"Perhaps I am the reason. But how could that be?" Brian said.

  She frowned. "Does she have reason to be upset with you? Or perhaps, afraid of you?"

  Brian snorted. "Afraid? Very unlikely. Susan has never been afraid of me. Listen, Ruby, would you mind very much talking to her?"

  Ruby looked up at him, trying to ignore the thought that Alec didn't love her after all. Most likely, what happened last night, and between them, was only a game so that he could draw her away from Brian, just to save Susan from the competition.


  "Yes?" she replied, suddenly very aware that tears were brewing in her eyes.

  "Are you all right, sweetheart?" Brian asked, wiping her tears as they slid down her cheeks.

  Ruby sniffed. She couldn't bear him calling her sweetheart because it reminded her of Alec, who called her sweetheart the previous night.

  "What's wrong? Do you miss your family?"

  Ruby caught her breath as she thought about her family. It seemed like ages since she spoke to them, or saw them. Suddenly, it fell apart. How could she believe what was real here? She was only a pawn in Alec's game. Her world was not here. Her world remained in New Zealand with her family. All too soon, she'd be back in Dunedin, living at home with her family, going back to work at the dental clinic, meeting up with Nikita and Isabella for lunch. All too soon, all that happened here would be forgotten. All too soon, she'd never see Alec again. All too soon, Brian would ask Susan for her hand in marriage for the second time, and they'd actually get married.

  Ruby finally admitted that whatever happened, she didn't belong there. She also realized she didn't want to get in too deep; because she didn't want to get hurt.

  She wiped her tears and made a low, bitter chuckle. "Sorry, Brian. I just really miss home, that's all."

  "I can understand that. This is the first time you've been away from there." He pulled her into his arms and hugged her.

  She looked up at him appreciatively. "I think, Brian, all you need to do is talk to Susan. I know she loves you very much. She told me so. In a way, I'm glad whatever happened, happened." Though Brian didn't understand what she meant by that, deep down inside, she sincerely meant it. She was glad that what happened did occur. She knew that type of thing didn't come along twice in a person's lifetime. She was happy that Alec won, happy that Susan got what she wanted, and happy, too, that Brian had finally fallen in love with Susan again. Perhaps he never really stopped loving her in the first place.

  "Why don't you just ask her to marry you today?" she suggested. "Even now, this morning. Just ask her. Confess that you still love her; and that you want her to be your wife."

  Brian cocked his head to one side, looking at her. "And what about you, Ruby? What of you and Alec? Have you told your family yet?"

  Ruby glanced away so he wouldn't see the hurt in her eyes. "I don't know. I think I'm too young. I mean, where is this going, anyway? Maybe it's just a vacation fling."

  "I know Alec, Ruby. He doesn't do flings. Not this long anyhow."

  Ruby wanted to ask him how well he knew Alec. She wondered if he knew that she was kidnapped because of him. She kept quiet, however, and said instead, "Well, maybe it is a fling to me. I mean it's all chalked up to experience, right?"

  "Ruby, what are you saying?" Brian asked curiously.

  "So... are you going to ask Susan, or what?" she quickly changed the subject.

  "What do you think?" he asked.

  "I think you should."

  "And thanks to you," he chuckled.

  "Yes, thanks to me." She paused for a moment. "Brian, can I ask you to do me a favor?"

  "What's that?"

  "Can you take me back to London tomorrow morning?"

  He looked at her, visibly intrigued. "What about Alec?"

  "I haven't told him. I told you already; it's a fling. Please don't tell him. I don't want him to know. Also, I'm going to meet old friends in London. I'll be fine," she said hurriedly.

  "Ruby," Brian cupped her face gently. "What are you doing?"

  She licked her lips and managed to smile through her tears. "Saving myself and everyone else here."

  Alec pressed his finger against his breastbone. Again, he felt his heart pumping loud and fast. It still ached from what he witnessed that morning.

  He tried not to think about it because every time he did, it hurt all over again.

  He kicked Storm on the side and the horse lurched forward, galloping off again. The faster the thoroughbred ran, the better Alec felt. He rode the horse hard for three hours straight until he and the horse were utterly exhausted. By the time he headed back to Hasting Manor, the sun was already setting. After giving the horse a good pat on the nose and allowing Bernard to take care of him, he headed toward the manor.

