Page 8 of Fighting for Love

  “Finn?” I softly called out.

  I reached for the door handle, and slowly opened it.

  “Oh. My. God,” I whispered as my hand slammed over my mouth. My eyes widened as I took in the sight before me. I wasn’t sure if I should look away or not.

  Flash lifted his head and barely wagged his tail as he lay across a naked Finn. A naked Finn with morning wood. My stomach did a serious flip.

  “Holy shit!” I whispered. He. Is. Huge. I’ve seen a dick or two before in my life, but this was like the dick of all dicks. How does a girl walk after having that thing inside of her?

  Finn moaned again. Clearly he was feeling the pain of his drinking last night.

  Smiling, I motioned with my hands for Flash to come to me. “Come on, boy. Flash, come. Let’s go pee-pee!”

  He tilted his head and stared at me like he had no intentions of leaving his post.

  “Hungry? Want your hungries?”

  Again. Nothing. It was like he was protecting his fallen leader.

  Oh God. I’m going to have to walk over and get closer.

  Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes and slowly emptied my lungs before glancing back at the dog, who still refused to move.

  Wait. Did Flash just smile at me?

  I shook my head. “Don’t be silly, Rory. You’re stalling,” I whispered as Flash whimpered slightly.

  “I’ll come get you. I’m not scared.”

  Flash made another weird whimper sound. Was he daring me to come get him?

  Rolling my neck around, I jumped a few times to get loose. “I’ve got this. It’s a naked guy. So what. You’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all.”

  I made my way closer, and Flash rested his head over Finn’s chest. “Come! Now, Flash. Let’s go, boy!”

  A little closer. “Come on, baby boy, let’s get your yummy yums,” I whispered with as much enthusiasm as I could without waking up Finn.

  Flash stared at me through those adorable brown eyes. His tail would wag every so often to show me he was amused by my attempts to take him away from his beloved drunk master.

  I took another step closer.

  Don’t look at it. Stay focused.

  I wiped my brow. “My goodness. It’s hot in here.”

  Flash whimpered again in agreement. “What are you going on about? Look where you’re at! You lucky little bastard!” I said as I stared only at the dog’s big round eyes.

  Then he dropped his head, and my eyes followed. Stopping again, I stared at the giant dick that was now twitching about. How is he doing that?

  Finn moaned and dropped his hand down and grabbed himself.

  Lifting my eyes up to the heavens, I wanted to drop to my knees. “God no. Please don’t do this to me. You know how long it’s been! I don’t think I’m strong enough,” I softly pleaded.

  When there was no sign from above to get me out of this pickle I was in, I forged on.

  I stopped right at the edge of the bed. My heart pounded so loud I was sure it was going to wake Finn’s drunk ass up.

  Leaning over, I went to grab Flash’s collar, but he pulled away from me. It was then Finn wrapped his hand around his dick again and started pumping.


  “Flash! We have an emergency situation. Get your ass over here, you damn dog!”

  He sat up.

  Is he smiling at me?

  The sounds of Finn’s hand working himself had my head spinning.

  Don’t think how long it’s been since you’ve had sex. Who needs sex? It’s overrated. Wow, it’s really hot in here.

  I couldn’t help it: I glanced down.

  Gasping, I covered my mouth. It was even bigger than I thought. I watched as Finn slowly moved up and down…every now and then letting out a soft moan. It had to have been one of the hottest things I’d ever seen.

  My tongue ran across my lips as I fought the urge to slip my own hand down into my panties.

  No. No. No. The dog. Focus on the dog.

  Glancing up to Flash, I smiled. “Come here, boy. Come on! Let’s go for a walk.”

  He tilted his head and wagged harder. That caused Finn to moan again.

  For fuck’s sake. I leaned over and went to reach for Flash’s collar.


  Stopping mid-motion, I turned and gaped my mouth at him. Did he just say my name off those plump soft lips?

  Shaking my head, I leaned in farther for Flash. “Walk. Let’s go for a walk!”

