“Because you announced that you were keen to take on a new wife,” she whispered, and dropped her eyes, feeling embarrassed. “I can’t bear it knowing that you will be with another woman.”

  He growled and before she could comprehend what was going to happen, he grabbed her face and kissed her hard. Cindy moaned into his mouth, losing herself completely to the only man that she could truly love.

  The king was angry, furious with himself when he kissed her. He lost control when he saw her crying on the stairs. He needed to get away from the crowd, and finally be alone after he learned that she’d betrayed him. The craving for Cindy’s blood was driving him insane. He pressed his mouth to her soft features, devoured her lips until she was gasping for breath.

  It was so good to touch her again, and his cock was hard as a rock. She was spread over the marble staircase, moaning and whimpering. He’d been stunned, seeing her right outside his chamber, but it was a pleasant surprise. And after what happened at the ball he wasn’t planning to let her go again.

  “I’m going to fuck you hard right now, so you’ll know who you truly belong to,” he rasped in her ear and then ripped the top of her dress. Cindy’s eyes were shut, but she moaned loudly, submitting herself fully to him. He was furious to learn that she belonged to another man, and yet satisfied that he took her virginity.

  He stuck his face in her naked breasts and began to suck her hard nipples one by one, taking his time with each of them—they were just as glorious as he remembered. He couldn’t get enough of her. Then he heard her, she was begging him to take her, to be inside her.

  “I’m the one who makes the rules here, Cindy, not you. You need to remember that,” he said, already moving his hand underneath her beautiful dress. This wasn’t the best place to have sex with her, but the king was done caring if any of his people could hear them. He needed to fuck Cindy again, right now.

  He nibbled on her neck, ready to sink his fangs into her veins, but somehow he managed to restrain himself. She wore stockings underneath, and it angered him. She was supposed to look sexy for him, only for him, and now he wanted to claim her as his. Her skin was soft and he was already addicted to her sweet scent that reminded him of a rainy summer day. His vampire instinct took over the moment he thought about tasting her blood, but he couldn’t bite her, at least not yet. Besides, she needed to consent to it first. He wouldn’t have done it otherwise.

  “Please, I want you, please,” she begged when he pulled her lace underwear down, and then slapped her arse. Caspian was ready to fuck her hard until she couldn’t take it anymore. The first time they made love he was trying to be careful and gentle, but now he was raging inside.

  He lifted her up and pushed her against the wall. The dress was wide, long and getting in the way, so he lifted it up, ready to tear it apart.

  “Bend down; otherwise you will never see this beautiful dress ever again. I want to see that naked arse of yours,” he ordered and Cindy obeyed him instantly, gasping for breath. Caspian was impressed that Cindy listened. He slapped her arse again and she cried out. His own power and being in control was turning him on, but he was done taking it easy on her. He pulled his pants down, releasing his erection and then kissed her again, biting her bottom lip hard, but not enough to pierce the skin.

  She whimpered under him and he loved that she was so responsive, yet inexperienced. That big idiot she was going to marry couldn’t compete with him. Cindy belonged to him.

  “Oh yes, it’s a wonderful view. Say that you belong to me, Cinderella,” he ordered once again and then slapped her arse harder than before. She cried out and then he plunged his cock inside her.

  “This feels so good, so good,” she mumbled, pulling him back to reality. Cindy’s sex felt like silk, moist and perfect and he knew that he was going to come at any moment if he didn’t slow down.

  Deep down, he couldn’t, because he was furious that she had lied to him. When he found her, he was certain that she was upset because he announced that he was going to remarry.

  Londis—that was the name of the loser who was apparently her fiancé. He couldn’t imagine that a man like him could possibly take care of her. The whole story sounded unbelievable.

  He grabbed her hips and kept moving until his head started spinning. The thirst for her blood was at the back of his throat, and he could already imagine how unbelievable she’d taste.

  She looked so sexy when he was fucking her from behind, and he kept pounding into her, first nice and slow, then faster until she couldn’t take it anymore. Her voice echoed in the entire corridor, probably letting everyone around him know what was going on out there. Caspian was the king and his entire staff could go to hell.

  “Have you had enough, my dear, or do you want more?” he asked, knowing that the burning in the pit of his stomach was getting out of control. He was on the verge of coming while she moaned.

  “Please, I can’t take this, I need you,” she pleaded, and then they both climaxed. The king’s cock felt raw as he filled her with his semen, finally falling on top of her back.

  For a long moment both of them tried to catch their breath, while Cindy’s heartbeat was beating out of control. The King was still inside her and he knew couldn’t possibly want any woman other than Cindy, but he was slowly beginning to realise that she already belonged to another man, and that was a hard pill to swallow.

  It was either going to be the end of the beginning of something very special for him, or...

  Only time would tell if he would have her again.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Cindy’s body was feverish, and her heart was pounding rapidly in her chest. For a long moment, she had no idea where she was and how she ended up outside the king’s chamber. She remembered running, being very upset at the ball and the next thing she knew, she was encased in the king’s arms.