  "Alec!" Susan called out excitedly.

  Alec looked at her sister with surprise as she came running toward him before giving him a big hug. Once she finally let go, he gazed down at her with suspicious eyes.

  "What are you so happy about?" he asked.

  She couldn't quit grinning. "Alec," she began. "Brian proposed."

  Alec could only stare at his sister. "What?"

  "He proposed. Oh, Alec! It's amazing. And I have you to thank for it." She hugged him again, harder.

  Alec couldn't help himself, so he chuckled. It meant what he witnessed that morning actually signified nothing. Ruby and Brian were just talking. A wave of relief swept over him and he laughed.

  "This is great, Susan. Really, great. We have to celebrate."

  "Of course. I've already told Mrs. McKenzie to prepare us a fine dinner for tonight," Susan said as they headed into the hallway.

  "Good girl," Alec said. "Now, then, I need a good shower."

  "Yes, of course you do! You smell awful." She chuckled.

  Alec couldn't believe it. It had been a long time since he heard his sister laugh, and it sounded great. He felt great, too.

  "All right, be down in a bit," he said as he climbed the stairs two at a time.

  Feeling so good inside, Alec whistled as he entered the master bedroom, and stopped short when he saw Ruby there, lying on the king-sized bed, looking out the window, and stroking Captain Snow.

  The sight of her caused his insides to spark with unparalleled pleasure.

  "Hey," he greeted her.

  Ruby was jolted back to reality. Looking up at him, her chest ached. She longed to hold him, kiss him, and be with him. But she knew all that would be impossible after tonight. Tonight would be the last night she'd ever spend with him.

  "I'd kiss you if I didn't smell so bad," he said matter-of-factly.

  She wanted to reply that he could kiss her all he wanted now because he wouldn't get the chance to later.

  "Then you should shower," she said, stroking the dog's head. Captain Snow sighed and begged for more by pushing his head against her hand, his tongue sticking out.

  Ruby laughed. "You remind me of somebody."

  The blasted dog reminded Alec of himself last night, and his pride and joy. The images that she evoked piqued his pride and joy's interest, and he had to turn away lest Ruby see how aroused he already was.

  She watched him go into the bathroom, and her heart ached even more. She turned to the dog and said, "I'm so going to miss you," then slowly and quietly added, "and your master."

  The dog jumped off her lap and onto the floor. Ruby got up and followed him out the door.

  Some time later, Alec emerged from the bathroom, all clean and fresh. He was hoping Ruby would still be around, but when he saw she was gone, his disappointment lodged in his throat. Damn! He really did want to kiss her.

  As he entered the dining room, Jane handed him a glass of champagne, which he accepted, taking a sip.

  "Finally, we're going to be in-laws," Jane said teasingly. "Thank God, he proposed. If not, I don't know how much longer this could've dragged on."

  Alec couldn't agree more. On the other side of the room, he eyed Ruby
, looking pretty as ever, talking to Brian. Though they were a bit too close for his comfort, he reminded himself that he had nothing to worry about. They were just friends now. Brian had already proposed to Susan. That meant Ruby was his, and his alone. His heart swelled with pride at that revelation. His little Ruby was his, all his.

  He came toward her, and she stopped talking to Brian when she saw him. Brian turned to look at his future brother-in-law.

  "Congratulations," Alec said, shaking his friend's hand and giving him a manly pat on the back.

  "Well, if it weren't for a certain person nagging me, I don't know when I'd have done it," Brian said cheerfully, looking at Ruby.

  Alec understood the meaning of Brian's words as well as the look he gave Ruby.

  "Brian," Susan called. "Come on, dinner is ready." She put her hands in his and led him to the table.

  Ruby watched them go. Alec grabbed her hand and pulled her up. "Come along, my lady, time for dinner."

  Ruby gave him a smile and happily obeyed his order.

  Ruby decided that she'd enjoy this dinner along with her company, whether she had any appetite or not. But she did enjoy it thoroughly. The food was delicious and the conversation was light, although she didn't do much talking. She couldn't put a word in anyway, what with Jane and Richard monopolizing most of it. When, at long last, dinner was over, Brian excused himself and led Susan out the door, heading upstairs. Jane begged Richard to take her for a long drive and he happily obliged. Alone with Alec, Ruby could feel the air sparking like an electric current passing between them.

