Page 2 of Fighting for Love

  “Yes. And let’s not pretend I don’t know it’s a surprise birthday party Mom is throwing for me.”

  Preston laughed. “How’d you figure it out?”

  “Wasn’t hard. She asked me at least six times at dinner last night if I was going to the pub tonight. Tell me one thing: She’s not trying to fix me up with someone, is she?”

  Preston let out another round of laughter. “Hey, I’ve got to run. See you in a bit. And for Mom’s sake…act surprised.”

  Rolling my eyes, I let out a frustrated moan. His avoiding the question meant she was. “Yeah. Later.”

  I hit End and dropped my head back against the seat. The sooner I got this day over, the better.

  Chapter 2


  Lost in thought

  “Rory, are you even listening to me?”

  Lifting my head, I forced a smile. “Sorry, Mom. Guess I was lost in thought.”

  Her face softened as she grinned. “I’d say. You know, you don’t have to keep taking on all these smaller cases. You don’t have anything to prove.”

  Ha! That was a joke if I’d ever heard one. Maybe not to my mother, but to the rest of the firm. My first day I was in the bathroom and heard two lawyers talking about how Chelsea Adams’s daughter was getting a free ride. My goal was to prove those two girls wrong. I thought I didn’t have a life in law school. I really didn’t have a life now. Seventy-plus-hour weeks for the last ten months was beginning to wear me down.

  “So what did you think about the meeting earlier? You ready to jump in on the team that represents the fire department?”

  My heart raced, but I kept my calm. The only thing I had been able to think of since that damn meeting was the overly handsome guy who flirted nonstop. Then his voice. Oh man, his voice had sent shivers down my neck. “I’m more than ready.”

  She flashed me a huge grin. “Good. There’s a case I want you on with Russell McCormick. As you know, he’s been with this firm for a while and is showing great promise. He’s up for junior partner.”

  Taking a bite of my burger, I nodded. “I know. He told me about six times tonight.”

  Mother laughed and rolled her eyes. “He’s a bit…ambitious. Don’t let him try and walk all over you, Rory. I have every bit of confidence you are more than qualified to handle the case. He’ll be lead attorney, though. You understand why?”

  Another nod in her direction. “Completely.”

  She lifted her brow. “You do have a bit of an advantage over Russell, though.”

  I couldn’t help the smile that spread across my face. “Knowing my way around a fire station?”

  “Yes,” she replied with a wink. The phone buzzed. “Yes?”

  “Your husband is on the line.”

  “Perfect timing.”

  Leaning back in my chair, I chuckled.

  “Hey, honey, Rory and I were just talking about you.”

  I soon zoned out my mother and got lost in those green eyes of my mystery firefighter. In all the years I’d been around them, I’d never even entertained the idea of flirting with one. But there was something about him. When I saw him falling asleep while Daddy talked, I couldn’t help but chuckle. It was cute how his friends kept bumping his arm to wake him up.

  Then our eyes met. The way my body reacted was like nothing I’d ever experienced before. I was even more shocked when I flirted back with him.

  My mother’s laugh snapped me out of my daydream. Finishing off my hamburger, I tossed the extra fries and trash in the garbage and stood. I made my way over to the large window that overlooked downtown Boston, and took in a deep cleansing breath.

  I need to start yoga up again. Something for me and only me.

  It didn’t take long for my thoughts to return to my mystery man. I wonder what his name is. What is he doing tonight? Probably out with some hot chick dancing it up at a nightclub. Something I missed doing and hadn’t done since law school. I had no time to even entertain the idea of starting a relationship with someone. Let alone a firefighter. My father would have a heart attack. He was one hundred and fifty percent against me dating a firefighter. He never really gave a specific reason, only made it clear that he would not approve.

  With a sigh, I wrapped my arms around my body and stared out the window. A loneliness swept over me as I watched the tree branches sway in the wind. Would this be my life for the next five to ten years? Working nonstop to prove to people I was more than the boss’s daughter?

