jefferson Davis, were impressively carved into the mountain's face in a three-acre bas-relief. He made it clear the park was where he was going, where he'd be. Where he hoped Cai would come. Then Rand ducked into the cab he'd requested the hostess call for him, returned to his hotel, picked up his motorcycle and headed for that destination.

  The acceleration and roar of the engine matched what was going on inside him. Two hours. If Cai was punctual--lesser miracles had probably been known to happen--that wasn't long from now.

  If the vampire wasn't feeling contrary, that is. In which case, Cai might stop at a Starbuck's for a cup of coffee. Finding a secluded area near the park's campground, Rand parked the motorcycle and stripped down, putting the clothes in the saddle bags. Then he shifted.

  God, it felt good. He needed to hunt, to take the edge off. Because he was hungry, he flushed and caught a rabbit for dinner. While he hadn't agreed to pursue more in-depth healing things, he had listened to some of the physical therapy stuff Sangra's friends had recommended. It had kept him limber enough to catch small game, if he used stealth in place of speed.

  But he could still run, thank God, even if he couldn't run as fast. After eating, Rand explored, avoiding the attraction areas and sticking to the forest trails. He found his way up the mountain and trotted along the top edge above the carved generals. He paused there to howl at the moon, his wolf a silhouette against its light. He received no answer, except from a couple of dogs. No wolves in this part of the world.

  But there are things that will hunt with you.

  Cai's voice. It set off a ripple through Rand's every nerve, his heart and gut. Then the vampire did what Rand had hoped he would do. For the first time since Savannah, Cai opened the connection between their minds, a binding that filled Rand, making him realize exactly how empty he'd felt without it.

  It was also something a servant could follow like a scent trail straight home.

  Rand plunged back into the forest. Over bushes, through them, over and between rocks. An edgy need took hold, the predator and hungry male coming together. He needed, wanted. He'd had blood taken from his flesh but not consumed, his cock worked out with no release, and been told only one Master could have that from him. And guess what? That was the male he wanted to give that. The only one to whom he would offer his
throat, his capitulation.

  Was a hell of a way of showing it.

  As Rand crossed a clearing in several powerful leaps, he was hit in the side and rolled. He snapped, but no matter how charged up he was, Cai for once had the clear advantage. The vampire wasn't in the mood for mercy or conversation.

  Shift, goddamn you.

  Rand was already in the process, so that when they came to a skidding stop on the forest floor, his body was a hundred percent human.

  Cai attacked his mouth, with hard, single-minded purpose. A tumultuous mix of possessive, desire-driven fury. The tempting hints of this side of the vampire, revealed in greater or lesser amounts so many times, had led Rand to take this gamble. That he could drive it up a few more notches, with the right provocation.

  He'd unleashed a beast.

  Rand groaned against the wave of relentless demand, a blazing hellfire. The vampire had him on his back, body pinning him down, hand clamped over one wrist. No give and take. Only taking. But Rand had his own needs, and he'd fight for them. When Cai broke the kiss to stare down at Rand, Rand curled a lip at him.

  You wanted to bust my ass for letting Wolf have it. It's here and waiting, vampire. If you have the balls to take everything I'm offering.

  Cai's gaze had that predatory glitter that was terrifying if you were his food, and impossible to resist if you were simply his. As he bared his fangs, Rand saw the new one, with the tiny skull and crossbones etched on it. Cai's tongue flicked behind it, resulting in an almost unnoticeable click...but a very noticeable extension of the fang, that matched the natural lengthening of the real one.

  It was totally badass, and Rand hardened further, imagining both fangs sinking into his throat. He wanted the vampire to feed from him.

  Cai's gaze heated further. "Lift your chin," he demanded.