  Flash stood on all fours and moved closer to me. “That’s it, boy! Come on! Jump over his drunk ass.”

  Just. A little. More.

  Grabbing the collar, I cried out, “Yes!”

  “Oh God yes, Rory. Ride me faster, baby. Fuck me hard.”

  “Wait, what am I doing?” I said just as Flash jumped back, pulling me right onto the bed and across Finn’s naked body.

  Flash barked and jumped off the other side of the bed.

  Before I had a chance to react, Finn cried out, “Get off me, Flash!”

  My eyes widened in surprise.

  I’m so screwed.

  I wasn’t sure how I did it, but I threw my body back and onto the floor. Flash ran over and started licking me.

  Pushing him away, I heard Finn moving around on the bed. I got on all fours and quickly started crawling out the door, with Flash hot on my feet. Of course, he was barking and jumping on me the entire time. Swatting at him with my hand, I shot him magical bolts of shut-the-hell-up power.

  “God, Flash. Stop barking. My head is fucking killing me.”

  The door was within inches of me. I was almost through it when I heard my name.


  I stopped, my head dropped, and I let out a “Shit.”

  Glancing back, I flashed the still very naked Finn a smile. “Hey! Good morning! Don’t mind me, I’m just gonna feed the dog and take him for a walk.”

  Finn stood up, not even trying to cover his stuff. He was still hard, and I was positive he looked even bigger with his dick up against that amazing toned stomach of his.

  “Lord, please help me,” I whispered.

  Running his hand through his hair, he walked over to us and looked down.

  “Why are you on the floor acting like a dog?”

  “I um…trying to…get dog…the food…needs water…can’t think…you’re naked.”

  Finn glanced down. “Holy shit!” He quickly grabbed a shirt from the bench at the end of his bed and covered himself. “I’m sorry, Rory. Listen, my head is pounding and I’ve got a massive hangover.”

  I jumped up. “Totally okay. I’ll just take the dick…no wait the cat…I mean the pussy. No. No I mean the dog. I’ll take the dog for a walk. After I feed him. While you take a shower and get the horrible smell off you.”

  Finn’s mouth cracked into a smile. “Are you okay?”

  Swallowing hard, I shook my head and asked, “Honestly?”

  “Always honesty, Rory.”

  “No. I’m not okay, because I came over here to tell you I wanted to go out on that date and then your door was open, and I came in uninvited, which I’m really sorry about that. Then I heard you moan and I thought you were sick, or worse yet that there was a girl in here, and I came in here and you were all spread-eagle on your bed.” I used my arms and spread them wide because for some stupid reason I felt like he needed a demonstration. “Then I saw your…your…you know.”

  I pointed right at his dick.

  This was nice. I was digging myself in deeper.

  “My cock?”

  That word from his lips. My mind was sent into a frenzy as I thought about all the things I wanted him to do with that…cock.

  Sweet Jesus, help me.


  My heart was still racing when Flash and I stepped into the building after our walk. How was I going to look Finn in the face again? I was beyond embarrassed. Though he played it off like he didn’t care, something wasn’t right. I couldn’t put my finger on it, b
ut he was distant. I was going to have to talk to him about our conversations yesterday and his phone call last night.

  Flash sat while the doors closed and we made our way up to the twenty-third floor. My mind drifted back to earlier, when Finn was dreaming about me. Feeling my cheeks heat, I let out a giggle.

  Flash looked up and barked. “Oh stop. You’re smitten with him too. I see it all over your face.”

  The doors opened as my phone rang. Glancing at it, I sighed and said, “Hey, Russell.”

  “So where are you, Rory? Your mother said you requested the day off?”

  How dare he call me and ask where I am.

  “Yes I did. Is there an emergency or a reason you called that couldn’t wait until I got back tomorrow?”


  “The reason you called, Russell. Surely it’s not to see why I took a personal day. I’m sure you’re aware this is the first personal day I’ve taken since I began working at the firm.”