  When my mother’s hands squeezed my shoulders, she rested her chin on me and said, “Honey, why don’t you go out tonight with some friends.”

  “I’d like to get a head start on the case if you don’t mind. Maybe start a bit of research.”

  She turned me around and searched my face. “No. I’m not even telling you about the case until Monday morning. Go out, sweetheart. Have some fun. When was the last time you even went out?”

  Smiling weakly, I wondered if any of my friends would want me with them. They’d given up calling me to go out a few months ago.

  “Maybe I’ll give Clare or Autumn a call.”

  Her smile widened. “Yes! Do that. Now get on out of here. Enjoy a weekend for once.”

  “Well, I have some notes to add to the Jenner file and—”

  She lifted her brow. “Rory Ann Adams.”

  I knew when I was defeated. Lifting my hands, I giggled. “Okay! Okay! No need to pull out the full name. I’ll call the girls now.”

  “Good. Don’t forget dinner with us on Sunday.”

  I groaned internally. Sunday dinner was a weekly thing we had done since I started Harvard. It was my parents’ way of staying in my business.

  “I wouldn’t think of forgetting dinner.”

  With a smack on my ass, she smirked. “Don’t be a smart-ass, Rory. It doesn’t become you.”

  Laughing, I grabbed my purse and briefcase and headed back to my office. Once there, I pulled out my cellphone and sent Clare and Autumn a text.

  Me: Hey! I need a night out. You guys up for it?

  In less than a minute they both responded.

  Clare: Who is this?

  Autumn: I’m sorry…this number used to belong to my BFF Rory. But she never has time to go out.

  Me: Ha. Ha. Seriously. I need a night out in the real world. Will you help a girl out?

  Clare: We’ll pick you up at eight. Dress sexy.

  My heart dropped. “Oh shit,” I whispered as I stared at the last text. Do I even own anything sexy?

  “Everything okay?”

  Letting out a small yelp, I dropped my phone onto my desk and looked up at Russell. “Russell? You didn’t knock.”

  The corners of his mouth lifted into a smirk. “Your door was open.”

  My cheeks heated. “Oh. Sorry, everything’s fine. Just some friends of mine giving me a hard time about going out tonight.”

  His smile faded. “They beat me to it.”

  Pulling my head back in surprise, I asked, “Excuse me?”

  He waved his hand and sat down in a chair. “Nothing. I was going to see if you wanted to get a drink or two. Maybe even grab dinner, since it looks like we’ll be working together on the assault case.”

  My breath caught. He knew about the case. I could get the information from him! No, wait. What would he think if he knew my mother hadn’t given them to me yet?

  “Normally, I would, but I promised myself a much-needed weekend off.”

  With a nod of his head, he replied, “You have been cranking out the cases. I’m impressed with your work ethic, Rory. It’s rare.”

  Feeling my cheeks heat, I glanced at my phone. “Well, thank you, I appreciate that. I’m really looking forward to working alongside of you on this case.”

  Something passed over his face, but I couldn’t read it. He stood and gave me a wink. “Enjoy your weekend. Starting Monday, we’ll be too busy for fun times.”

  My heart sank. Ugh.

  Standing, I straightened out my skirt. ??
?Don’t worry, I’ll be ready and able.”

  “Let’s hope so.”

  With a frown, I watched him turn on his expensive Giacometti shoes and retreat out of my office.

  What in the hell did that mean? Does he think I’m not ready for this kind of case? Hell, I don’t even know what the case is!


  I wasn’t going to let Russell McCormick ruin my weekend.


  By the time we ate dinner and had a couple of drinks, it was nearly midnight when we hit Guilt. It was a popular bar in Boston and always packed. Clare and Autumn were both still single, which surprised the heck out of me. Clare was tall, blond hair, and the bluest of eyes. Every man’s dream. Whereas Autumn was shorter than me, and I stood at five three. She had red hair that was pulled up into a crazy ponytail. Kind of matched her spit-and-fire personality.

  “It’s packed in here!” I called out over the music.

