Page 15 of Lodestar

  As for Sophie . . .

  “No way!” she said, adding a foot stamp for emphasis. “You’re not sending me away like a little kid!”

  “Age has nothing to do with this,” Grady told her, pulling her in for a hug. “It’s about protecting the things that matter.”

  “I don’t need protection.”

  “Everyone needs protection—why do you think we’re taking so many precautions? But we have everything covered. You don’t have to worry.”

  “Actually, that’s exactly why I should be worrying,” Sophie argued. “We thought we had everything planned out for the ambush on Mount Everest, and the Neverseen somehow knew we’d be there and showed up with ogres and dwarves.”

  She’d never forget the feel of those beefy ogre arms grabbing her through the ceiling of their cave and dragging her through ice and stone. If Sandor hadn’t come after her, she never would’ve gotten away—and Sandor had ended up tossed off a cliff for his efforts.

  “And we didn’t have to deal with the two Pyrokinetics,” she reminded him. “Brant and Fintan will try to burn this place to the ground.”

  Grady brushed her hair off her forehead. “That’s why I’ve been keeping a supply of quicksnuff on hand. Alden also got us some frissyn, after my battle with Brant. So we’re ready to extinguish any flames—even Everblaze.”

  The news helped.

  But it still didn’t feel like enough.

  Frustration and anger bubbled up and she knotted them under her ribs, adding to her arsenal. “If you won’t let me stay—come with me.”

  Grady shook his head. “I’m not letting them chase me out of my home. And I’m not going to pass up a chance to see if we can catch one of them. That’s how you tackle problems like this. You take the organization down one person at a time.”

  “Then let me help,” Sophie begged.

  “You’ve risked your life enough times. Now it’s my turn.”

  “That’s stupid.”

  “It might be. But I’m willing to be stupid if it keeps you safe.”

  “And we’ll keep him safe,” Brielle promised, raising her sword and slashing it with a whip-fast spin that sent her curls flying. “Your father is my charge. No harm will come to him.”

  “Your mother will be safe with me,” Cadoc added. “And Sandor is planning to stay as well.”

  “You are?” Sophie asked, turning to face her bodyguard.

  “I assumed it’s where you’d prefer that I be,” Sandor told her. “But I’m only willing to separate if you stick to your original plan and go to Mr. Dizznee’s house. Lovise will protect you there. She’s an excellent warrior.”


  “Think of the larger picture,” Grady interrupted. “Where can you do the most good? Here? Wasting the day waiting for someone to pop out of the shadows? Or with your friends, working on one of your projects?”

  “All we were planning to do is sort through a bunch of registry records,” Sophie grumbled.

  “Those records still need to be checked,” Grady told her. “And I wouldn’t be surprised if you guys learn something crucial. Think about all the problems you’ve solved together.”

  “We’ve also survived plenty of battles,” Sophie reminded him.

  He kissed her forehead again. “I know. But this one isn’t your fight. So go pack an overnight bag. You’re not coming home until this threat is over.”

  “Already got you packed,” Edaline said, rushing down the stairs with Iggy’s cage in one hand and Sophie’s purple backpack in the other. Sophie had used the same bag to leave her human life behind—and again when she’d had to flee to the Black Swan’s hideout.

  She despised using it again to hide.

  “Kesler and Juline know you’ll be staying the night,” Edaline told her. “I also hailed the Vackers and it sounded like Alden and Della were heading over here. I explained the risks, but they’re not missing a chance to speak to Alvar. They’ll be sending Fitz and Biana to stay the night at Dex’s.”

  “Oh sure, send the kids off for a slumber party,” Sophie grumbled.

  Edaline smiled. “You can be mad at me if you want. But I’m always going to take any chance to keep you safe. Mother’s prerogative.”

  “Parents’ prerogative,” Grady corrected. “I can survive a lot of things. But if something happened to you . . . ?”

  He hugged Sophie again, and Edaline joined in.

