“Your eyes and skin,” she whispered more to herself than him, seeing that the king’s eyes were shimmering like diamonds, but soon he moved on top of her, and once he pressed his lips to hers she’d forgotten all about it.

  She was melting yet again beneath his magnificent body, lost in the electrifying touch of his lips. He cupped her breasts and ran his hand down to her hips, and continued kissing her at the same time. Cindy was a little afraid of the fact that she was still a virgin, and clenched her palm over his strong muscles, digging her nails into his skin. She dragged her hand through his thick hair and then felt his hard erection between her legs. He was huge and she moaned loudly, thinking that maybe he wouldn’t fit inside her. The king must have sensed her hesitation, because he looked at her.

  “Don’t worry, you’re wet and ready. You will love it when I’m inside you,” he told her and spread her legs wider. Caspian aligned his erection with her opening and entered her slowly, only partway, giving her time to adjust to his size.

  She gasped when he filled her up and felt his full length. Cindy arched her head backward, experiencing the pain. She tried to breathe at the same time, wanting it all to stop. The pain soon turned into a slight discomfort. Her pulse was racing away and she needed to ease the need of being with this gorgeous man.

  She tried to ignore the pain while he invaded her with his size, then slowly he began moving inside her.

  “Look at me, Cindy, I want you to look at me when I’m claiming you as my own,” he rasped, and she obeyed him. “You are so tight, perfect and beautiful.”

  Cindy was losing her head, and soon she managed to forget about the pain. The king was moving inside her and she held him close. She moaned loudly when he lifted her up to a sitting position. She couldn’t remember ever feeling so completely filled, not because of his size, but because of the way his eyes pierced hers as he began to fill her in with his length. His lovemaking felt intense, and soon he was pounding into her, not holding back. She couldn’t take it, and she knew that she would come again soon.

  Then when she was ready to climax, he lowered his lips to her breast, and took her left nipple into his teeth. She didn’t register the pain, and a jolt of pleasant pain shot through her.

  “Now, let me fuck you hard. I think you’re ready. Tell me that you’re ready,” he ordered her, and then he pulled away, abruptly turning her around so she was on all fours.

  “Yes, yes master. I’m ready,” she shouted and then felt him entering her from behind while caressing her arse cheeks. It was bliss and she bit her lip until it bled, knowing she was going to come again at any moment.

  He was riding her hard, breathing harder and telling her to hold on for a few more seconds. She screamed, feeling him pounding his hard erection into her over and over.

  Cindy felt like her body began levitating above the bed, as the king was reaching deep inside her core. He gripped her hips and then they both started coming at the same time.

  She screamed loudly, mostly his name as the heat filled her. Her heart pounded as he came inside her. Soon enough, they both collapsed on top of each other, their breathing laboured.

  Caspian was caressing her back, moving his fingers up and down. Cindy melted, trying to understand what had just happened between them. She didn’t know anything about this enigmatic man, and yet she let him touch her very soul, reaching further than anyone ever had. Her stepmother could go to hell and take the narcissistic prince with her too. The sex with the king, her first time, made her feel alive. Maybe in the past she felt the same way about the forest ranger, but now what happened back at the tavern was a distance memory.

  Her lip was still bleeding a little, but she didn’t care. Her body felt so relaxed and she was ready to give her heart away to the king. He was the man that she’d been waiting for this entire time.

  “This was amazing; you were right. I was silly to be so scared,” she admitted and then turned to face him. In that moment she didn’t care that she was still naked in front of him. For years she worried about her body, but now it didn’t matter. She felt a drop of blood escaping from the corner of her mouth. The king moved beneath her, his eyes widened, and then he licked his lips.

  “Blood. You must have cut yourself,” he whispered, and then Cindy saw that Caspian didn’t have normal teeth. Instead he had real fangs. Fear paralysed her to the core, because she was certain that she was staring at a creature who wasn’t supposed to exist.