  Clare wiggled her brows. “Perfect for grinding up on some men!”

  I rolled my eyes. My two best friends most definitely were more sexually experienced than I was. We were roommates in college, and while I was sitting in my room studying they were screaming out “Oh God faster” almost every night. I’d only ever been with one guy.


  Yuck. Even his name makes my skin crawl. We dated in high school and through our first few years of college. Things ended when I drove to upstate New York to pay him a surprise visit. Needless to say, I was the one who was surprised when I walked in on him and another girl having sex.

  “Don’t roll your eyes, Rory. One of these days a guy is going to catch your attention and you’re going to want to ride his stick.”

  Clare laughed. “Yep. What Autumn said.”

  I couldn’t even be shocked. That was how Autumn was. Blunt and didn’t give a hoot what came out of her mouth. Clare wasn’t too far behind her, but had a tad bit more control over what she said.

  “Whatever, tonight it’s all about having fun!”

  With a huge smile, Clare grabbed my hand and pulled me through the crowd and to the bar. We stopped in front of three hot guys. None of them were as hot as my mystery firefighter, though.

  Jesus, Rory. Stop thinking about him.

  All three guys eye-fucked the hell out of us. I immediately felt a little silly in my short black cocktail dress.

  “Hey!” Clare yelled out.

  All three said “Hey” back. The one in the middle smiled, and my stomach clenched slightly. It was nice having a guy give me attention. “My friend here is a lawyer.”

  He raised his eyebrows. “Really? So am I.”

  “Really?” I replied as I leaned in closer.

  He laughed. “You don’t remember me, Rory?”

  Holy shit. This guy knows my name.

  “Um, I ah. Well.”

  All eyes were on me. Including Clare’s, as she stared at me with a shocked expression.

  “We went to Harvard Law at the same time. You were in a few study groups I was in. You spilled coffee on me once.”

  It suddenly hit me. “Justin!”

  He smiled bigger. “That’s me.”

  “Perfect. Now that we got that all taken care of, Rory’s been overworking herself and she just needs a nice dick to grind up on. You up for it, Justin?”

  My mouth dropped as I glared at Autumn. “Autumn!” I gasped.

  Before I knew what was happening, Justin had my hand and we were on the dance floor.

  He pulled me in close and chuckled in my ear. “Your friends are something else.”

  Sighing, I responded, “You have no idea. But honestly, I’m not looking to…well,

  um…to you know…grind up on you or anything. I really wanted a night out and away from working.”

  Oh. My. God. Did I really just say that? I was going to be single my entire life.

  But his smile was nice and made me feel comfortable.

  “No worries. My friends dragged me out as well. This will be a nice break from listening to them telling me what girl to tap, or who I need to take from behind.”

  Laughing, I shook my head. “Sounds like your friends and mine will really like each other.”

  Something about the air changed as Justin and I settled into a nice quiet slow song.

  Was it because he held me closer?


  Maybe I was into him more than I thought?

  Nope. That wasn’t it.

  My eyes drifted around the dance floor, and that’s when I saw him.

  I sucked in a breath so fast I started choking, and Justin pulled back. “Are you okay?”

  Nodding, I tried to talk. “Sucked. In. Air. Wrong.”

  “Let’s go get you a drink.”

  My mystery firefighter was dancing with a girl who was clearly younger than him. Was that purple in her hair?

  “No!” I shouted. If I walked off, I’d lose him in this crowd.

  “Do you know where the restrooms are?” I asked Justin.

  He gave me a sweet grin. “Yeah, back in that corner.”

  Perfect! It was in the same direction my mystery firefighter was dancing.

  “Great! Meet you back at the bar?” I asked.

  “Um, yeah sure.”

  As I fought my way through the crowd, I tried to keep an eye on them. Damn these heels! I tripped once and landed in the arms of a guy who was more than happy to catch me.

  Pushing and shoving people, I forced my way through. “Sorry! Trying to get through! Sorry! Coming through!”

  I looked and acted like a complete maniac. Are the two of them moving away from me? Shit!

