Page 22 of Fighting for Love

  His face softened for one brief moment before going cold again. “But Finn Ward? I knew it. I knew this was going to happen, that it was a matter of time. He’s not good enough for you.”

  My heart was racing so fast the room felt like it was spinning. What was my father rambling on about? “You don’t even know him! How can you say that, and how did you know this was going to happen?”

  “I know enough about him, Rory. He’s a player. He won’t be faithful to you.”

  “Rick!” my mother said as she stepped between us. “What in the world do you have against that boy? You’ve always looked at him like he was an ant that needed to be stepped on and taken out. He’s Mike’s son, for goodness’ sakes.”

  Shaking his head, he stared at a space between us. “He knew she was my daughter. That’s why he went after her—to get back at me. And that’s the only reason.”

  “He had no idea I was your daughter!” I shouted. “You’re making excuses because you don’t have a reason to dislike him.”

  Tossing his head back in laughter, my father turned away and quickly paced across the floor. “Oh, you want a reason?”

  My hands went to my hips. “Yes, Dad. I’d like a reason, if you don’t mind.”

  “He has a reputation, for one thing. I personally saw him sucking the face off an EMT tech like he couldn’t get enough of her. He flirts with women; you saw him at the bar earlier talking to the blonde. He has no intentions of ever being anything serious with you.”

  My eyes filled with tears. “You don’t know what he was doing at the bar any more than I do.”

  Pointing to me, he smiled. “Exactly. That boy has had his eyes on you since he was five damn years old. Claiming he was going to marry you and take you from me. Not on my watch.”

  All the air left the room, and I had to grab ahold of my mother to keep from falling. I shook my head to try and work out what my father had just said. “Is that it? You don’t like him because when he was a little boy he told you he liked me? Is that what this is all about? You don’t like him because of something he said to you years ago! For Christ’s sake, Dad, neither one of us even remember each other back then. How in the world can you hold something he said when he was so young over his head?”

  Moving closer, my father reached out for me. I quickly stepped away from him. I could see the hurt in his eyes, and it about killed me. But there was no way I was backing down from this fight.

  “Rory, the life of a firefighter’s wife is hard. The worry you’ll have when he goes out on calls.”

  I shook my head and held up my hands to stop him from talking. “Save it, Dad. This is my choice! If I want to take on that worry, then it’s on me, not you.”

  He grew frustrated. “They’re gone for days at a time, and when they’re not at work they’re usually working another job, or in training. Is that what you want? A guy who is never there? Look at your job and the hours you keep. You’ll grow apart, Rory. And when that happens he will search out comfort from another woman. He will break your heart, and then you’ll coming running back to us.”

  I glared at the man I called my father. “So what you’re telling me, Dad, is that you speak from experience.”

  “Rory Adams,” my mother hissed.

  Turning to her, I replied, “No. Listen to him, Mom. He sounds like he knows from experience. So you grew lonely at one point and cheated on Mom.”

  “Rory,” my mother pleaded.

  “Is that it, Dad. Is that why you think all firefighters are bad, because you’re all nothing but cheaters?”

  “Rory!” my mother cried out.

  He stood there with his mouth hanging open in shock. “Am I right, Dad? Isn’t that why you’re so afraid of Finn hurting me, because you fear he’s going to do the thing you did to Mom?”

  My mother walked up to me and grabbed me by the shoulders. “Rory Ann Adams. You stop this right now.”


  My eyes opened wide in horror, along with my mother’s. She dropped her hold on me and spun around and asked, “What did you say?”

  “Yes. I’m afraid he is going to do the very thing I did to your mother.”

  My hands came up to my mouth as my mother whispered, “What?” This was not happening. None of this was happening. I wanted to go back into the ballroom and let Finn hold me in his arms while we danced. I wanted to feel his warm breath on my lips as he whispered how much he loved me.

  This is not what I wanted.

  A tear rolled down my father’s cheek. “It only happened once, and I’ve lived with the guilt ever since.”