  Vampire: that was the first thing that came to her mind. She remembered seeing his skin shimmering, almost glowing, and she could have sworn that she saw his fangs earlier too. Her father talked about very pale creatures that drank blood from humans, like he believed that vampires truly existed.

  “You’re a vampire…. No, no, no this can’t be happening,” she whispered quickly backing away from him. Her thoughts were racing all of a sudden, but she was still lucid enough to start picking up her clothes.

  She managed to dress herself with enormous speed, mumbling words that didn’t make any sense. The king was staring at her and Cindy felt ashamed and frightened that he might have placed some kind of charm on her.

  “Yes, Cindy, you’ve learned my secret. I’m a vampire, but that doesn’t change anything. We’re into each other, and you gave yourself to me fully tonight. The blood, I would have never tried drinking from you without your permission. Please stay, so I can explain everything properly,” the king said, trying to locate his own pants, but Cindy kept shaking her head.

  She swallowed past the lump of fear growing in her throat. She couldn’t comprehend how she didn’t notice earlier that the king wasn’t human. This couldn’t be true, he was the King of Farrington Kingdom and just a few minutes ago he gave her one of the most amazing orgasms and took her virginity.

  He jumped off the bed, standing in front of her naked and pale. Now she was seeing through him, realising that she had made the biggest mistake of her life. He must have glamoured her in order to persuade her to his chamber, to make her his.

  “No, I don’t want anything to do with you. This didn’t happen and I wasn’t even here!” she shouted and then flew across the room, barging through the door. And once she was outside the king’s chamber, she started running, remembering that she’d forgotten her panties.

  Chapter Eight

  The king stood in his chamber completely naked and furious. He kept asking himself how the hell he let the woman of his dreams run away like that. There was something wrong with him. His normally sharp mind wasn’t working the way it was supposed to. Well, he knew exactly why; he just had the best sex of his life and yet he let the girl go.

  Caspian had a chance to get to know her before the ball. They met at the market for the first time and that morning everything could have easily turned against him– because Cindy knew the man from whom Caspian had borrowed the identity from. Luckily, some other man apologised to her, using her name, so the King could carry on pretending to be the forest ranger. He was surprised and smitten at the same time. He often turned into some random human men, that way he could leave the castle undetected and undisturbed. The king instantly thought that Cindy was sweet, innocent and reminded him a lot of his dead wife, Catherine. He was lost in a swirl of desire and the need to sink his fangs into her neck.

  They talked for hours, and it was clear to the King that Cindy held some sort of crush on Charles. She was shy, innocent, and yet she had a big heart. Caspian didn’t like that he had to lie to her about his identity, so he carried on meeting her as Charles. It seemed to him that Cindy didn’t have a lot of freedom, and her stepmother was forcing her to do all the chores around the house. Every time they parted ways he couldn’t stop thinking about her, and he didn’t even care that she was much younger.

  Then finally one night she waited for him in local Tavern, and he couldn’t believe his own luck. He only wanted her for himself, so they walked around the forest, then started fooling around.

  Caspian was shocked to learn that
Cindy was a virgin. He forgot about her blood, and focused on his desire. She was so responsive, and for a moment he had forgotten that they were in the forest. Caspian wanted her first time to be spectacular, but then they were caught by her stepmother. Everything happened so fast, and a split second later she was gone. The King was lost in a need of sinking his fangs into her neck.

  Furious and still hungry he returned to the castle, unable to stop thinking about her erotic scent and pure soul. She never took him to her home, but he knew he could track her down somehow. Instead, he decided to wait until after the ball.

  He dragged his hand through his hair and swore a few times, realising that he should have pursued her much sooner, but at the same time he was afraid of rejection. He was thirsty for her tantalising blood, a growing need raging deep inside him, and on top of that, he was still hard. Several minutes later, he put on his dressing robe and barged out of his chamber. Cindy couldn’t get far; the ball downstairs was still going on and he just needed to talk to her. Humans were always afraid of the truth, but once they understood that vampires were very similar, they calmed down.

