Page 32 of Fighting for Love

  “Finn darling, you don’t have to do that. I’ve already talked to Rick. He’s not going to threaten you or your job. There is no reason to walk away from what you love,” said my mother.

  Gazing down at me with the most adoring look in his eyes, Finn winked at me. “I’m not walking away from what I love. I’m walking toward it.”

  For the first time in my life, I felt completely and utterly wrapped in a blanket of pure bliss. My hand rested on my stomach. It was our little secret for now. One that tied us together in the most beautiful way imaginable.

  “Wait. Did you say ‘fiancée?’ ” my father choked.

  Finn had asked me to marry him over a shared bowl of grape Jell-O three hours ago. I cried, of course, then said yes. It was spontaneous, just like Finn. And I thought it was perfect. But if I knew him, he would have something else planned within the next few days.

  “Finn asked me to marry him, and I said yes.”

  Tears pooled in my mother’s eyes as she rounded the bed and dragged Finn in for a hug. Then she made her way over to me.

  “Oh darling, don’t try to move—your rib.”

  After she kissed and hugged me, she moved her mouth to my ear and whispered, “If you keep touching your stomach, everyone will figure it out.”

  My eyes widened in shock. “Your secret is safe with me.”

  Our eyes met. “I love you, Mom.”

  “Oh, my sweet baby girl, I love you, too.”

  When she stepped back, I turned to my father. He wore a scowl. “I’m not asking for your permission or your blessing.”

  “I see that,” he mumbled.

  My chin trembled as I tried to keep talking. “But I would really like it, Dad. And until you’re ready to give it to me and apologize for what you did, I won’t be a part of your life.”

  “Oh, Rory. No, you don’t mean that,” my mother whispered.

  The sadness in my mother’s voice caused my chest to ache. But when my father turned and walked out of my hospital room, my heart broke. And I wasn’t sure if this time it could be healed.

  Chapter 52




  “We’re going to be late, Rory, if you don’t hurry up!”

  Checking my makeup once more in the mirror, I smiled and pulled my hair up into a ponytail. “Coming!” I called out. One last look at the dress pants and sweater and I was satisfied. Finn had requested I dress casual-nice, but warm. That meant he had something up his sleeve.

  Flash was at my feet, like always, gazing up at me. “How do I look?”

  He barked, and I laughed. “Let’s go, buddy. Daddy and I have a dinner date to get to.”

  I heard Regina’s voice as I made my way into the living room. Paul was already in the kitchen whipping up something for Flash to snack on.

  “Don’t worry, Finn. Flash will be fine.”

  “I’m not worried. I was simply saying to make sure he goes out before you put him in for the night.”

  I could tell Regina was trying hard not to laugh. “I’ve watched this dog a million times. Why is tonight different? What in the hell is wrong with you?”

  She stopped talking, and her eyes went wide.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  “Uh, nothing…I was just thinking you’re going to be late for dinner if he doesn’t stop fussing about the dog, that’s all.”

  With a smile, I bent down and hugged Flash. “Be a good boy for Regina and Paul.”

  Finn followed my lead, except he snuck in a kiss when he didn’t think anyone was watching.

  After a short cab ride, we were being seated at one of my favorite restaurants, Legal Sea Foods. Finn ordered the Bang Bang Cauliflower, which we both devoured in minutes.

  “Damn, that stuff is good,” Finn said as he licked his finger.

  “So other than that it’s New Year’s Eve, what’s the occasion for dinner tonight, especially since we’d agreed we’d stay in tonight?”

  His smile, and those dimples, about blew me out of the chair. Finn’s emerald eyes lit up with excitement.

  “Can’t a guy take his girl out to dinner?”

  “Of course he can.”

  Finn reached for my hand and squeezed it. “Have you heard from your dad?”

  My smile faded. “No. Mom said he asks about me all the time, but he hasn’t reached out to me.”

  “He’ll come around, Éan.”