  She heard Caspian’s laboured breathing, and she was too afraid to move in case this was only happening in her head. Sadness filled her gut because she started to realise that she’d made a terrible mistake—the king could never be hers if she was forced to marry Londis. She wasn’t being fair. However, their chemistry was real and none of it felt like a mistake—it was all so confusing.

  On the contrary, Cindy was in love with King Caspian and that scared the crap out of her. The problem was that he was still a vampire, an immortal creature who fed on human blood and probably seduced other women. But Cindy wasn’t worried; she didn’t care that he could drain her life away. Their sex was addictive and she couldn’t imagine functioning without him. She never felt anything like that towards any other man before.

  “That was wonderful,” she said, trying to reason with herself. Her stepmother and stepsisters were downstairs, and they were probably looking for her everywhere. Either way, the reality of the situation made her realise that there had to be another way. She had been taking orders from her stepmother for too long now and she wasn’t a coward.

  Ida and the deal that she made with Londis could go to hell. It was her life, and she was planning to live it her way.

  Besides, her stepmother had no idea what she was talking about. Cindy could easily adapt to life in the castle. Her father was a man from the working class, and he told her to always be proud of who she was – he made his fortune the hard way. The king needed to marry someone who could rule his kingdom with him, and Cindy was willing to stand beside him as his wife and queen. She was well mannered, and she could learn necessary things, watch others in order to support him. It was an easy fix.

  Time was moving slowly and then she felt him planting small kisses over her naked back. She wanted to enjoy this precious moment together for a bit longer. They were both exposed and anyone could have walked in on them. Cindy’s heart pounded with love for the king. She just couldn’t explain how she had fallen for him after only one night. She didn’t want to go back to the ball and face Londis or her stepmother again.

  Caspian finally pulled away from her and brought her into h
is arms. She felt his heart beating in his chest, and she was surprised. Her father had told her that vampires were dead. Maybe she had been wrong about the king all along.

  “We have something special going on here,” he said, and she instantly wanted to agree but had to keep her mouth shut. “I’ve announced that I need to get married, but there isn’t anyone else that I want—it’s only you. It’s always been you.”

  “I have to marry Londis. At the time, when we met, it seemed I could get away from that stupid arrangement, but now I can’t,” she said, avoiding his eyes. She just couldn’t look at him and pretend that she didn’t love him.

  “You never have to do anything that you don’t want to do,” the king snapped and Cindy thought that he was still angry over what happened earlier. She tried to put herself in his shoes, but couldn’t.

  She now believed in magic. Martha was a changeling and she changed beggars into a beautiful horses. Cindy thought about her again, wondering if she could help her in any way, but now it was a bit too late for that.

  “Come on, put your dress back on. We have a lot to talk about and very little time. That evening, the night we met, I prepared a speech and then you ran away.” He kissed her lips. She felt his fangs with her tongue, but kept calm. If he wanted to bite her, he would have done it already.

  They both put their clothes on quickly, but Cindy hesitated going to Caspian’s chamber. She needed to keep her spirits up, and her head was still high on lust from their steamy encounter.

  In the end, she accepted his cold hand. Maybe her time was running out, and she was bringing too much attention to herself being away from Londis. Her stepmother was already watching her like a hawk, and Cindy didn’t want to give her a reason to follow her everywhere.

  “I’m not afraid of you, and I don’t even know why,” she said, reminding herself that her father always warned her not to trust strangers, especially those that were blessed with magic. He used to travel a lot, mainly between kingdoms, so he met many magical creatures on the road.

  Cindy’s heart was still pounding away when they climbed towards the king’s private chambers. Her skin was burning up and she was still turned on. The king looked so handsome, and she wanted him to fuck her again. She wasn’t even embarrassed about her own thoughts, thinking that maybe this was the last time that they were going to see each other.

  “I could drain all of your blood and you would die. I could also twist your neck, so you should be a little afraid of me,” he chuckled and brought her closer. “Especially after what happened downstairs.”

  “I know, but for some reason I can’t think about fear when I’m around you. My stepmother is most likely looking for me already. I really need to go,” she said, with a heavy heart. She didn’t want to leave him and knew that if she dragged it out, it would be much harder to disappear. Caspian didn’t look happy when he opened the door to his chamber and she walked inside anyway. She remembered every small detail of their night together. She wasn’t even supposed to see him again. Now she was trapped.

  “Do you really think that I will let you go after what just happened on the stairs?” he asked. “You aren’t going anywhere. I want you to sit down and let me explain everything. After that you can tell me why you’re in such a rush.”

  Cindy liked the fact that the king was so assertive and took control.

  “Tell me, how is it to be a vampire and live amongst humans?” she asked, but then felt a little silly. This conversation wasn’t going anywhere. She was only making it more difficult for herself. She needed to find a way to screw up Ida’s plans.

  Caspian smiled, gesturing for her to make herself comfortable on the sofa. She noticed that she could see his fangs when he smiled, and wondered how it would have felt if he had bitten her neck.