  “Guards, guards!” he called out, storming through the dark corridors, trying to tame the ongoing desire that was boiling in his blood. No one in the castle knew that he was a so-called, bloodsucking monster who hunted humans after dark. He’d managed to keep that secret for years, but tonight Cindy had seen past his glamour. Caspian had let his guard down, because he felt connected to her. She practically flew out of his chamber and he just stood there, not even trying to stop her.

  “My lord, my lord, what happened?” one of the guards asked, approaching. There were two others right behind him, looking alert.

  “A young blond woman just left my chamber. She can’t be far. I want you to stop her. I need to speak to her urgently,” the king ordered, ready to use his supernatural abilities to track her down, but it was too much of a risk. There were too many people in the castle tonight and the king needed to be careful. The guards were loyal to him and never asked any questions.

  He didn’t even taste her blood, but he was already craving it. Cinderella’s scent was enticing, and it consumed his mind. It took him a moment to realise that he was only in his robe, so he quickly returned to his chamber to change. Then he saw something on the floor by the bed, something that didn’t belong to him.

  Caspian liked sleeping with human women, but since his son came of the age, he hadn’t been with anyone for years. In the past, he was out on the town almost every night, obviously with a concealed identity.

  “Cindy, my hot, needy Cindy. It looks like you left me a souvenir,” he muttered to himself, picking up her pink lace knickers that made him want to fuck her again. His cock stirred in his pants when he picked them up and inhaled her scent. The king had never lost control like that, but tonight he’d forgotten about his own rules. Cindy was the most beautiful creature that he’d ever laid eyes on. In the past, he used his glamour to make other mortals forget that they’d ever met him. He thought that he would sleep with Cindy and then forget about her, but now he knew it would be impossible. He’d lost his mind for her.

  Caspian found some decent clothes in his closet and put them on, shaking his head at the same time. For the first time since his Catherine had passed away, he truly desired another woman. But the fact that his kind fed on blood frightened her, which was understandable.

  They had an instant connection and Caspian was impressed that Cindy was so humble and innocent. He was elated to learn that she had never been with any other man—a virgin—and all his to explore for the first time. He enjoyed taking control, showing her what he was capable of. Several moments later, someone knocked on his chamber door. He sighed loudly, sensing that Malcom had returned without Cindy. She must have gotten away.

  “There is no sign of her anywhere my lord, all the guards have been looking everywhere. The ball is still going and your—”

  “What is the meaning of this, Father? I’ve been searching for you for over half an hour now,” Eric interrupted Malcolm, suddenly appearing in the corridor. Caspian raised both his eyebrows, seeing that his son wasn’t alone. A very ugly human girl was standing behind him, glancing around. Normally Caspian wouldn’t pay attention to the fact that his son chose to spend time with someone that wasn’t very attractive. He believed that beauty came from the inside, not the outside, but his son had a particular taste in women. The king had to admit that Eric was shallow and his arrogance was beyond annoying. For years, he had been telling everyone that once he settled down, he wouldn’t go for any ordinary girl—unless she had royal blood in her veins.

  “Eric, you should be entertaining your guests at the ball. We can talk about whatever this is later. I’m kind of busy right now,” the king explained, wondering if he made a mistake bringing the guards into his search for Cindy.

  “The guests downstairs have food, drinks and music. They’re fine. I’ve finally chosen the woman that I’m ready to spend the rest of my life with. Let me introduce you to Rigga. She’s from Desmout Kingdom. Her father is the Governor,” Eric said, sounding very proud of himself.