  “Please don’t fight this,” Edaline begged, kissing Sophie’s cheek. “Let us protect you the way we couldn’t protect . . .”

  She didn’t finish the sentence, but Sophie knew how it ended—and playing the Jolie card was a dirty trick.

  “Fine,” she said through a sigh. “But only if you promise that if it gets too intense here, you’ll leap to safety.”

  “Deal.” Grady tightened his hug before he finally let her go. “And thank you.”

  Sophie planned to give her best death glare as she slung her backpack over her shoulder and picked up Iggy’s cage. But it hit her then that—if something went wrong—this could be the last time she ever saw her parents.

  “I love you guys,” she whispered.

  “We love you too,” they both said.

  “Stay safe,” she begged.

  Grady wiped his teary eyes. “We’ll see you soon.”


  SOPHIE COULD HEAR the screaming and shouting the second she glittered into the otherwise quiet valley, where puffy white clouds hung low around the snow-capped mountains.





  “SO DOES REX!” another voice added.



  A whole lot of squealing and crashing—plus a “KNOCK IT OFF!” from Dex—followed the declaration.

  “Welcome to Rimeshire,” Kesler said, and Sophie spun around to find him standing next to Juline on a wide silver-stoned path. The smile he flashed looked exactly like his son’s.

  Kesler and Dex both shared the same dimples and strawberry-blond hair and periwinkle eyes. The only difference was time—and several inches of height.

  “You’ll get used to the noise,” he promised as another shriek echoed across the valley.

  “No you won’t,” Juline warned.

  Juline was Edaline’s sister—which technically made Sophie and Dex cousins by adoption—and they both had the same turquoise eyes and amber-toned hair. But Juline always looked rumpled and exhausted.

  “Don’t worry,” she told Sophie, wrapping a flyaway hair back into her messy bun and securing it with a chewed-on pencil. “I have a trick to keep them under control this afternoon.”

  “We say that every day,” Kesler teased. “I’m still waiting for it to be true.”

  Lots more squealing and stomping filled the air, along with an “OW—THAT’S MY ARM, YOU JERK!”

  “It’s okay,” Sophie told them. Growing up a Telepath around humans had given her a high tolerance for noise. Plus, her main plans for the day involved obsessively checking her Imparter as she waited for news from her family. She could do that with or without screaming kids in the background.

  “Bet you’re glad you’re wearing long sleeves, huh?” Juline asked as an icy breeze whipped through Sophie’s hair.

  Rimeshire was definitely the chilliest place Sophie had visited in the Lost Cities—aside from the entrance to the Sanctuary in the Himalayas. Even the architecture of the Dizznee’s house reminded Sophie of an ice castle. All the walls were built from blue cut glass and fitted together into sharp, dramatic angles. And the five swirling towers looked like upside-down icicles. But there was still something inherently warm about the place. Maybe it was the bright light glowing through the walls. Or the curls of white smoke coming from the spiral chimneys.

The house was also massive—probably bigger than Everglen. And the grounds were just as expansive. The landscaping was simpler, but it matched the stark valley: twisted evergreen trees lining each of the silver-stoned paths, and wide plains of jade green grass leading into the rolling foothills.

  “You can say it,” Kesler told her. “I’m guessing this isn’t what you’d been imagining?”

  “Well . . . no,” she admitted.

  She’d been in the Lost Cities long enough to know that social standing didn’t affect wealth. Everyone was given the exact same birth fund—which contained more than enough money to live lavishly for the whole of their long existence. But she’d pictured Dex’s house looking like Slurps and Burps, with topsy-turvy architecture and colorful walls that belonged in a Dr. Seuss book.

  Rimeshire was . . . understated.



  “We’re only quirky in public,” Kesler told her, “because it’s fun to mess with the snobby nobles. Deep down, we’re disappointingly normal.”

  “Not disappointing at all,” Sophie insisted.

  Juline beamed. “I’m so glad you like it. Dex was terrified to have everyone come over. He’s in there right now, desperately cleaning his room, even though you’ll be camping out in the solarium tonight.”