  “Be careful what you wish for. I can see in your eyes that you silently desire to be bitten,” he growled and then grabbed her face. For a brief moment he stared into her blue eyes and Cindy felt like he saw how much effort it was taking her to keep her hands away from him. Then he kissed her again anyway, slipping his tongue into her mouth and her knees turned to jelly.

  The tiny voice in her head kept reminding her that this what true love felt like. Her heart beat for this man—this creature—and all the new emotions were making her lose her mind. She knew that she would never feel anything like this with Londis. Not in a million years.

  “How come other people don’t know that you’re a vampire? What about your son?” she asked, trying to pull herself together. “I thought that vampires couldn’t reproduce.”

  “I can glamour people and make them believe that I’m just like them. And you are right. Vampires aren’t supposed to father children, but several months after we met, my wife announced that she was pregnant. She was loyal to me and couldn’t have slept with anyone else. I felt blessed, although it was a shock,” Caspian explained, and Cindy knew that he most likely still grieved for his dead queen. He must have truly loved her.

  “And no one knows? What about drinking human blood?” she pressed on, feeling a little excited about this part of the story. She wanted to know if Caspian preferred to drink from men or women.

  “I have certain abilities. I can change appearance, and if I meet someone I can take over their appearance. This way it’s easier for me to leave the castle. Besides, I only need to drink from humans once in a while.” Caspian dragged his hand through his hair, exhaling sharply. Cindy thought that he was frustrated, and he still wanted her. She knew if she let him kiss her again she wouldn’t be able to control herself the second time. They were here to talk and that was all.

  “And there are other vampires in the kingdom? I mean, how did you become one?” she asked, sounding curious.

  “Others exist, but they’re hiding mostly underground or they’re scattered around the country. We don’t tend to keep together. It’s easier to hunt alone,” the king explained and Cindy wasn’t sure what to think. Someone must have turned him into a vampire. She knew that much and maybe he just wasn’t ready to talk about it yet. “My maker was old and was just about to die. He used my blood to gain strength and power. I was forty-five in human years when I become the bloodsucking monster I am now.”

  Cindy got up and sat next to him. She wanted to be close. Her body was betraying her, wanting and needing to experience his crazy lovemaking all over again. There was only so much control that she had in herself, but the voice of reason kept reminding her that even if she accepted the fact that he was a vampire, she still had to marry Londis unless by some miracle or magic, she could find a way out.

  “So how long have you been forty-five?” she asked, and her voice vibrated a little. Caspian wanted her, but she would age eventually and die, while he would live forever. She was smart enough to realise that she wouldn’t want him to see her old and wrinkled.

  “I’m still only a young vampire and have been in this world stuck in this forty-five-year-old body for about twenty years. My first wife knew the truth and we were both concerned about our future. We talked about the issue of ageing a lot, and then she gave birth to Eric and was gone from this world,” Caspian said. “I’m a creature of darkness and that comes with certain advantages. My abilities are very useful, Cindy, but right now I can’t talk about it. You’re distracting me, sitting here, and looking so innocent. I want to fuck you again.”

  Cindy swallowed hard and crossed her legs, aware that her sex was throbbing again. A moment later, he was on his knees, touching her feverish body. A loud moan escaped her. Luscious heat rose as he angled the kiss, pulling her harder towards him. They just had angry, intense sex and yet Cindy wanted more. She was ready to forget about the ball and her stepmother and just stay with the king forever.

  “No, no, we can’t. I’m engaged to someone else. This isn’t right,” she said, trying to push him away, but he was already kissing her breasts and neck, and his lips felt so good. Her nipples were hard, ready to be touched as the desire filled the pit of her stomach.
She was drenched with desire for him, her body was pumped with adrenaline, and then the king pulled away.

  Frustration enveloped his features. He stood up and went back to the other side of the room.

  “That man is not for you. We both know it, so how long are you planning to deny it?” he asked.

  Cindy looked down at her hands, trying to find a way to explain to him that her stepmother had trapped her, but she felt too stupid to mention Charles. She was too naive trusting Charles in the first place, but thought to herself that the king needed to know what was going on.

  She opened her mouth to tell him what Ida had done, but then felt magical energy hoovering over her body. She felt like she had something in her throat, and she wasn’t even in control of her own voice – it was physically impossible to tell him. Someone had spelled her to keep her from telling the truth, but who?

  “I’m not denying it, but you’re a vampire, and you’re lying to your people.”

  Cindy had no idea what was happening to her. It was like something magical manipulated her to turn his wild nature against him. She wanted to scream that Ida was blackmailing her, but her throat felt raw and painful. Caspian narrowed his eyes, and clenched his fists. He seemed angry, and Cindy was cursed. She couldn’t physically tell him the truth.

  “We’re on fire when we’re together, Cindy, and I don’t want to share you with anyone else. You must tell that idiot that you aren’t going to marry him. This is absurd. We’re made for each other,” the king said, sounding angry. He stood up and started pacing around the room.

  Cindy looked at him with desperation, and she began to realise that something was very wrong, someone was trying to take control over her. She wanted to cry, but that wouldn’t change a thing.