  "So, did you enjoy dinner?" he asked.

  "Yes," Ruby replied. "Do you mind at all if I go now and read in the library?"

  Alec was taken aback by her request. "Nay, of course not. Go ahead." Although he said words to the contrary, he was, in actual fact, rather annoyed. He wanted her to stay. He longed to talk to her. He was not sure what to talk about, but he really wanted to talk to her.

  "Thanks," she said, getting up from her chair. "Goodnight then." She headed out the door. Captain Snow happened to pass her as she came into the hallway. He yapped excitedly at seeing her. She laughed and picked him up in her arms.

  "So you want to be my companion for the night, eh?" she said, giving him a little pat. "Well, you're welcome to."

  Alec watched her and the blasted dog disappear from view. He poured himself another glass of champagne and downed the whole lot in one go. The bubbles burned his throat. He sat for a wee while, contemplating what to do next.

  "Master Alec, 'ere all by yerself?" Mrs. McKenzie asked in surprise some moments later.

  Alec looked up at the housekeeper. "Don't mind me, Mrs. McKenzie," he said, standing up from his chair. "I'll be off now."

  He left the dining room and went toward the library, intending to leave, but stopped himself short. He raked his fingers through his hair. No, she needed space. He'd let her read in peace for a while, and then go and get her. Yes, and then he and she could--

  He nodded, a devilish smile on his lips. With that thought fixed in his mind, he headed out for a good walk. The moon was bright, the air was fresh, and Alec found he enjoyed his walk tremendously. It calmed his nerves and cooled his lust for Ruby.

  When he returned, it was late, and he excitedly rushed upstairs. He expected to find his captive there in the master bedroom, waiting for him expectantly in bed. All that greeted his arrival, however, was a dark, empty room. He frowned and wondered where she was. Still in the library?

  Heading back downstairs, he went into the library, and found her curled up on the sofa, a tartan over her and Captain Snow beside her. He kneeled next to the sofa and really looked closely at her. He had the sudden realization of how far they had come since that first day at the motel in Edinburgh. He gently stroked her face, marveling at how precious she now was to him.

  He picked the sleeping dog up and placed him on the armchair. Then he gently took the tartan from Ruby and tucked that securely around the dog. He returned his attention to Ruby and scooped her up in his arms. He deftly carried her to the door, taking long strides down the hallway, before climbing up the stairs. She didn't stir until he lay her on their bed.

  "What are you doing?" she asked sleepily.

  He didn't answer her, but began to kiss her face repeatedly. Then he kissed her lips.

  "Oh Lord, the Highlander is kissing Sleeping Beauty," she said softly.

  Alec chuckled. "The Highlander's kiss, huh? How about that?"

  Ruby was fully awakened now, both in mind and body, which was not good. She was determined to stay away from him since that morning, but it wasn't working too well. She didn't want her departure to be difficult to endure. It seemed now, however, he was leaving her no choice in the matter.

  She licked her lips.

  Alec noticed that, and thought how erotic it was.

  "So, what are you doing?" she asked again.

  "As you can see, my lady, Master Hasting is all by himself tonight and needs a companion. Would you like to be his companion?"

  "No, I wouldn't," she replied bluntly.

  "Ah, but you have no choice in the matter," he said. Before she could protest, he locked his lips on hers. When he let her go, she was breathless.

  "You're making it hard," she whispered.

  He cocked his head to one side. "Making what hard?"

  She ignored his question and said instead, "You'll regret it."

  He chuckled. "Never!" he said, his hot breath fanning her skin. Then he kissed her again.

  At first, Ruby seemed guarded against his lovemaking endeavor, but she quickly softened and opened her mouth for him. Just as quickly Alec plunged his tongue inside, and they really kissed--wildly, passionately, and desperately. She wrapped her arms about his neck, drawing him in. She knew it was going to be her last night with him. She knew she'd never see him again after tonight. So why not? Why not be as carefree and as wild as she possibly could be?