  Rand complied. Cai dropped his head. At the first touch of his mouth, Rand closed his eyes and shuddered, pure relief and desire combined. He curled the fingers of his free hand in Cai's side, in the stuff of his shirt. When the vampire bit into the artery, Rand's fingers convulsed, and the shirt tore. He didn't hesitate to take advantage of it, touch sliding along bare skin, the firm flesh over Cai's ribs and down to his lean waist. The solid angle of hip bone, accessible below the loose-enough waistband of his jeans.

  Cai reached between them and seized Rand's bare cock, tugging on it, nearly lifting his hips off the ground. Rand groaned.

  "Whose is this?" the vampire demanded.

  "Whose do you want it to be?" Rand said, just as fierce. Cai's grip tightened and Rand let out an oath.

  "I can fuck you. That's it," the vampire said.

  "Lot of talk. Haven't done it yet."

  Cai's eyes sparked. He stood up, looming over Rand, one foot planted between his spread legs, the other on the outside, his thick-tread shoe pressed against Rand's thigh.

  "I want to fuck, not fight." Cai fished lube out of his jeans pocket and dropped it on Rand's stomach. "Get me ready for your ass."

  He pulled off the torn shirt in a mouthwatering motion, and opened the jeans with impatience, freeing a cock as thick and hard as Rand's own was.

  Rand sat up. He was aware of how Cai looked at him, the dangerous avarice suggesting the vampire might not stop with blood; he might devour Rand whole. Despite Rand's combative attitude, he wasn't immune to that level of need. He just wanted to make damn sure Cai knew that Rand wanted--and could take--whatever he brought.

  "We'll see when I'm reaming your ass for the tenth time tonight."

  Rand saved his retort. He had better things to do. Fisting Cai's cock, getting it all glistening with the oil, made a bunch of things in his own loins and lower regions tighten up with a hunger so bad there was only one way to express it.

  Cai felt it, too. His Master rocked into his touch, his hand landing on Rand's head to tangle in his hair, grip and pull. Like Wolf had done, only this felt so much better...God, so much.

  Cai did it hard enough to jerk Rand's head back, bare his throat. Rand drew in a surprised gasp as Cai struck, bending fast to take the hard bite. The other wound was closed now, but this was about marking, not feeding. When Cai pulled away, Rand thought there'd be an abrasion there he'd feel below the skin for days, no matter his healing ability.

  Cai shoved him back down onto his ass and used one foot against Rand's thigh to widen the spread of his knees. Rand showed teeth, but Cai put his hiking shoe against Rand's cock and balls and applied pressure.

  "You've pushed me as far as you'll get away with tonight, wolf," he said softly.

  Rand could have countered that threat, but Cai wasn't waiting. In a swift move, he'd pushed the jeans off his hips and dropped to his knees between Rand's spread legs. Hooking Rand's leg over his elbow, Cai lodged the head of his cock where he wanted it. "Now," he said. "You give me the word he wanted."

  "He had to beat me to make me even consider it," Rand countered. God, he was dying. His cock had never felt so aching hard.

  Cai bared his fangs again. There was still a trace of Rand's blood on one, adding to the impact and menace. "You ask, or I jack off on top of you, watching you suffer."

  Rand wet his lips. Their eyes were so close. "Cai..."

  "Shut up. Say it. Now."

  Rand's whole body screamed with need, and Cai would hold there until the end of time. Rand said it.


  Cai moved forward what seemed like a bare millimeter, stretching the opening enough to rock Rand with an explosive burst of feeling. "Again," he demanded softly.


  Slow, steady, a millimeter at a time, their eyes locked the whole time. Rand said it again. And again. And again.

  Despite all the violence in the air, the unresolved crap beneath it, it felt like coming home, fulfillment. Everything.

  Cai's eyes flickered, but he didn't respond to the impulsive thought. "So could he do...this?" Cai asked, pushing in deep, hitting the right note so Rand's feet curled and his body arched to Cai's.

  "Didn't get...that far. And he was hung like a fucking moose." Rand let out another half snarl, half moan, as the taunt had Cai shoving harder into him. The vampire was no lightweight himself.