  After months of preparation and planning, the ball was finally happening, but right now the king no longer cared that his son had finally decided to pull his head from his backside. Caspian didn’t like to judge, but Rigga was very pale, she had short black hair, a square, very masculine jaw and carried a bit of weight too. Eric was much too blinded by his own ego and it seemed that he had chosen Rigga, because he wanted to get Caspian off his back. The King had been telling himself for years that his son wasn’t one of the brightest of men in the kingdom, and he had tried hard to sharpen his mind by educating him the best way he knew how, but to no avail. Tonight Eric had proven to him that he was still very much the immature prince, but at least he had chosen his future wife. Maybe Rigga would lead him to be great–Caspian just needed to have more faith in him.

  Unfortunately, he was done babysitting him, and needed to find Cindy.

  “I’m glad and it’s truly an honour to meet you, Rigga,” Caspian stated, sounding annoyed. “Please, both of you go back to the ballroom. I need to take care of something.”

  The girl smiled shyly at him, and went instantly red. The prince looked angry, but he didn’t say anything when the king moved past him. As soon as he was alone, he felt thirsty again, and for some reason the craving for Cindy’s blood burned his throat. His cock was semi hard, and he kept having sexual flashbacks about his time with Cindy.

  Heat blossomed throughout his body as he continued moving downstairs, hoping that his guards were going to be able to locate the woman of his dreams.

  He married Catherine, Eric’s mother, almost twenty years ago. They loved each other very much and she never cared that he was a vampire. Of course he told her the truth from the beginning, and she accepted his terms. Unfortunately, she passed away during childbirth and he couldn’t save her then. His blood had healing properties, but she was already on the other side, and fate had taken her away from him.

  He wasn’t prepared to turn her into a vampire, because he didn’t want that kind of life for her. Catherine had a pure soul, and that’s why he’d fallen in love with her in the first place. When he lost her, his whole world had fallen to pieces; he locked himself in his chamber for months afterwards, not wanting to go on living.

  His advisors ruled his kingdom until he was ready to return. He had Eric and knew he had to take care of him, for Catherine. People respected him and he looked after them well. He didn’t care for any other woman; his grief made him immune to love…until he saw Cindy at the ball. Something sparked inside of him when he saw her standing across the room—something he hadn’t felt in over twenty years.

  Years later, when Eric got older, Caspian began leaving the castle, using his glamour to conceal his true identity from humans. It was almost fifteen years after he had lost his beloved Catherine. It took him that long to even consider sleeping with other women. In the beginnin
g, he was only having fun, but then he began feeding off of lonely peasants, lords, and even hunters. If he ever slept with a woman he always made sure that they didn’t remember what had happened, then returned to the castle. But there was always something missing.

  Eric grew up to be a brave man, but even Caspian had to admit that he was much too in love with himself. The king had no idea who he inherited that kind of character trait from. Neither he nor his mother were ever that vain. Years went by and soon enough it was clear to Caspian that Eric wasn’t going to be the right kind of king for Farrington unless he got married. The king believed that his son could be guided by a smart, beautiful and decent woman, like he had been when Catherine was still alive.

  He set to organise the ball, and sent his advisors around to deliver the invitations to all the available ladies in the Farrington Kingdom. Many people in the castle believed that Eric wasn’t ready to settle down, but Caspian was done waiting around. The king was even considering using his glamour to put Eric back on the right path. He walked around the dance floor, watching his son wasting this opportunity, making an absolute fool of himself, yet again. He was surrounded by beautiful women, and they all wanted him to notice them, but instead he chose to talk about himself and his good looks.

  Then he bumped into Cindy again on the dance floor, and in that moment he stopped worrying about Eric. He just couldn’t believe that she would show up, and she was alone too. He recognised her instantly, he had been dreaming about her scent and body for days since her stepmother caught them in the bushes. He couldn’t tell her the truth, so he carried on with his act. He was afraid that she would ran away or hate him forever.

  “Nothing, my lord, we’ve checked everywhere. She must have been in the carriage that just left from the back gate,” one of the guards announced, pulling him away from his long-winded thoughts. It seemed that the guard ran all the way to tell him the bad news, because he was struggling to catch his breath.