  I reached for my mother as she stumbled backward. If I hadn’t thought she needed to be held up, I’d have probably stumbled myself.

  She pressed her lips together in an attempt to get her emotions under control. “W-when?”

  He dropped his head, and we could barely hear him say, “It was before we got married.”

  My mother pushed my father’s shoulder. “Look at me, damn it!”

  He did as she asked, then said, “You were working crazy hours and we had gotten into a fight. You told me you were taking a few days to yourself and needed to think about us and if we had a future. You left me, Chelsea. I was pissed and hurt. I went to a bar after my shift and ran into someone.”

  “Who?” my mother demanded.

  My head was spinning, my heart breaking. I wanted to cover my ears and pretend I was not hearing what I was.

  “Renee Marsh. I got drunk, she flirted, I flirted back, and the next thing I knew we were…I hated myself afterward. I wanted desperately to tell you. But then you came back to me a few weeks later and I didn’t want to risk losing you again.”

  Squaring her shoulders, she took in a deep breath. “We’ll deal with that later—but you cannot hold what you did over Finn Ward’s head.”

  “When I look at him, I see me, Chelsea. That scares the piss out of me.”

  I moved closer to him. “That’s a good thing, Daddy! Why can’t you see that? He’s like you! If you’d only give him a chance, you’d see how much I love him and he loves me.”

  He shook his head and slammed his hand against the wall. “No! I forbid you to see him.”

  My mouth fell open and my mother sucked in a breath. I had no idea why my father was acting the way he was. It pissed me off, and more than that it scared me.

  Now it was my turn to square my shoulders. “And if I ignore you?”

  “I’ll fire him, and I can promise you he will never work for the Boston Fire Department again.”

  My mother jumped in front of me. “Rick! He’s one of your best friend’s son. You can’t do that.”

  I stood in silence, staring at my father in utter shock. A million things ran through my mind. Why was he doing this? Did he hate Finn that much? Was there another reason he wanted to keep Finn from me that he wasn’t admitting to?

  “Why, Daddy. Why would you do that? Don’t you want me to be happy?” I asked between deep breaths. I tried like hell to keep from crying, but it was bubbling up inside of me and I was on the verge of breaking down. I wanted my parents’ blessings. Needed them.

  “Because that boy is going to hurt you. I see the writing on the wall and you need to also.”

  I shook my head. “No. I love him and I won’t walk away from him.” My promise to Finn before we’d made love flashed through my memory. I’d sworn to never leave him.

  “You don’t love him. He’s showing you a good time and you’re having fun. If you ask me, he has been nothing but bad for you. You’ve been late for work, missing days so you can probably spend them with him. He’s a bad influence on you.”

  Walking up to my father, my mother placed her hand on his arm. “Rick, I think you need to step away from this right now, before you say or do something you regret.”

  I’d never been disrespectful to my parents. Ever. But there was no way I was going to let my father tell me who I could see. “I’m not leaving him,” I said defiantly.

sp; He reached for his phone and hit a number. “We’ll see about that.”

  The cold look in his eyes scared me. I’d never seen it before. My father hated the man I loved, had admitted to cheating on my mother, and was now threatening me. My world was slowly falling apart.

  “Chuck, Rick Adams. Yeah, I’m fine; everything here is fine. I want to put in a transfer. Finn Ward.”

  My hands crashed over my mouth as a small gasp escaped. How could he? Why is he doing this?

  “Rick!” my mother pleaded.

  Turning away from her, he stared directly at me. My chest was heaving as I tried to breathe. “Yes, you heard me right. Finn Ward. I might actually recommend he be let go from the—”

  A tear rolled down my cheek as I cried out, “I’ll do it!” I’d never felt so defeated in my life.

  A slow smile spread over his face, and my heart broke in two. “You know what, let’s hold off on that right now, Chuck. Yeah, I’ve got to look into something a bit further before I make that call.”

