“Missile lock-on, goddamn, missile lock-on!” came the scream over the radio. A missile hit an A-10 engine with a thud heard on the ground, and dissolved it in a burst of light; the plane wobbled; a second missile, seeking the larger heat signature of the burning power plant, plunged into it, and the plane fell from the sky dead.

  “Goddamn, I’ve got no controls, nothing’s respon—”

  The sentence ended in a cornfield.

  “Leo, I’m down to zero lead,” came the call.

  “Leo, my hydraulics are shot. They put some shit into my wings.”

  “Leo, my controls are all mushy.”

  “Tango Flight, you stay on station,” said Leo Pell.

  “What’s your ammo?” Puller demanded over the radio.

  “Sir, I’m all dry,” came the response.

  “Delta Six, this is Tango Leader. I’ve got about seven seconds left. I’ll go in again. Tango Flight, form up on Captain Tarnower and head for home.”

  “Leo,” said the FAC, “you can’t go in there alone.”

  “Hey, I’ve got seven seconds of rock and roll left, you think I’m going to park this pig with it?”

  “Jesus,” said the FAC to Puller. “If he’s got the only signature in the sky, their heatseekers will nail his butt sure. Those were Stingers, too, the best. Where the hell they get Stingers?”

  Puller didn’t answer.

  “What’s his name again?”

  “Leo Pell.”

  “Major Pell, this is Colonel Puller, do you copy?”

  “I copy, Delta Six.”

  “I am advised you have a low to zero survival probability.”

  “I came to dance, Colonel, not to sit.”

  “Good luck, then, Tango Leader.”

  Okay now, it was just Leo Pell and the mountain. He wasn’t worried about the small-arms stuff, though a spider web jinked his bubble where a LMG round had popped through at about ten o’clock, because he was sitting in his titanium bathtub, carrying self-sealing tanks, and had plenty of redundancy in his control systems. And he wasn’t worried about delivering his packages. Going in wasn’t the problem, even if you could see the tracers floating up to swat you. You were okay going in because your exhaust was behind you and their heatseekers wouldn’t see it to read it and chase it. You were okay until you showed them your hot ass.

  When you passed the crest, you were wide open. You were like a bitch in heat and the missiles, like stud hounds, came up after you with one thing on their mind. They wanted you up the ass, that’s all there was for them.

  So Leo, who wanted to live almost as much as he wanted the sheer gut-thumping joy of pumping twenty mike-mike into the mountain, resolved to juke in like a rock ‘n’ roll melody, up and down and down and up, straighten out for his seven seconds of deliverance, then cut hard to the left, dive for the deck, keep his engines astern from the mountain as much as possible, and just maybe Aggressor Force might not punch him out.

  The mountain was fat as a tit in a centerfold. Leo began to evade. He pumped his rudder pedals, he diddled his decelerons, and he rode his stick. His ship, Green Fig, dipped and skidded through the air in a flight pattern that was more like a controlled catastrophe than a conscious design. And in his harness Leo felt the plane’s moves to the pit of his stomach and to his heart, which seemed to have gone on vacation for this last long ride.

  Meanwhile, blobs of color floated up to smash him. He felt as if he were going down the drain of a brightly lit bubble bath. Strange radiances, odd visions, nightmares, fantasies, dope hallucinations, fever dreams, all floated by. There was a queer underwater quality to it, aquamarine and pastel, everything wonderfully graceful and stately. His plane bumped when hit; they were hitting the Fig pretty regularly now, all the guns on the mountain having their way with her.

  He felt air suddenly as a stitchwork of holes sparked through the bubble just over his head; something like a firecracker went off in the cockpit. His left arm went numb. His mirror blew off. Smoke, acrid and rancid, began to fill the cockpit. Didn’t they know the No Smoking sign was lit?

  “Tango Leader, watch yourself, lookin’ good, lookin’ real good,” FAC was saying.

  Okay now, Leo thought, get in real close, blow those motherfuckers away, hurt ’em, hurt ’em bad now.

  Leo saw the mountaintop lined up in the floating circles of his head-up display. The trees were alive with fire and light and commotion. He checked his airspeed, 220, his altitude, 1,450, his angle of attack, 37, the onrushing hump, corrected his deflection just a touch, and it was gun time.

  He hit the nipple.

  The guns spent themselves in seven long seconds. The twenty mike-mike bursts flicked out like flung pebbles and splashed into the huge sheet of canvas. He had no idea if he was doing any damage at all; he just watched the tracers sink into it.

  The crest flashed by and the last few shells flew out into Maryland. Leo cut his throttle, hit his left rudder pedal, banged his decelerons, dipped his nose, and began to dive for the deck and bank at the same moment as his right ailerons cranked up. Something white and mad flashed by as one missile missed, followed in a second by another. No lock-ons yet. A third burned past him from underneath.

  He felt cold air again, more of it. The bubble aro