  Ruby finally let go. She abandoned all her inhibitions and let her guard down, hoping to allow him take her to new heights. When Alec stopped kissing her, he began taking off her clothing. She watched him, and when she was totally naked, he took his own off.

  He cupped her face and kissed her again, pulling her toward him, squeezing her between the bed and him. His hands were everywhere on her person, caressing and stroking every inch of her body.

  Ruby closed her eyes and allowed herself to savor every caress and kiss he gave her. She dug her fingers into his hair, stroking and playing with the strands as he continued kissing her body, moving south. When his hot mouth devoured one hard, ripe nipple, she groaned with joy and arched her back up, offering more access to him. He was pleased with her willingness, as well as her response to his kisses. He couldn't help glowing with love and pride.

  He continued to caress her breast with his mouth as his hand travelled lower, seeking the object of his desire. Upon finding it, he eagerly rubbed and stroked her pearl, causing her to moan and groan loudly in unbridled ecstasy. He could feel her sweet, delicious juices flowing about his finger and couldn't wait to taste it. Moving his attention to her other breast, he gave it the same treatment as the first one--caressing, stroking, and sucking her flesh until it was hard and glistening like marble, standing proudly at attention before him, and begging for more.

  Ruby kept moaning and groaning, her body dancing beautifully beneath Alec's kisses and fingers as he moved down, with his lips on her sensitive skin. He was kissing her flat stomach, but Ruby knew exactly where he was heading. She waited in eager anticipation, aching to feel that unique pleasure he so expertly provided for her.

  Upon reaching his destination, his mouth devoured her, causing Ruby to jump as a hot thrill of electric current coursed through her body. She cried out sighs of pleasure. Alec knew she liked what he was doing and naturally, continued to do more, which caused her to cry out even louder, while begging him not to stop.

  Ruby had never felt anything like that before. It
was amazing. It was wonderful. It was intoxicating. And she craved it like a drug, desiring more and more and more.

  When Alec finished, he sat up and looked at her. She was sitting, with her back resting against the headboard. Her body shook and she panted with spasm-like reactions. He gazed up at her face and saw her dark hair was a mess, her eyes were large and bright, her lips red, and her cheeks were a perfect rose pink from the blushing capillaries. Her whole body was glistening with beads of sweat. She looked so beautiful and sexy. And hell, yes!!! So damn desirable, he wanted to take her right there and then.

  Ruby watched him, noting that his eyes seemed dark, and his face almost a hard mask as he looked at her. She thought he looked so damn hot, it caused her insides to constrict with desire. Oh God! She wanted him. She wanted him inside her. She wanted him so badly that her insides were aching from need.

  Their eyes met. Ruby caught her breath, and tried to swallow. Seeing the intense desire on his strong face, she felt herself tightening even before he touched her.

  He moved his head toward her, putting his face only inches from hers so she could feel his hot breath tingling on her skin. He said, "Now then, my lady, how about a kiss?"

  Ruby licked her lips and looked at him, her eyes growing larger. She offered her lips to him, which he gladly accepted. They kissed passionately and desperately, like they never wanted to let the other go. Ruby felt Alec pulling her down, making her lie beneath him. As his tongue plunged into her mouth, so his rod plunged inside her. She groaned with renewed delight and wrapped her legs around his torso for better purchase.

  Alec found his rhythm as he made love to her, thrusting his manhood ever deeper inside her--in and out, in and out--slowly and deliciously. Then, when Ruby thought she couldn't handle it anymore, and was about to come, he stopped. He pulled out and sat back. Ruby wanted to cry out in frustration.

  "No, no," she begged. "Don't stop."

  Alec chuckled. "I'm not stopping, my sweet."

  He pulled her over and flipped her on top of him. Ruby could feel his hard abs against her soft flesh and groaned, biting her lip. He guided her south, and before Ruby knew it, she felt his rod plunging inside her as she cried out with joy.


  He chuckled. With his large hands wrapped around her tiny waist, he led her, lifting her hips backward and forward and up and down. At first, Ruby seemed reserved, unsure of what he wanted her to do. But once she felt the pressure of a climax building up, and saw him groaning and moaning, she understood. She moved of her own accord, dancing on top of him as she drove his rod deeper and faster inside her.