  Hitting End, he put his phone in his pocket and looked at me with an emotion I’d never seen in his eyes before.

  “Let me at least spend this weekend with him.”

  Before he had a chance to argue, my mother spoke up. “It’s the least you could do, since you’re being a complete and utter asshole right now.”

  He held his head up, but I saw it in his eyes. There was a small bit of regret over what he was doing. “Fine. You have until Monday or I call Chuck back. I’m sure I can come up with a good reason for Finn Ward to be let go from the department.”

  My hands balled into fists as I walked up to my father. “I don’t know why you’re doing this. But what I do know is I hate you and I will never forgive you for this.”

  He sucked in a breath and his eyes filled with tears. He swallowed hard before saying, “Someday you’ll thank me, Rory.”

  Staring at my father with a nothing but a broken heart and a defeated frame of mind, I whispered, “Never.”

  Chapter 37


  The beginning of the end

  The feel of his hand on my leg caused me to jump. “Hey, you feel asleep.”

  I rolled my neck to try and get the crick out. “I’m sorry,” I said, looking through the window. My hands came up to my mouth as I gasped. A variety of lights and beautiful white lanterns were hanging from the trees. A table was set up outside of a huge tent. From where I was sitting in the car, I could see flowers and what looked to be food.

  “Finn, it’s beautiful. Wes did all of this?”

  With a smile, he unbuckled my seatbelt and helped me out of the car. “I’m going to safely say someone helped him. I couldn’t have your first camping experience be a bad one.”

  I stepped out of his car and wrapped my arms around my body, the cold air quickly sending shivers down my spine.

  Finn frowned and rushed over to me. “Damn, you’re cold.”

  The second his arms wrapped around my body, I warmed up. “Not when I’m in your arms.” His eyes pierced mine, and I fought to keep the tears away. “Make love to me, Finn. Please.”

  He leaned in and gently brushed his lips over mine. “Rory, please tell me what has you so upset. What happened with your father?”

  Closing my eyes, I shook my head. “None of that matters. The only thing that matters is us. Together right now.”

  Before I knew what was happening, I was in Finn’s arms as he carried me to the tent. He gently set me down while he unzipped the door. We slipped in, and I gaped at the sight before me. “This is like a room! A beautiful magical room!” I said as I took everything in. Twinkle lights ran along each side of the tent from one end to the other, creating one of the most beautiful effects I’d ever seen. Rose petals covered a blow-up mattress that was on the opposite side of the giant tent. A small stove contained a fire that heated the tent to the perfect temperature.

  Finn walked up to the stove and and checked the fire. “I’m going to owe Wes big-time.”

  I forced a smile and tried not to think about how these were the last hours we’d ever be spending together.

  Giggling, I said, “It’s all so beautiful. If this is what camping is like, sign me up!”

  Finn walked over to me and cupped my face. “There’s that laugh I love so much.

  Needing to snap out of my state, I gave him a sincere smile. “I want you.”

  His eyes searched my face. “Your dress.”

  “I don’t care about it. The only thing I care about is you. Forever.”

  The feeling of his lips on mine sent a jolt of lighting through my body, instantly filling me with his love. My arms wrapped around his neck, deepening the kiss. The low growl from the back of his throat fueled my desire. I wanted to rip his jacket off, but I also wanted to savor every single second of this.

  His hand wrapped around my back and he slowly unzipped my dress. Drawing back from my lips, he whispered, “You’re so beautiful, Éan. I couldn’t pull my eyes off you tonight.”

  I dropped my head back as his lips moved softly over my neck. I pushed everything from my mind. The only thing that mattered was this moment. Finn loving me like only he could.

  I jumped when his hands gently touched my shoulders. “Look at me, baby.”

  My head lifted and our eyes met. He pushed the dress from my shoulders, and it pooled at my feet. The left side of his mouth rose in a smile as he slowly shook his head. “No bra, Ms. Adams?”

  Feeling the heat in my cheeks, I sheepishly grinned. His lips were back on my skin while his hands explored my body. The fire inside of me was building with each kiss. Every touch.