  “And don’t worry,” Kesler said. “The triplets have offered up their sleeping bags—and the gnomes already gave them a good wash.”

  “Sounds perfect,” Sophie told him, even though she’d never considered that Dex, Fitz, and Biana might all be sleeping in the same room. Talk about potential for awkward . . .

  But sleep was probably going to be a lost cause anyway.

  She checked her Imparter for news from her family.


  Not surprising—but it didn’t help her antsy-ness.

  “Are Fitz and Biana already here?” she asked, having to raise her voice over the triplets’ latest shouting match. It sounded like Bex had stolen Rex’s favorite jackalope toy and was threatening to tear off its antlers.

  “No,” Kesler said. “So you’re welcome to wait in the house if you want.”

  Inside, something crashed and shattered into a million pieces.

  “Waiting out here sounds good,” Sophie decided.

  Kesler laughed. “Probably a good call. And let’s hope that sound means they finally destroyed the horrendous crystal yeti statue my brother gave us as for a wedding present. I moved it to the entryway a few years ago, since the triplets love tearing through there like a pack of dire wolves. But I swear they spare it just to spite me.”

  “You have a brother?” Sophie asked.

  “Actually, I have three. And two sisters.”

  “Wow, your mom had six children?”

  Even for humans that was a ton of kids—and for elves it was practically unheard of.

  “I see my son talks about his family a lot,” Kesler said.

  “No he—”

  “I’m just kidding,” he promised. “You guys have had way more important things to talk about than Dex’s estranged relatives.”

  They definitely had. But Sophie still felt like the world’s worst best friend. Sometimes she didn’t pay as much attention to Dex as she should.

  “Anyway,” Kesler said, “my parents were definitely not concerned about the whole ‘optimal genetic purity’ nonsense.”

  “That’s another recommendation from the matchmakers,” Juline explained. “They believe our strongest, purest genetics go to our first child, and after that, our genes grow increasingly diluted. That’s why so many families stop after one kid.”

  “That can’t be true, can it?” Sophie asked.

  “It’s hard to say for certain,” Kesler said. “I know some pretty incredible second and third children—though my existence tends to verify it. I’m the youngest, and the only one in my family who didn’t manifest.”

  Juline reached for his hand. “I still married the best Dizznee.”

  “Ha—that’s not what your match lists said!”

  Sophie wondered if that meant that Juline had been matched with one of Kesler’s brothers. She was tempted to ask, but didn’t know if that would be rude.

  Before she could decide, Fitz and Biana leaped into the valley.

  “Wow,” Biana breathed as she took in the scenery. “I can’t believe Dex lives here.”

  “And why is that?” Kesler’s voice had sharpened along the edges.

  Biana didn’t seem to notice as she made her way over and flashed her brilliant smile. “I can’t believe you live in the Gloaming Valley! My mom told me this is where the Alenon River connects to the ocean. That’s where the wild kelpies live, right? I’ve always wanted to see them.”

  Kesler’s shoulders relaxed slightly. “Well . . . we’re actually on the other side of the mountains. But I’m impressed that your mother knows so much about this place. It’s not an area many pay attention to.”

  “They should,” Biana told him. “I hear there’s nothing quite like watching the kelpies come ashore.”

  “There isn’t,” Juline agreed. “If you visit again, we’ll have to make a trip over to the beach. I’d take you today, but Dex’s bodyguard is insisting we all stay close to the house so he can keep a better eye on you.”

  “How you holding up?” Fitz asked Sophie as she checked her blank Imparter again.

  “Oh . . . you know. People I care about are in danger, and none of the adults want my help. Same old, same old.”

  “Right there with you,” he mumbled.

  “So your parents did go to Havenfield?” she asked. “Is that why Grizel and Woltzer aren’t with you?”

  Fitz nodded. “Woltzer didn’t want to leave us, but Grizel talked him into it when she found out Sandor was at Havenfield. I tried to convince them to let me go too, but my mom gave me a long speech about how she didn’t want us getting hurt.”