  I forced a smile and agreed. “I know he will.” But deep in my heart, I was beginning to wonder if he ever would.


  “I’m so full!” I said as I placed my hand over my stomach. “I’m pretty sure the baby liked the rainbow trout!”

  Finn chuckled. “Good. How are you feeling? You tired? Feel like a walk?”

  I took his hand in mine. “I’ve never felt better, and a walk would be amazing.”

  We walked for a bit in silence as snow slowly fell from the sky.

  “Perfect,” Finn softly said.

  “I love winter,” I said while Finn drew me in closer to him, wrapping his arm around me, the warmth of his body somehow making it through my winter coat.

  “Me, too. I always have.”

  We rounded the block, and I could see the blue lights from the Christopher Columbus Park trellis. “Oh, my goodness. Look at how beautiful the flurries look against the blue lights.”

  “It is beautiful,” Finn replied.

  As we walked closer, I swore I heard Flash barking. I stopped and tilted my head.

  “What’s wrong?” Finn asked.

  Shaking my head, I chuckled. “Nothing. I thought I heard Flash.”

  I dropped my head back and looked up at the lights and held out my tongue to let the snowflakes fall on it. Giggling, I said, “I can’t wait to build snowmen with the baby.”

  Finn had stopped walking, I assumed so I could enjoy myself and not trip over anyone or anything.

  “I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”

  Bringing my eyes back to him, I grinned. “Neither can I, Finn. I’ve never been so happy.”

  His hand lifted and he gently wiped my cheek. “Snowflake.”

  Laughing, I placed my hand over his.

  “Rory, I hope you know how happy you’ve made me these last few months. The idea that you’re carrying our baby…I can’t even begin to tell you how that makes me feel.”

  “I feel the same,” I whispered.

  “To say I’m happy doesn’t seem good enough. I feel like I’ve been walking on cloud nine since the day you first looked at me.”

  My eyes filled with tears as I watched Finn drop to one knee. Covering my hands with my mouth, I attempted to control my sobs.

  “F-Finn,” I choked out.

  Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a blue velvet box. He snapped it open, and my eyes were immediately drawn to the beautiful cushion cut diamond, in the most gorgeous setting I’d ever seen. It sparkled as it caught the lights from the trellis. “Rory Ann Adams, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  Tears poured from my eyes while I tried to find my voice. Finn slipped the vintage-looking ring onto my finger. Wiping the tears from my eyes, I smiled so hard I was sure my cheeks would stay forever in that position.

  Finn stood and kissed the back of my hand. “The ring was one of my grandmother’s. My folks gave it to me a few weeks ago.”

  I glanced between the beautiful ring and the man I loved. “I’ll never forget this moment for the rest of my life, Finn.”

  He cupped my face within his hands. “I know, because I had Regina and Paul film it!”

  He kissed me, and I laughed against his mouth as Flash started jumping up on us.

  “Damn mutt!” Finn called out as Flash pushed his way between us.

  “Now the moment is perfect,” I said as I gazed into Finn’s eyes.

  He nodded and replied, “To new beginnings.”

  Trying to keep from crying again,
I repeated his words. “To new beginnings.”


  I stood in the foyer and looked around.

  My house.

  Our house.

  Grinning from ear to ear, I took it all in. The double iron doors led to a foyer that showcased a massive wood staircase. I imagined little kids running down the stairs to the formal living room in search of their Christmas presents.

  Walking farther in, I made my way into the formal dining room. The massive fireplace was flanked by two bookshelves with glass doors. The paneling on the walls was beautiful, as was all of the wood trim. All of it original to the house.

  The guys had pretty much moved all of the furniture in. The only thing left was the new washer and dryer we had bought.

  My hand moved lazily over the old hickory wood table. It was beautiful. A large bench sat on one side, with four chairs sitting on the opposite side and two at each end.

  “I think Christmas is going to be here at your place,” Harmony said, setting Presley in her little walker.