  “Finn,” I whispered when he cupped my breasts and took one nipple into his warm mouth. This man was the only one who would ever be able to take me to a dreamland I never wanted to leave.

  Dropping to his knees, he ran his finger lightly along my red lace panties. “You’re so perfect. Beautiful in every single way.”

  My hands came up and ran over my breasts. There was something Finn brought out in me that made me feel like I was the sexiest woman alive.

  “Watching you touch yourself drives me crazy.”

  Dropping my head, I smiled. “The feeling’s mutual.”

  Goosebumps raced across my skin as he slowly lowered my panties. Taking my hand, he held it while I stepped out of my panties and it fell along with the red dress onto the floor. He stood and took me in with greedy eyes.

  “Fucking perfect.”

  My heart raced as he took my heels off and gently set them to the side before standing. With a smile, I reached my hands out and pushed his jacket off his shoulders.

  “It’s my turn to undress you.”

  Winking, he replied, “Be my guest.”

  I tried desperately to keep my hands from shaking while I unbuttoned his dress shirt. My biggest fear was not pleasing him as much as he pleased me.

  “You’re not going fast enough,” he whispered as he unbuckled his belt and pushed his dress pants down. He kicked them off to the side, and I watched as he took himself in his hand and stroked ever so slowly. The pull in my lower stomach was so intense I was positive I would come with one touch.

  “I’ve been wishing for this night to happen for the last few days.”

  His words forced my eyes to leave his hand and meet his gaze. “I have too,” I softly spoke. “More than you know.”

  He moved closer, lifting me into his arms again and carrying me to our little makeshift bed. He gently placed me down, and I moved across the mattress while he crawled over me.

  “I can’t wait any longer, Finn. I need to feel you deep inside of me.”

  His mouth was on my neck again, moving up to the sensitive skin under my ear. One of his hands held him barely above my body while the other slowly ran over my body.

  Arching my back, I silently begged him for more. “I can’t get enough of you, Rory.”

  My eyes closed while I let his words settle into my memory. I needed to remember
every moment. “Don’t make me beg, Finn.”

  He chuckled, then ran his tongue along my neck and down to my nipple. Taking it into his mouth, he gently bit down, and I moaned. When he slipped his fingers inside of me, I nearly jumped off the bed.

  “Finn! I can’t take it.”

  “Do you want me inside of you, Éan?”

  “Yes,” I hissed out as he moved his fingers faster, taking me right to the very edge of orgasm.

  “Yes. Please…I need you now.”

  His eyes searched my face while his knee spread my legs open to him. The tip of his erection pressed between my legs, where he teased me for a few seconds before he slowly pushed inside of me as he pinned my hands over my head.

  A long soft moan slipped from my lips while he moved ever so slowly in and out of me and his mouth explored my body.

  “Oh God, Rory. Feels so perfect. So amazingly perfect.”

  If my head hadn’t been spinning in pure delight I might have been able to speak, but it was. The only thing I could do was revel in the feeling of Finn buried so deep inside of me I was sure we would stay like that forever.

  The familiar buildup slowly moved through my body before it settled between my legs. Wrapping my legs tightly around him, I called out his name. He let go of my hands and cupped my face. His eyes captured mine as he pushed in and his whole body trembled against mine.

  I burned the moment into my memory. Forever remembering him whispering my name against my lips.

  Chapter 38


  Camping, Finn style

  The sound of Rory’s soft breathing should have lulled me to sleep, but instead it kept me awake. My mind raced over the last few hours. Something wasn’t right; I could feel it in my bones. She refused to talk about what her father had said, even though she’d cried herself to fucking sleep in my car on the way here.

  A small whimper escaped her lips. I drew her in closer to me and held her tight. She immediately settled back into the rhythmic breathing pattern.

  Burying my face in her hair, I took in a deep breath and slowly exhaled. “I love you, Rory. I’ll always love you.”