  “Um…no, that’s not why. I was calling to make sure you were okay.”

  We were almost to Finn’s door. “I’m fine. Thank you for checking up on me. I have some notes from last night. Things I noticed when I got home and read through the files. I’ll send them over this afternoon.”

  Russell sighed. “That’s fine. Maybe since you’re taking the day off, I might as well also. Lord knows I could use it.”

  I knew he wasn’t being sincere as much as he was being a sarcastic ass. “You should,” I responded. “I need to run. Bye Russell.”

  After hitting End, I slipped the phone back into my jacket and knocked lightly on the door before opening it. When I walked into the room, I took in the most beautiful sight I’d ever seen: Finn sitting on the sofa with his hair wet and dressed in a white T-shirt and sweats. My goodness, this man was beyond good-looking.

  “Hey, how are you feeling?”

  Glancing up at me, he smiled, and my stomach fluttered. “Better than I should.”

  With a lighthearted laugh I undid Flash’s leash, and he made a beeline to Finn. Holding up his hand, Finn said in a stern voice, “No,” but Flash jumped up on the sofa anyway.

  He sat right next to Finn and barked once before dropping down and resting his head on Finn’s knee. “Damn, he doesn’t listen worth a shit.”

  “Actually, he really does listen quite well.” I frowned as I stared at the dog resting on Finn’s leg. “Well, I guess he doesn’t listen all the time.”

  Flash made a growling sound and closed his eyes as Finn softly ran his hand over his back.

  Lucky dog. What I wouldn’t have done to have those fingers running over my bare skin.

  “Rory, we need to talk.”

  I swallowed hard. Isn’t that what guys say when they break up with you? How could he break up with me, though…when we aren’t even dating?

  Then it hit me.

  Last night. His phone call. He was naked.

  Oh no.

  “I’ll leave you be….Consider this distraction gone.”

  Chapter 13


  A day to remember

  The moment I said we needed to talk, Rory’s eyes widened and her face turned white as a ghost.

  “Last night I went out with Colton. I was a good two sheets to the wind.”

  She rubbed her hands together in a nervous way. “I know—you called me, remember?”

  How could I forget? I’d stayed up half the night trying to drink the memory of that call away.

  “Yeah, I remember. When I called you I was in a cab…with a woman.”

  Her body stiffened, but she kept up her poker face, except for the brief moment a line etched between her brows.

  “I was upset about you turning me down for dinner.”

  There was no way for me to read her face, and that was freaking me the hell out. The only noticeable change was in her breathing: Her chest rose and fell a bit harder.

  “Anyway, I left the club with this girl I had met and we headed back here.”

  Rory’s expression hardened before she dropped her head down and stared at the floor.

  “Nothing happened, Rory.”

  Her head lifted, but she avoided my gaze.

  “I was drunk, but not stupid enough to do something I knew I would regret the rest of my life.”

  “What do you mean? Why would you have regretted it?”

  Leaning forward, I drew in a long breath before speaking. “I’ve never in my life met anyone like you, Rory. Never felt the things I’ve felt for you. We’ve only kissed once, but I cannot stop dreaming of what you would feel like in my arms when I wake up every morning. Or what it would be like to take you in my arms and kiss you any time of the day.”

  Her breath hitched and the corner of her mouth quirked slightly up.

  “Colton kept telling me I had it bad for you and I knew he was trying to prove a point and I wouldn’t admit it until the cab pulled up to the front of my place and I sat there thinking about you. I told the girl I was with the truth, that I wasn’t the least bit interested in being with her, and I handed the taxi driver a hundred and told him to take her home.”

  Rory’s teeth sunk into her lip before she softly asked, “She didn’t come up? You were alone last night?”

  “Well no, not really. Flash was here with me. Watching as I drank myself silly. I’m pretty sure he helped me to bed.”

  She covered her mouth and chuckled.

  “I’m not asking you to move in with me, Rory. I’m simply asking you give us a chance.”