  I smiled as she took off across the 126-year-old wood floors. Wes, Preston, and Finn had refinished all of the wood floors in the house and they looked beautiful. The only way to know the wide-plank floors were old was to see the wear patterns.

  “That sounds like an awesome plan to me!”

  Harmony walked up and warmed her hands by the fire. “There are so many fireplaces in this house. It’s amazing.”

  “I know,” I replied. “The fact that the baby has a fireplace in his room scared me at first, but Finn promised to baby-proof it.”

  Harmony laughed. “And if he is anything like Preston, he will adult-proof it as well.”

  My mother walked into the room and set a box on the dining room table. “Darling, I’m going to see if Clare needs any help in the kitchen.”

  I nodded, then asked, “Mom?”

  She stopped walking and faced me. “Yes?”

  “Has Dad said anything, about me or the baby?”

  Her eyes filled with sadness as she slowly shook her head. I nodded and forced a grin.

  After she left the room, Harmony walked over to me and wrapped me in her arms.

  “He’ll come around, Rory.”

  My chin trembled as I took in a deep breath. “I hope so.”

  “Right now he’s living on that same island as my parents.”

  Drawing back, I gave her a questioning look. “What island is that?”

  She winked. “The I’ve-got-my-head-up-my-ass island.”

  Laughing, I walked over to the grandfather clock that had been left with the house. I wasn’t going to let my father ruin this day, so I changed the subject.

  “Why do you think the owners left this clock?” I asked while winding it up.

  “I don’t know. There has to be a story behind it. Did you ask them?”

  “No, but I left a message with the agent to ask her if she had the number for the previous owner. It was a single woman, and this house had been in her family since the day her great-great-grandfather built it.”

  Harmony signed. “It’s kind of sad to think she sold it.”

  I came back to the table, reached into the box, and took out a frame. I walked over to the mantel and set the picture of Harmony, Preston, and Presley on it. Smiling, I placed my hands on my bump.

  “You’re getting bigger. How do you feel?”

  I couldn’t help but smile. “Amazing.”

  Harmony giggled. “The morning sickness?”

  “Is all day, but is starting to taper off. It’s really more of just a feeling of nausea.”

  Presley let out a screech of pure happiness as she chased Flash all over the place.

  “I still can’t believe you guys stole Flash.”

  Attempting to hide my smile, I replied, “We didn’t ‘steal’ him. My father was being ridiculous. We simply snuck into the firehouse after Finn quit and asked Flash if he wanted to come with us or stay there.”

  Harmony crossed her arms over her chest. “Uh-huh. That’s how it went down, huh? You left it up to the dog to decide.”

  With a nod, I replied, “Yep. Totally up to Flash.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Is that why you guys spent six hours in jail until your mom came and bailed you out?”

  “Minor misunderstanding.”

  The guys came walking into the house, laughing and stomping snow off their boots.

  “Who’s hungry? I made a lasagna,” I said with a wide smile. “Oh, and Clare is finishing the salad and homemade dessert.”

  I’d never seen a whole group of guys stop what they were doing and turn to head in one direction before.

  “Wow. Is my lasagna that good?”

  Harmony laughed. “No, Clare is that single. Look at the two who stayed behind.”

  A warmth filled my chest as I watched Finn and Preston running from Presley, and Harmony locked arms with me.

  The road to this moment hadn’t been all that long, but it had been bumpy at times.

  I hadn’t even had to worry about going back to work, even with us purchasing a five-bedroom, two-and-a-half-bath house on ten acres outside of Salem. Between Finn and me, we had saved twice the amount we needed for the down payment. Clare teased us for being overachievers.

  Teaching was still on my radar, but I was content to put it on the back burner for now and to help Wes and Finn with the business—and to prepare to be a mom.

  “How did we get so lucky, Harmony?”

  She smiled.

  “I don’t know, but I’ll never take it for granted.”

  A small flutter moved in the pit of my stomach. I froze.

  Harmony slowly turned to me. Her grin grew wider.