  "You just have a tight, virgin ass." Cai grunted. "Every time. Fucking love taking it."

  Rand couldn't keep up. Cai let him hold onto nothing. His eyes lingered on Rand's face, sweeping over his body, down to Rand's cock, beating a tattoo on his lower belly with Cai's strokes. "Grip it," the vampire said. "Try to work it while I'm inside you."

  Rand did his best, but the vampire was too good at this stuff. Cai gripped his hand, the two of them double fisting Rand's cock between the friction of their bodies. Rand grew more savage and mindless. They both did, rutting on the forest floor, with groans, and gasps, pleas and demands that intertwined and swapped until it was hard to know where one of them ended and the other began.

  Rand freed his wrist from Cai's manacle grip so their fingers were a tight knot on the ground together. He wasn't going over the edge without that connection. Cai's hand convulsed in his, but he didn't pull away.

  "Come for me, wolf."

  Rand was so close he started to come as Cai said it, his seed shooting out over his chest. Yet even as he gasped through it, Rand spoke in the vampire's head.

  You come for me, too. Master.

  The two of them were like a pair of combatants, locked together in the darkness of the void. But fuck, nothing had ever felt so good as that climax, seizing Rand hard and taking him over. Except Cai releasing with him, both of them riding together, over wave after wave of sensation.

  Cai spilled hard and deep. It took a long time for them to stop moving together in that endlessly pleasurable rhythm, well past when they were spent. But Cai finally let his arms bend, bringing their upper bodies closer.

  The forest noises resumed, and they were a quiet part of it. Rand inhaled Cai's scent and realized that unique identifier could make his brain simply stop. It was that way, when a wolf bon
ded with another.

  Rand started to slide his arms around the vampire to draw him all the way down, let him rest. He wanted to feel their hearts thudding together.

  Cai stiffened and drew back, pulling out. They'd been done, their cocks ready for a break, but it still left an empty feeling high in Rand's chest.

  Much as Rand wanted it to be, he'd known this wall wouldn't be breached the way wolves would do it, with a simple exchange of feeling. But that was okay. Cai was here. They'd figure it out.

  Cai didn't act like he'd heard that. He sure as hell didn't act like he had the same level of confidence in that as Rand did. He sat back on his heels, running a hand over his face. Abruptly, he stood and tugged up his jeans. Picking up his shirt, he yanked it onto his shoulders, though he left it open.

  Rand sat up, studying the male as he prowled around the clearing. Even after the violent coupling, aggressive energy was spilling off him.

  "Would you have done it?" Cai said. "If I hadn't spoken?"

  Rand had known the question was coming, the answer Cai would demand to know.


  Cai pivoted to face him. "You were going to have a meaningless, stupendously pleasurable fuck. Just to say piss off to me for giving you the silent treatment."

  "No. So I could put off for a little longer the way it was going to feel, knowing you didn't want to be with me."

  Something flashed through Cai's blue eyes, then shuttered. "I never said that."

  "Your letter said that. Brothers-in-arms. Buddies. Let's be friends." Rand growled it. He rose, careless of his nudity. Other parts of him were warring between the want and need. "Next time, just write fuck you on the mirror and be done with it."

  "What you want from me makes no sense."

  "Then why are you here?" Rand demanded. Fuck it. He'd let temper take the lead. Two weeks of stewing over that note didn't sound bad, but wanting this male and not having him for that long was a lifetime.

  Cai scoffed. "Figured it was obvious. I wanted to mark every inch that bastard touched. Be inside you. Inside your ass and your mouth. I want to jack off over your body, so you never go down that road again. Another shifter, fine. Human, whatever. Not a fucking vampire."

  A quiver went through Rand at the words. Buck ass naked, there was no way he could conceal his reaction to them, and damn if the third mark libido didn't have his cock twitching, despite releasing a handful of minutes ago.