  Her eyes were blazed with something I’d never seen in them before. They sparkled even brighter when she flashed me that adorable smile of hers.

  “I couldn’t stop thinking about you last night, and those last words you said to me about not being a distraction, and I realized something.”

  My heart dropped as hope filled my chest. “What’s that?”

  She surveyed me as she continued to speak. “I want you as a distraction. I want to learn more about you. Your favorite things to eat and the movies you like to watch. What type of music you like to listen to. What it would feel like to fall asleep in your arms.”

  My eyebrows shot up, and I wiggled them as she giggled.

  “Why did you tell me about that girl if nothing happened?”

  I half shrugged. “I guess it’s because I want to be completely honest with you. I’ve never had a serious relationship before, and the last thing I want to do is fuck it up before we even try to get it started. I have a feeling if we do this, it won’t be easy.”

  She squeezed her eyes shut. “My father.”


  When she peered back into my eyes, she wore a concerned look on her face. “Finn, I want…no, I need to be completely honest with you as well. My father and the fact that you’re a firefighter are my number one concerns about pursuing a relationship with you. The reasons for my father are pretty cut-and dry, but growing up I watched my mother worry every single day about my father. I’ve been to more funerals for firefighters than I have my own family. The idea of falling for you and something happening is probably my biggest fear. Then, of course, you have my job, which demands so much of my time. The odds are already stacked against us.”

  I moved off the couch and kneeled in front of her. “Are those the only reasons you hesitated?”

  Chewing on her lip, she slowly shook her head. “No. I’m not very…experienced when it comes to…stuff.”

  Trying to keep a smile from tugging on my lips, I took her hands in mine. “What kind of stuff?”

  Her cheeks turned scarlet. “Sex, boyfriends, relationships. I’ve only ever seriously dated one guy, and we didn’t have a very thrilling sex life. I was in school and he was in school and we spent more time together studying than anything.”

  I lifted my hand and placed it on the side of her face. “Then we’ll do this slow.”

  “And my father?”

  “We’ll keep this between us.”

  She g
rinned. “For now.”

  My hand slipped behind her neck as I pulled her onto the floor in front of me. “For now,” I whispered against her lips before kissing her softly.

  Her arms wrapped around my neck while we deepened the kiss. I’d never in my life felt such incredible energy as that kiss generated.

  She slowly pulled back and rested her forehead on mine. “What about my job?”

  “I’ll learn to share you. Plus I’m gone a lot with mine, so we’ll work it out.”

  When she moved back and gazed into my eyes, hers filled with tears. “And yours?”

  My heart ached. This is what my father and Preston had had to deal with when they were

  firefighters. The fear in her eyes about killed me. “I promise nothing will happen to me.”

  Shaking her head, she replied, “I know damn well you can’t make that type of promise, Finn.”

  I cupped her face within in my hands. “Look at me. Nothing is going to happen to me.”

  When she closed her eyes and drew in a deep breath, I did the same. I had just made her a promise we both knew I might not be able to keep. I’d do my damn hardest to make sure I didn’t break it, though.

  “Do you have to go in to work today?”

  Her eyes snapped open. When she smiled wide, I knew I had my answer. “I took the day off.”

  “I have you all day?”

  She nodded and giggled. “I’m all yours today. I’ve already talked to Russell, so he knows I’ve taken a personal day.”

  Hearing his name made my stomach clench. “Good. Let me make a couple calls, then we’ll be on our way.”

  It was in that moment I realized something. Rory Adams was indeed the woman who was going to change me. And I wouldn’t have had it any other way.


  “How did Russell take the news of you taking the day off?” I asked while we walked hand in hand along Evans Way. It was a beautiful day, cool enough for a long-sleeve shirt. I was thrilled when Rory agreed to the walk, especially since it would buy me the extra time needed to get our lunch set up and make a quick stop along the way. Rory had asked where we were going, but I managed to keep her in the dark.