  “You felt him!”

  Sinking my teeth into my lip, I nodded. “You felt him!” she screamed out. Presley followed her mother’s example and screamed as well. Except she did it as loud and for as long as she could.

  From across the room, our gazes met. Finn looked so incredibly happy that I couldn’t help but giggle.

  He slowly made his way over to me. His hands cupped my face and he gazed lovingly into my eyes.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered before kissing me softly.

  Reaching for his arms, I held on while he took me to that place no one else could.

  “How did I get so lucky in my life?” he asked while his lips trailed along my neck, sending goosebumps across my skin.

  “I could ask the same question.”

  He searched my face. “We’re getting married in two weeks.”

  The corners of my mouth rose into a full-on smile. “I can’t wait. Just the three of us.”

  Finn placed his hand over the baby. “You’re sure you’re happy about the location, and it just being us?”

  “Yes. I don’t want a big fancy wedding that will be over in minutes. The only thing I want is to become your wife under the lights of the trellis where you proposed to me.”

  “I like the sound of that.”

  Drawing me closer to his body, Finn’s eyes captured mine. “You know, I’ve never asked you: What made you fall in love with me?”

  Grinning, I reached up on my toes and replied, “You fell asleep at a union meeting while my father was talking. How could I resist that? And you had a dog.”

  Finn threw his head back and laughed. “How romantic! At a union meeting.”

  “Yes. And when did you fall in love with me?” I asked.

  “That’s easy. It was when you gagged at the sight of my blood.”

  I covered my mouth as the memory hit me.

  Finn chuckled. Moving his lips to my ear, he nibbled on my earlobe. “Tell me you love me, Rory.”

  My head dropped, giving him access to my neck. “I love you, Finn.”

  “Promise me you’ll never leave me.”

  Looking directly into his eyes, I made him a vow I would never break.

  “I promise I’ll never leave you. Ever.”

  He pulled out an e
nvelope from his back pocket and handed it to me.

  My eyes filled with tears as I read it.

  I Never Want to Forget This….

  Sealed on December 25. To be opened on July 8

  My fingers lightly traced across the dates. July 8 was our baby’s due date. Lifting my eyes, I smiled. “What’s it say?” I asked.

  He winked. “It’s a surprise.”

  Laughing, I held it to my chest as he lifted me in his arms and headed up the stairs.

  “Um…Finn…where are you taking me?”

  “I need to make love to my almost wife and the mother of my daughter.”

  Giggling, I ran my fingers through his hair. “First off, it could be a boy. And second, we have a houseful of people.”

  Without missing a beat, he replied, “Our bedroom is on the third floor, Éan. We’re totally good.”


  My eyes snapped open as the pain hit me in the middle of my stomach. Checking the clock on the mantel, I noted the time. I pushed myself out of the chair and began to pace.

  Deep breath in…blow it out.

  Flash was two steps behind me. “I think this is it, boy.” I was due in three days, and the doctor had had a feeling I might not make it to my due date. He was right.

  “Get Daddy, Flash.”

  With a whine and then a bark, Flash took off through the house and out his dog door.

  Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.

  I rolled my neck as I walked into the kitchen. I glanced out the window, and rolled my eyes in amusement. Flash had Finn’s baseball cap in his mouth and Finn was chasing him all over the yard.

  I headed to get my purse. Once I found my phone, I hit Harmony’s number.

  “Is this it?”

  Dear Lord. What have I married into? For the last two weeks, no matter what time I called anyone in Finn’s family, the first words out of their mouths were, “Is this it?”

  I took a deep breath in, then forced it out with a sigh. “Yes. This is it, and my husband is running around the backyard chasing Flash.”

  Harmony giggled. “What’s he got now?”

  “His prized Boston Red Sox hat that Rick Porcello signed.”

  “Oh no!”

  “Yep. But hey, back to that little thing about me being in labor. I’m really worried Finn’s going to freak.”