  My mystery firefighter pulled back and said something in his dance partner’s ear. She nodded, and they started to head off the dance floor.

  “No!” I yelled out. “Wait! Wait! Firefighter dude!”

  People dancing near me stopped and shot me a confused look.

  Dang it! He’s getting away. I continued onward, ducking and weaving in out of couples as I tried to keep an eye on the purple streaks in the girl’s hair. But when I reached the end of the dance floor, I’d lost sight of the two of them.

  Frantically looking around, I saw an empty chair. I quickly took off my heels, climbed up on the chair, and stood on my tippy toes. It didn’t take long to spot them. They were near the exit. No! No! No!

  Then he leaned in and hugged her. It was a very friendly hug. She pulled back and looked up at him like she was in total love with him.

  I had to get his attention before he left. Cupping my hands over my mouth, I yelled out, “Firefighter guy!”

  That’s when it happened.

  “Fire? Oh my God where?” a girl cried out.

  I snapped my head around to face her, my eyes widened in horror. “No! No, I didn’t say that!” I yelled out as I flailed my arms about, leading to me becoming unbalanced on the chair.

  The girl freaked out and started pushing people out of the way. She bumped the chair, and all I could do was close my eyes and hold my breath.

  I’m going down.

  Warm arms caught me, and I peeked through one open eye.

  Justin was holding me in his arms with a very confused look on his face.

  “Do I want to know why you were standing on a chair?”

  Slowly shaking my head, I replied, “Probably not.”

  The bouncers finally got everyone to settle down.

  “Why do I have a feeling you were the start of all of that?” Justin asked with a wide grin.

  Scrunching up my nose, I made a face and replied, “No comment.”

  With a heavy sigh, I shook my head. “This isn’t my scene anymore.”

  “Uh-huh. That’s why you were flailing your arms about on top of a chair.”

  “Temporary moment of insanity.” With a giggle, I added, “Actually I thought I saw a friend.”

  His brow lifted. “A friend?”

  With a quick nod, I replied, “Yep. Listen, I think I’m going to let the girls know I’
m taking off.”

  A look of disappointment washed over his face. “Yeah, if they find out you were the one who yelled out ‘Fire’ you’ll need a good lawyer. Oh wait…I happen to know one.”

  “His name wouldn’t happen to be Justin, would it?” I asked with a lighthearted chuckle.

  He winked and replied, “Why yes! Yes it is.”

  Catching site of Clare and Autumn, I said, “I see them. It was really great seeing you again, Justin.”

  “Yeah, you, too. Um, hey listen, do you want to share a cab, or maybe you’d like someone to escort you home?”

  My cheeks heated under his intense stare. Something told me he wanted to do more than escort me home. “I appreciate it, but I’ll manage fine. I have a stop to make before I head home.”

  He nodded. “Well, at any rate, it was great seeing you again.” The awkwardness that now quickly formed between us was exactly why I hadn’t dated anyone. If you weren’t into them, you ended up having to be the one to break things off, and then they would stare at you like Justin was right now.


  “You too, Justin.”

  Quickly slipping my heels back on, I searched out Clare and Autumn again after losing sight of them while talking to Justin. I needed to let them know I was going home.

  Finding them, I made my way over to the bar. “Hey, guys, I think I’m calling it a night.”

  “What? So soon? We just got here!” Clare said with a pout.

  Kissing them both on the cheek, I made myself smile. “I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”

  “Damn straight you will!” Autumn replied. They walked me outside and waited with me for a cab. Once I was safely stowed away, they turned and headed back into the club. It’s not like this wasn’t new for them. It usually went this way when I went out with them. I needed a shirt that read “I’m the party pooper.”

  My heart felt heavy as I mumbled my address to the cabdriver. I wasn’t sure if it was from letting down my friends again, or seeing my mystery firefighter with another woman.

  Chapter 3


  Playing detective

  “You wouldn’t happen to know the lawyer that was at the union meeting a few days ago, would you?”