  “The nerve of parents these days,” Juline said, “trying to keep their kids safe.”

  “I’m not saying I don’t get it,” Fitz said. “But, come on. We took on an army of ogres—I think I can handle my brother.”

  “We don’t know that Alvar will be there,” Biana said, swallowing hard, like there was a lump in her throat. “And if he is . . . Dad deserves to be the one to face him. Besides—we were planning to come here today anyway, right? Is it really so bad?”

  Fitz sighed and turned to Kesler and Juline. “No, it’s not bad at all—sorry if that sounded rude. Thank you for letting us stay here. My dad wanted me to tell you that Everglen is always available if you ever need him to return the favor.”

  “Does that offer include babysitting the triplets?” Kesler asked. “Because I’d be happy to drop them off anytime. But somehow I don’t think he’d enjoy having them tearing through his historic halls.”

  Biana shrugged. “We could put them in Alvar’s room and let them break all his stuff. And wait—is that Iggy?” she asked as Sophie shifted the cage she was holding.

  Iggy greeted Biana with a cage-shaking fart.

  Biana coughed. “Whoa, smells like someone ate too many sludgers last night. Clearly we need to work on your diet.”

  “Yeah, good luck with that,” Sophie told her. “The last vegetables I gave him ended up plastered all over my ceiling.”

  “Aw, he’ll eat some for me—won’t you, boy?” Biana asked. “I’ll give you an extra-long tummy rub—and save you the softest spot on my pillow.”

  “You’re going to sleep with the imp?” Kesler asked.

  “Of course! We shared a pillow every night at Alluveterre. I still miss his rumbly snore.”

  Biana nuzzled Iggy’s nose through the bars and Sophie noticed Kesler studying her like he was seeing her for the first time. She might look like a pampered princess, but that definitely didn’t make her a delicate flower—despite the fact that she’d packed two overnight satchels.

  “Can I help you with your bags?” Kesler offered. “They look heavy.”
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  “They are,” Fitz said, holding up his own half-full bag as a comparison. “I think Biana packed enough for twenty people.”

  “He teases me now,” Biana said. “But when it’s time to do his hair in the morning he’ll totally be sneaking a bit of my LovelyLocks.”

  An earsplitting howl cut off Fitz’s retort, followed by what sounded like a pack of galloping brontosaurs as the door to Rimeshire burst open and the triplets sprinted down the path.

  Bex was in the lead, her red hair flapping against her cheeks as she waved a stuffed bunny with antlers.

  “GIVE IT BACK!” one of the boys shouted as he lunged to grab her arm.

  Bex pivoted out of his grasp. “NOT UNTIL HARRY GETS A MUD BATH.”

  “DO IT! DO IT! DO IT!” the other boy chanted.


  All three of them screeched to a halt when they noticed Sophie, Fitz, and Biana.


  “You’ll have to excuse our daughter,” Kesler said, glaring at Bex. “She’s developed a gift for figuring out the most embarrassing thing she can possibly say and then saying it. We’re working on it.”

  “If she bothers you,” one of the boys told Biana, “let me know and I’ll take care of it.”

  “Dude, she just saw you crying over your stuffed Jackalope!” the other boy snorted.


  “That’s because Harry hasn’t gone mud-diving yet!” Bex waved the Jackalope under his nose and took off toward the trees.

  “So,” the other boy said as his brother chased after Bex. “Now we can all see who the cool one is.”

  He winked at Sophie and Biana.

  “You guys are the worst,” Dex groaned as he stomped outside to join them, shadowed by his bodyguard. “Can’t I have Lovise tie them up somewhere?”

  “I don’t think I have strong enough rope,” Lovise warned.

  “He’s just jealous,” the boy told Biana. “He knows the ladies like me better.”

  “Okay,” Kesler said, grabbing the boy’s arm before he could wrap it around Biana’s waist. “Looks like we need to have another talk about appropriate behavior around girls, Lex. Rule number one—we do not touch them without their permission.”